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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFPathnode
// Base KF NavigationPoint that provides some additional options
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFPathnode extends PathNode
/** Used internally, set to true if this node is a jump destination for a KFJumpSpot node */
var() duplicatetransient editconst bool bIsJumpDest;
var() duplicatetransient editconst bool bIsDropDownDest;
var() duplicatetransient editconst vector JumpVelocity;
/** How long the jump should take. Altering this value changes the JumpVelocity. */
var() duplicatetransient float JumpTime;
var() duplicatetransient bool bDebugLogAnchorUsability;
var() duplicatetransient bool bAutoConnectToOtherFloors;
var() duplicatetransient bool bPauseWhenReached;
var() duplicatetransient float PauseDuration;
var() const editconst bool bHasDoorLOS;
/** If this node is on a wall and connected to a ceiling node, then auto adjust those node's height if too low */
var() bool bAutoAdjustZToCeiling;
var class<ReachSpec> WallReachSpecClass;
var bool bAutoFlushPersistentDebugLines;
/** If checked, this pathnode will not be considered by the trader trail emitter */
var() bool bIgnoredByTraderTrail;
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent );
virtual void AddForcedSpecs( AScout *Scout ) {}
virtual UReachSpec* ForcePathTo(ANavigationPoint *Nav, AScout *Scout = NULL, UClass* ReachSpecClass = NULL );
virtual UBOOL ProscribePathTo(ANavigationPoint *Nav, AScout *Scout = NULL);
virtual UBOOL ConnectWallToFloor( AKFPathnode* FloorNode ) { return FALSE; }
virtual UBOOL ConnectFloorToWall( AKFPathnode* WallNode );
virtual void AddFloorToWallSpec();
virtual void AddSpecialReachSpecs();
virtual UBOOL CanConnectTo(ANavigationPoint* Nav, UBOOL bCheckDistance);
virtual void CheckForErrors();
virtual void PostEditMove( UBOOL bFinished );
virtual void AutoAdjustHeightToCeiling();
#endif //WITH_EDITOR
/** Overridden to support wall node Max2DDistToFloorNodes and MaxDropFromWallDistance overrides */
virtual UClass* GetReachSpecClass( ANavigationPoint* Nav, UClass* DefaultReachSpecClass );
/** Clean up when destroyed */
virtual void PostScriptDestroyed();
/** Reset DropDownDest flag */
virtual void ClearPaths();
virtual UBOOL CalculateJumpVelocity( AScout *Scout );
native function vector ComputeTrajectoryByTime( vector StartPosition, vector EndPosition, float EndTime );
/** Returns this node's "up" direction, or 0 if using default floor. GetUpDir() isn't native and
this allows script to call it. As an example, "Up" for KFWallPathnodes is: -(Rotation.Vector()) */
native function vector GetUpVector();
native function bool IsUsableAnchorFor( Pawn P );
/** Returns the nearest valid navigation on the floor to the given actor */
static final function NavigationPoint GetNearestFloorNavToActor(Actor ChkActor, optional class<NavigationPoint> RequiredClass,optional array<NavigationPoint> ExcludeList,optional float MinDist)
local NavigationPoint Nav, BestNav;
local float Dist, BestDist;
if( ChkActor != None )
// iterate through all points in the level
foreach ChkActor.WorldInfo.AllNavigationPoints( class'NavigationPoint', Nav )
if( Nav.bWallNode )
// if no filter class specified, and
// if nav is available to the check actor, and
// if the nav isn't part of the excluded list,
if ( (RequiredClass == None || Nav.class == RequiredClass) && ExcludeList.Find(Nav) == INDEX_NONE )
// pick the closest
Dist = VSize( Nav.Location-ChkActor.Location );
if( Dist > MinDist )
if( BestNav == None || Dist < BestDist )
BestNav = Nav;
BestDist = Dist;
return BestNav;
/** Returns the nearest valid navigation on the floor to the given actor within a certain radius */
static final function NavigationPoint GetNearestValidFloorNavWithinRadiusToPawn(Pawn ChkPawn, float MinDist, optional class<NavigationPoint> RequiredClass,optional array<NavigationPoint> ExcludeList)
local NavigationPoint BestNav;
local float Dist, BestDist;
local array<NavigationPoint> ValidNavs;
local Cylinder PawnCylinder;
local int i;
if( ChkPawn != None )
PawnCylinder.Radius = ChkPawn.GetCollisionRadius();
PawnCylinder.Height = ChkPawn.GetCollisionHeight();
GetAllNavInRadius( ChkPawn, ChkPawn.Location, MinDist, ValidNavs, true,, PawnCylinder );
for( i = 0; i < ValidNavs.Length; i++ )
if( ValidNavs[i].bWallNode )
if( !ValidNavs[i].IsUsableAnchorFor( ChkPawn ) )
// if no filter class specified, and
// if nav is available to the check actor, and
// if the nav isn't part of the excluded list,
if ( (RequiredClass == None || ValidNavs[i].class == RequiredClass) && ExcludeList.Find(ValidNavs[i]) == INDEX_NONE )
// pick the closest
Dist = VSize( ValidNavs[i].Location-ChkPawn.Location );
if( Dist > MinDist )
if( BestNav == None || Dist < BestDist )
BestNav = ValidNavs[i];
BestDist = Dist;
return BestNav;
event NotifyReachedBy( Pawn P )
if( P.Controller != none && KFAIController(P.Controller) != none )
`AILog_Ext( GetFuncName()$" by "$P, 'PathWarning', KFAIController(P.Controller) );
simulated event string GetDebugAbbrev()
return "KFPN";
simulated function DrawDebugInfo( HUD HUD )
local KFDebugLines KFDL;
local int i;
KFDL = class'KFDebugLines'.static.GetDebugLines();
if( KFDL != none )
for( i = 0; i < PathList.Length; i++ )
KFDL.AddDebugLine( Location, PathList[i].GetEnd().Location, 0, 100, 150, true,, name, i );
KFDL.AddDebugText3D( (Location + PathList[i].GetEnd().Location) * 0.5f, string(PathList[i]), true, 50, 100, 150, true,,,, name, i );