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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class FracturedStaticMeshComponent extends FracturedBaseComponent
/** Stores non-zero for each fragment whose neighbors are all visible, and 0 otherwise. */
var protected{protected} transient const array<byte> FragmentNeighborsVisible;
/** Local space bounding box of visible fragments, updated on attach. */
var protected{protected} const Box VisibleBox;
/** If true, all fragment visibility and transform information will be forwarded to SkinnedComponent, which will handle rendering. */
var protected{protected} const bool bUseSkinnedRendering;
* If true, the only thing considered when calculating the bounds of this component are the graphics verts current visible.
* Using this and having simplified collision will cause unpredictable results.
var bool bUseVisibleVertsForBounds;
* Allows per-instance override of chunk support/destroyable flags.
* Marks chunks at top of mesh as 'root' and 'non destroyable'.
var() bool bTopFragmentsRootNonDestroyable;
* Allows per-instance override of chunk support/destroyable flags.
* Marks chunks at bottom of mesh as 'root' and 'non destroyable'.
var() bool bBottomFragmentsRootNonDestroyable;
/** Threshold distance of fragment box from top/bottom of mesh to be considered for bTop/BottomFragmentsRootNonDestroyable */
var() float TopBottomFragmentDistThreshold;
/** Allows overriding the LoseChunkOutsideMaterial on a per-instance basis. */
var() MaterialInterface LoseChunkOutsideMaterialOverride;
/** Z value of top of fractured piece bounds. */
var float FragmentBoundsMaxZ;
/** Z value of bottom of fractured piece bounds. */
var float FragmentBoundsMinZ;
/** Component which handles rendering if bUseSkinnedRendering is true. */
var transient FracturedSkinnedMeshComponent SkinnedComponent;
/** */
struct native FragmentGroup
var array<int> FragmentIndices;
var bool bGroupIsRooted;
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
virtual void UpdateBounds();
virtual FPrimitiveSceneProxy* CreateSceneProxy();
virtual UBOOL LineCheck(FCheckResult& Result, const FVector& End, const FVector& Start, const FVector& Extent, DWORD TraceFlags);
virtual UBOOL PointCheck(FCheckResult& Result,const FVector& Location,const FVector& Extent,DWORD TraceFlags);
virtual void CookPhysConvexDataForScale(ULevel* Level, const FVector& TotalScale3D, INT& TriByteCount, INT& TriMeshCount, INT& HullByteCount, INT& HullCount);
virtual void CheckForErrors();
virtual void GenerateDecalRenderData(class FDecalState* Decal, TArray< FDecalRenderData* >& OutDecalRenderDatas) const;
/** Allocates an implementation of FStaticLightingMesh that will handle static lighting for this component */
virtual class FStaticMeshStaticLightingMesh* AllocateStaticLightingMesh(INT LODIndex, const TArray<ULightComponent*>& InRelevantLights);
/** Attaches the component to the scene, and initializes the component's resources if they have not been yet. */
virtual void Attach();
* Detach the component from the scene and remove its render proxy
* @param bWillReattach TRUE if the detachment will be followed by an attachment
virtual void Detach( UBOOL bWillReattach = FALSE );
* @return FALSE since fractured geometry will handle its own decal detachment
virtual UBOOL AllowDecalRemovalOnDetach() const
return FALSE;
* Retrieves the materials used in this component
* @param OutMaterials The list of used materials.
virtual void GetUsedMaterials( TArray<UMaterialInterface*>& OutMaterials ) const;
virtual void UpdateTransform();
/** Update FragmentBoundsMin/MaxZ */
void UpdateFragmentMinMaxZ();
/** See if the bTopFragmentsSupportNonDestroyable/bBottomFragmentsSupportNonDestroyable flags indicate this chunk. */
UBOOL FragmentInstanceIsSupportNonDestroyable(int FragmentIndex) const;
/** Checks if the given fragment is visible. */
virtual UBOOL IsElementFragmentVisible(INT ElementIndex, INT FragmentIndex, INT InteriorElementIndex, INT CoreFragmentIndex, UBOOL bAnyFragmentsHidden) const;
* Updates the fragments of this component that are visible.
* @param NewVisibleFragments - visibility factors for this component, corresponding to FracturedStaticMesh's Fragments array
* @param bForceUpdate - whether to update this component's resources even if no fragments have changed visibility
virtual void UpdateVisibleFragments(const TArray<BYTE>& NewVisibleFragments, UBOOL bForceUpdate);
friend class FFracturedStaticMeshSceneProxy;
/** Change the set of visible fragments. */
native final function SetVisibleFragments(array<byte> VisibilityFactors);
/** Returns if this fragment is destroyable. */
native final function bool IsFragmentDestroyable(INT FragmentIndex) const;
/** Returns if this is a supporting 'root' fragment. */
native final function bool IsRootFragment(INT FragmentIndex) const;
/** Returns if this fragment should never spawn a physics object. */
native final function bool IsNoPhysFragment(INT FragmentIndex) const;
/** Get the bounding box of a specific chunk, in world space. */
native final function box GetFragmentBox(int FragmentIndex) const;
/** Returns average exterior normal of a particular chunk. */
native final function vector GetFragmentAverageExteriorNormal(int FragmentIndex) const;
/** Gets the index that is the 'core' of this mesh. */
native final function int GetCoreFragmentIndex() const;
* Based on the hidden state of chunks, groups which are connected.
* @param IgnoreFragments Additional fragments to ignore when finding islands. These will not end up in any groups.
native final function array<FragmentGroup> GetFragmentGroups(array<int> IgnoreFragments, float MinConnectionArea) const;
* Return set of fragments that are hidden, but who have at least one visible neighbour.
* @param AdditionalVisibleFragments Additional fragments to consider 'visible' when finding fragments. Will not end up in resulting array.
native final function array<int> GetBoundaryHiddenFragments(array<int> AdditionalVisibleFragments) const;
/** Re-create physics state - needed if hiding parts would change physics collision of the object. */
native final function RecreatePhysState();
/** Util for getting the PhysicalMaterial applied to this mesh */
native final function PhysicalMaterial GetFracturedMeshPhysMaterial();