965 lines
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965 lines
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// Pylon
// Used to determine the start location for exploration/creation of a NavMesh
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class Pylon extends NavigationPoint
enum ENavMeshEdgeType
typedef TDoubleLinkedList<struct FNavMeshPolyBase*> WSType;
typedef TArray<class IInterface_NavMeshPathObject*> PathObjectList;
// overidden ensure we're not in the pylon octree when we are deleted
virtual void BeginDestroy();
// removes this pylon from the global pylon octree
void RemoveFromPylonOctree();
// adds this pylon from the global pylon octree
void AddToPylonOctree();
FORCEINLINE class UNavigationMeshBase* GetNavMesh()
return NavMeshPtr;
UBOOL Explore_SeedWorkingSet( AScout* Scout, FVector& SeedLocation );
UBOOL Explore_CreateGraph( AScout* Scout, FVector& SeedLocation );
UBOOL DoesCoverSlotAffectMesh(const struct FCoverInfo& Slot);
void GatherCoverReferences( AScout* Scout, TArray<struct FCoverInfo>& out_MeshAffectors );
virtual void CreateExtraMeshData( AScout* Scout );
void CreateMantleEdges( AScout* Scout );
void CreateCoverSlipEdges( AScout* Scout );
void ConvertStaticMeshToNavMesh( UStaticMesh* StaticMesh, FMatrix& ScaledLocalToWorld );
void AddStaticMeshesToPylon( TArray<class AStaticMeshActor*>& SMActors );
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
virtual void PostLoad();
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void PostEditMove(UBOOL bFinished);
virtual void Spawned();
// overidden to clear navmesh data
virtual void ClearPaths();
/** overidden to clear bPylonInHighLevelPath */
virtual void ClearForPathFinding();
// clears out navmesh specific pathdata
virtual void ClearNavMeshPathData();
// ***** mesh generation functionality follows ****
// structure to store diagonal expansion points for post-expansion
struct FDiagTest
FDiagTest(FVector inParentPos, FVector inPos)
FVector ParentPos;
FVector Pos;
// used when importing a mesh. vertex color of red indicates obstacle geometry
virtual UBOOL IsObstacleColor(FColor& VertColor);
* will walk out in 8 directions from the passed node trying to add geometry to the mesh from each direction
* diags are points that should be tested later for expansion. This is done to give cardinal directions priority, keeping
* non-diagonal and non-subdivided polys a priority
* @param ParentPoly - poly we are trying to expand from
* @param Scout - Scout to use for tests/params
* @param Diags - diagonal expansions to test after cardinal expansions are tried
void ExpandCurrentNode(FNavMeshPolyBase* ParentPoly, AScout* Scout, TArray<FDiagTest>& Diags);
* tries to find ground position below passed location and calls AddNewNode if there is nothing in the way of expansion, and the ground isn't too steep/etc..
