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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Concrete implementation for managing groups through the groups web API
class McpGroupsManager extends McpGroupsBase
/** The URL of CreateGroup function on the server */
var config string CreateGroupUrl;
/** The URL of DeleteGroup function on the server */
var config string DeleteGroupUrl;
/** The URL of ListGroups function on the server */
var config string QueryGroupsUrl;
/** The URL of ListGroupMembers function on the server */
var config string QueryGroupMembersUrl;
/** The URL of AddGroupMembers function on the server */
var config string AddGroupMembersUrl;
/** The URL of RemoveGroupMembers function on the server */
var config string RemoveGroupMembersUrl;
/** The URL of DeleteAllGroups function on the server */
var config string DeleteAllGroupsUrl;
/** The URL of AcceptGroupInvite function on the server */
var config string AcceptGroupInviteUrl;
/** The URL of RejectGroupInvite function on the server */
var config string RejectGroupInviteUrl;
* Creates the URL and sends the request to create a group.
* - This updates the group on the server QueryGroups will need to be
* - run again before GetGroups will reflect the this new group.
* @param UniqueUserId the UserId that will own the group
* @param GroupName The name the group will be created with
function CreateGroup(String UniqueUserId, String GroupName)
local string Url;
local HttpRequestInterface CreateGroupRequest;
local McpGroup FailedGroup;
//Ensure that UniqueUserId and GroupName both have values
if(Len(UniqueUserId) > 0 && Len(GroupName) > 0)
// Create HttpRequest
CreateGroupRequest = class'HttpFactory'.static.CreateRequest();
if(CreateGroupRequest != none)
// Fill url out using parameters
Url = GetBaseURL() $ CreateGroupUrl $ GetAppAccessURL() $
"&uniqueUserId=" $ UniqueUserId $
"&groupName=" $ GroupName $
"&accessLevel=" $ "OWNER";
// Build our web request with the above URL
CreateGroupRequest.OnProcessRequestComplete = OnCreateGroupRequestComplete;
// Call Web Request
if (!CreateGroupRequest.ProcessRequest())
`Log(`Location@"Failed to process web request for URL(" $ Url $ ")");
`Log(`Location $ " URL is " $ Url);
OnCreateGroupComplete(FailedGroup, false, "HttpRequest was not be created");
OnCreateGroupComplete(FailedGroup, false, "UserId or GroupName wasn't specified");
* Called once the request/response has completed.
* Used to return any errors and notify any registered delegate
* @param Request the request object that was used
* @param Response the response object that was generated
* @param bWasSuccessful whether or not the request completed successfully
function OnCreateGroupRequestComplete(HttpRequestInterface CreateGroupRequest, HttpResponseInterface HttpResponse, bool bWasSuccessful)
local int ResponseCode;
local string Content;
local McpGroup CreatedGroup;
local String JsonString;
local JsonObject ParsedJson;
if (HttpResponse != none && CreateGroupRequest != none)
ResponseCode = HttpResponse.GetResponseCode();
// Both of these need to be true for the request to be a success
bWasSuccessful = bWasSuccessful && ResponseCode == `HTTP_STATUS_CREATED;
Content = HttpResponse.GetContentAsString();
//Set default parameters in case create was not successful
CreatedGroup.OwnerId = CreateGroupRequest.GetURLParameter("uniqueUserId");
CreatedGroup.GroupName = CreateGroupRequest.GetURLParameter("groupName");
JsonString = HttpResponse.GetContentAsString();
if (JsonString != "" && bWasSuccessful)
// Parse the json
ParsedJson = class'JsonObject'.static.DecodeJson(JsonString);
CreatedGroup.GroupId = ParsedJson.GetStringValue("group_id");
CreatedGroup.OwnerId = ParsedJson.GetStringValue("unique_user_id");
CreatedGroup.GroupName = ParsedJson.GetStringValue("group_name");
CreatedGroup.AccessLevel = EMcpGroupAccessLevel(ParsedJson.GetIntValue("access_level") );
