2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFImpactEffectManager
// Manages impact effects
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Andrew "Strago" Ladenberger
class KFImpactEffectManager extends Actor
/** Information about hit effects for this class */
var KFImpactEffectInfo DefaultImpactEffects;
var float MaxImpactEffectDistance;
var float MaxDecalRangeSq;
var bool bAlignToSurfaceNormal;
var bool bSuppressSounds;
/** Decal Limits */
var globalconfig int MaxImpactEffectDecals;
/** Decal manager */
var transient DecalManager ImpactEffectDecalManager;
/** Data for most recent impact sound played (used to limit sounds) */
var transient AkEvent MostRecentImpactSound;
var transient vector MostRecentImpactLocation;
var transient float MostRecentImpactTime;
var transient int NumDuplicateImpactSounds;
/** Proximity within which to limit impact sounds */
var float MinRepeatImpactSoundDistanceSq;
/** Duration within which to limit impact sounds */
var float MinRepeatImpactSoundInterval;
/** Number of duplicate sounds to allow within time period and proximity */
var int MaxDuplicateImpactSounds;
event PostBeginPlay()
// Create decal managers
if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
// Wound decal manager
ImpactEffectDecalManager = Spawn(class'DecalManager', self,, vect(0,0,0), rot(0,0,0));
ImpactEffectDecalManager.MaxActiveDecals = MaxImpactEffectDecals;
* Spawn any effects that occur at the impact point. It's called from the pawn.
simulated function PlayImpactEffects(const vector HitLocation, const Pawn EffectInstigator, optional vector HitNormal, optional KFImpactEffectInfo CustomImpactEffects, optional bool bWorldImpactsOnly)
local vector NewHitLoc, FireDir, WaterHitNormal;
local Actor HitActor;
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
local MaterialImpactEffect ImpactEffect;
local KFImpactEffectInfo ImpactEffectInfo;
local KFFracturedMeshActor FracturedMeshActor;
local int i;
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local bool bIsWeaponHandlingEffects;
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// allow optional parameter to override impact effects
ImpactEffectInfo = (CustomImpactEffects != None) ? CustomImpactEffects : DefaultImpactEffects;
if( IsZero(HitNormal) && EffectInstigator != none )
HitNormal = Normal(EffectInstigator.Location - HitLocation);
FireDir = -1 * HitNormal;
if ( ImpactEffectInfo.BulletWhipSnd != None )
CheckBulletWhip(FireDir, HitLocation, EffectInstigator, ImpactEffectInfo);
if ( EffectInstigator != None && ImpactEffectIsRelevant(EffectInstigator, HitLocation, false, MaxImpactEffectDistance) )
if ( ImpactEffectInfo.bMakeSplash && !WorldInfo.bDropDetail && EffectInstigator.IsPlayerPawn() && EffectInstigator.IsLocallyControlled() )
HitActor = Trace(NewHitLoc, WaterHitNormal, HitLocation, EffectInstigator.Location+EffectInstigator.eyeheight*vect(0,0,1), true,, HitInfo, TRACEFLAG_PhysicsVolumes | TRACEFLAG_Bullet);
if ( WaterVolume(HitActor) != None )
WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitter(ImpactEffectInfo.SplashEffectTemplate, NewHitLoc, rotator(vect(0,0,1)));
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bIsWeaponHandlingEffects = KFPawn(EffectInstigator).MyKFWeapon.bForceHandleImpacts;
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// Trace using the Instigator as the TraceOwner so that melee weapons don't collide with Instigator
HitActor = EffectInstigator.Trace(NewHitLoc, HitNormal, (HitLocation - (HitNormal * 32)), HitLocation + (HitNormal * 32), !bWorldImpactsOnly,, HitInfo, TRACEFLAG_Bullet);
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if( HitActor != none && HitActor.bCanBeDamaged && HitActor.IsA('Pawn') && !bIsWeaponHandlingEffects )
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return; // pawns impacts are handled by the pawn (see PlayTakeHitEffects)