* @param NewNodeTestLocation - location to try and add a new node
* @param CurrNodePosWithHeightOffset - predecessor node's position (offset from ground with height offset)
* @param CUrrNodePos - predecessor node's position without height offset
* @param Hit - output struct indicating values associated with the ground hit
* @param Scout - Scout to use for tests
* @param out_bIvalidSpot - out var indicating this spot was invalid due to out of bounds/something else
* @param SubdivisionIteration - the current subdivision iteration
* @param bDiag - are we checking ground positiopn for a diagonal expansion
* @param ParentPoly - optional predecessor polygon we're expanding from
* @return - the new poly added if any
struct FNavMeshPolyBase* ConditionalAddNodeHere(const FVector& NewNodeTestLocation,
const FVector& CurrNodePosWithHeightOffset,
const FVector& CurrNodePos,
FCheckResult& Hit,
AScout* Scout,
UBOOL& out_bInvalidSpot,
INT SubdivisionIteration=0,
FNavMeshPolyBase* ParentPoly=NULL);
* will add a square poly to the mesh at the passed location unless it's already in the mesh
* @param NewLocation - location of new node
* @param HitNormal - normal of the hit which we're adding a node for
* @param out_bInvalidSpot - OPTIONAL out param indicating whether we couldn't add a node here due to it being out of bounds
* @param SubdivisionIteration - OPTIONAL param indicating what subdivision iteration we're adding for
* @return - the new poly we just added (NULL if not succesful)
struct FNavMeshPolyBase* AddNewNode(const FVector& NewLocation, const FVector& HitNormal, UBOOL* out_bInvalidSpot=NULL, INT SubdivisionIteration=0);
* keeps track of edges which we could drop down but not climb up for later addition to the mesh
* @param NewLocation - destination location of dropdown
* @param OldLocation - source location of dropdown
* @param HitNormal - normal of the ground hit causing this dropdown
* @param ParentPoly - parent poly we're expending from
* @param SubdivisionIteration - current subdivision iteration
void SavePossibleDropDownEdge(const FVector& NewLocation, const FVector& OldLocation, const FVector& HitNormal, FNavMeshPolyBase* ParentPoly, UBOOL bSkipPullBack);
* when zdelta is greater than step size, but less than the height change due to allowable slopes,
* this function is called ot do extra verification (to determine if it is just a slope, or if there is a big step)
* @param Scout - scout to use for tests/params
* @param NewNodePos - new position of node we need to test step for
* @param CurrNodePosWithHeightOffset - predecessor node's current position (with height offset from ground0
* @param StepSize - current step size (size of polys being added right now)
* @param out_ZDelta - out value of any ZDelta found
* @param ParentPoly - the parent (predecessor) Poly we're veryfing a step from
* @return - TRUE If step is valid
UBOOL VerifySlopeStep(AScout* Scout,
const FVector& NewNodePos,
const FVector& CurrNodePosWithHeightOffset,
FLOAT StepSize,
FLOAT& out_ZDelta,
FNavMeshPolyBase* ParentPoly);
INT SubdivideExpandInternal( struct FNavMeshPolyBase* ParentPoly,
const FVector& NewNodeTestLocation,
const FVector& CurrNodePosWithHeightOffset,
const FVector& CurrNodePos,
FCheckResult& Hit,
AScout* Scout,
TArray<FNavMeshPolyBase*>& AddedPolys,
UBOOL bDiag,
INT SubdivisionIteration=0);
struct FNavMeshPolyBase* SubdivideExpand( struct FNavMeshPolyBase* ParentPoly,
const FVector& NewNodeTestLocation,
const FVector& CurrNodePosWithHeightOffset,
const FVector& CurrNodePos,
FCheckResult& Hit,
AScout* Scout,
UBOOL bDiag);
// ** mesh generation stage functions **
// intial raycast soup to discover topology of geo
UBOOL NavMeshPass_InitialExploration();
// second pass raycast soup expansion to expand from auxiliary seedpoints
UBOOL NavMeshPass_ExpandSeeds();
// fill in stairstep corner with triangles where possible
UBOOL NavMeshPass_BackfillCorners();
// remove uneccesary polys, by merging together polys that can be merged
UBOOL NavMeshPass_SimplifyMesh();
// split generated meshes around boundaries with imported meshes for good edge lineup
UBOOL NavMeshPass_SplitForImportedMeshes();
// split mesh around path objects that need splitting
UBOOL NavMeshPass_SplitMeshAboutPathObjects();
// convert mesh into serializable structures, and do final cleanup for save
UBOOL NavMeshPass_FixupForSaving();
// build edge connections between adjacent polys
UBOOL NavMeshPass_CreateEdgeConnections();
// build mesh that describes the boundaries or obstacles of the mesh
