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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFGameReplicationInfo
// The KF 2 game replication class
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Christian "schneidzekk" Schneider 8/27/2012
class KFGameReplicationInfo extends GameReplicationInfo
* Pre game server welcome screen
struct native PreGameServerAdInfo
var string BannerLink; // Link to the banner image
var string ServerMOTD; // The server message of the day string
var string WebsiteLink; //url to the website of the server\
var string ClanMotto;
var repnotify PreGameServerAdInfo ServerAdInfo;
var int PrimaryXPAccumulator;
var int SecondaryXPAccumulator;
* Traders
/** Trader picked by the server and used for distance on HUD */
var KFTraderTrigger NextTrader;
/** Trader that is currently open for business */
var KFTraderTrigger OpenedTrader;
/** Settings used by Kismet for scripted trader actions */
var Volume TraderVolume;
var byte TraderVolumeCheckType;
// used for debuging purposes to walk through the traders
var int DebugingNextTraderIndex;
/** The Archtype that holds all of our trader information */
var string TraderItemsPath;
var transient KFGFxObject_TraderItems TraderItems;
/** Allow grenades */
var bool bAllowGrenadePurchase;
/** Trader dialog manager */
var KFTraderDialogManager TraderDialogManager;
var class<KFTraderDialogManager> TraderDialogManagerClass;
var class<KFTraderVoiceGroupBase> TraderVoiceGroupClass;
var repnotify bool bTraderIsOpen;
var repnotify bool bWaveIsActive;
var repnotify bool bWaveStarted;
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var bool bIsEndlessPaused;
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var bool bForceSkipTraderUI;
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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
/** Replicates at beginning and end of waves to change track / track type */
var repnotify byte MusicTrackRepCount;
var repnotify byte RepKickYesVotes;
var repnotify byte RepKickNoVotes;
var repnotify byte RepSkipTraderYesVotes;
var repnotify byte RepSkipTraderNoVotes;
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
var repnotify byte RepPauseGameYesVotes;
var repnotify byte RepPauseGameNoVotes;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
/** whether the current game can use stats */
var private const bool bIsUnrankedGame;
//Stored so that we can tell this on the AAR
var bool bMatchVictory;
//Whether or not traders are enabled
var bool bTradersEnabled;
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
struct native PerkAvailableData
var bool bPerksAvailableLimited;
var bool bBerserkerAvailable;
var bool bCommandoAvailable;
var bool bSupportAvailable;
var bool bFieldMedicAvailable;
var bool bDemolitionistAvailable;
var bool bFirebugAvailable;
var bool bGunslingerAvailable;
var bool bSharpshooterAvailable;
var bool bSwatAvailable;
var bool bSurvivalistAvailable;
//Wheter or not some perks are not allowed
var repnotify PerkAvailableData PerksAvailableData;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Spawning
var byte WaveMax; // The "end" wave
var repnotify byte WaveNum; // The wave we are currently in
var bool bWaveIsEndless;
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var repnotify byte GunGameWavesCurrent;
var repnotify bool bWaveGunGameIsFinal;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
var int AIRemaining;
var int WaveTotalAICount;
var bool bEndlessMode;
var bool bObjectiveMode;
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var bool bIsWeeklyMode;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
//@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 3/21/2016 - PS4 Sessions
* Console Sessions
//console info
var repnotify string ConsoleGameSessionGuid;
var UniqueNetId ConsoleGameSessionHost;
var array<UniqueNetId> ConsoleGameSessionPendingPlayers;
* Settings
var repnotify byte GameLength;
var byte GameDifficulty;
var byte GameDifficultyModifier;
var byte MaxPerkLevel;
var bool bCustom;
var float GameAmmoCostScale;
// $$dweiss
//Bandaid memory fix - Don't preload all bosses, cache in a globally recognized spot that
// the gameinfo and clients both have. For now, repnotify when the boss index changes and cache
// the appropriate monster archetype to make sure the content for it stays around for the length
// of a match.
var repnotify byte BossIndex;
var KFCharacterInfo_Monster CachedBossArch;
/** Combined from the PRI unlocks, but does not subtract logged out players */
var private const int GameSharedUnlocks;
* Wave Debugging
var float CurrentSineMod;
var float CurrentNextSpawnTime;
var float CurrentSineWavFreq;
var float CurrentNextSpawnTimeMod;
var int CurrentAIAliveCount;
var bool bCurrentSMFinishedSpawning;
var int CurrentMaxMonsters;
var float CurrentTimeTilNextSpawn;
var float CurrentTotalWavesActiveTime;
/** Spawn Debugging Is Active. */
var bool bDebugSpawnManager;
* Tracking Map
/** Tracking Map is Active. */
var bool bTrackingMapEnabled;
* @name Map/Kick/Trader vote Collector
var KFVoteCollector VoteCollector;
var class<KFVoteCollector> VoteCollectorClass;
/** Stores information for replicating recently used spawn volumes for the tracker map. */
struct native SpawnVolumeInfo
var vector VolumeLocation;
var float UsedTime;
var bool bPortalSpawn;
var byte VolumeAge;
/** Recently used spawn volumes for the tracker map. */
var SpawnVolumeInfo SpawnVolumeInfos[16];
/** Index of the last spawn volume added to the array. */
var int LastSpawnVolumeIndex;
/** Track recently failed spawns from spawn volumes and portal spawns. */
var SpawnVolumeInfo FailedSpawnInfos[8];
/** Index of the last spawn volume added to the array. */
var int LastFailedSpawnIndex;
/** Stores information for replicating live zeds for the tracker map. */
struct native ZedInfo
var vector ZedLocation;
var KFPawn_Monster Zed;
var class<KFPawn_Monster> ZedClass;
var vector LastTeleportLocation;
var bool bUsingSuperSpeed;
var vector EnemyLocation;
var KFPawn Enemy;
/** List of live zeds for the tracker map. */
var ZedInfo ZedInfos[32];
/** How often to update replicating zeds for the tracker map. */
var float UpdateZedInfoInterval;
/** Stores information for replicating live players for the tracker map. */
struct native HumanInfo
var vector HumanLocation;
var KFPawn Human;
var class<KFPawn> HumanClass;
/** List of live players for the tracker map. */
var HumanInfo HumanInfos[6];
/** How often to update replicating humans for the tracker map. */
var float UpdateHumanInfoInterval;
/** Max player count */
var int MaxHumanCount;
/** Stores information for replicating pickups for the tracker map. */
struct native PickupInfo
var vector PickupLocation;
var int PickupType; // 0 = ammo, 1 = weapon, 2 = armor
/** List of active pickups for the tracker map. */
var PickupInfo PickupInfos[20];
/** How often to update replicating pickups for the tracker map. */
var float UpdatePickupInfoInterval;
