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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFSM_Emerge
// Class Description
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Author 3/14/2014
class KFSM_Emerge extends KFSpecialMove;
var() array<name> FloorEmerge;
var() array<name> Wall248Emerge;
var() array<name> WallHighEmerge;
var() array<name> CeilingEmerge;
var() float BlendOutTime;
/** If set, triggers a SM_RagdollKnockdown move at the end */
var bool bDoKnockdown;
/** Pack the animation index we'll be using for the zed to emerge */
static function byte PackAnimFlag( EEmergeAnim EmergeType, optional out byte LastAnimVariant )
local byte Variant;
local int NumAnims;
NumAnims = GetEmergeAnimNum(EmergeType);
if ( ( EmergeType == EMERGE_Wall248UU || EmergeType == EMERGE_WallHigh ) )
Variant = 0;
if ( NumAnims > 1 )
while ( Variant == LastAnimVariant )
Variant = Rand(NumAnims);
LastAnimVariant = Variant;
Variant = Rand(NumAnims);
// pack into two nibbles
return EmergeType + (Variant << 4);
static function int GetEmergeAnimNum( byte EmergeType )
switch( EmergeType )
case EMERGE_Floor:
return default.FloorEmerge.Length;
case EMERGE_Wall248UU:
return default.Wall248Emerge.Length;
case EMERGE_WallHigh:
return default.WallHighEmerge.Length;
case EMERGE_Ceiling:
return default.CeilingEmerge.Length;
`log(GetFuncName()@"Failed to find valid anim for:"$EmergeType);
function name GetEmergeAnim( byte EmergeType, int Variant )
switch( EmergeType )
case EMERGE_Floor:
return FloorEmerge[Variant];
case EMERGE_Wall248UU:
return Wall248Emerge[Variant];
case EMERGE_WallHigh:
return WallHighEmerge[Variant];
case EMERGE_Ceiling:
return CeilingEmerge[Variant];
`log(GetFuncName()@"Failed to find valid anim for:"$EmergeType@"variant:"$Variant);
/** Allow override from Knockdown (see ANIMNOTIFY_Knockdown) */
function bool CanOverrideMoveWith( Name NewMove )
if ( NewMove == 'KFSM_Knockdown' )
return true;
return Super.CanOverrideMoveWith(NewMove);;
/** Notification called when Special Move starts */
function SpecialMoveStarted(bool bForced, Name PrevMove )
super.SpecialMoveStarted( bForced, PrevMove );
bDoKnockdown = false;
/** Stop the movement and play the stun animation for all clients */
function name PlayEmerge()
local byte Type, Variant;
local name EmergeAnim;
Type = KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags & 15;
Variant = KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags >> 4;
EmergeAnim = GetEmergeAnim(Type, Variant);
PlaySpecialMoveAnim( EmergeAnim, EAS_FullBody, 0.0f, BlendOutTime, 1.f, false );
// Turn on Root translation
// Use root rotation to rotate the actor.
KFPOwner.BodyStanceNodes[EAS_FullBody].SetRootBoneRotationOption(RRO_Extract, RRO_Extract, RRO_Extract);
KFPOwner.Mesh.RootMotionRotationMode = RMRM_RotateActor;
KFPOwner.SetCollision(KFPOwner.bCollideActors, FALSE);
KFPOwner.bCollideWorld = FALSE;
// Custom handler for destructibles
if( KFPOwner.WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Client )
KFPOwner.SetTimer( 0.25f, true, nameOf(Timer_CheckForPortalDestructibles), self );
// Force always relevant to fix a bug where the actor becomes relevant midway through his root motion
// animation. bUpdateSimulatedPosition might be a alternative?
