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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
ApexStaticDestructibleComponent.uc: PhysX APEX integration. Destructible component
Copyright 2008-2009 NVIDIA Corporation.
* This is the base class for static destructible components
class ApexStaticDestructibleComponent extends ApexStaticComponent
/** Increasing this value will cause fracture chunks to be put to sleep more quickly. */
var(Physics) float SleepEnergyThreshold<ClampMin=0.0>;
/** Increasing this value will cause fracture chunks to be gradually slowed down before putting them to sleep. */
var(Physics) float SleepDamping<ClampMin=0.0>;
/** The APEX destructible actor (instantiated destructible asset) (duplicatetransients to avoid a pointer copy) */
var native duplicatetransient pointer ApexDestructibleActor { physx::apex::NxDestructibleActor };
/** The APEX preview class which can render a preview of a destructible asset */
var native duplicatetransient pointer ApexDestructiblePreview { physx::apex::NxDestructiblePreview };
/** If this component is being used for a thumbnail render */
var native bool bIsThumbnailComponent;
/** Internal function that updates physics objects to match the RBChannel/RBCollidesWithChannel info. */
virtual void UpdatePhysicsToRBChannels();
/** This method handles property changes to the component */
virtual void UpdateApexEditorState(UProperty* PropertyThatChanged = NULL);
/** This method returns the APEX renderable for this destructible component */
virtual physx::apex::NxApexRenderable *GetApexRenderable(void) const;
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN: JCAO - Using the render proxy to render the destructible
virtual physx::apex::NxApexRenderable *GetApexRenderableRT(void) const;
virtual physx::apex::NxDestructibleRenderable *GetDestructibleRenderableRT(void) const;
// NVCHANGE_END: JCAO - Using the render proxy to render the destructible
/** Performs a per-frame tick operation on the apex static destructible component */
virtual void Tick(FLOAT DeltaTime);
/** Returns true if the component is valid. */
virtual UBOOL IsValidComponent() const;
// PrimitiveComponent interface
/** Performs a LineCheck against this component object.
* @param Result : a reference to an FCheckResults class that contains the results.
* @param End : The end of the line check
* @param Start : The start of the line check
* @param Extent : The extent of the line check
* @param TraceFlags : Defines a bit sequence of which objects are considered for the line check.
* @return : Returns TRUE if the LineCheck hit.
virtual UBOOL LineCheck(FCheckResult& Result, const FVector& End, const FVector& Start, const FVector& Extent, DWORD TraceFlags);
/** Performs a single Point inside/outside check against this component.
* @param Result : a reference to an FCheckResults class that contains the results.
* @param Location : The point location to check against.
* @param Extent : The extent of the point check
* @param TraceFlags : Defines a bit sequence of which objects are considered for the point check.
* @return : Returns TRUE if the point hit the component.
virtual UBOOL PointCheck(FCheckResult& Result,const FVector& Location,const FVector& Extent,DWORD TraceFlags);
/** Initializes the rigid body physics components of this object.
* @param : bFixed : indicates whether or not the object is fixed
virtual void InitComponentRBPhys(UBOOL bFixed);
/** Terminates the rigid body components in this object
* @param InScene : A pointer to the rigid body physics scene.
virtual void TermComponentRBPhys(FRBPhysScene *InScene);
// StaticMeshComponent interface
/*** Cooks the convex hull data for this object at a specific scale.
* @param Level : A pointer to the ULevel this object is contained within.
* @param TotalScale3D : The scale this object is being cooked for.
* @param TriByteCount : Reference returns the number of bytes the trianngle data takes.
* @param TriMeshCount : A reference which returns the number of triangles meshes created
* @param HullByteCount : A reference which returns the number of bytes the convex hull took up.
* @param HullCount : A reference which returns the number of hulls which were created.
virtual void CookPhysConvexDataForScale(ULevel* Level, const FVector& TotalScale3D, INT& TriByteCount, INT& TriMeshCount, INT& HullByteCount, INT& HullCount);
// We will release the ApexRenderable in the destroying phase
virtual void BeginDestroy();
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void SetMaterial(int ElementIndex, UMaterialInterface* Material);
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN: APAN - Apex 1.2 - Update transform to destructible actor, (MoveActor)
virtual void UpdateRBKinematicData();
// NVCHANGE_END: APAN - Apex 1.2 - Update transform to destructible actor, (MoveActor)
* Called when the asset is lost or reset
virtual void OnApexAssetLost(void);
virtual void OnApexAssetReset(void);