UBOOL NavMeshPass_BuildObstacleMesh();
// build navmesh polys using recast
UBOOL NavMeshPass_Recast();
// snap vertices to nearby navmesh
UBOOL NavMeshPass_RecastSnap();
UBOOL NavMesh_MungeVerts();
virtual UBOOL NavMesh_MungeVertsInternal() { return TRUE; }
// returns a bounding box for our expansion bounds (used when adding this pylon to the octree)
FBox GetExpansionBounds();
* returns bounding box for this pylon's mesh
* @param bWorldSpace - ref frame the box should be in
FBox GetBounds(UBOOL bWorldSpace);
* returns FALSE if the passed point is not within our expansion constraints
* @param Pt - the point to test against expansion bounds
* @param Buffer - used only when expansion bounds are spherical.. adds extra size to bounds to account for slight discrepancies
virtual UBOOL IsPtWithinExpansionBounds(const FVector& Pt,FLOAT Buffer=0.f);
* this function will slide a box downward from a raised position until a position which is non-colliding, then multiple raycasts downward
* will be performed to ascertain the topology of the ground underneath the ground check. This gives us a valid position for the ground at a given
* expansion point, as well as valid normal data for the extent being swept downward
* @param TestBasePos - position to start testing from
* @param Result - hit result describing information about the ground position found
* @param Scout - scout instance to be used during this ground check
* @param SubdivisionIteration - the number of times to default stepsize has been subdivided for the current callchain
* @param out_bNeedsSlopeCheck - if a large gap is found while performing the second stage ground check, this will be turned on
* indicating a call to 'VerifySlopeStep' is necessary
* @return - TRUE if a valid ground posiiton was found
virtual UBOOL FindGround(const FVector& TestBasePos, FCheckResult& Result,AScout* Scout, INT SubdivisionIteration=0, UBOOL* out_bNeedsSlopeCheck=NULL);
// will find a position which is on the stepsize grid to start expanding from (snapped to grid so exploration from multiple pylons lines up)
FVector SnapSeedLocation( AScout* Scout, FVector& Loc );
* will sweep up from ground position and find the maximum supporting height of a new poly
* @param TestBasePos - base position of node to test ceiling height for
* @param Result - resulting hit
* @param Scout - scout to use for params/tests
* @param Up - upward direction for this poly
* @param Extent - extent to use for linechecks
* @return - location of ceiling found
virtual FVector FindCeiling(const FVector& TestBasePos, FCheckResult& Result,AScout* Scout, const FVector& Up, const FVector& Extent);
// returns the 'upward' direction that should be used for this poly
virtual FVector Up(FNavMeshPolyBase* Poly);
* returns whether or not this pylon should be built right now.. if FALSE this pylon will not rebuilt during this navmesh generation pass
* @param bOnlyBuildSelected - the value of 'only build selected' coming from the editor
* @return - TRUE if this pylon should be wiped and rebuilt
virtual UBOOL ShouldBuildThisPylon(UBOOL bOnlyBuildSelected);
/*************************** End Mesh Generation shiznaz *************************/
// add and removal functionality for pylon nav octree
virtual void AddToNavigationOctree();
virtual void RemoveFromNavigationOctree();
* Queries the poly octree and fills in the passed array with a list of all the polys that intersect the passed in AABB
* @param Loc - center of extent to check
* @param Extent - extent of box to check
* @param out_Polys - output array of polys
* @param bIgnoreDynamic - whether to ignore dynamically added submeshes or not
* @param bReturnBothDynamicAndStatic - if TRUE, BOTH dynamic and static polys will be returned.. using this is *DANGEROUS*! most of the time you should use dynamic polys if they exist
* as they are the 'correct' representation of the mesh at that point
void GetIntersectingPolys(const FVector& Loc,
const FVector& Extent,
TArray<FNavMeshPolyBase*>& out_Polys,
UBOOL bIgnoreDynamic,
UBOOL bReturnBothDynamicAndStatic=FALSE,
DWORD TraceFlags=0
* Do anything needed to clear out cross level references; Called from ULevel::PreSave
virtual void ClearCrossLevelReferences();
* Called when a level is loaded/unloaded, to get a list of all the crosslevel
* paths that need to be fixed up.
virtual void GetActorReferences(TArray<FActorReference*> &ActorRefs, UBOOL bIsRemovingLevel);
* Callback used to allow object register its direct object references that are not already covered by
* the token stream.
