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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class ParticleModule extends Object
/** If TRUE, the module performs operations on particles during Spawning */
var bool bSpawnModule;
/** If TRUE, the module performs operations on particles during Updating */
var bool bUpdateModule;
/** If TRUE, the module performs operations on particles during final update */
var bool bFinalUpdateModule;
/** If TRUE, the module displays vector curves as colors */
var bool bCurvesAsColor;
/** If TRUE, the module should render its 3D visualization helper */
var(Cascade) bool b3DDrawMode;
/** If TRUE, the module supports rendering a 3D visualization helper */
var bool bSupported3DDrawMode;
/** If TRUE, the module is enabled */
var bool bEnabled;
/** If TRUE, the module has had editing enabled on it */
var bool bEditable;
* If TRUE, this flag indicates that auto-generation for LOD will result in
* an exact duplicate of the module, regardless of the percentage.
* If FALSE, it will result in a module with different settings.
var bool LODDuplicate;
/** If TRUE, the module supports RandomSeed setting */
var bool bSupportsRandomSeed;
/** If TRUE, the module should be told when looping */
var bool bRequiresLoopingNotification;
* The LOD levels this module is present in.
* Bit-flags are used to indicate validity for a given LOD level.
* For example, if
* ((1 << Level) & LODValidity) != 0
* then the module is used in that LOD.
var const byte LODValidity;
/** The color to draw the modules curves in the curve editor.
* If bCurvesAsColor is TRUE, it overrides this value.
var(Cascade) editoronly color ModuleEditorColor;
struct native transient ParticleCurvePair
var string CurveName;
var object CurveObject;
/** ModuleType
* Indicates the kind of emitter the module can be applied to.
* ie, EPMT_Beam - only applies to beam emitters.
* The TypeData field is present to speed up finding the TypeData module.
enum EModuleType
/** General - all emitter types can use it */
/** TypeData - TypeData modules */
/** Beam - only applied to beam emitters */
/** Trail - only applied to trail emitters */
/** Spawn - all emitter types REQUIRE it */
/** Required - all emitter types REQUIRE it */
/** Event - event related modules */
* Particle Selection Method, for any emitters that utilize particles
* as the source points.
enum EParticleSourceSelectionMethod
/** Random - select a particle at random */
/** Sequential - select a particle in order */
struct native ParticleRandomSeedInfo
/** The name to expose to the placed instances for setting this seed */
var() name ParameterName;
* If TRUE, the module will attempt to get the seed from the owner
* instance. If that fails, it will fall back to getting it from
* the RandomSeeds array.
var() bool bGetSeedFromInstance;
* If TRUE, the seed value retrieved from teh instance will be an
* index into the array of seeds.
var() bool bInstanceSeedIsIndex;
* If TRUE, then reset the seed upon the emitter looping.
* For looping environmental effects this should likely be set to FALSE to avoid
* a repeating pattern.
var() bool bResetSeedOnEmitterLooping;
* The random seed values to utilize for the module.
* More than 1 means the instance will randomly select one.
var() array<int> RandomSeeds;
FORCEINLINE INT GetInstancePayloadSize() const
return ((RandomSeeds.Num() > 0) ? sizeof(FParticleRandomSeedInstancePayload) : 0);
virtual void PostLoad();
* Called on a particle that is freshly spawned by the emitter.
* @param Owner The FParticleEmitterInstance that spawned the particle.
* @param Offset The modules offset into the data payload of the particle.
* @param SpawnTime The time of the spawn.
virtual void Spawn(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, INT Offset, FLOAT SpawnTime);
* Called on a particle that is being updated by its emitter.
* @param Owner The FParticleEmitterInstance that 'owns' the particle.
* @param Offset The modules offset into the data payload of the particle.
* @param DeltaTime The time since the last update.
virtual void Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, INT Offset, FLOAT DeltaTime);
* Called on an emitter when all other update operations have taken place
* INCLUDING bounding box cacluations!
* @param Owner The FParticleEmitterInstance that 'owns' the particle.
* @param Offset The modules offset into the data payload of the particle.
* @param DeltaTime The time since the last update.
virtual void FinalUpdate(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, INT Offset, FLOAT DeltaTime);
* Returns the number of bytes that the module requires in the particle payload block.
* @param Owner The FParticleEmitterInstance that 'owns' the particle.
* @return UINT The number of bytes the module needs per particle.
virtual UINT RequiredBytes(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner = NULL);
* Returns the number of bytes the module requires in the emitters 'per-instance' data block.
* @param Owner The FParticleEmitterInstance that 'owns' the particle.