`log(`Location@" CreateGroup query did not return a group.");
OnCreateGroupComplete(CreatedGroup, bWasSuccessful, Content);
* Deletes a Group by GroupId
* @param UniqueUserId UserId of the owner of the Group
* @param GroupId Id of the group
function DeleteGroup(String UniqueUserId, String GroupId)
local string Url;
local HttpRequestInterface DeleteGroupRequest;
//Ensure that UniqueUserId and GroupId both have values
if(Len(UniqueUserId) > 0 && Len(GroupId) > 0)
// Delete HttpRequest
DeleteGroupRequest = class'HttpFactory'.static.CreateRequest();
if(DeleteGroupRequest != none)
// Fill url out using parameters
Url = GetBaseURL() $ DeleteGroupUrl $ GetAppAccessURL() $
"&uniqueUserId=" $ UniqueUserId $
"&groupId=" $ GroupId;
// Build our web request with the above URL
DeleteGroupRequest.OnProcessRequestComplete = OnDeleteGroupRequestComplete;
// call WebRequest
`Log(`Location@"Failed to process web request for URL(" $ Url $ ")");
`Log(`Location $ "URL is " $ Url);
OnDeleteGroupComplete(GroupId, false, "HttpRequest could not be completed");
OnDeleteGroupComplete(GroupId, false, "UniqueUserId and/or GroupId was not specified");
* Called once the request/response has completed.
* Used to process the response and notify any
* registered delegate
* @param Request the request object that was used
* @param Response the response object that was generated
* @param bWasSuccessful whether or not the request completed successfully
function OnDeleteGroupRequestComplete(HttpRequestInterface OriginalRequest, HttpResponseInterface HttpResponse, bool bWasSuccessful)
local int ResponseCode;
local string Content;
local String GroupId;
if (HttpResponse != none)
ResponseCode = HttpResponse.GetResponseCode();
GroupId = HttpResponse.GetURLParameter("GroupId");
ResponseCode = HttpResponse.GetResponseCode();
Content = HttpResponse.GetContentAsString();
bWasSuccessful = bWasSuccessful && ResponseCode == `HTTP_STATUS_OK;
OnDeleteGroupComplete(GroupId, bWasSuccessful, Content);
* Queries the backend for the Groups belonging to the supplied UserId
* @param UniqueUserId the id of the owner of the groups to return
//Change to be not just owner but all groups userId belongs to
function QueryGroups(String RequesterId)
// Cache one group result set per user, instead of only having one array<McpGroup> that gets over
local string Url;
local HttpRequestInterface QueryGroupsRequest;
//Ensure that UniqueUserId and GroupName both have values
if(Len(RequesterId) > 0 )
// List HttpRequest
QueryGroupsRequest = class'HttpFactory'.static.CreateRequest();
if (QueryGroupsRequest != none)
// Fill it out using parameters
// The server takes one of two parameters
// - uniqueUserId will return only groups owned by the user
// - memberUniqueUserId will return all groups that have the user as a member (including groups owned by that user)
Url = GetBaseURL() $ QueryGroupsUrl $ GetAppAccessURL() $
"&memberUniqueUserId=" $ RequesterId;
// Build our web request with the above URL
QueryGroupsRequest.OnProcessRequestComplete = OnQueryGroupsRequestComplete;
// Call Web Request
`Log(`Location@"Failed to process web request for URL(" $ Url $ ")");
OnQueryGroupsComplete(RequesterId, false, "Http Request could not be created");
OnQueryGroupsComplete(RequesterId, false, "RequesterId was not specified");
* Called once the request/response has completed. Used to process the returned data and notify any
* registered delegate
* @param Request the request object that was used
* @param Response the response object that was generated
* @param bWasSuccessful whether or not the request completed successfully
delegate OnQueryGroupsRequestComplete(HttpRequestInterface OriginalRequest, HttpResponseInterface HttpResponse, bool bWasSuccessful)
local int ResponseCode;
local string Error;
local McpGroup Group;
local string JsonString;
local JsonObject ParsedJson;
local int JsonIndex;