* @param ObjectArray array to add referenced objects to via AddReferencedObject
* - this is here to keep the navmesh from being GC'd at runtime
virtual void AddReferencedObjects( TArray<UObject*>& ObjectArray );
* returns the center of the expansion bounding sphere
FVector GetExpansionSphereCenter() const
return (bUseExpansionSphereOverride) ? ExpansionSphereCenter : Location;
void UpdateComponentsInternal(UBOOL bCollisionUpdate);
* Called from UpdateComponentsInternal when a transform update is needed (when this pylon has moved)
virtual void PylonMoved();
* indicates whether static cross-pylon edges should be built for this pylon (pylons that move should return false)
virtual UBOOL NeedsStaticCrossPylonEdgesBuilt(){ return TRUE; }
// indicates whether this pylon is valid to be used
FORCEINLINE UBOOL IsValid() { return NavMeshPtr != NULL && !bDisabled; }
////// EditorLinkSelectionInterface
virtual void LinkSelection(USelection* SelectedActors);
// overidden to set 'paths need to be rebuilt' warning
virtual void PostBeginPlay();
// overidden to throw warnign when pylon is not within its own bounds
// and throw warnings when pathdata is too out of date
virtual void CheckForErrors();
virtual UBOOL CanConnectTo(ANavigationPoint* Nav, UBOOL bCheckDistance)
return FALSE;
// build pylon to pylon reachspecs representing a super graph for quick "is this pylon connected to that one" checks
UBOOL NavMeshPass_BuildPylonToPylonReachSpecs();
virtual void TogglePathRendering(UBOOL bShouldDrawPaths);
/** Checks to make sure the navigation is at a valid point */
virtual void Validate();
* verifies that this pylon is not in conflict with other pylons (e.g. both their start locations are with each other's bounds)
* @param out_ConflictingPylons - (optional) list of pylons this pylon is in conflict with (optional)
* @return - TRUE if this pylon is not in conflict
UBOOL CheckBoundsValidityWithOtherPylons(TArray<APylon*>* out_ConflictingPylons=NULL);
* returns TRUE if this pylon modified the cost of the edge
* @param Interface - the interface we're generating a cost for
* @param PreviousPoint - the previous point in the path we're pathing from
* @param out_PathEdgePoint - the point on the edge we're moving to
* @param Edge - the edge we're considering
* @param SourcePoly - the poly previous in the current path search
* @param out_Cost - the output cost for the edge
* @return - TRUE if we modified the cost
* NOTE: this function is only called when bNeedsCostCheck is TRUE
virtual UBOOL CostFor(const struct FNavMeshPathParams& PathParams,
const FVector& PreviousPoint,
FVector& out_PathEdgePoint,
struct FNavMeshEdgeBase* Edge,
struct FNavMeshPolyBase* SourcePoly,
INT& out_Cost);
* this function returns the local to world matrix transform that should be used for navmeshes associated with this
* pylon
virtual FMatrix GetMeshLocalToWorld();
* this function returns the world to local matrix transform that should be used for navmeshes associated with this
* pylon
virtual FMatrix GetMeshWorldToLocal();
// determines if this should be validated and based on objects below it
UBOOL ShouldBeBased();
virtual void HandleFailedAddNode( AScout* Scout, const FVector& StartPos, const FVector& EndPos ) {}
* called when this pylon is about to be built
virtual void NotifyPylonBuildStarting();
* called when this pylon is no longer being built
* (either becuase it was cancelled or the build is finished)
virtual void NotifyPylonBuildStopping();
* Called when this actor is in a level which is being removed from the world (e.g. my level is getting UWorld::RemoveFromWorld called on it)
virtual void OnRemoveFromWorld();
* is this pylon compatible with dynamic obstacles? (e.g. moving meshes aren't)
virtual UBOOL CompatibleWithDynamicObstacles(){return TRUE;}