* @return UINT The number of bytes the module needs per emitter instance.
virtual UINT RequiredBytesPerInstance(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner = NULL);
* Allows the module to prep its 'per-instance' data block.
* @param Owner The FParticleEmitterInstance that 'owns' the particle.
* @param InstData Pointer to the data block for this module.
virtual UINT PrepPerInstanceBlock(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, void* InstData);
// For Cascade
* Called when the module is created, this function allows for setting values that make
* sense for the type of emitter they are being used in.
* @param Owner The UParticleEmitter that the module is being added to.
virtual void SetToSensibleDefaults(UParticleEmitter* Owner);
* Fill an array with each Object property that fulfills the FCurveEdInterface interface.
* @param OutCurve The array that should be filled in.
virtual void GetCurveObjects(TArray<FParticleCurvePair>& OutCurves);
* Add all curve-editable Objects within this module to the curve editor.
* @param EdSetup The CurveEd setup to use for adding curved.
virtual void AddModuleCurvesToEditor(UInterpCurveEdSetup* EdSetup);
* Remove all curve-editable Objects within this module from the curve editor.
* @param EdSetup The CurveEd setup to remove the curve from.
void RemoveModuleCurvesFromEditor(UInterpCurveEdSetup* EdSetup);
* Does the module contain curves?
* @return UBOOL TRUE if it does, FALSE if not.
UBOOL ModuleHasCurves();
* Are the modules curves displayed in the curve editor?
* @param EdSetup The CurveEd setup to check.
* @return UBOOL TRUE if they are, FALSE if not.
UBOOL IsDisplayedInCurveEd(UInterpCurveEdSetup* EdSetup);
* Helper function for updating the curve editor when the module editor color changes.
* @param Color The new color the module is using.
* @param EdSetup The CurveEd setup for the module.
void ChangeEditorColor(FColor& Color, UInterpCurveEdSetup* EdSetup);
* Render the modules 3D visualization helper primitive.
* @param Owner The FParticleEmitterInstance that 'owns' the module.
* @param View The scene view that is being rendered.
* @param PDI The FPrimitiveDrawInterface to use for rendering.
virtual void Render3DPreview(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, const FSceneView* View,FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI) {};
* Retrieve the ModuleType of this module.
* @return EModuleType The type of module this is.
virtual EModuleType GetModuleType() const { return EPMT_General; }
* Helper function used by the editor to auto-populate a placed AEmitter with any
* instance parameters that are utilized.
* @param PSysComp The particle system component to be populated.
virtual void AutoPopulateInstanceProperties(UParticleSystemComponent* PSysComp);
* Helper function used by the editor to auto-generate LOD values from a source module
* and a percentage value used to scale its values.
* @param SourceModule The ParticleModule to utilize as the template.
* @param Percentage The value to use when scaling the source values.
virtual UBOOL GenerateLODModuleValues(UParticleModule* SourceModule, FLOAT Percentage, UParticleLODLevel* LODLevel);
* Conversion functions for distributions.
* Used to setup new distributions to a percentage value of the source.
* Store the given percentage of the SourceFloat distribution in the FloatDist
* @param FloatDist The distribution to put the result into.
* @param SourceFloatDist The distribution of use as the source.
* @param Percentage The percentage of the source value to use [0..100]
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
virtual UBOOL ConvertFloatDistribution(UDistributionFloat* FloatDist, UDistributionFloat* SourceFloatDist, FLOAT Percentage);
* Store the given percentage of the SourceVector distribution in the VectorDist
* @param VectorDist The distribution to put the result into.
* @param SourceVectorDist The distribution of use as the source.
* @param Percentage The percentage of the source value to use [0..100]
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
virtual UBOOL ConvertVectorDistribution(UDistributionVector* VectorDist, UDistributionVector* SourceVectorDist, FLOAT Percentage);
* Returns whether the module is SizeMultipleLife or not.
* @return UBOOL TRUE if the module is a UParticleModuleSizeMultipleLife
* FALSE if not
virtual UBOOL IsSizeMultiplyLife() { return FALSE; };
* Returns whether the module supports the RandomSeed functionality
* @return UBOOL TRUE if it supports it; FALSE if not
UBOOL SupportsRandomSeed() const
return bSupportsRandomSeed;
* Returns whether the module requires notification when an emitter loops.
* @return UBOOL TRUE if the module required looping notification
UBOOL RequiresLoopingNotification() const
return bRequiresLoopingNotification;
* Called when an emitter instance is looping...
* @param Owner The emitter instance that owns this module
virtual void EmitterLoopingNotify(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner)
* Comparison routine...