local string RequesterId;
// Both HttpResponse and OriginalRequest need to be present
if (HttpResponse != none && OriginalRequest != none)
RequesterId = OriginalRequest.GetURLParameter("memberUniqueUserId");
ResponseCode = HttpResponse.GetResponseCode();
// Both of these need to be true for the request to be a success
bWasSuccessful = bWasSuccessful && ResponseCode == `HTTP_STATUS_OK;
if (bWasSuccessful)
JsonString = HttpResponse.GetContentAsString();
if (JsonString != "")
// Parse the json
ParsedJson = class'JsonObject'.static.DecodeJson(JsonString);
// Add each mapping in the json packet if missing
for (JsonIndex = 0; JsonIndex < ParsedJson.ObjectArray.Length; JsonIndex++)
Group.OwnerId = ParsedJson.ObjectArray[JsonIndex].GetStringValue("unique_user_id");
Group.GroupId = ParsedJson.ObjectArray[JsonIndex].GetStringValue("group_id");
Group.GroupName = ParsedJson.ObjectArray[JsonIndex].GetStringValue("group_name");
Group.AccessLevel = EMcpGroupAccessLevel(ParsedJson.ObjectArray[JsonIndex].GetIntValue("access_level") );
CacheGroup(RequesterId, Group);
Error = "Query did not return any content in it's response.";
`log(`Location $ Error);
Error = HttpResponse.GetContentAsString();
OnQueryGroupsComplete(RequesterId, bWasSuccessful, Error);
* Returns the set of groups that related to the specified UserId
* Called after QueryGroups, which fills/updates the GroupLists variable with the response from the server.
* To check for ownership compare the RequesterId to the OwnerId of the group.
* @param UserId the request object that was used
* @param GroupList the response object that was generated
function GetGroupList(string UserId, out McpGroupList GroupList)
local int GroupListIndex;
// Make sure that userId is valid
if( Len(UserId) > 0 )
// Check Cache Variable GroupLists
GroupListIndex = GroupLists.Find('RequesterId', UserId);
if(GroupListIndex != INDEX_NONE)
GroupList = GroupLists[GroupListIndex];
`Log(`Location $ " Requester Id not found or GroupLists is empty. Using UserId: " $ UserId);
`Log(`Location $ "UserId not specified");
* Queries the backend for the Groups Members belonging to the specified group
* After the Query is returned from the server the data is stored in a local variable GroupLists
* In order to fully fill this variable for a given user you need to run QueryGroups AND QueryGroupMembers.
* Since there are potentially many more GroupMembers than Groups it saves bandwidth to only Query what you need
* @param UniqueUserId the id of the owner of the group being queried
* @param GroupId the id of the owner of the groups to return
function QueryGroupMembers(String UniqueUserId, String GroupId)
// Cache one group result set per user, instead of only having one array<McpGroup> that gets over
local string Url;
local HttpRequestInterface QueryGroupMembersRequest;
// Make sure that UniqueUserId and GroupId have been given
if( Len(UniqueUserId) > 0 && Len(GroupId) > 0)
// List HttpRequest
QueryGroupMembersRequest = class'HttpFactory'.static.CreateRequest();
if (QueryGroupMembersRequest != none)
//Create URL parameters
Url = GetBaseURL() $ QueryGroupMembersUrl $ GetAppAccessURL() $
"&groupId=" $ GroupId;
// Build our web request with the above URL
QueryGroupMembersRequest.OnProcessRequestComplete = OnQueryGroupMembersRequestComplete;
// Call WebRequest
`Log(`Location@"Failed to process web request for URL(" $ Url $ ")");
OnQueryGroupMembersComplete(GroupId, false, "HttpRequest not created");
OnQueryGroupMembersComplete(GroupId, false, "UserId and/or GroupId not specified");
* Called once the request/response has completed. Used to process the returned data and notify any
* registered delegate
* @param Request the request object that was used
* @param Response the response object that was generated
* @param bWasSuccessful whether or not the request completed successfully