/** When TRUE, the icons that are drawn when a pawn is not visible will be hidden */
var bool bHidePawnIcons;
* GameConductor
/** Tracking Map is Active. */
var bool bGameConductorGraphingEnabled;
/** Keep track of the player accuracy over the last 10 secondse */
var float PlayerAccuracyTracker[10];
/** Keep track of the player headdshot accuracy over the last 10 secondse */
var float PlayerHeadshotAccuracyTracker[10];
/** Keep track of the aggregate player player skill over the last 10 secondse */
var float AggregatePlayerSkillTracker[10];
/** Keep track of the zed total average lifespan over time */
var float TotalZedLifeSpanAverageTracker[10];
/** Keep track of the zed current wave average lifespan over time */
var float CurrentWaveZedLifeSpanAverageTracker[10];
/** Keep track of the zed average lifespan over the last 10 seconds */
var float RecentZedLifeSpanAverageTracker[10];
/** Keep track of the players health over the last 10 seconds */
var float PlayersHealthStatusTracker[10];
/** Keep track of the players ammo over the last 10 seconds */
var float PlayersAmmoStatusTracker[10];
/** Keep track of the players combined status over the last 10 seconds */
var float AggregatePlayersStatusTracker[10];
/** The current baseline for how long zeds should live */
var float CurrentParZedLifeSpan;
/** Keep track of the overall rank and skill modifier the game conductor is using over the last 10 seconds */
var float OverallRankAndSkillModifierTracker[10];
/** Keep track of the overall rank and skill modifier the game conductor is using over the last 10 seconds */
var float ZedMovementSpeedModifierTracker[10];
/** Keep track of the overall rank and skill modifier the game conductor is using over the last 10 seconds */
var float ZedSpawnRateModifierTracker[10];
/** Keep track of the overall rank and skill modifier the game conductor is using over the last 10 seconds */
var float ZedSpawnRateTracker[10];
/** Replicate the current game conductor status */
var byte CurrentGameConductorStatus;
/** The current baseline for how long zeds should live */
var float VersusZedHealthMod;
/** The current baseline for how long zeds should live */
var float VersusZedDamageMod;
/** The current game is a versus game */
var bool bVersusGame;
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/** The current game has global damage*/
var bool bGlobalDamage;
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* Team Management
var bool bAllowSwitchTeam;
* Actor Iterators
var array<KFDoorActor> DoorList;
* Objectives
var repnotify Actor CurrentObjective;
var KFInterface_MapObjective ObjectiveInterface;
var repnotify Actor PreviousObjective;
var repnotify Actor NextObjective;
var bool NextObjectiveIsEndless;
var repnotify int PreviousObjectiveResult;
var repnotify int PreviousObjectiveXPResult;
var repnotify int PreviousObjectiveVoshResult;
/** How long after selecting the objective until we activate it. */
var int ObjectiveDelay;
/** If true, then the next objective will start regardless of random chance. */
var bool bForceNextObjective;
* Music
/** Audio component used for playing music tracks via SeqAct_PlayMusicTrack */
var AkComponent MusicComp;
/** Currently playing music track */
var KFMusicTrackInfo CurrentMusicTrackInfo;
/** Desired music intensity, based on gameplay and replicated by host */
var byte MusicIntensity;
/** replicated music track (allows server to force play/sync specific tracks) */
var repnotify KFMusicTrackInfo ReplicatedMusicTrackInfo;
* debug
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
* Broken Trader Utils
var transient bool bIsBrokenTrader;
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* Weekly Events
var int CurrentWeeklyIndex;
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/** If true, force show skip time between waves ready button */
var bool bForceShowSkipTrader;
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/** Struct with replicated information about the VIP mode */
struct native ReplicatedVIPGameInfo
var int CurrentHealth;
var int MaxHealth;
var KFPlayerReplicationInfo VIPPlayer;
VIPPlayer = none
CurrentHealth = 0
MaxHealth = 0
var transient ReplicatedVIPGameInfo VIPModeData;
/** Structs are sent as a pack through the network. Split it in variables for optimization. */
var repnotify int VIPRepCurrentHealth;
var repnotify int VIPRepMaxHealth;
var repnotify KFPlayerReplicationInfo VIPRepPlayer;
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var bool bAllowSeasonalSkins;
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* Steam heartbeat
var private float SteamHeartbeatAccumulator;
native function SendSteamHeartbeat();
native function SendSteamRequestItemDrop();
function native private EndOfWave();
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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
INT* GetOptimizedRepList( BYTE* InDefault, FPropertyRetirement* Retire, INT* Ptr, UPackageMap* Map, UActorChannel* Channel );
virtual void TickAuthoritative( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
virtual UBOOL IsUnrankedGame();
virtual FString GetGameBalanceCol1() { return FString::Printf(TEXT(",%i,"), WaveNum); }
virtual int GetWaveNum() { return WaveNum; }
virtual int GetWaveMax() { return WaveMax; }
virtual UBOOL GetWon() { return bMatchVictory; }
virtual void TickSpecial(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
* Replication
if ( bNetDirty )
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TraderVolume, TraderVolumeCheckType, bTraderIsOpen, NextTrader, WaveNum, bWaveIsEndless, GunGameWavesCurrent, bWaveGunGameIsFinal, AIRemaining, WaveTotalAICount, bWaveIsActive, MaxHumanCount, bGlobalDamage,
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CurrentObjective, PreviousObjective, PreviousObjectiveResult, PreviousObjectiveXPResult, PreviousObjectiveVoshResult, MusicIntensity, ReplicatedMusicTrackInfo, MusicTrackRepCount,
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bIsUnrankedGame, GameSharedUnlocks, bHidePawnIcons, ConsoleGameSessionGuid, GameDifficulty, GameDifficultyModifier, BossIndex, bWaveStarted, NextObjective, bIsBrokenTrader, bIsWeeklyMode,
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CurrentWeeklyIndex, bIsEndlessPaused, bForceSkipTraderUI, VIPRepCurrentHealth, VIPRepMaxHealth, VIPRepPlayer; //@HSL - JRO - 3/21/2016 - PS4 Sessions
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if ( bNetInitial )
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GameLength, WaveMax, bCustom, bVersusGame, TraderItems, GameAmmoCostScale, bAllowGrenadePurchase, MaxPerkLevel, bTradersEnabled, bForceShowSkipTrader, bAllowSeasonalSkins;
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if ( bNetInitial || bNetDirty )
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if ( bNetInitial && Role == ROLE_Authority )
if( bNetDirty && VoteCollector != none && VoteCollector.bIsKickVoteInProgress)
RepKickNoVotes, RepKickYesVotes;