* Intended for editor-use only, this function will return TRUE if the given
* particle module settings are identical to the one the function is called on.
* @param InModule The module to compare against.
* @return TRUE If the modules have all the relevant settings the same.
* FALSE If they don't.
virtual UBOOL IsIdentical_Deprecated(const UParticleModule* InModule) const;
* Used by the comparison routine to check for properties that are irrelevant.
* @param InPropName The name of the property being checked.
* @return TRUE If the property is relevant.
* FALSE If it isn't.
virtual UBOOL PropertyIsRelevantForIsIdentical_Deprecated(const FName& InPropName) const;
* Generates a new module for LOD levels, setting the values appropriately.
* Note that the module returned could simply be the module it was called on.
* @param SourceLODLevel The source LODLevel
* @param DestLODLevel The destination LODLevel
* @param Percentage The percentage value that should be used when setting values
* @return UParticleModule* The generated module, or this if percentage == 100.
virtual UParticleModule* GenerateLODModule(UParticleLODLevel* SourceLODLevel, UParticleLODLevel* DestLODLevel, FLOAT Percentage,
UBOOL bGenerateModuleData, UBOOL bForceModuleConstruction = FALSE);
* Returns TRUE if the results of LOD generation for the given percentage will result in a
* duplicate of the module.
* @param SourceLODLevel The source LODLevel
* @param DestLODLevel The destination LODLevel
* @param Percentage The percentage value that should be used when setting values
* @return UBOOL TRUE if the generated module will be a duplicate.
* FALSE if not.
virtual UBOOL WillGeneratedModuleBeIdentical(UParticleLODLevel* SourceLODLevel, UParticleLODLevel* DestLODLevel, FLOAT Percentage)
// The assumption is that at 100%, ANY module will be identical...
// (Although this is virtual to allow over-riding that assumption on a case-by-case basis!)
if (Percentage != 100.0f)
return LODDuplicate;
return TRUE;
* Returns TRUE if the module validiy flags indicate this module is used in the given LOD level.
* @param SourceLODIndex The index of the source LODLevel
* @return UBOOL TRUE if the generated module is used, FALSE if not.
virtual UBOOL IsUsedInLODLevel(INT SourceLODIndex) const;
* Retrieve the ParticleSysParams associated with this module.
* @param ParticleSysParamList The list of FParticleSysParams to add to
virtual void GetParticleSysParamsUtilized(TArray<FString>& ParticleSysParamList);
* Retrieve the distributions that use ParticleParameters in this module.
* @param ParticleParameterList The list of ParticleParameter distributions to add to
virtual void GetParticleParametersUtilized(TArray<FString>& ParticleParameterList);
* Refresh the module...
virtual void RefreshModule(UInterpCurveEdSetup* EdSetup, UParticleEmitter* InEmitter, INT InLODLevel) {}
* Return TRUE if this module impacts rotation of Mesh emitters
* @return UBOOL TRUE if the module impacts mesh emitter rotation
virtual UBOOL TouchesMeshRotation() const { return FALSE; }
* Prepare a random seed instance payload...
* @param Owner The emitter instance that owns this module
* @param InRandSeedPayload The random seed instance payload to initialize
* @param InRandSeedInfo The random seed info of the module
* @return UINT 0xffffffff is failed
virtual UINT PrepRandomSeedInstancePayload(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, FParticleRandomSeedInstancePayload* InRandSeedPayload, const FParticleRandomSeedInfo& InRandSeedInfo);
* Retrieve the random seed info for this module.
* @return FParticleRandomSeedInfo* The random seed info; NULL if not supported
virtual FParticleRandomSeedInfo* GetRandomSeedInfo()
return NULL;
* Set the random seed info entry at the given index to the given seed
* @param InIndex The index of the entry to set
* @param InRandomSeed The seed to set the entry to
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful; FALSE if not (not found, etc.)
virtual UBOOL SetRandomSeedEntry(INT InIndex, INT InRandomSeed);
* Custom Cascade module menu entries support
* Get the number of custom entries this module has. Maximum of 3.
* @return INT The number of custom menu entries
virtual INT GetNumberOfCustomMenuOptions() const { return 0; }
* Get the display name of the custom menu entry.
* @param InEntryIndex The custom entry index (0-2)
* @param OutDisplayString The string to display for the menu
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
virtual UBOOL GetCustomMenuEntryDisplayString(INT InEntryIndex, FString& OutDisplayString) const { return FALSE; }
* Perform the custom menu entry option.
* @param InEntryIndex The custom entry index (0-2) to perform
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
virtual UBOOL PerformCustomMenuEntry(INT InEntryIndex) { return FALSE; }