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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* GamePlayerController
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class GamePlayerController extends PlayerController
/** If true, warn GameCrowdAgents to avoid pawn controlled by this player. Used when player will move through crowds */
var bool bWarnCrowdMembers;
/** If TRUE, draw debug info for crowd awareness checks */
var(Debug) bool bDebugCrowdAwareness;
/** Controls how far around a player to warn agents. */
var float AgentAwareRadius;
/** Name of the current sound mode that is active for the audio system **/
var transient protected name CurrentSoundMode;
/** If true we are in 'warmup paused' state to allow textures to stream in, and should not allow unpausing. */
var transient bool bIsWarmupPaused;
virtual void TickSpecial( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
function OnToggleMouseCursor( SeqAct_ToggleMouseCursor inAction )
local GameViewportClient GVC;
GVC = LocalPlayer(Player) != None ? LocalPlayer(Player).ViewportClient : None;
if ( GVC != None )
* @return Returns the index of this PC in the GamePlayers array.
native function int GetUIPlayerIndex();
exec function CrowdDebug(bool bEnabled)
local GameCrowdAgent GCA;
local int i, AgentCount;
local float DebugRadius;
MyHUD.bShowOverlays = bEnabled;
// first remove currently enabled agents, so postrendered list doesn't grow too large and kill performance
for ( i=0; i<MyHUD.PostRenderedActors.Length; i++ )
GCA = GameCrowdAgent(MyHUD.PostRenderedActors[i]);
if ( GCA != None )
if ( bEnabled )
// First count agents: don't want more than about 100 being postrendered
DebugRadius = 2000.0;
ForEach VisibleActors(class'GameCrowdAgent', GCA, DebugRadius, (Pawn != None) ? Pawn.Location : Location )
if( AgentCount > 100 )
// too many agents - reduce debugradius proportionally
DebugRadius *= sqrt(100.0/float(AgentCount));
ForEach VisibleActors(class'GameCrowdAgent', GCA, DebugRadius, (Pawn != None) ? Pawn.Location : Location )
/** Hook to let player know a refresh of crowd agent info is coming */
event NotifyCrowdAgentRefresh();
/** Hook to let player know crowd member is in range */
event NotifyCrowdAgentInRadius( GameCrowdAgent Agent );
* Play forcefeedback to match the given screenshake.
simulated protected function DoForceFeedbackForScreenShake( CameraShake ShakeData, float Scale )
local int ShakeLevel;
local float RotMag, LocMag, FOVMag;
if (ShakeData != None)
// figure out if we're "big", "medium", or nothing
RotMag = ShakeData.GetRotOscillationMagnitude() * Scale;
if (RotMag > 40.f)
ShakeLevel = 2;
else if (RotMag > 20.f)
ShakeLevel = 1;
if (ShakeLevel < 2)
LocMag = ShakeData.GetLocOscillationMagnitude() * Scale;
if (LocMag > 10.f)
ShakeLevel = 2;
else if (LocMag > 5.f)
ShakeLevel = 1;
FOVMag = ShakeData.FOVOscillation.Amplitude * Scale;
if (ShakeLevel < 2)
if (FOVMag > 5.f)
ShakeLevel = 2;
else if (FOVMag > 2.f)
ShakeLevel = 1;
if (ShakeLevel == 2)
if( ShakeData.OscillationDuration <= 1 )
else if (ShakeLevel == 1)
if( ShakeData.OscillationDuration <= 1 )
/** Set the sound mode of the audio system for special EQing **/
simulated function SetSoundMode( Name InSoundModeName )
local AudioDevice Audio;
local bool bSet;
Audio = class'Engine'.static.GetAudioDevice();
if( Audio != None )
if( CurrentSoundMode != InSoundModeName )
bSet = Audio.SetSoundMode( InSoundModeName );
if( bSet == TRUE )
CurrentSoundMode = InSoundModeName;
* Starts/stops the loading movie
* @param bShowMovie true to show the movie, false to stop it
* @param bPauseAfterHide (optional) If TRUE, this will pause the game/delay movie stop to let textures stream in
* @param PauseDuration (optional) allows overriding the default pause duration specified in .ini (only used if bPauseAfterHide is true)
* @param KeepPlayingDuration (optional) keeps playing the movie for a specified more seconds after it's supposed to stop
* @param bOverridePreviousDelays (optional) whether to cancel previous delayed StopMovie or not (defaults to FALSE)
native static final function ShowLoadingMovie(bool bShowMovie, optional bool bPauseAfterHide, optional float PauseDuration, optional float KeepPlayingDuration, optional bool bOverridePreviousDelays);
* Keep playing the loading movie if it's currently playing and abort any StopMovie calls that may be pending through the FDelayedUnpauser.
native static final function KeepPlayingLoadingMovie();
/** starts playing the specified movie */
native final reliable client event ClientPlayMovie(string MovieName, int InStartOfRenderingMovieFrame, int InEndOfRenderingMovieFrame, bool bRestrictPausing , bool bPlayOnceFromStream, bool bOnlyBackButtonSkipsMovie);
* Stops the currently playing movie
* @param DelayInSeconds number of seconds to delay before stopping the movie.
* @param bAllowMovieToFinish indicates whether the movie should be stopped immediately or wait until it's finished.
* @param bForceStopNonSkippable indicates whether a movie marked as non-skippable should be stopped anyway; only relevant if the specified
* movie is marked non-skippable (like startup movies).
* @param bForceStopLoadingMovie If false then don't stop the movie if it's the loading movie.
native final reliable client event ClientStopMovie(float DelayInSeconds, bool bAllowMovieToFinish, bool bForceStopNonSkippable, bool bForceStopLoadingMovie);
/** returns the name of the currently playing movie, or an empty string if no movie is currently playing
* @todo: add an out param for current time in playback for synchronizing clients that join in the middle
native final function GetCurrentMovie(out string MovieName);
/** Delegate used to control whether we can unpause during warmup. We never allow this. */
function bool CanUnpauseWarmup()
return !bIsWarmupPaused;
/** Function used by loading code to pause and unpause the game during texture-streaming warm-up. */
event WarmupPause(bool bDesiredPauseState)
local color FadeColor;
local PlayerController PC;
local string MovieName;
bIsWarmupPaused = bDesiredPauseState;
SetPause(bDesiredPauseState, CanUnpauseWarmup);
// When pausing, start a fade in
// the fade won't actually go away until after the pause is turned off,
// but starting it on pause instead of unpause prevents any delays between the loading movie vanishing and pause being disabled
// from causing us to be viewing some random place in the world for a few frames
if (!bDesiredPauseState)
if (MovieName != "")
foreach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC)
GamePlayerController(PC).ClientColorFade(FadeColor, 255, 0, 2.0);
reliable client function ClientColorFade(Color FadeColor, byte FromAlpha, byte ToAlpha, float FadeTime);