* will get a list of polys which should be affected by the passed obstacle boundary shape
* @param Shape - the convex poly shape to test for
* @param ShapeBounds - the bounds of the shape we're asking about
* @param out_Polys - the list of polys which we should add to
virtual void GetPolysAffectedByObstacleShape(class IInterface_NavMeshPathObstacle* Obstacle, const TArray<FVector>& Shape, const FVector& ShapeBoundsCtr, const FVector& ShapeBoundsExtent, TArray<FNavMeshPolyBase*>& out_Polys);
// Interface_NavigationHandle
// - we implement this interface here for debugging purposes
* returns the offset from the edge move point this entity should move toward (e.g. how high off the ground we should move to)
* @param Edge - the edge we're moving to
* @return - the offset to use
virtual FVector GetEdgeZAdjust(struct FNavMeshEdgeBase* Edge);
* this function is responsible for setting all the relevant parmeters used for pathfinding
* @param out_ParamCache - the output struct to populate params in
* @NOTE: ALL Params FNavMeshPathParams should be populated
virtual void SetupPathfindingParams( struct FNavMeshPathParams& out_ParamCache );
* Called from FindPath() at the beginning of a path search to give this entity a chance to initialize transient data
virtual void InitForPathfinding();
// END Interface_navigationhandle
// NavMeshPass_Recast internal: marking areas with existing navmesh polys
void NavMeshPass_Recast_MarkAlreadyBuiltAreas();
// NavMeshPass_Recast internal: marking walkable seeds for culling inaccessible polys
void NavMeshPass_Recast_MarkWalkableSeeds();
// NavMeshPass_Recast internal: prepare voxel filter data
void NavMeshPass_Recast_SetupFilters();
* NavMeshPass_Recast internal: generating navmesh and importing its data
* @param GeomVerts - verts of collision geometry
* @param GeomFaces - list of vert indices for collision geometry triangles (3 entries for each)
UBOOL NavMeshPass_Recast_GenerateAndImport(const TArray<FVector>& GeomVerts, const TArray<INT>& GeomFaces);
* NavMeshPass_RecastSnap internal: snapping verts of this navmesh to verts of already built navmeshes
* @param UnprocessedVerts - indices of verts that were not snapped in this step
void NavMeshPass_RecastSnap_VertToOtherVert(TArray<INT>& UnprocessedVerts);
* NavMeshPass_RecastSnap internal: snapping verts of already built navmeshes to edges of this navmesh
* @param ModifiedPolys - list of modified polys on other navmeshes
void NavMeshPass_RecastSnap_OtherVertToEdge(TArray<FNavMeshPolyBase*>& ModifiedPolys);
* NavMeshPass_RecastSnap internal: snapping verts of this navmesh to edges of already build navmeshes
* @param VertsToSnap - indices of verts to consider
void NavMeshPass_RecastSnap_VertToOtherEdge(const TArray<INT>& VertsToSnap);
* NavMeshPass_RecastSnap internal: cutting overlapping and degenerated polys
* @param ModifiedPolys - list of modified polys on other navmeshes
void NavMeshPass_RecastSnap_CutOverlapping(const TArray<FNavMeshPolyBase*>& ModifiedPolys);
/** Navigation mesh created for this pylon */
var const native pointer NavMeshPtr{class UNavigationMeshBase};
/** Obstacle mesh used for "can-go" raycasts */
var const native pointer ObstacleMesh{class UNavigationMeshBase};
/** Obstacle mesh used for "can-go" raycasts - built from dynamic obstacles! */
var const native pointer DynamicObstacleMesh{class UNavigationMeshBase};
/** Working set ptr - used internally for building nav mesh */
var const native transient pointer WorkingSetPtr{TDoubleLinkedList<struct FNavMeshPolyBase*>};
/** internally used list of pathobjects which affect this pylon's mesh. Used only at navmesh generation time*/
var const native transient private pointer PathObjectsThatAffectThisPylon { TArray<class IInterface_NavMeshPathObject*> };
