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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class GamePlayerCamera extends Camera
// >> IS LOCAL->WORLD (no transpose)
// << IS WORLD->LOCAL (has the transpose)
* Architectural overview
* GamePlayerCamera is an override of the Engine camera, and is the master camera that the player actually looks through. This camera
* will lean on whatever GameCameraBase(s) it is currently using to calc the final camera properties.
* GameCameraBase is a base class for defining specific camera algorithms (e.g. fixed, specatator, first person, third person). Certain
* instances of these can contain another layer of "modes", e.g. ...
* GameThirdPersonCameraModeBase is a base class for defining specific variants of the GameThirdPersonCamera.
* */
// Camera Modes
/** Implements typical third person camera. */
var(Camera) editinline transient GameCameraBase ThirdPersonCam;
/** Class to use for third person camera. */
var(Camera) protected const class<GameCameraBase> ThirdPersonCameraClass;
/** Implements fixed camera, used for viewing through pre-placed camera actors. */
var(Camera) editinline transient GameCameraBase FixedCam;
/** Class to use for third person camera. */
var(Camera) protected const class<GameCameraBase> FixedCameraClass;
/** Which camera is currently active. */
var(Camera) editinline transient GameCameraBase CurrentCamera;
// FOV Overriding
/** Should the FOV be overridden? */
var transient bool bUseForcedCamFOV;
/** If bUseForcedCamFOV is true, use this angle */
var transient float ForcedCamFOV;
// Interpolation
var transient bool bInterpolateCamChanges;
var transient private Actor LastViewTarget;
/** Indicates if we should reset interpolation on whichever active camera processes next. */
var transient private bool bResetInterp;
// Camera Shakes
/** Scalar applied to all screen shakes in splitscreen. Normally used to dampen, since shakes feel more intense in a smaller viewport. */
var() protected const float SplitScreenShakeScale;
//// Shaky-cam management
///** The pawn that was last used to cache the animnodes used for shakycam. Changing viewtarget pawns will trigger a re-cache. */
//var private transient Pawn ShakyCamAnimNodeCachePawn;
///** AnimNode names for the "standing idle" camera animation. */
//var() private const array<name> StandingIdleSequenceNodeNames;
///** Cached refs to the standing idle animations. */
//var private transient array<AnimNodeSequence> StandingIdleSequenceNodes;
// Etc
// dealing with situations where camera target is based on another actor
var transient protected Actor LastTargetBase;
var transient protected matrix LastTargetBaseTM;
virtual void AddPawnToHiddenActorsArray( APawn *PawnToHide );
virtual void RemovePawnFromHiddenActorsArray( APawn *PawnToHide );
virtual void ModifyPostProcessSettings(FPostProcessSettings& PPSettings) const;
* Internal. Creates and initializes a new camera of the specified class, returns the object ref.
protected function GameCameraBase CreateCamera(class<GameCameraBase> CameraClass)
local GameCameraBase NewCam;
NewCam = new(Outer) CameraClass;
NewCam.PlayerCamera = self;
return NewCam;
protected native function CacheLastTargetBaseInfo(Actor TargetBase);
function PostBeginPlay()
// Setup camera modes
if ( (ThirdPersonCam == None) && (ThirdPersonCameraClass != None) )
ThirdPersonCam = CreateCamera(ThirdPersonCameraClass);
if ( (FixedCam == None) && (FixedCameraClass != None) )
FixedCam = CreateCamera(FixedCameraClass);
// reset the camera to a good state
function Reset()
bUseForcedCamFOV = false;
* Internal. Polls game state to determine best camera to use.
protected function GameCameraBase FindBestCameraType(Actor CameraTarget)
local GameCameraBase BestCam;
// if not using a game-specific camera (i.e. not 'default'), we'll let the engine handle it
if (CameraStyle == 'default')
if (CameraActor(CameraTarget) != None)
// if attached to a CameraActor and not spectating, use Fixed
BestCam = FixedCam;
BestCam = ThirdPersonCam;
return BestCam;
* Available for overriding.
function bool ShouldConstrainAspectRatio()
return FALSE;
* Query ViewTarget and outputs Point Of View.
* @param OutVT ViewTarget to use.