if( bNetDirty && VoteCollector != none && VoteCollector.bIsSkipTraderVoteInProgress)
RepSkipTraderNoVotes, RepSkipTraderYesVotes;
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if( bNetDirty && VoteCollector != none && VoteCollector.bIsPauseGameVoteInProgress)
RepPauseGameNoVotes, RepPauseGameYesVotes;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if ( bDebugSpawnManager && bNetDirty )
CurrentSineMod, CurrentNextSpawnTime, CurrentSineWavFreq, CurrentNextSpawnTimeMod,
CurrentAIAliveCount, bCurrentSMFinishedSpawning, CurrentMaxMonsters, CurrentTimeTilNextSpawn,
if( bNetDirty )
if ( bTrackingMapEnabled && bNetDirty )
SpawnVolumeInfos, ZedInfos, HumanInfos, FailedSpawnInfos, PickupInfos;
if( bNetDirty )
if ( bGameConductorGraphingEnabled && bNetDirty )
PlayerAccuracyTracker, PlayerHeadshotAccuracyTracker, AggregatePlayerSkillTracker,
TotalZedLifeSpanAverageTracker, CurrentWaveZedLifeSpanAverageTracker, RecentZedLifeSpanAverageTracker,
PlayersHealthStatusTracker, PlayersAmmoStatusTracker, AggregatePlayersStatusTracker,
CurrentParZedLifeSpan, OverallRankAndSkillModifierTracker, ZedMovementSpeedModifierTracker,
ZedSpawnRateModifierTracker, ZedSpawnRateTracker, CurrentGameConductorStatus;
if ( bGameConductorGraphingEnabled && bNetDirty && bVersusGame )
VersusZedHealthMod, VersusZedDamageMod;
// endif
simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName)
if ( VarName == nameof(bTraderIsOpen) )
if ( bTraderIsOpen )
else if ( VarName == nameof(bWaveIsActive))
else if (VarName == nameof(bWaveStarted))
if (bWaveStarted)
else if( VarName == nameof(ReplicatedMusicTrackInfo) )
ForceNewMusicTrack( ReplicatedMusicTrackInfo );
else if( VarName == nameof(MusicTrackRepCount) )
// don't start music for boss wave, boss will start it at end of monologue
if( !bWaveIsActive || !IsBossWave() )
else if( VarName == nameOf(bIsUnrankedGame) )
if( bIsUnrankedGame )
`warn(GetFuncName() @ "Game is UNRANKED!");
else if( VarName == nameOf(RepKickYesVotes) || VarName == nameOf(RepKickNoVotes) )
else if( VarName == nameOf(RepSkipTraderYesVotes) || VarName == nameOf(RepSkipTraderNoVotes) )
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else if ( VarName == nameof(RepPauseGameYesVotes) || VarName == nameof(RepPauseGameNoVotes) )
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
else if( VarName == 'ServerAdInfo')
else if( VarName == 'WaveNum')
//@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 3/21/2016 - PS4 Sessions
else if( VarName == 'ConsoleGameSessionGuid' )
else if (VarName == 'CurrentObjective')
if (CurrentObjective != none)
ObjectiveInterface = KFInterface_MapObjective(CurrentObjective);
if (GetALocalPlayerController() != none)
ObjectiveInterface = none;
else if (VarName == 'BossIndex')
else if (VarName == nameof(NextObjective))
if (NextObjective != none)
else if (VarName == nameof(GameLength))
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else if(VarName == nameof(PerksAvailableData))
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else if (VarName == nameof(GunGameWavesCurrent))
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2022-09-01 18:58:51 +03:00
else if (VarName == nameof(bWaveGunGameIsFinal))
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2022-09-01 18:58:51 +03:00
else if (VarName == nameof(VIPRepCurrentHealth))
else if (VarName == nameof(VIPRepMaxHealth))
else if (VarName == nameof(VIPRepPlayer))
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
simulated event PostBeginPlay()
local KFDoorActor Door;
VoteCollector = new(Self) VoteCollectorClass;
//@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 3/21/2016 - PS4 Sessions
ConsoleGameSessionGuid = KFGameEngine(Class'Engine'.static.GetEngine()).ConsoleGameSessionGuid;
// cache list of all doors actors (useful for HUD)
ForEach DynamicActors(class'KFDoorActor', Door)
if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && TraderDialogManagerClass != none )
TraderDialogManager = Spawn(TraderDialogManagerClass);
// Override timer at a constant 1s instead of TimeDilation, so that it slows
// down during zedtime. Also, removed the SetTimer() call from Timer()
SetTimer(1.f, true);
TraderItems = KFGFxObject_TraderItems(DynamicLoadObject(TraderItemsPath, class'KFGFxObject_TraderItems'));
simulated function ReceivedGameLength()
simulated function ActivateLevelLoadedEvents()
local Sequence GameSeq;
local array<SequenceObject> AllSeqEvents;
local array<int> ActivateIndices;
local int i;
GameSeq = WorldInfo.GetGameSequence();
if (GameSeq != None)
// find any Level Loaded events that exist
GameSeq.FindSeqObjectsByClass(class'KFSeqEvent_LevelLoaded', true, AllSeqEvents);
ActivateIndices = GetKFSeqEventLevelLoadedIndices();
if (ActivateIndices.Length == 0)
// activate them
for (i = 0; i < AllSeqEvents.Length; i++)
// We need the GRI to be able to activate the correct index (based on game length / type).
// If we've been waiting for the GRI, activate.
if (KFSeqEvent_LevelLoaded(AllSeqEvents[i]).bWaitingForGRI)
SeqEvent_LevelLoaded(AllSeqEvents[i]).CheckActivate(WorldInfo, None, false, ActivateIndices);
KFSeqEvent_LevelLoaded(AllSeqEvents[i]).bWaitingForGRI = false;
simulated function array<int> GetKFSeqEventLevelLoadedIndices()
local array<int> ActivateIndices;
switch (GameLength)
case 0: // short
ActivateIndices[0] = 3;
case 1: // medium
ActivateIndices[0] = 4;
case 2: // long
ActivateIndices[0] = 5;
return ActivateIndices;
/** Called when the GameClass property is set (at startup for the server, after the variable has been replicated on clients) */
simulated function ReceivedGameClass()
local class<KFGameInfo> KFGameClass;
local KFMapInfo KFMI;
local class<KFTraderVoiceGroupBase> MapVoiceGroupClass;
KFGameClass = class<KFGameInfo>(GameClass);
if ( KFGameClass != None )
// Load/Cache game type specific classes (Network: All)
if( TraderDialogManager != none )
// Priority for trader voice groups:
// 1. special game mode (e.g. endless)
// 2. map specific (e.g. Summer Sideshow)
// 3. purchaseable (for survival game mode)
// 4. default (for survival game mode)
TraderDialogManager.TraderVoiceGroupClass = KFGameClass.default.TraderVoiceGroupClass;
KFMI = KFMapInfo(WorldInfo.GetMapInfo());
if (KFMI != none)
if (bEndlessMode)
if (KFMI.TraderVoiceGroupClassPath_Endless != "")
MapVoiceGroupClass = class<KFTraderVoiceGroupBase>(DynamicLoadObject(KFMI.TraderVoiceGroupClassPath_Endless, class'Class'));
else if (bObjectiveMode)
if (KFMI.TraderVoiceGroupClassPath_Objective != "")
MapVoiceGroupClass = class<KFTraderVoiceGroupBase>(DynamicLoadObject(KFMI.TraderVoiceGroupClassPath_Objective, class'Class'));
if (KFMI.TraderVoiceGroupClassPath != "")
MapVoiceGroupClass = class<KFTraderVoiceGroupBase>(DynamicLoadObject(KFMI.TraderVoiceGroupClassPath, class'Class'));
if (MapVoiceGroupClass != None)
TraderDialogManager.TraderVoiceGroupClass = MapVoiceGroupClass;
if( KFGameClass.static.ShouldPlayMusicAtStart() && MusicComp == None )
PlayNewMusicTrack(false, true);