/** Seed points created by last round of cover info */
var const transient array<Vector> NextPassSeedList;
/** ID member var for octree functionality */
var const native OctreeElementId OctreeId{FOctreeElementId};
/** pointer to the octree this pylon was added to (so we can tell when the octree changes */
var const native Pointer OctreeIWasAddedTo{void};
/** Next pylon in the linked list */
var const Pylon NextPylon;
/** A list of volumes within which is valid to explore Note this trumps expansion radius */
var(MeshGeneration) array<Volume> ExpansionVolumes;
/** radius within which expansion will be allowed. Note if this pylon has an expansion volume linked to it, this parameter has no effect*/
var(MeshGeneration) float ExpansionRadius;
/** Used to prevent exploration from wrapping past the 65536 available indices in a WORD */
var const float MaxExpansionRadius;
var DrawPylonRadiusComponent PylonRadiusPreview;
/** Indicates if this pylon is associated with an imported mesh */
var bool bImportedMesh;
/** when TRUE, center of sphere used for expansion bounds will be ExpansionSphereCenter rather than this.location*/
var bool bUseExpansionSphereOverride;
var vector ExpansionSphereCenter;
/** indicates that this pylon's CostFor function needs to be called when considering edges owned by it
False by default in order to avoid unnecessary vfunc calls*/
var bool bNeedsCostCheck;
/** pointer to this pylon's rendering component */
var NavMeshRenderingComponent RenderingComp;
/** sprite comp to be used when this pylon is broken somehow */
var const transient SpriteComponent BrokenSprite;
/** Imposter pylon - this is another pylon which at some point will replace this one due to a gameplay event or some such. Meshbuild of this
* pylon will ignore collisions with the imposter pylon (e.g. build through it)
var(MeshGeneration) Array<Pylon> ImposterPylons;
/** when this pylon is being built, disable collision for these actors */
var(MeshGeneration) array<Actor> OnBuild_DisableCollisionForThese;
/** when this pylon is being built, enable collision for these actors */
var(MeshGeneration) array<Actor> OnBuild_EnableCollisionForThese;
var(MeshGeneration) float MaxPolyHeight_Optional;
/** used for HPF heuristic shaping (e.g. bias against leaving pylons that are not in high level path) */
var transient bool bPylonInHighLevelPath;
/** Generate NavMesh using Recast */
var(MeshGeneration) bool bUseRecast <bShowOnlyWhenTrue=bAllowRecastGenerator>;
var transient bool bAllowRecastGenerator;
/** Generator used to create NavMesh, check ENavigationMeshGeneratorType for details */
var byte NavMeshGenerator;
// Nav Mesh Overloads
var (NavMeshOverloads) bool bAllowNavMeshOverLoads;
// How long and wide the building blocks for nav mesh simplifaction, smaller means more detail, but more build time, like 1.3X for every %50 reduction is size, and maybe more memory
var (NavMeshOverloads) float Recast_CellSize<ClampMin = 5.0 | ClampMax = 100.0>;
// How tall the building blocks for nav mesh simplifaction, smaller means more detail, but more build time, like 1.3X for every %50 reduction is size, and maybe more memory
var (NavMeshOverloads) float Recast_CellHeight<ClampMin = 5.0 | ClampMax = 150.0>;
// DO NOT USE YET!!! it works but does not give the results we want yet
var (NavMeshOverloads) float Recast_AgentMaxSlope<ClampMin = 0.0 | ClampMax = 90.0>;
// USE WITH CARE, changes the height that the nav mesh conciders (STATIC) obstacles, but does not take into concideration what the actual pawns step up height is, so if you set this to 100 and the pawns step up height was only 45 he would get stuck
var (NavMeshOverloads) float NavMeshGen_MaxStepHeight<ClampMin = 1.0 | ClampMax = 500.0>;
// DO NOT USE YET!!!! way to many changes to know all effects yet!!!!
