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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
* Simple controller that replaces or adds to the translation/rotation of a single bone.
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class SkelControlSingleBone extends SkelControlBase
// USkelControlBase interface
virtual void GetAffectedBones(INT BoneIndex, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, TArray<INT>& OutBoneIndices);
virtual void CalculateNewBoneTransforms(INT BoneIndex, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, TArray<FBoneAtom>& OutBoneTransforms);
virtual INT GetWidgetCount();
virtual FBoneAtom GetWidgetTM(INT WidgetIndex, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, INT BoneIndex);
virtual void HandleWidgetDrag(INT WidgetIndex, const FVector& DragVec);
/** Whether to modify the translation of this bone. */
var(Adjustments) bool bApplyTranslation;
/** Whether to modify the translation of this bone. */
var(Adjustments) bool bApplyRotation;
/** If false, replaces rotation with BoneRotation. If true, adds to existing rotation. */
var(Translation) bool bAddTranslation;
/** New translation of bone to apply. */
var(Translation) vector BoneTranslation;
/** Reference frame to apply BoneTranslation in. */
var(Translation) EBoneControlSpace BoneTranslationSpace;
/** Name of bone used if BoneTranslationSpace is BCS_OtherBoneSpace. */
var(Translation) name TranslationSpaceBoneName;
/** If false, replaces rotation with BoneRotation. If true, adds to existing rotation. */
var(Rotation) bool bAddRotation;
/** If bAddRotation and BCS_WorldSpace, then remove mesh relative rotation */
var(Rotation) bool bRemoveMeshRotation;
/** New rotation of bone to apply. */
var(Rotation) rotator BoneRotation;
/** Reference frame to apply BoneRotation in. */
var(Rotation) EBoneControlSpace BoneRotationSpace;
/** Name of bone used if BoneRotationSpace is BCS_OtherBoneSpace. */
var(Rotation) name RotationSpaceBoneName;
CategoryDesc = "Single Bone"