delegate OnQueryGroupMembersRequestComplete(HttpRequestInterface OriginalRequest, HttpResponseInterface HttpResponse, bool bWasSuccessful)
local int ResponseCode;
local string Error;
local string JsonString;
local JsonObject ParsedJson;
local int JsonIndex;
local EMcpGroupAcceptState AcceptState;
local string MemberId;
local string GroupId;
// Both HttpResponse and OriginalRequest need to be present
if (HttpResponse != none && OriginalRequest != none)
ResponseCode = HttpResponse.GetResponseCode();
// Both of these need to be true for the request to be a success
bWasSuccessful = bWasSuccessful && ResponseCode == `HTTP_STATUS_OK;
if (bWasSuccessful)
JsonString = HttpResponse.GetContentAsString();
if (JsonString != "")
// @todo joeg - Replace with Wes' ImportJson() once it's implemented
// Parse the json
ParsedJson = class'JsonObject'.static.DecodeJson(JsonString);
// Add each mapping in the json packet if missing
for (JsonIndex = 0; JsonIndex < ParsedJson.ObjectArray.Length; JsonIndex++)
MemberId = ParsedJson.ObjectArray[JsonIndex].GetStringValue("unique_user_id");
GroupId = ParsedJson.ObjectArray[JsonIndex].GetStringValue("group_id");
AcceptState = EMcpGroupAcceptState(ParsedJson.ObjectArray[JsonIndex].GetIntValue("status"));
CacheGroupMember(MemberId, GroupId, AcceptState);
Error = "Query did not return any content in it's response.";
`log(`Location $ Error);
Error = HttpResponse.GetContentAsString();
OnQueryGroupMembersComplete(GroupId, bWasSuccessful, Error);
* Returns the set of Group Members that belong to the specified GroupId
* Called after QueryGroupMembers.
* @param GroupId the request object that was used
* @param GroupList the response object that was generated
function GetGroupMembers(String GroupId, out array<McpGroupMember> GroupMembers)
local int GroupIndex;
local McpGroupList GroupList;
local McpGroup GroupTemp;
foreach GroupLists(GroupList)
foreach GroupList.Groups(GroupTemp, GroupIndex)
if(GroupTemp.GroupId == GroupId)
GroupMembers = GroupTemp.Members;
* Adds an Group Members to the specified Group. Sends this request to MCP to be processed
* @param UniqueUserId the user that owns the group
* @param GroupId the group id
* @param MemberIds list of member ids to add to the group
* @param bRequiresAcceptance whether or not members need to accept an invitation to a group
function AddGroupMembers(String UniqueUserId, String GroupId, const out array<String> MemberIds, bool bRequiresAcceptance)
local string Url;
local HttpRequestInterface AddGroupMembersRequest;
local string JsonPayload;
local int Index;
// Make sure that UniqueUserId and GroupId have been given
if( Len(UniqueUserId) > 0 && Len(GroupId) > 0)
// Create HttpRequest
AddGroupMembersRequest = class'HttpFactory'.static.CreateRequest();
AddGroupMembersRequest.OnProcessRequestComplete = OnAddGroupMembersRequestComplete;
if(AddGroupMembersRequest != none)
Url = GetBaseURL() $ AddGroupMembersUrl $ GetAppAccessURL() $
"&uniqueUserId=" $ UniqueUserId $
"&groupId=" $ GroupId $
"&requiresAcceptance=" $ bRequiresAcceptance ? "true" : "false";
// If bRequiresAcceptance is set to false then the group member will be created with a status of Accepted by default
// If it is set to true then the status will be set to Pending and the user will need to accept the invite to officially be part of the group
if(MemberIds.Length > 0)
// Make a json string from our list of ids
JsonPayload = "[ ";
for (Index = 0; Index < MemberIds.Length; Index++)
JsonPayload $= "\"" $ MemberIds[Index] $ "\"";
// Only add the comma to the string if this isn't the last item
if (Index + 1 < MemberIds.Length)
JsonPayload $= ",";
JsonPayload $= " ]";
// Fill it out using parameters
// Call WebRequest
if (!AddGroupMembersRequest.ProcessRequest())
`Log(`Location@"Failed to process web request for URL(" $ Url $ ")");
`Log(`Location@"URL(" $ Url $ ")");
`Log(`Location@" No MemberIds given.");
OnAddGroupMembersComplete(GroupId, false, "HttpRequest was not created");