KFPOwner.bAlwaysRelevant = true;
return EmergeAnim;
/** Notification called when Special Move starts when ReplicatedSpecialMove changes*/
function SpecialMoveEnded(Name PrevMove, Name NextMove)
Super.SpecialMoveEnded(PrevMove, NextMove);
// Reset root rotation
KFPOwner.BodyStanceNodes[EAS_FullBody].SetRootBoneRotationOption(RRO_Discard, RRO_Discard, RRO_Discard);
KFPOwner.Mesh.RootMotionRotationMode = RMRM_Ignore;
// Reset root translation
KFPOwner.bAlwaysRelevant = PawnOwner.default.bAlwaysRelevant;
if( KFPOwner.WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Client )
KFPOwner.ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_CheckForPortalDestructibles), self );
// Sometime after the move is over make sure our new AI was able to generate a valid path
if ( PawnOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority && !PawnOwner.IsHumanControlled() )
PawnOwner.SetTimer(5.f, false, nameof(FindAnchorFailsafe), self);
function Timer_CheckForPortalDestructibles()
local KFPawn_Monster KFPM;
local KFDestructibleActor KFDA;
if( KFPOwner.bCollideWorld )
KFPM = KFPawn_Monster( KFPOwner );
if( KFPM != none )
foreach KFPOwner.OverlappingActors( class'KFDestructibleActor', KFDA, KFPOwner.CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius,, true )
KFDA.BumpedByMonster( KFPM, Normal(KFDA.Location - KFPOwner.Location) );
* Notification called when body stance animation finished playing.
function AnimEndNotify(AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime)
// @hack: For knockdown use SM override isntead of ending this move. Ending it at the
// same time will trigger a SetPhysics call from AI state Action_Idle and break knockdown
if ( bDoKnockdown )
KFPOwner.Knockdown(PawnOwner.Velocity, vect(1,1,1));
// If we're still in emerge (e.g. no knockdown, knockdown failed) end normally
if ( KFPOwner.SpecialMove == SM_Emerge )
/** When emerge is complete need to reenable collision settings */
function RestoreCollision()
KFPOwner.SetCollision(PawnOwner.default.bCollideActors, PawnOwner.default.bBlockActors);
KFPOwner.bCollideWorld = TRUE;
/** If the pawn is overlapping with another pawn at the end of emerging, give it a push back */
function PushOverlappingHumans()
local Pawn P;
if ( PawnOwner.Role < ROLE_Authority )
foreach PawnOwner.WorldInfo.AllPawns(class'Pawn', P, PawnOwner.Location, PawnOwner.CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius)
if ( P == KFPOwner || P.Controller == none || !P.Controller.bIsPlayer )
P.Velocity += (100 + KFPOwner.CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius) * vector( KFPOwner.Rotation ) * 2.5f;
P.Velocity.Z = 200 + KFPOwner.CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight;
/** Timer used to exist gracefully if something has gone wrong */
function AbortSpecialMove()
// Kill the zed if it doesn't have the emerge animation yet
PawnOwner.Died( None, PawnOwner.WorldInfo.KillzDamageType, PawnOwner.Location );
/** Sometime after the move is over make sure our new AI was able to generate a valid path */
function FindAnchorFailsafe()
if ( PawnOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority && !PawnOwner.IsHumanControlled() )
if ( `TimeSinceEx(PawnOwner, PawnOwner.FindAnchorFailedTime) < 5.f)
`Warn("Zed unable to resume pathing after SM_Emerge"@PawnOwner@KFPOwner.SpecialMove);
PawnOwner.Died( None, PawnOwner.WorldInfo.KillzDamageType, PawnOwner.Location );
// animations
FloorEmerge=(Enter_Floor_V1, Enter_Floor_V2, Enter_Floor_V3)
Wall248Emerge=(Enter_vent_C_V1, Enter_vent_C_V2, Enter_vent_L_V1, Enter_vent_L_V2, Enter_vent_R_V1, Enter_vent_R_V2)
WallHighEmerge=(Enter_ventHigh_C_V1, Enter_ventHigh_C_V2, Enter_ventHigh_L_V1, Enter_ventHigh_L_V2, Enter_ventHigh_R_V1, Enter_ventHigh_R_V2)
CeilingEmerge=(Enter_Ceiling_V1, Enter_Ceiling_V2, Enter_Ceiling_V3, Enter_Ceiling_V4)