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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Material Function - a collection of material expressions that can be reused in different materials
class MaterialFunction extends Object
/** Used by materials using this function to know when to recompile. */
var duplicatetransient guid StateId;
/** Used in the material editor, points to the function asset being edited, which this function is just a preview for. */
var transient editoronly MaterialFunction ParentFunction;
/** Description of the function which will be displayed as a tooltip wherever the function is used. */
var() string Description;
/** Whether to list this function in the material function library, which is a window in the material editor that lists categorized functions. */
var() bool bExposeToLibrary;
* Categories that this function belongs to in the material function library.
* Ideally categories should be chosen carefully so that there are not too many.
var() array<string> LibraryCategories;
/** Array of material expressions, excluding Comments. Used by the material editor. */
var array<MaterialExpression> FunctionExpressions;
/** Array of comments associated with this material; viewed in the material editor. */
var editoronly array<MaterialExpressionComment> FunctionEditorComments;
/** Transient flag used to track re-entrance in recursive functions like IsDependent. */
var private const transient bool bReentrantFlag;
// UObject interface
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void PostLoad();
/** Recursively updates all function call expressions in this function, or in nested functions. */
void UpdateFromFunctionResource();
/** Gets the inputs and outputs that this function exposes, for a function call expression to use. */
void GetInputsAndOutputs(TArray<FFunctionExpressionInput>& OutInputs, TArray<FFunctionExpressionOutput>& OutOutputs) const;
INT Compile(FMaterialCompiler* Compiler, const FFunctionExpressionOutput& Output, const TArray<FFunctionExpressionInput>& Inputs);
/** Returns TRUE if this function is dependent on the passed in function, directly or indirectly. */
UBOOL IsDependent(UMaterialFunction* OtherFunction);
/** Returns an array of the functions that this function is dependent on, directly or indirectly. */
void GetDependentFunctions(TArray<UMaterialFunction*>& DependentFunctions) const;