OnAddGroupMembersComplete(GroupId, false, "UserId and/or GroupId not specified");
* Called once the request/response has completed. Used to process the add mapping result and notify any
* registered delegate
* @param Request the request object that was used
* @param Response the response object that was generated
* @param bWasSuccessful whether or not the request completed successfully
delegate OnAddGroupMembersRequestComplete(HttpRequestInterface OriginalRequest, HttpResponseInterface HttpResponse, bool bWasSuccessful)
local int ResponseCode;
local string Content;
local String GroupId;
if (HttpResponse != none)
GroupId = HttpResponse.GetURLParameter("GroupId");
ResponseCode = HttpResponse.GetResponseCode();
Content = HttpResponse.GetContentAsString();
// Both of these need to be true for the request to be a success
bWasSuccessful = bWasSuccessful && ResponseCode == `HTTP_STATUS_OK;
OnAddGroupMembersComplete(GroupId, bWasSuccessful, Content);
* Remove Group Members from the specified Group. Sends this request to MCP to be processed
* @param UniqueUserId the user that owns the group
* @param GroupId the group id
* @param MemberIds list of member ids to add to the group
function RemoveGroupMembers(String UniqueUserId, String GroupId, const out array<String> MemberIds)
local string Url;
local HttpRequestInterface RemoveGroupMembersRequest;
local string JsonPayload;
local int Index;
// Make sure that UniqueUserId and GroupId have been given
if( Len(UniqueUserId) > 0 && Len(GroupId) > 0)
RemoveGroupMembersRequest = class'HttpFactory'.static.CreateRequest();
if(RemoveGroupMembersRequest != none)
Url = GetBaseURL() $ RemoveGroupMembersUrl $ GetAppAccessURL() $
"&groupId=" $ GroupId;
if(MemberIds.Length > 0)
// Make a json string from our list of ids
JsonPayload = "[ ";
for (Index = 0; Index < MemberIds.Length; Index++)
JsonPayload $= "\"" $ MemberIds[Index] $ "\"";
// Only add the comma to the string if this isn't the last item
if (Index + 1 < MemberIds.Length)
JsonPayload $= ",";
JsonPayload $= " ]";
RemoveGroupMembersRequest.OnProcessRequestComplete = OnRemoveGroupMembersRequestComplete;
// Call the request
if (!RemoveGroupMembersRequest.ProcessRequest())
`Log(`Location@"Failed to process web request for URL(" $ Url $ ")");
`Log(`Location@" No MemberIds given.");
OnRemoveGroupMembersComplete(GroupId, false, "Http request was not created");
OnRemoveGroupMembersComplete(GroupId, false, "UniqueUserId and/or GroupId was not specified");
* Called once the request/response has completed. Used to process the add mapping result and notify any
* registered delegate
* @param Request the request object that was used
* @param Response the response object that was generated
* @param bWasSuccessful whether or not the request completed successfully
function OnRemoveGroupMembersRequestComplete(HttpRequestInterface OriginalRequest, HttpResponseInterface HttpResponse, bool bWasSuccessful)
local int ResponseCode;
local string Content;
local String GroupId;
if (HttpResponse != none)
GroupId = HttpResponse.GetURLParameter("GroupId");
ResponseCode = HttpResponse.GetResponseCode();
Content = HttpResponse.GetContentAsString();
// Both of these need to be true for the request to be a success
bWasSuccessful = bWasSuccessful && ResponseCode == `HTTP_STATUS_OK;
OnRemoveGroupMembersComplete(GroupId, bWasSuccessful, Content);
* Deletes all Groups that belong to UniqueUserId
* @param UniqueUserId UserId of the owner of the Group
function DeleteAllGroups(String UniqueUserId)
local string Url;
local HttpRequestInterface DeleteGroupRequest;
// Make sure that UniqueUserId and GroupId have been given
if( Len(UniqueUserId) > 0 )
// Delete HttpRequest
DeleteGroupRequest = class'HttpFactory'.static.CreateRequest();
if(DeleteGroupRequest != none)
// Fill it out using parameters
Url = GetBaseURL() $ DeleteAllGroupsUrl $ GetAppAccessURL() $
