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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Menu manager for the webadmin
* Copyright 2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved
* @author Michiel 'elmuerte' Hendriks
class WebAdminMenu extends Object;
struct MenuItem
* The absolute path (from the webapp path). Examples:
* foo
* foo/bar/quux
* bar
* bar/quux
* bar/quux2
* bar/quux2+data
* The bar/quux2+data item will be considered as a sub page of bar/quux2
* When checking for permissions bar/quux2 will be used instead of
* bar/quux2+data
var string path;
* The path to use for permission checking. Will default to path
var string permPath;
* Title of the menu item. If empty the menu item is not shown in the
* rendered menu
var string title;
* A short description
var string description;
* The weight of this item. A low number means it will be higher in the list.
var int weight;
* If true, the menu item is not rendered. Can be used to hide previously
* visible menu items from the navigation menu.
var bool hidden;
* The handler responsible for handling this menu item.
var IQueryHandler handler;
var array<MenuItem> menu;
var WebAdmin webadmin;
struct TreeItem
* Index to the item in the menu list;
var int cur;
* Path element
var string elm;
var array<int> children;
var array<TreeItem> tree;
* Add an item to the menu, or if the path already exist, update an existing
* item. To create a hidden item simply leave out the title.
function addMenuItem(MenuItem item)
local int idx;
idx = menu.find('path', item.path);
if (len(item.permPath) == 0)
item.permPath = item.path;
if (idx > -1)
menu[idx].title = item.title;
menu[idx].description = item.description;
menu[idx].weight = item.weight;
menu[idx].handler = item.handler;
else {
* Add a new menu item (or overwrite the previous for the given path).
function addMenu(string path, string title, IQueryHandler handler,
optional string description = "", optional int weight = 0,
optional string permPath = "")
local MenuItem item;
item.path = path;
item.title = title;
item.description = description;
item.weight = weight;
item.handler = handler;
item.permPath = permPath;
item.hidden = len(title) == 0;
* Get the menu handler for a given path
function IQueryHandler getHandlerFor(string path, out string title, out string desc)
local int idx;
idx = menu.find('path', path);
if (idx > -1)
title = menu[idx].title;
desc = menu[idx].description;
return menu[idx].handler;
return none;
function setVisibility(string path, bool isVisible)
local int idx;
idx = menu.find('path', path);
if (idx > -1)
menu[idx].hidden = !isVisible;
* return the menu instance of the given user. All paths to which the user has
* no access will be filtered from the list.
* @return none when the user has absolutely no access, otherwise an instance is
* returned that only contains the paths the user has access to.
function WebAdminMenu getUserMenu(IWebAdminUser forUser)
local WebAdminMenu result;
local MenuItem entry, dummy;
if (!forUser.canPerform(webadmin.getAuthURL("/")))
return none;
result = new(webadmin) class; // create a new instance this class
result.webadmin = webadmin;
foreach menu(entry)
if (forUser.canPerform(webadmin.getAuthURL(entry.permPath)))
else {
dummy.path = entry.path;
dummy.weight = entry.weight;
return result;
* Add a menu item to the list sorting on the full path.
protected function addSortedItem(MenuItem item)
local MenuItem entry;
local int idx;
foreach menu(entry, idx)
if (entry.path > item.path)
menu.InsertItem(idx, item);
* Parses the sorted list of menu items and creates the tree.
protected function createTree()
local MenuItem entry;
local int idx;
local int i, idx2, parent, child;
local array<string> parts;
local bool found;
tree.Length = 1;
tree[0].cur = -1;
foreach menu(entry, idx)
ParseStringIntoArray(entry.path, parts, "/", true);
parent = 0;
i = 0;
// find the parent item
while (i < parts.length-1)
found = false;
foreach tree[parent].children(child)
if (tree[child].elm == parts[i])
parent = child;
found = true;
if (!found)
// create a dummy item
tree[tree.length-1].cur = -1;
tree[tree.length-1].elm = parts[i];
parent = tree.length-1;
// add the item
found = false;
foreach tree[parent].children(child, idx2)
if (menu[tree[child].cur].weight > entry.weight)
tree[parent].children.Insert(idx2, 1);
tree[parent].children[idx2] = tree.length;
tree[tree.length-1].cur = idx;
tree[tree.length-1].elm = parts[parts.length-1];
found = true;
if (!found)
idx2 = tree[parent].children.length;
tree[parent].children[idx2] = tree.length;
tree[tree.length-1].cur = idx;
tree[tree.length-1].elm = parts[parts.length-1];
* Render the current menu tree to a navigation menu
function string render(optional string menu_template = "/navigation_menu.inc",
optional string item_template = "/navigation_item.inc")
local string result;
local WebResponse wr;
local MenuItem entry;
local array<MenuItem> menuCopy;
wr = new class'WebResponse';
if (tree.Length == 0)
menuCopy = menu;
menu.length = 0;
foreach menuCopy(entry)
result = renderChilds(tree[0].children, wr, menu_template, item_template);
wr.subst("navigation.items", result);
return wr.LoadParsedUHTM(webadmin.path$menu_template);
protected function string renderChilds(array<int> childs, WebResponse wr,
optional string menu_template = "/navigation_menu.inc",
optional string item_template = "/navigation_item.inc")
local int child, menuid;
local string result, subitems;
foreach childs(child)
menuid = tree[child].cur;
if ((menuid > -1) && !menu[menuid].hidden && (Len(menu[menuid].title) > 0))
if (tree[child].children.length > 0)
subitems = renderChilds(tree[child].children, wr, menu_template, item_template);
if (len(subitems) > 0)
wr.subst("navigation.items", subitems, true);
subitems = wr.LoadParsedUHTM(webadmin.path$menu_template);
else {
subitems = "";
wr.subst("item.submenu", subitems, true);
wr.subst("item.type", tree[child].children.length > 0?"with-submenu":"no-submenu");
wr.subst("item.path", webadmin.path$menu[menuid].path);
wr.subst("item.menupath", menu[menuid].path);
wr.subst("item.title", menu[menuid].title);
wr.subst("item.description", menu[menuid].description);
result $= wr.LoadParsedUHTM(webadmin.path$item_template);
else if (tree[child].children.length > 0)
result $= renderChilds(tree[child].children, wr, menu_template, item_template);
return result;