DebugingNextTraderIndex = -1;
simulated function CacheSelectedBoss(int NewBossIndex)
local class<KFGameInfo> KFGameClass;
local class<KFPawn_Monster> KFMonsterClass;
BossIndex = NewBossIndex;
KFGameClass = class<KFGameInfo>(GameClass);
if (KFGameClass != None)
KFMonsterClass = KFGameClass.static.GetSpecificBossClass(BossIndex, KFMapInfo(WorldInfo.GetMapInfo()));
if (KFMonsterClass != none)
native function SetCachedBossArchetype(string MonsterArchPath);
simulated function UpdateHUDWaveCount()
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetALocalPlayerController());
if( KFPC != none && KFPC.MyGFxHUD != none )
/** Process wave end event on client */
simulated function NotifyWaveEnded()
local PlayerReplicationInfo PRI;
local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI;
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
if( WorldInfo.MyGoreEffectManager != none )
bWaveStarted = false;
bForceNetUpdate = true;
// Reset all supplier perks
foreach PRIArray( PRI )
KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo( PRI );
if( KFPRI != none )
/** Process wave end event on client */
simulated function NotifyWaveStart()
local PlayerReplicationInfo PRI;
local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI;
bWaveStarted = true;
bForceNetUpdate = true;
// Reset all supplier perks
foreach PRIArray(PRI)
KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(PRI);
if (KFPRI != none)
* Called on the server when the match is over
* Network - Server and Client (Via ReplicatedEvent)
simulated function EndGame()
bMatchHasBegun = false;
bMatchIsOver = true;
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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
/* Welcome screen shenanigans */
exec reliable client function ShowPreGameServerWelcomeScreen()
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetALocalPlayerController());
if(KFPC != none && KFPC.MyGFxManager != none)
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simulated function GetKFPRIArray(out array<KFPlayerReplicationInfo> KFPRIArray, optional bool bGetSpectators, optional bool bGetZedPlayers = true)
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
local int i;
local int Num;
KFPRIArray.Remove(0, KFPRIArray.Length);
for ( i = 0; i < PRIArray.Length; i++)
if ( PRIArray[i] != None && KFPlayerReplicationInfo(PRIArray[i]) != none &&
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
(bGetSpectators || !PRIArray[i].bOnlySpectator) &&
(bGetZedPlayers || PRIArray[i].GetTeamNum() != 255))
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
KFPRIArray[num++] = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(PRIArray[i]);
/** Fades out any lingering explosions in the world, called from ::ReplicatedEvent() */
simulated function FadeOutLingeringExplosions()
local KFExplosionActorLingering LingeringExplosion;
foreach DynamicActors( class'KFExplosionActorLingering', LingeringExplosion )
function StartScavengeTime(int time)
RemainingTime = time;
RemainingMinute = time;
bStopCountDown = false;
simulated function OpenTrader(optional int time)
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
local array<int> OutputLinksToActivate;
local array<SequenceObject> AllTraderOpenedEvents;
local KFSeqEvent_TraderOpened TraderOpenedEvt;
local Sequence GameSeq;
local int i;
if( OpenedTrader != none )
if( time > 0 && Role == ROLE_Authority )
bStopCountDown = false;
RemainingTime = time;
RemainingMinute = time;
OpenedTrader = NextTrader;
if( OpenedTrader != none )
`TraderDialogManager.PlayOpenTraderDialog( WaveNum, WaveMax, GetALocalPlayerController() );
KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetALocalPlayerController());
if( KFPC != none )
if( KFPC.MyGFxManager != none )
if( KFPC.MyGFxHUD != none )
if( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client )
// Get the gameplay sequence.
GameSeq = WorldInfo.GetGameSequence();
if( GameSeq != none )
GameSeq.FindSeqObjectsByClass( class'KFSeqEvent_TraderOpened', true, AllTraderOpenedEvents );
for( i = 0; i < AllTraderOpenedEvents.Length; ++i )
TraderOpenedEvt = KFSeqEvent_TraderOpened( AllTraderOpenedEvents[i] );
if( TraderOpenedEvt != none && TraderOpenedEvt.bClientSideOnly )
TraderOpenedEvt.SetWaveNum( WaveNum, WaveMax );
if( IsFinalWave() && TraderOpenedEvt.OutputLinks.Length > 1 )
OutputLinksToActivate.AddItem( 1 );
OutputLinksToActivate.AddItem( 0 );
TraderOpenedEvt.CheckActivate( self, self,, OutputLinksToActivate );
/** Cheat/Debugging */
simulated function OpenTraderNext(optional int time)
local KFGameInfo kfGameInfo;
kfGameInfo = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);
if( kfGameInfo == none )
if( time > 0 && Role == ROLE_Authority )
bStopCountDown = false;
RemainingTime = time;
RemainingMinute = time;
// See if we have a scripted trader to assign first
if( kfGameInfo.ScriptedTrader != none )
NextTrader = kfGameInfo.ScriptedTrader;
kfGameInfo.ScriptedTrader = none;
else if( kfGameInfo.TraderList.Length > 0 )
if( DebugingNextTraderIndex == -1 && OpenedTrader != none )
// lets add the current trader to the end of list so it can be used again
if( DebugingNextTraderIndex + 1 >= kfGameInfo.TraderList.Length )
DebugingNextTraderIndex= -1;
DebugingNextTraderIndex = DebugingNextTraderIndex + 1;
NextTrader = kfGameInfo.TraderList[ DebugingNextTraderIndex ];
//kfGameInfo.TraderList.Remove( kfGameInfo.NextTraderIndex, 1 );
OpenedTrader = NextTrader;
`TraderDialogManager.PlayOpenTraderDialog( WaveNum, WaveMax, GetALocalPlayerController() );
simulated function CloseTrader()
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
local PlayerController LocalPC;
local KFSeqEvent_TraderClosed TraderClosedEvt;
local array<SequenceObject> AllTraderClosedEvents;
local Sequence GameSeq;
local int i;
LocalPC = GetALocalPlayerController();
if (OpenedTrader != none)
bStopCountDown = true;
OpenedTrader = none;
`TraderDialogManager.PlayCloseTraderDialog( LocalPC );
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client)
GameSeq = WorldInfo.GetGameSequence();
if (GameSeq != none)
GameSeq.FindSeqObjectsByClass(class'KFSeqEvent_TraderClosed', true, AllTraderClosedEvents);
for (i = 0; i < AllTraderClosedEvents.Length; ++i)
TraderClosedEvt = KFSeqEvent_TraderClosed(AllTraderClosedEvents[i]);
if (TraderClosedEvt != none && TraderClosedEvt.bClientSideOnly)
TraderClosedEvt.SetWaveNum(WaveNum, WaveMax);
TraderClosedEvt.CheckActivate(self, self);
//KFPC.bPlayerUsedUpdatePerk should always be set to false here
KFPC = KFPlayerController(LocalPC);
if(KFPC != none)
simulated function int GetTraderTimeRemaining()
return max(0, RemainingTime);
/** Triggers all client-side wave start events */
simulated function TriggerClientWaveStartEvents()
local array<SequenceObject> AllWaveStartEvents;
local array<int> OutputLinksToActivate;
local KFSeqEvent_WaveStart WaveStartEvt;
local Sequence GameSeq;
local int i;
if( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client )
// Get the gameplay sequence.