var (NavMeshOverloads) float NavMeshGen_MinPolyArea;
/** when this is TRUE a dashed-red line will be drawn across the gap of a one-way edge to highlight those situations */
var(NavMeshOverloads) bool bHightlightOneWayReachSpecs;
// recast transient vars
var transient array<KMeshProps.KAggregateGeom> VoxelFilterBounds;
var transient array<matrix> VoxelFilterTM;
var const float BufferEpsilonToAddedToBoundsBoxForDropEdgeCheck;
var(Debug) int DebugEdgeCount;
var(Debug) bool bDrawEdgePolys;
var(Debug) bool bDrawPolyBounds;
var(Display) bool bRenderInShowPaths;
var(Display) bool bDrawWalkableSurface;
var(Display) bool bDrawObstacleSurface;
/** Show Obstacle mesh as solid polys instead of lines with "show paths" in game */
var(Display) bool bSolidObstaclesInGame;
struct immutablewhencooked native PolyReference
var ActorReference OwningPylon;
// Poly ID that indexes into the navmesh poly array
// NOTE: this has two WORDs shoved into it, lowest 2 bytes are Top level poly ID, highest 2 bytes are sub-poly ID
var private {private} INT PolyId;
var native private {private} Pointer CachedPoly{struct FNavMeshPolyBase};
appMemzero(this, sizeof(FPolyReference));
explicit FPolyReference(AActor* Pylon, INT InPolyId)
OwningPylon = FActorReference(Pylon,*Pylon->GetGuid());
explicit FPolyReference(struct FNavMeshPolyBase* InPoly);
// overload various operators to make the reference struct as transparent as possible
struct FNavMeshPolyBase* operator*();
* this will dereference the poly and return a pointer to it
* @param bEvenIfPylonDisabled - pass TRUE to this if you want the poly even if its pylon is bDisabled
* @return the poly assoicated with this poly ref
struct FNavMeshPolyBase* GetPoly(UBOOL bEvenIfPylonDisabled=FALSE);
FORCEINLINE struct FNavMeshPolyBase* operator->()
return *(*this);
FPolyReference* operator=(FNavMeshPolyBase* Poly);
FORCEINLINE UBOOL operator==(const FPolyReference &Ref) const
return ((Ref.OwningPylon == OwningPylon) && Ref.GetTopLevelPolyId() == GetTopLevelPolyId() && Ref.GetSubPolyId() == GetSubPolyId());
FORCEINLINE UBOOL operator!=(const FPolyReference &Ref) const
return ((Ref.OwningPylon != OwningPylon) || Ref.GetTopLevelPolyId() != GetTopLevelPolyId() || Ref.GetSubPolyId() != GetSubPolyId());
* returns TRUE if the passed poly matches this ref
* minimizes poly lookups for speed
* @param Poly - poly to match
* @return TRUE if poly matches the poly ref
UBOOL operator==(FNavMeshPolyBase* Poly) const;
operator UBOOL();
UBOOL operator!();
FORCEINLINE void Clear()
OwningPylon.Actor = NULL;
OwningPylon.Guid = FGuid(0,0,0,0);
FORCEINLINE void ClearCachedPoly()
CachedPoly = NULL;
class APylon* Pylon();
friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FPolyReference& T );
FORCEINLINE WORD GetTopLevelPolyId() const { return PolyId&65535; }
FORCEINLINE WORD GetSubPolyId() const { return PolyId>>16; }
FORCEINLINE void SetPolyId(WORD NewTopLevelPolyId, WORD NewSubPolyId)
PolyId = NewTopLevelPolyId | (NewSubPolyId<<16);
friend DWORD GetTypeHash(const FPolyReference& Ref)
DWORD GuidVal = appMemCrc(&Ref.OwningPylon.Guid, sizeof(FGuid));
return (GuidVal << 16) | (Ref.PolyId&65535);