"&uniqueUserId=" $ UniqueUserId;
DeleteGroupRequest.OnProcessRequestComplete = OnDeleteGroupRequestComplete;
// call WebRequest
`Log(`Location@"Failed to process web request for URL(" $ Url $ ")");
OnDeleteAllGroupsComplete(UniqueUserId, false, "HttpRequest was not created");
OnDeleteAllGroupsComplete(UniqueUserId, false, "UniqueUserId was not specified");
* Called once the results come back from the server to indicate success/failure of the operation
* @param bWasSuccessful whether the operation succeeded or not
* @param Error string information about the error (if an error)
function OnDeleteAllGroupsRequestComplete(HttpRequestInterface OriginalRequest, HttpResponseInterface HttpResponse, bool bWasSuccessful)
local int ResponseCode;
local string Content;
local string RequesterId;
// Both HttpResponse and OriginalRequest need to be present
if (HttpResponse != none && OriginalRequest != none)
RequesterId = OriginalRequest.GetURLParameter("uniqueUserId");
ResponseCode = HttpResponse.GetResponseCode();
Content = HttpResponse.GetContentAsString();
// Both of these need to be true for the request to be a success
bWasSuccessful = bWasSuccessful && ResponseCode == `HTTP_STATUS_OK;
OnDeleteAllGroupsComplete(RequesterId, bWasSuccessful, Content);
* Set's the a Member's membership status to Accept or Reject
* based on the value of bShouldAccept
* @param UniqueUserId User who's status is to be update
* @param GroupId
* @param bShouldAccept 1 = accepted 0 = rejected
function AcceptGroupInvite(String UniqueUserId, String GroupId, bool bShouldAccept)
local string Url;
local HttpRequestInterface AcceptGroupInviteRequest;
// Make sure that UniqueUserId and GroupId have been given
if( Len(UniqueUserId) > 0 && Len(GroupId) > 0)
// Create HttpRequest
AcceptGroupInviteRequest = class'HttpFactory'.static.CreateRequest();
if(AcceptGroupInviteRequest != none)
Url = GetBaseURL() $ AcceptGroupInviteUrl $ GetAppAccessURL() $
"&uniqueUserId=" $ UniqueUserId $
"&groupId=" $ GroupId $
"&status=" $ bShouldAccept ? "accepted" : "rejected";
// Fill it out using parameters
AcceptGroupInviteRequest.OnProcessRequestComplete = OnAcceptGroupInviteRequestComplete;
// Call WebRequest
`log("Calling Process Request");
`Log(`Location@"Failed to process web request for URL(" $ Url $ ")");
OnAcceptGroupInviteComplete(GroupId, false, "HttpRequest not created");
OnAcceptGroupInviteComplete(GroupId, false, "UniqueUserId or GroupId was not specified");
* Called once the request/response has completed. Used to process the add mapping result and notify any
* registered delegate
* @param Request the request object that was used
* @param Response the response object that was generated
* @param bWasSuccessful whether or not the request completed successfully
delegate OnAcceptGroupInviteRequestComplete(HttpRequestInterface OriginalRequest, HttpResponseInterface HttpResponse, bool bWasSuccessful)
local int ResponseCode;
local string Content;
local String GroupId;
if (HttpResponse != none)
GroupId = HttpResponse.GetURLParameter("GroupId");
ResponseCode = HttpResponse.GetResponseCode();
Content = HttpResponse.GetContentAsString();
// Both of these need to be true for the request to be a success
bWasSuccessful = bWasSuccessful && ResponseCode == `HTTP_STATUS_OK;
OnAcceptGroupInviteComplete(GroupId, bWasSuccessful, Content);
*Store group in an object in memory instead of having to query the server again for it
* @param Group to be placed in the cache
function CacheGroup(string RequesterId, McpGroup Group)
local int AddAt;
local int GroupIndex;
local int GroupListIndex;
local McpGroupList UserGroupList;
local bool bWasFound;
//Find the user's cached group list in collection of users group lists, GroupLists
//TODO Is there a better way to do this? Have to rely on the response not being empty, though if it is then we don't do anything so that's fine.