GameSeq = WorldInfo.GetGameSequence();
if( GameSeq != none )
GameSeq.FindSeqObjectsByClass( class'KFSeqEvent_WaveStart', true, AllWaveStartEvents );
for( i = 0; i < AllWaveStartEvents.Length; ++i )
WaveStartEvt = KFSeqEvent_WaveStart( AllWaveStartEvents[i] );
if( WaveStartEvt != none && WaveStartEvt.bClientSideOnly )
WaveStartEvt.SetWaveNum( WaveNum, WaveMax );
if( IsBossWave() && WaveStartEvt.OutputLinks.Length > 1 )
OutputLinksToActivate.AddItem( 1 );
OutputLinksToActivate.AddItem( 0 );
WaveStartEvt.CheckActivate( self, self,, OutputLinksToActivate );
function float GetHeartbeatAccumulatorAmount()
return SteamHeartbeatAccumulator;
//After action report
simulated function OnOpenAfterActionReport(optional float time)
if( time > 0 && Role == ROLE_Authority )
bStopCountDown = false;
RemainingTime = time;
RemainingMinute = time;
simulated function ProcessChanceDrop()
SendSteamHeartbeat(); // be sure no time is lost at the end of match
SendSteamRequestItemDrop(); // see if we've accumulated enough time
simulated event SendPlayfabGameTimeUpdate( optional bool bGameEnd )
local JsonObject Parms;
Parms = new class'JsonObject';
Parms.SetIntValue("UpdateTime", SteamHeartbeatAccumulator);
Parms.SetBoolValue("bGameEnd", bGameEnd);
class'GameEngine'.static.GetPlayfabInterface().ExecuteCloudScript("UpdatePlayRewards", Parms);
simulated function int GetNextMapTimeRemaining()
return max(0, RemainingTime);
/** Called from the GameInfo when the trader pod should be activated */
function SetWaveActive(bool bWaveActive, optional byte NewMusicIntensity)
2021-09-03 00:46:08 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// set up music intensity for this wave
MusicIntensity = NewMusicIntensity;
bTraderIsOpen = !bWaveActive && bMatchHasBegun && bTradersEnabled;
2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
bForceSkipTraderUI = !bWaveActive && bMatchHasBegun && bForceShowSkipTrader;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
bWaveIsActive = bWaveActive;
bForceNetUpdate = true;
// replicate track change
if( !(IsBossWaveNext() && bWaveActive) && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
PlayNewMusicTrack( true );
2021-09-03 00:46:08 +03:00
simulated function bool CanOverrideWeeklyMusic()
local KFGameInfo KFGI;
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client)
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
return (!bIsWeeklyMode || class'KFGameEngine'.static.GetWeeklyEventIndexMod() != 12 || GetNumPlayersAlive() == 0);
2021-09-03 00:46:08 +03:00
KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
return (KFGI == none || KFGI.OutbreakEvent == none || !KFGI.OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bForceWWLMusic || GetNumPlayersAlive() == 0);
2021-09-03 00:46:08 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
simulated function bool IsFinalWave()
return (WaveNum == WaveMax - 1);
simulated function bool IsBossWave()
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
if (bIsWeeklyMode && CurrentWeeklyIndex == 14)
return true;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
return WaveNum == WaveMax;
simulated function bool IsInfiniteWave()
return true;
simulated function bool IsBossWaveNext()
return WaveNum == WaveMax - 1;
simulated function bool IsSpecialWave(out int ModIndex)
return false;
simulated function bool IsWeeklyWave(out int ModIndex)
return false;
simulated function bool IsEndlessWave()
return bWaveIsEndless;
// Called once a second
simulated event Timer()
local KFGameInfo MyKFGameInfo;
// Override super RemainingTime handling
if( WorldInfo.Game == None || WorldInfo.Game.MatchIsInProgress() )
if( Role == ROLE_Authority && bDebugSpawnManager )
MyKFGameInfo = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);
if( MyKFGameInfo != none )
CurrentAIAliveCount = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game).AIAliveCount;
if( MyKFGameInfo.SpawnManager != none )
bCurrentSMFinishedSpawning = MyKFGameInfo.SpawnManager.IsFinishedSpawning();
CurrentMaxMonsters = MyKFGameInfo.SpawnManager.GetMaxMonsters();
CurrentTimeTilNextSpawn = MyKFGameInfo.SpawnManager.TimeUntilNextSpawn;
CurrentTotalWavesActiveTime = MyKFGameInfo.SpawnManager.TotalWavesActiveTime;
CurrentSineMod = MyKFGameInfo.SpawnManager.GetSineMod();
bCurrentSMFinishedSpawning = true;
CurrentMaxMonsters = 0;
CurrentTimeTilNextSpawn = 0;
CurrentTotalWavesActiveTime = 0;
if( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client )
if( RemainingMinute != 0 )
RemainingTime = RemainingMinute;
RemainingMinute = 0;
if( RemainingTime > 0 && !bStopCountDown )
if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Client )
// Sync the time every 5 seconds, like we did in RO2
// Unreal's time get's out of sync rather fast
if( RemainingTime % 5 == 0 )
RemainingMinute = RemainingTime;
// End super
if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && OpenedTrader != none && RemainingTime > 0 )
`TraderDialogManager.PlayTraderTickDialog( RemainingTime, GetALocalPlayerController(), WorldInfo );
// set in native AK callback (ExitCueCallback)
if( bPendingMusicTrackChange )
bPendingMusicTrackChange = false;
// fallback in case something goes wrong and we have no music playing
else if( MusicComp != none && !MusicComp.IsPlaying() )
//@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 8/24/2016 - Make sure the session guid gets reset when everyone has left.
simulated function RemovePRI(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI)
local UniqueNetId NullId;
if(PRIArray.Length == 0)
ConsoleGameSessionGuid = "";
ConsoleGameSessionHost = NullId;
if (!bMatchHasBegun)
native private simulated function UpdateSharedUnlocks();
/** Called by the menu system to determine if perk changes are allowed */
simulated event bool CanChangePerks()
return bTraderIsOpen;
/* DisplayDebug()
list important controller attributes on canvas
simulated function DisplayDebug(HUD HUD, out float YL, out float YPos)
local int TotalClots, NumSlashers, NumUnders, NumAlphas;
//local KFPawn_ZedClot_Slasher KFPS;
//local KFPawn_ZedClot_Alpha KFPA;
//local KFPawn_ZedClot_Cyst KFPC;
local KFPawn_Monster KFPM;
local Canvas Canvas;
Canvas = HUD.Canvas;
Super.DisplayDebug(HUD, YL, YPos);
if (HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('gamestate'))
Canvas.DrawText("---------- KFGameInfo GameState Info ----------");
YPos += YL;
foreach DynamicActors( class'KFPawn_Monster', KFPM )
if( KFPM.IsAliveAndWell() )