/** when FALSE this pylon's navmesh will not be cleared, nor built during 'build paths' -- useful for building subsets of the map at once*/
var transient bool bBuildThisPylon;
// when TRUE, this pylon and its mesh are considered invalid (same as unloaded)
var bool bDisabled;
// when TRUE, obstacle mesh polys will collide even if they have Cross Pylon edges which are loaded
var bool bForceObstacleMeshCollision;
// extent used for doing debug reachability pathing
var transient Vector DebugPathExtent;
// location to do debug pathing from
var transient Vector DebugPathStartLocation;
* called whenever this pylon is turned on or off.. will do necessary work
* in area to make sure the state of the mesh is up to date
native function OnPylonStatusChange();
* allow registered obstacles to affect this pylon as it is spawned/streamed in
native function UpdateMeshForPreExistingNavMeshObstacles();
* will remove all dynamic edges associated with this pylon
native function FlushDynamicEdges();
* loop through high level reach specs and verify that we can actually path to all our top level connections
function vector GetTestPathExtent()
local class<Scout> ScoutClass;
local vector Extent;
ScoutClass = class<Scout>(DynamicLoadObject(class'Engine'.default.ScoutClassName,class'Class'));
Extent.X = ScoutClass.default.PathSizes[0].Radius;
Extent.Y = ScoutClass.default.PathSizes[0].Radius;
Extent.Z = ScoutClass.default.PathSizes[0].Height;
return Extent;
function VerifyTopLevelConnections()
local NavigationHandle DebugHandle;
local int i,PtIdx;
local Pylon NeighborPylon;
local array<vector> pts,Dst_Pts;
local bool bFoundPath;
DebugHandle = new(self) class'NavigationHandle';
DebugPathStartLocation = Location;
DebugPathExtent = GetTestPathExtent();
if( Pts.length == 0 )
`log("PATH CONNECTION FAILURE!"@self@"Could not get valid start path location");
for ( i=0; i<PathList.Length; ++i )
NeighborPylon = Pylon(PathList[i].End.Actor);
if( NeighborPylon != none )
if( Dst_pts.length < 1 )
`log("PATH CONNECTION FAILURE!"@self@"Could not get valid dest path location to "@NeighborPylon);
bFoundPath = false;
DebugPathStartLocation = Pts[PtIdx];
if( DebugHandle.FindPath() )
`log("PATH CONNECTION FAILURE!"@self@`showvar(Location)@"failed to path to "@NeighborPylon@`showvar(Dst_Pts[0]));
DrawDebugLine(Location, Dst_Pts[0],255,0,0,TRUE);
* this event is called when an edge is deleted that this handle is actively using
event NotifyPathChanged()
function PostBeginPlay()
SetEnabled( !bBlocked );
event SetEnabled(bool bEnabled)
bDisabled = !bEnabled;
bForceObstacleMeshCollision = bDisabled;
event bool IsEnabled()
return !bDisabled;
function OnToggle(SeqAct_Toggle action)
if (action.InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse)
// turn on
else if (action.InputLinks[1].bHasImpulse)
// turn off
else if (action.InputLinks[2].bHasImpulse)
// toggle
native function bool CanReachPylon( Pylon DestPylon, Controller C );
Begin Object Name=Sprite
End Object
Begin Object Class=NavMeshRenderingComponent Name=NavMeshRenderer
End Object
Begin Object Class=DrawPylonRadiusComponent Name=DrawPylonRadius0
End Object
Begin Object Class=SpriteComponent Name=Sprite3
End Object