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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
* Copyright 1998-2012 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class FlexComponent extends StaticMeshComponent
struct transient native FlexParticleAttachment
var PrimitiveComponent Primitive;
var int ShapeIndex;
var int ParticleIndex;
var float OldMass;
var Vector LocalPos;
/** The simulation container to spawn any flex data contained in the static mesh into. If the static mesh has Flex data then it will be spawned into this simulation container. */
var (FlexComponent) notforconsole FlexContainer FlexComponentContainerTemplate;
/** The phase-id to assign to particles spawned for this mesh */
var (FlexComponent) notforconsole int FlexComponentPhaseId;
/** If true then the particles will be auto-assigned a positive phase-id */
var (FlexComponent) notforconsole bool bFlexComponentAutoAssignPhase;
/** If true then the particles will be attached to any overlapping shapes on spawn*/
var (FlexComponent) notforconsole bool bFlexComponentAttachToRigids;
/** Instance of a FlexAsset referencing particles and constraints in a solver */
var notforconsole transient native const pointer FlexComponentAssetInstance {struct FlexExtInstance};
/* The simulation container the instance belongs to */
var notforconsole transient native const pointer FlexComponentContainerInstance {class FFlexContainerInstance};
/* Pre-simulated particle positions */
var notforconsole const array<Vector> FlexComponentPreSimPositions;
/* Simulated particle positions */
var notforconsole transient native const array<Vector4> SimPositions;
/* Simulated particle normals */
var notforconsole transient native const array<Vector> SimNormals;
/* Attachments to rigid bodies */
var notforconsole transient array<FlexParticleAttachment> Attachments;
virtual void InitComponentRBPhys(UBOOL bFixed);
virtual void TermComponentRBPhys(FRBPhysScene *InScene);
virtual void UpdateBounds();
virtual FPrimitiveSceneProxy* CreateSceneProxy();
virtual UBOOL ShouldRecreateProxyOnUpdateTransform() const;
virtual void DisableSim();
virtual void EnableSim();
virtual void Synchronize();
FlexComponentPhaseId = 0
bFlexComponentAutoAssignPhase = true
bFlexComponentAttachToRigids = false