if( KFPM.IsA('KFPawn_ZedClot_Slasher') )
else if( KFPM.IsA('KFPawn_ZedClot_Alpha') )
else if( KFPM.IsA('KFPawn_ZedClot_Cyst') )
if( TotalClots > 0 )
Canvas.DrawText("TotalClots:" @ TotalClots @ ", Alpha%:" @ (Float(NumAlphas)/Float(TotalClots))*100 @ ", Slasher%:" @ (Float(NumSlashers)/Float(TotalClots))*100 @ ", UnderDev%:" @ (Float(NumUnders)/Float(TotalClots))*100, FALSE);
YPos += YL;
Canvas.DrawText("TotalClots: 0", FALSE);
YPos += YL;
Canvas.DrawText("CurrentSineMod:" @ CurrentSineMod @ ", CurrentNextSpawnTime:" @ CurrentNextSpawnTime, FALSE);
YPos += YL;
if (HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('gamespeed'))
Canvas.DrawText("---------- GameSpeed Info ----------");
YPos += YL;
Canvas.DrawText("GameSpeed:" @ WorldInfo.TimeDilation);
YPos += YL;
simulated function int GetNumPlayers() //dead or alive
local array< KFPlayerReplicationInfo > PRIs;
return PRIs.length;
simulated function int GetNumPlayersAlive()
local int i, NumPlayersAlive;
local array< KFPlayerReplicationInfo > PRIs;
for ( i = 0; i < PRIs.Length; i++ )
if( PRIs[i].PlayerHealth > 0 )
return NumPlayersAlive;
simulated function bool AnyPlayersAlive()
return GetNumPlayersAlive() > 0;
/** Add recently used spawn volumes to the array for the tracker map */
function AddRecentSpawnVolume( vector VolumeLocation, optional bool bPortalSpawn )
if( LastSpawnVolumeIndex > (ArrayCount(SpawnVolumeInfos) - 1) )
LastSpawnVolumeIndex = 0;
SpawnVolumeInfos[LastSpawnVolumeIndex].VolumeLocation = VolumeLocation;
SpawnVolumeInfos[LastSpawnVolumeIndex].UsedTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
SpawnVolumeInfos[LastSpawnVolumeIndex].bPortalSpawn = bPortalSpawn;
SpawnVolumeInfos[LastSpawnVolumeIndex].VolumeAge = 255;
bNetDirty = true;
/** Add recently used spawn volumes to the array for the tracker map */
function AddFailedSpawn( vector SpawnLocation, optional bool bPortalSpawn )
if( LastFailedSpawnIndex > (ArrayCount(FailedSpawnInfos) - 1) )
LastFailedSpawnIndex = 0;
FailedSpawnInfos[LastFailedSpawnIndex].VolumeLocation = SpawnLocation;
FailedSpawnInfos[LastFailedSpawnIndex].UsedTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
FailedSpawnInfos[LastFailedSpawnIndex].bPortalSpawn = bPortalSpawn;
bNetDirty = true;
/** Network: Server */
event Tick(float DeltaTime)
super.Tick( DeltaTime );
// If the tracker map is enabled update the various elements for replication
if( bTrackingMapEnabled )
if( UpdateZedInfoInterval <= 0 )
UpdateZedInfoInterval = default.UpdateZedInfoInterval;
UpdateZedInfoInterval -= DeltaTime;
if( UpdateHumanInfoInterval <= 0 )
UpdateHumanInfoInterval = default.UpdateHumanInfoInterval;
UpdateHumanInfoInterval -= DeltaTime;
if( UpdatePickupInfoInterval <= 0 )
UpdatePickupInfoInterval = default.UpdatePickupInfoInterval;
UpdatePickupInfoInterval -= DeltaTime;
/** Update the pickup array for the tracker map */
function UpdatePickupList()
local int i, j;
local KFGameInfo KFGameInfo;
KFGameInfo = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);
if( KFGameInfo == none )
for (j = 0; j < KFGameInfo.AllPickupFactories.Length; j++)
if( i < ArrayCount(PickupInfos) )
if( KFGameInfo.AllPickupFactories[j] != none && !KFGameInfo.AllPickupFactories[j].bPickupHidden )
PickupInfos[i].PickupLocation = KFGameInfo.AllPickupFactories[j].Location;
if( KFGameInfo.AllPickupFactories[j].CurrentPickupIsAmmo() )
PickupInfos[i].PickupType = 0;
else if( KFGameInfo.AllPickupFactories[j].CurrentPickupIsWeapon() )
PickupInfos[i].PickupType = 1;
else if( KFGameInfo.AllPickupFactories[j].CurrentPickupIsArmor() )
PickupInfos[i].PickupType = 2;
PickupInfos[i].PickupType = -1;
bNetDirty = true;
// Zero out the rest
for (i=i; i < ArrayCount(PickupInfos); i++)
PickupInfos[i].PickupLocation = vect(0,0,0);
PickupInfos[i].PickupType = -1;
bNetDirty = true;
/** Update the spawn volumes array for the tracker map */
function UpdateSpawnVolumes()
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < ArrayCount(SpawnVolumeInfos); i++)
if( !IsZero(SpawnVolumeInfos[i].VolumeLocation) )
// Clear out older spawn volumes
if( SpawnVolumeInfos[i].bPortalSpawn && `TimeSince(SpawnVolumeInfos[i].UsedTime) > 5.0 )
SpawnVolumeInfos[i].VolumeLocation = vect(0,0,0);
bNetDirty = true;
else if( `TimeSince(SpawnVolumeInfos[i].UsedTime) > 30.0 )
SpawnVolumeInfos[i].VolumeLocation = vect(0,0,0);
bNetDirty = true;
if( SpawnVolumeInfos[i].bPortalSpawn )
SpawnVolumeInfos[i].VolumeAge = ((5 - `TimeSince(SpawnVolumeInfos[i].UsedTime))/5) * 255;
SpawnVolumeInfos[i].VolumeAge = ((30 - `TimeSince(SpawnVolumeInfos[i].UsedTime))/30) * 255;
for (i = 0; i < ArrayCount(FailedSpawnInfos); i++)
if( !IsZero(FailedSpawnInfos[i].VolumeLocation) )
// Clear out older failed spawns
if( `TimeSince(FailedSpawnInfos[i].UsedTime) > 10.0 )
FailedSpawnInfos[i].VolumeLocation = vect(0,0,0);
bNetDirty = true;
/** Update the zed array for the tracker map */
function UpdateZedList()
local KFPawn_Monster KFPM;
local int i;
local bool bFoundZed;
// Clear out dead or destroyed zeds
for (i = 0; i < ArrayCount(ZedInfos); i++)
if( (ZedInfos[i].Zed == none && !IsZero(ZedInfos[i].ZedLocation))
|| (ZedInfos[i].Zed != none && !ZedInfos[i].Zed.IsAliveAndWell()) )
ZedInfos[i].ZedLocation = vect(0,0,0);
ZedInfos[i].Zed = none;
ZedInfos[i].ZedClass = none;
ZedInfos[i].bUsingSuperSpeed = false;
ZedInfos[i].Enemy = None;
ZedInfos[i].EnemyLocation = vect(0,0,0);
ZedInfos[i].LastTeleportLocation = vect(0,0,0);
bNetDirty = true;
foreach WorldInfo.Allpawns(class'KFPawn_Monster', KFPM)
if ( KFPM.IsAliveAndWell() )
bFoundZed = false;
// See if this zed is already in the array, and update it
for (i = 0; i < ArrayCount(ZedInfos); i++)
if( ZedInfos[i].Zed == KFPM )
ZedInfos[i].ZedLocation = KFPM.Location;
ZedInfos[i].bUsingSuperSpeed = KFPM.bUseHiddenSpeed;
if( KFPM.Controller != none && KFAIController(KFPM.Controller) != none
&& `TimeSince(KFAIController(KFPM.Controller).LastTeleportTime) < 5.0 )
ZedInfos[i].LastTeleportLocation = KFAIController(KFPM.Controller).LastTeleportLocation;
ZedInfos[i].LastTeleportLocation = vect(0,0,0);
if( KFPM.Controller != none && KFPM.Controller.Enemy != none )
ZedInfos[i].Enemy = KFPawn(KFPM.Controller.Enemy);
ZedInfos[i].EnemyLocation = KFPM.Controller.Enemy.Location;
ZedInfos[i].Enemy = None;
ZedInfos[i].EnemyLocation = vect(0,0,0);
bFoundZed = true;
bNetDirty = true;
if( !bFoundZed )
// Add this zed to an empty slot
for (i = 0; i < ArrayCount(ZedInfos); i++)
if( ZedInfos[i].Zed == none )
