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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Class that implements a Dingo version of the GameDVR interface
class OnlineGameDVRInterfaceDingo extends Object within OnlineSubsystemDingo
/** The owning subsystem that this object is providing an implementation for */
var OnlineSubsystemDingo OwningSubsystem;
/** Is the game rendering a Kinect RGB stream to the screen? */
var transient bool bIsRenderingKinectRGB;
/** Is recording enabled? */
var transient bool bIsEventRecordingEnabled;
struct native DVRClip
var init string ClipName;
var bool bDidEndCapture;
var native hatpointer ClipCapture{Windows::Xbox::Media::Capture::ApplicationClipCapture};
var native hatpointer CachedClip{Windows::Xbox::Media::Capture::ApplicationClip};
FDVRClip(const FString& InClipName)
: ClipName(InClipName), bDidEndCapture(FALSE), ClipCapture(nullptr), CachedClip(nullptr) {}
struct native DVRClipCache
/** Indicates the state of the async read */
var EOnlineEnumerationReadState ReadState;
var init array<DVRClip> DVRClips;
FDVRClipCache() : ReadState(OERS_NotStarted) {}
FDVRClip& FindOrAddClip(const FString& ClipName)
// Find an existing entry for this clip
for (INT ClipIdx = 0; ClipIdx < DVRClips.Num(); ++ClipIdx)
if (DVRClips(ClipIdx).ClipName == ClipName)
return DVRClips(ClipIdx);
// Add a new entry
FDVRClip NewClip(ClipName);
return DVRClips(DVRClips.AddItem(NewClip));
/** Cache of user's DVR clips */
var native map{QWORD, FDVRClipCache} UserDVRClipCache;
/** Since the static array of dynamic array syntax appears to be broken */
struct native PerUserGameDVRDelegates
/** the array of delegates for notifying when the read of a user's recorded clips has completed */
var array<delegate<OnReadRecordedClipsComplete> > ReadRecordedClipsDelegates;
/** the array of delegates for notifying when the read of a user's recorded clips has completed */
var array<delegate<OnRecordEventComplete> > RecordEventCompleteDelegates;
/** Per user array of array of delegates */
var PerUserGameDVRDelegates PerUserDelegates[`MAX_NUM_PLAYERS];
/** Enable recording events */
native function EnableRecording();
/** Disable recording events */
native function DisableRecording();
/** Read a player's list of recorded clips */
native function bool ReadRecordedClips(byte LocalUserNum);
* Called when the async read of a user's recorded clips completes
delegate OnReadRecordedClipsComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, byte LocalUserNum);
* Clears out all cached clips that have been recorded or read
native function ClearCachedRecordedClips(byte LocalUserNum);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the read of a user's recorded clips has completed
function AddReadRecordedClipsCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum, delegate<OnReadRecordedClipsComplete> ReadRecordedClipsCompleteDelegate)
// Make sure the user is valid
if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < ArrayCount(PerUserDelegates))
`AddUniqueItemToArray(PerUserDelegates[LocalUserNum].ReadRecordedClipsDelegates, ReadRecordedClipsCompleteDelegate);
`warn("Invalid index ("$LocalUserNum$") passed to AddReadRecordedClipsCompleteDelegate()");
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the read of a user's recorded clips has completed
function ClearReadRecordedClipsCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum, delegate<OnReadRecordedClipsComplete> ReadRecordedClipsCompleteDelegate)
// Make sure the user is valid
if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < ArrayCount(PerUserDelegates))
`warn("Invalid index ("$LocalUserNum$") passed to ClearReadRecordedClipsCompleteDelegate()");
/** Begin recording an event with the given name */
native function bool BeginRecordingEvent(byte LocalUserNum,string EventName);
* Called when the async storage of a recorded clip completes
delegate OnRecordEventComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, byte LocalUserNum, string EventName);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the async storage of a recorded clip completes
function AddRecordEventCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum, delegate<OnRecordEventComplete> RecordEventCompleteDelegate)
// Make sure the user is valid
if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < ArrayCount(PerUserDelegates))
`AddUniqueItemToArray(PerUserDelegates[LocalUserNum].RecordEventCompleteDelegates, RecordEventCompleteDelegate);
`warn("Invalid index ("$LocalUserNum$") passed to AddRecordEventCompleteDelegate()");
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the async storage of a recorded clip completes
function ClearRecordEventCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum, delegate<OnRecordEventComplete> RecordEventCompleteDelegate)
// Make sure the user is valid
if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < ArrayCount(PerUserDelegates))
`warn("Invalid index ("$LocalUserNum$") passed to ClearRecordEventCompleteDelegate()");
/** End recording an event with the given name */
native function bool EndRecordingEvent(byte LocalUserNum,string EventName);
/** Record an event that just finished, capturing the the timespan given by the duration parameter */
native function bool RecordPreviousTimespan(byte LocalUserNum,string EventName, float Duration);
/** Cancels the recording of an event with the given name */
native function bool CancelRecordingEvent(byte LocalUserNum,string EventName);
event SetIsRenderingKinectRGB(bool bInIsRenderingKinectRGB)
bIsRenderingKinectRGB = bInIsRenderingKinectRGB;