// handle "partial" remote client simulation for fracture meshes
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client && HitActor != none && HitActor.bCanBeDamaged && !EffectInstigator.IsLocallyControlled() )
FracturedMeshActor = KFFracturedMeshActor(HitActor);
if ( FracturedMeshActor != None )
FracturedMeshActor.SimulateRemoteHit(HitLocation, HitNormal, HitInfo);
// figure out the impact sound to use
GetImpactEffect(HitInfo.PhysMaterial, ImpactEffect, ImpactEffectInfo);
// Allow phys materials to override default impact effects
if( ImpactEffect == ImpactEffectInfo.DefaultImpactEffect
&& HitInfo.PhysMaterial != none )
// Impact effect override
if( HitInfo.PhysMaterial.ImpactEffect != none )
ImpactEffect.ParticleTemplate = HitInfo.PhysMaterial.ImpactEffect;
// Sound override
if( HitInfo.PhysMaterial.ImpactSound != none )
ImpactEffect.Sound = HitInfo.PhysMaterial.ImpactSound;
// Pawns handle their own hit effects
if ( HitActor != None &&
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((Pawn(HitActor) == None || bIsWeaponHandlingEffects ) || Vehicle(HitActor) != None) &&
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AllowImpactEffects(HitActor, HitLocation, HitNormal) )
if (ImpactEffect.ParticleTemplate != None)
if (!bAlignToSurfaceNormal)
HitNormal = normal(FireDir - ( 2 * HitNormal * (FireDir dot HitNormal) ) ) ;
WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitter(ImpactEffect.ParticleTemplate, HitLocation, rotator(HitNormal), HitActor);
//Spawn any global emitters
for (i = 0; i < ImpactEffectInfo.GlobalImpactEffectEffects.Length; ++i)
WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitter(ImpactEffectInfo.GlobalImpactEffectEffects[i], HitLocation, rotator(HitNormal), HitActor);
if ( !WorldInfo.bDropDetail
&& (Pawn(HitActor) == None)
&& (EffectInstigator != none && VSizeSQ(EffectInstigator.Location - HitLocation) < MaxDecalRangeSq)
&& (((WorldInfo.GetDetailMode() != DM_Low) && !class'Engine'.static.IsSplitScreen()) || (EffectInstigator.IsLocallyControlled()
&& EffectInstigator.IsHumanControlled())) )
SpawnImpactDecal(HitLocation, HitNormal, HitActor, ImpactEffect, HitInfo);
if( ShouldPlayImpactSound(ImpactEffect.Sound, HitLocation) )
PlayImpactSound(EffectInstigator, HitLocation, FireDir, HitActor, ImpactEffect.Sound, ImpactEffectInfo);
/** Determines whether impact sound should be played or not, based on most recent impact */
simulated function bool ShouldPlayImpactSound( AkBaseSoundObject HitSound, vector HitLocation )
if( HitSound == none || bSuppressSounds )
return false;
// limit the number of duplicate impact effects within a short period of time and close proximity
if( (HitSound != MostRecentImpactSound) ||
(VSizeSq(HitLocation - MostRecentImpactLocation) > MinRepeatImpactSoundDistanceSq) ||
(`TimeSince(MostRecentImpactTime) > MinRepeatImpactSoundInterval) )
MostRecentImpactSound = AkEvent(HitSound);
MostRecentImpactLocation = HitLocation;
MostRecentImpactTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
NumDuplicateImpactSounds = 0;
return true;
if( NumDuplicateImpactSounds + 1 <= MaxDuplicateImpactSounds )
NumDuplicateImpactSounds += 1;
return true;
return false;
* Play sound effect associated with this impact
simulated function PlayImpactSound(Pawn EffectInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector FireDir, Actor HitActor, AkBaseSoundObject ImpactSound, KFImpactEffectInfo ImpactEffectInfo)
local Vehicle V;
V = Vehicle(HitActor);
// if hit a vehicle controlled by the local player, always play it full volume
if (V != None && V.IsLocallyControlled() && V.IsHumanControlled())
PlayerController(V.Controller).PlaySoundBase(ImpactSound, true);
PlaySoundBase(ImpactSound, true,,, HitLocation);
simulated function CheckBulletWhip(vector FireDir, vector HitLocation, Pawn EffectInstigator, KFImpactEffectInfo ImpactEffectInfo)