ZedInfos[i].ZedLocation = KFPM.Location;
ZedInfos[i].Zed = KFPM;
ZedInfos[i].ZedClass = KFPM.class;
ZedInfos[i].bUsingSuperSpeed = KFPM.bUseHiddenSpeed;
if( KFPM.Controller != none && KFPM.Controller.Enemy != none )
ZedInfos[i].Enemy = KFPawn(KFPM.Controller.Enemy);
ZedInfos[i].EnemyLocation = KFPM.Controller.Enemy.Location;
ZedInfos[i].Enemy = None;
ZedInfos[i].EnemyLocation = vect(0,0,0);
if( KFPM.Controller != none && KFAIController(KFPM.Controller) != none
&& `TimeSince(KFAIController(KFPM.Controller).LastTeleportTime) < 5.0 )
ZedInfos[i].LastTeleportLocation = KFAIController(KFPM.Controller).LastTeleportLocation;
ZedInfos[i].LastTeleportLocation = vect(0,0,0);
bNetDirty = true;
/** Update the human array for the tracker map */
function UpdateHumanList()
local KFPawn_Human KFPH;
local int i;
local bool bFoundHuman;
// Clear out dead or destroyed humans
for (i = 0; i < ArrayCount(HumanInfos); i++)
if( (HumanInfos[i].Human == none && !IsZero(HumanInfos[i].HumanLocation))
|| (HumanInfos[i].Human != none && !HumanInfos[i].Human.IsAliveAndWell()) )
HumanInfos[i].HumanLocation = vect(0,0,0);
HumanInfos[i].Human = none;
HumanInfos[i].HumanClass = none;
bNetDirty = true;
foreach WorldInfo.Allpawns(class'KFPawn_Human', KFPH)
if ( KFPH.IsAliveAndWell() )
bFoundHuman = false;
// See if this human is already in the array, and update it
for (i = 0; i < ArrayCount(HumanInfos); i++)
if( HumanInfos[i].Human == KFPH )
HumanInfos[i].HumanLocation = KFPH.Location;
bFoundHuman = true;
bNetDirty = true;
if( !bFoundHuman )
// Add this zed to an empty slot
for (i = 0; i < ArrayCount(HumanInfos); i++)
if( HumanInfos[i].Human == none )
HumanInfos[i].HumanLocation = KFPH.Location;
HumanInfos[i].Human = KFPH;
HumanInfos[i].HumanClass = KFPH.class;
bNetDirty = true;
native function UpdateMusicTrack( KFMusicTrackInfo NextMusicTrackInfo, bool bPlayStandardTrack );
simulated function PlayNewMusicTrack( optional bool bGameStateChanged, optional bool bForceAmbient )
local KFMapInfo KFMI;
local class<KFGameInfo> KFGameClass;
local KFMusicTrackInfo NextMusicTrackInfo;
local bool bLoop;
local bool bPlayActionTrack;
if ( class'KFGameEngine'.static.CheckNoMusic() )
KFGameClass = class<KFGameInfo>(GameClass);
if ( KFGameClass == None )
2021-09-03 00:46:08 +03:00
if ( !CanOverrideWeeklyMusic() )
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// @todo: consider using music intensity (255?) for ambient music to simplify this logic
bPlayActionTrack = (!bForceAmbient && KFGameClass.static.ShouldPlayActionMusicTrack(self));
// if we've just transitioned into the "action" phase of the game,
// check if we need to delay the action music
if( bGameStateChanged )
if( bPlayActionTrack )
if( KFGameClass.default.ActionMusicDelay > 0 )
SetTimer( KFGameClass.default.ActionMusicDelay, false, nameof(PlayNewMusicTrack) );
else if( CurrentMusicTrackInfo != none )
bLoop = CurrentMusicTrackInfo.bLoop;
// loop if we're designated to loop or this is the boss wave
if( bLoop || (!bEndlessMode && IsBossWave()))
NextMusicTrackInfo = CurrentMusicTrackInfo;
KFMI = KFMapInfo(WorldInfo.GetMapInfo());
if ( KFMI != none )
NextMusicTrackInfo = KFMI.GetNextMusicTrackByGameIntensity(bPlayActionTrack, MusicIntensity);
// Some maps might not be setup correctly, let's just grab a random default song
NextMusicTrackInfo = class'KFMapInfo'.static.StaticGetRandomTrack(bPlayActionTrack);
UpdateMusicTrack( NextMusicTrackInfo, KFGameEngine(Class'Engine'.static.GetEngine()).bMusicVocalsEnabled );
simulated function ForceNewMusicTrack( KFMusicTrackInfo ForcedTrackInfo )
if( Role == ROLE_Authority )
ReplicatedMusicTrackInfo = ForcedTrackInfo;
UpdateMusicTrack( ForcedTrackInfo, KFGameEngine(Class'Engine'.static.GetEngine()).bMusicVocalsEnabled );
@name Voting
function ServerStartVoteKick(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI_Kickee, PlayerReplicationInfo PRI_Kicker)
if(VoteCollector != none)
VoteCollector.ServerStartVoteKick(PRI_Kickee, PRI_Kicker);
reliable server function RecieveVoteKick(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, bool bKick)
if(VoteCollector != none)
VoteCollector.RecieveVoteKick(PRI, bKick);
function ServerStartVoteSkipTrader(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI)
if(VoteCollector != none)
reliable server function RecieveVoteSkipTrader(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, bool bSkipTrader)
if(VoteCollector != none)
VoteCollector.RecieveVoteSkipTrader(PRI, bSkipTrader);
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
function ServerStartVotePauseGame(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI)
if(VoteCollector != none)
reliable server function ReceiveVotePauseGame(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, bool bPauseGame)
if(VoteCollector != none)
VoteCollector.ReceiveVotePauseGame(PRI, bPauseGame);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
reliable server function ReceiveVoteMap(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, int MapIndex)
if(VoteCollector != none)
VoteCollector.ReceiveVoteMap( PRI, MapIndex);
@name Ranking
final private event NotifyGameUnranked()
if( WorldInfo.Game != none )
@name Post Round Info
function int GetCurrentRoundNumber();
@name Team management
simulated function bool AreTeamsOutOfBalanced();
//@HSL_BEGIN - AGM - 7-16-15 - Support for checking for valid stats session
@name Stats management
simulated event bool IsStatsSessionValid()
return true;
// Objectives
function ChooseNextObjective(int NextWaveNum)
local KFMapInfo KFMI;
// reset/default to no objective chosen
NextObjective = none;
NextObjectiveIsEndless = false;
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
if (bIsWeeklyMode && KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game).OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bBossRushMode)
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
KFMI = KFMapInfo(WorldInfo.GetMapInfo());
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if (KFMI != none && NextWaveNum != WaveMax)
if (KFMI.bUsePresetObjectives && NextWaveNum <= GetPresetObjectiveLength(KFMI))
ChooseNextPresetObjective(KFMI, NextWaveNum);
if (KFMI.bUseRandomObjectives)
ChooseNextRandomObjective(KFMI, NextWaveNum);
function bool ChooseNextPresetObjective(KFMapInfo KFMI, int NextWaveNum)
local array<KFInterface_MapObjective> PossibleObjectives;
local bool bUseEndlessSpawning;
if (KFMI == none)
return false;