// - More importantly we're querying the GroupLists for every entry returned which isn't as efficient.
// - Could just set GroupListIndex and then check if it's been set ...
bWasFound = false;
GroupListIndex = GroupLists.Find('RequesterId', RequesterId);
if(GroupListIndex != INDEX_NONE)
UserGroupList = GroupLists[GroupListIndex];
// Search the array for any existing adding only when missing
for (GroupIndex = 0; GroupIndex < UserGroupList.Groups.Length && !bWasFound; GroupIndex++)
bWasFound = Group.GroupId == UserGroupList.Groups[GroupIndex].GroupId;
// Add this one since it wasn't found
if (!bWasFound)
AddAt = UserGroupList.Groups.Length;
UserGroupList.Groups.Length = AddAt + 1;
UserGroupList.Groups[AddAt] = Group;
GroupLists[GroupListIndex] = UserGroupList;
`log(`Location $ " GroupName: " $ UserGroupList.Groups[AddAt].GroupName);
// Add User with this first returned group since it wasn't found
AddAt = GroupLists.Length;
GroupLists.Length = AddAt +1;
GroupLists[AddAt].RequesterId = Group.OwnerId;
*Store group member in an object in memory instead of having to query the server again for it
* @param MemberId to be placed in the cache
* @param GroupId to be placed in the cache
* @param intAcceptState whether the group member's status is accepted, pending or rejected
function CacheGroupMember(String MemberId, String GroupId, EMcpGroupAcceptState AcceptState)
local int MemberIndex;
local McpGroupList GroupList;
local int GroupListIndex;
local McpGroup GroupTemp;
local int GroupIndex;
local int AddAt;
// Have the variables been passed in properly
if(Len(MemberId) > 0 && Len(GroupId) > 0 && Len(AcceptState) > 0)
// Look at each GroupList (userId:<groups>) mapping to see where to add/update this member
foreach GroupLists(GroupList, GroupListIndex)
// For each group related to the user see if it's the GroupId specified
foreach GroupList.Groups(GroupTemp, GroupIndex)
// If the group is found Update the Member field
// This will potential run multiple times as it will be stored under both owners and members in GroupLists
if(GroupTemp.GroupId == GroupId)
// Locate the proper place to update or add the member
MemberIndex = GroupTemp.Members.find('MemberId', MemberId);
if(MemberIndex == INDEX_NONE)
// No MemberId found so add the member
AddAt = GroupTemp.Members.Length;
GroupTemp.Members.Length = AddAt +1;
GroupTemp.Members[AddAt].MemberId = MemberId;
GroupTemp.Members[AddAt].AcceptState = AcceptState;
// GroupId and MemberId have been confirmed so just update the accept state if it's changed
if(GroupTemp.Members[MemberIndex].AcceptState != AcceptState)
GroupTemp.Members[MemberIndex].AcceptState = AcceptState;
// Set the group at the location to the updated (or unchanged) group
GroupList.Groups[GroupIndex] = GroupTemp;
// Set the GroupList at the location to the updated (or unchanged) GroupList
GroupLists[GroupListIndex] = GroupList;
`Log(`Location@" Either the MemberId, GroupId, or AcceptState was not Specified.");