local KFPlayerController PC;
ForEach LocalPlayerControllers(class'KFPlayerController', PC)
if ( !WorldInfo.GRI.OnSameTeam(Owner,PC) )
PC.CheckBulletWhip(ImpactEffectInfo.BulletWhipSnd, EffectInstigator.Location, FireDir, HitLocation, EffectInstigator);
* Play sound effect associated with this impact
simulated function SpawnImpactDecal(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal, Actor HitActor, const out MaterialImpactEffect ImpactEffect, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo )
local MaterialInterface MI;
local MaterialInstanceTimeVarying MITV_Decal;
local int DecalMaterialsLength;
local float DecalSize, DecalThickness;
// if we have a decal to spawn on impact
DecalMaterialsLength = ImpactEffect.DecalMaterials.length;
if( DecalMaterialsLength > 0 )
MI = ImpactEffect.DecalMaterials[Rand(DecalMaterialsLength)];
if( MI != None )
DecalSize = RandRange(ImpactEffect.DecalMinSize, ImpactEffect.DecalMaxSize);
if ( ShouldExtendDecalThickness(HitActor) )
DecalThickness = DecalSize * 2.2f;
DecalThickness = 10.f;
if( MaterialInstanceTimeVarying(MI) != none )
// hack, since they don't show up on terrain anyway
if ( Terrain(HitActor) == None )
MITV_Decal = new(self) class'MaterialInstanceTimeVarying';
MITV_Decal.SetParent( MI );
ImpactEffectDecalManager.SpawnDecal( MITV_Decal, HitLocation, rotator(-HitNormal), DecalSize,
DecalSize, DecalThickness, false, (ImpactEffect.bNoDecalRotation) ? 0.f : (FRand() * 360.0), HitInfo.HitComponent, true, false, HitInfo.BoneName, HitInfo.Item, HitInfo.LevelIndex );
//here we need to see if we are an MITV and then set the burn out times to occur
MITV_Decal.SetScalarStartTime( ImpactEffect.DecalDissolveParamName, ImpactEffect.DecalDuration );
ImpactEffectDecalManager.SpawnDecal( MI, HitLocation, rotator(-HitNormal), DecalSize,
DecalSize, DecalThickness, false, (ImpactEffect.bNoDecalRotation) ? 0.f : (FRand() * 360.0), HitInfo.HitComponent, true, false, HitInfo.BoneName, HitInfo.Item, HitInfo.LevelIndex, ImpactEffect.DecalDuration );
* On landscape with certain non-uniform scale (e.g. Zed Landing) decals have clipping
* issues. Increasing the thickness, and therefore bounds, resolves the issue at a
* small perf cost.
static function bool ShouldExtendDecalThickness(Actor HitActor)
// using actor flags to reject most actors before casting
if ( HitActor != None && !HitActor.bGameRelevant && HitActor.bStatic && HitActor.IsA('Landscape') )
return true;
return false;
* Returns the impact sound that should be used for hits on the given physical material
* UnrealScript returns structs by value, so use an out param instead
static simulated function GetImpactEffect(PhysicalMaterial HitMaterial, out MaterialImpactEffect out_ImpactEffect, KFImpactEffectInfo ImpactEffectInfo )
local int i;
local KFPhysicalMaterialProperty PhysicalProperty;
if (HitMaterial != None)
PhysicalProperty = KFPhysicalMaterialProperty(HitMaterial.GetPhysicalMaterialProperty(class'KFPhysicalMaterialProperty'));
// @todo: add alt fire
if (ImpactEffectInfo != none)
if (PhysicalProperty != None)
i = ImpactEffectInfo.ImpactEffects.Find('MaterialType', PhysicalProperty.MaterialType);
if (i != -1)
out_ImpactEffect = ImpactEffectInfo.ImpactEffects[i];
out_ImpactEffect = ImpactEffectInfo.DefaultImpactEffect;
simulated function bool AllowImpactEffects(Actor HitActor, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal)
return !WorldInfo.bDropDetail && (PortalTeleporter(HitActor) == None);
* Melee impacts
* Called by ProcessMeleeHit to spawn effects
* Network: Local Player and Server
simulated function PlayMeleeImpact(ImpactInfo Impact, Pawn EffectInstigator, KFWeapon InstigatorWeap, AkEvent HitWorldSound, AkEvent HitPawnSound, CameraShake Shake)
// @todo: implement this using per material settings (see PlayImpactEffects)
// Actor
MinRepeatImpactSoundDistanceSq=10000 // 1m