* @param DeltaTime Delta Time since last camera update (in seconds).
function UpdateViewTarget(out TViewTarget OutVT, float DeltaTime)
local Pawn P;
local GameCameraBase NewCamera;
local CameraActor CamActor;
// Don't update outgoing viewtarget during an interpolation
if( PendingViewTarget.Target != None && OutVT == ViewTarget && BlendParams.bLockOutgoing )
// Make sure we have a valid target
if( OutVT.Target == None )
`log("Camera::UpdateViewTarget OutVT.Target == None");
P = Pawn(OutVT.Target);
// decide which camera to use
NewCamera = FindBestCameraType(OutVT.Target);
// handle a switch if necessary
if (CurrentCamera != NewCamera)
if (CurrentCamera != None)
CurrentCamera.OnBecomeInActive( NewCamera );
if (NewCamera != None)
NewCamera.OnBecomeActive( CurrentCamera );
CurrentCamera = NewCamera;
// update current camera
if (CurrentCamera != None)
// we wait to apply this here in case the above code changed currentcamera on us
if (bResetInterp && !bInterpolateCamChanges)
// Make sure overridden post process settings have a chance to get applied
CamActor = CameraActor(OutVT.Target);
if( CamActor != None )
CamActor.GetCameraView(DeltaTime, OutVT.POV);
// Check to see if we should be constraining the viewport aspect. We'll only allow aspect
// ratio constraints for fixed cameras (non-spectator)
if( CurrentCamera == FixedCam && CamActor.bConstrainAspectRatio )
// Grab aspect ratio from the CameraActor
bConstrainAspectRatio = true;
OutVT.AspectRatio = CamActor.AspectRatio;
// See if the CameraActor wants to override the PostProcess settings used.
CamOverridePostProcessAlpha = CamActor.CamOverridePostProcessAlpha;
if( CamOverridePostProcessAlpha > 0.f )
CamPostProcessSettings = CamActor.CamOverridePostProcess;
CurrentCamera.UpdateCamera(P,self,DeltaTime, OutVT);
if( CameraStyle == 'FreeCam_Default' )
Super.UpdateViewTarget(OutVT, DeltaTime);
// let the engine handle updating
super.UpdateViewTarget(OutVT, DeltaTime);
// check for forced fov
if (bUseForcedCamFOV)
OutVT.POV.FOV = ForcedCamFOV;
// adjust FOV for splitscreen, 4:3, whatever
OutVT.POV.FOV = AdjustFOVForViewport(OutVT.POV.FOV, P);
// set camera's location and rotation, to handle cases where we are not locked to view target
// Do not call UpdateCameraLensEffects() here. It is called from the
// overridden function in KFPlayerCamera after the FOV has been adjusted
UpdateCameraLensEffects( OutVT );
// store info about the target's base, to handle target's that are standing on moving geometry
bResetInterp = FALSE;
/** Update any attached camera lens effects (e.g. blood) **/
simulated function UpdateCameraLensEffects( const out TViewTarget OutVT )
local int Idx;
for (Idx=0; Idx<CameraLensEffects.length; ++Idx)
if (CameraLensEffects[Idx] != None)
CameraLensEffects[Idx].UpdateLocation(OutVT.POV.Location, OutVT.POV.Rotation, OutVT.POV.FOV);
simulated function DisplayDebug(HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos)
local Canvas Canvas;
Super.DisplayDebug(HUD, out_YL, out_YPos);
Canvas = HUD.Canvas;
Canvas.DrawText( " " @ `showvar(CurrentCamera));
out_YPos += out_YL;
if( CurrentCamera != None )
CurrentCamera.DisplayDebug(HUD, out_YL, out_YPos);
* Sets the new color scale
simulated function SetColorScale( vector NewColorScale )
if( bEnableColorScaling == TRUE )
// set the default color scale
bEnableColorScaling = TRUE;
ColorScale = NewColorScale;
bEnableColorScaleInterp = false;
/** Stop interpolation for this frame and just let everything go to where it's supposed to be. */
simulated function ResetInterpolation()
bResetInterp = TRUE;
* Give cameras a chance to influence player view rotation.
function ProcessViewRotation(float DeltaTime, out rotator out_ViewRotation, out rotator out_DeltaRot)
if( CurrentCamera != None )
CurrentCamera.ProcessViewRotation(DeltaTime, ViewTarget.Target, out_ViewRotation, out_DeltaRot);
* Given a horizontal FOV that assumes a 16:9 viewport, return an appropriately
* adjusted FOV for the viewport of the target pawn.
* Used to correct for splitscreen.
final protected native function float AdjustFOVForViewport(float inHorizFOV, Pawn CameraTargetPawn) const;