//Grab appropriate list of possible objectives based on wave and game length
case GL_Short:
if (KFMI.PresetWaveObjectives.ShortObjectives[NextWaveNum - 1].PossibleObjectives.Length > 0)
PossibleObjectives = KFMI.PresetWaveObjectives.ShortObjectives[NextWaveNum - 1].PossibleObjectives;
bUseEndlessSpawning = KFMI.PresetWaveObjectives.ShortObjectives[NextWaveNum - 1].bUseEndlessSpawning;
case GL_Normal:
if (KFMI.PresetWaveObjectives.MediumObjectives[NextWaveNum - 1].PossibleObjectives.Length > 0)
PossibleObjectives = KFMI.PresetWaveObjectives.MediumObjectives[NextWaveNum - 1].PossibleObjectives;
bUseEndlessSpawning = KFMI.PresetWaveObjectives.MediumObjectives[NextWaveNum - 1].bUseEndlessSpawning;
case GL_Long:
if (KFMI.PresetWaveObjectives.LongObjectives[NextWaveNum - 1].PossibleObjectives.Length > 0)
PossibleObjectives = KFMI.PresetWaveObjectives.LongObjectives[NextWaveNum - 1].PossibleObjectives;
bUseEndlessSpawning = KFMI.PresetWaveObjectives.LongObjectives[NextWaveNum - 1].bUseEndlessSpawning;
default: //Disable for mods with weird counts
return SetNextObjective(PossibleObjectives, bUseEndlessSpawning) != INDEX_NONE;
function int GetPresetObjectiveLength(KFMapInfo KFMI)
if (KFMI == none)
return 0;
switch (GameLength)
case GL_Short:
return ArrayCount(KFMI.PresetWaveObjectives.ShortObjectives);
case GL_Normal:
return ArrayCount(KFMI.PresetWaveObjectives.MediumObjectives);
case GL_Long:
return ArrayCount(KFMI.PresetWaveObjectives.LongObjectives);
return 0;
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
function bool ChooseNextRandomObjective(KFMapInfo KFMI, int NextWaveNum, optional bool bWaveCanDisable = true)
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
local int Idx;
//Start a random objective if we have any set
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
if (KFMI.RandomWaveObjectives.Length > 0 && (bWaveCanDisable == false || KFMI.RandomObjectiveWavesToDisable.Find(NextWaveNum) == INDEX_NONE))
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
//Attempt to reset if we've run out
if (KFMI.CurrentAvailableRandomWaveObjectives.Length == 0)
KFMI.CurrentAvailableRandomWaveObjectives = KFMI.RandomWaveObjectives;
Idx = SetNextObjective(KFMI.CurrentAvailableRandomWaveObjectives);
if (Idx >= 0)
KFMI.CurrentAvailableRandomWaveObjectives.Remove(Idx, 1);
return Idx != INDEX_NONE;
function int SetNextObjective(array<KFInterface_MapObjective> PossibleObjectives, bool bUseEndlessSpawning = false, bool bActivateImmediately = false)
local int RandID;
local float DieRoll, PctChanceToActivate;
DieRoll = FRand();
//Loop through list of possible ones to find a random valid one. If we never call activate, nothing was valid
while (PossibleObjectives.Length > 0)
RandID = Rand(PossibleObjectives.Length);
2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
if (PossibleObjectives[RandID].CanActivateObjectiveByWeekly())
PctChanceToActivate = PossibleObjectives[RandID].GetActivationPctChance();
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
if (bForceNextObjective || (PossibleObjectives[RandID].CanActivateObjective()
&& PreviousObjective != PossibleObjectives[RandID]
&& (PctChanceToActivate >= 1.f || DieRoll <= PctChanceToActivate)))
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
if (bActivateImmediately)
ActivateObjective(PossibleObjectives[RandID], bUseEndlessSpawning);
NextObjective = Actor(PossibleObjectives[RandID]);
NextObjectiveIsEndless = bUseEndlessSpawning;
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
return RandID;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
PossibleObjectives.Remove(RandID, 1);
return -1;
function bool StartNextObjective()
if (NextObjective != none)
ActivateObjective(NextObjective, NextObjectiveIsEndless);
return true;
return false;
function ActivateObjective(KFInterface_MapObjective NewObjective, bool bUseEndlessSpawning = false)
local KFGameInfo KFGI;
if (NewObjective != none)
CurrentObjective = Actor(NewObjective);
ObjectiveInterface = NewObjective;
if(ObjectiveDelay > 0)
SetTimer(ObjectiveDelay,, 'Timer_ActivateObjective');
if (Role == ROLE_Authority && bUseEndlessSpawning)
KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);
if (KFGI != none && KFGI.SpawnManager != none)
KFGI.SpawnManager.bTemporarilyEndless = true;
bWaveIsEndless = true;
function DeactivateObjective()
local KFGameInfo KFGI;
local KFPawn_Monster KFPM;
if (CurrentObjective != None)
PreviousObjective = CurrentObjective;
PreviousObjectiveResult = ObjectiveInterface.GetDoshReward();
PreviousObjectiveVoshResult = ObjectiveInterface.GetVoshReward();
PreviousObjectiveXPResult = ObjectiveInterface.GetXPReward();
if (GetALocalPlayerController() != none)
CurrentObjective = none;
ObjectiveInterface = none;
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);
if (KFGI != none && KFGI.SpawnManager != none && KFGI.SpawnManager.bTemporarilyEndless)
KFGI.SpawnManager.bTemporarilyEndless = false;
bWaveIsEndless = false;
// when the wave switches off endless, remove all pending spawns
// so that the user doesn't see an increasing zed count as these zeds trickle in
KFGI.SpawnManager.ActiveSpawner.PendingSpawns.Length = 0;
AIRemaining = KFGI.SpawnManager.GetAIAliveCount() + Max(0, KFGI.SpawnManager.WaveTotalAI - KFGI.NumAISpawnsQueued);
if( AIRemaining <= class'KFGameInfo'.static.GetNumAlwaysRelevantZeds() )
//Tell the remaining pawns to set themselves relevant.
foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns( class'KFPawn_Monster', KFPM )
// find the next objective (if it exists)
// so that the area can be showed early, during trader time (if needed)
ChooseNextObjective(WaveNum + 1);
function ClearPreviousObjective()
PreviousObjective = none;
PreviousObjectiveResult = INDEX_NONE;
PreviousObjectiveVoshResult = INDEX_NONE;
PreviousObjectiveXPResult = INDEX_NONE;
function Timer_ActivateObjective()
if (ObjectiveInterface != none)
function float GetMapObjectiveSpawnRateMod()
if (ObjectiveInterface != none)
return ObjectiveInterface.GetSpawnRateMod();
return 1.f;
simulated event byte GetModifiedGameDifficulty()
return GameDifficulty + GameDifficultyModifier;
simulated event SetModifiedGameDifficulty(byte NewDifficultyMod)
GameDifficultyModifier = NewDifficultyMod;
bNetDirty = true;
simulated function bool ShouldSetBossCamOnBossSpawn()
return true;
simulated function bool ShouldSetBossCamOnBossDeath()
return true;
simulated function int GetFinalWaveNum()
return WaveMax - 1;
simulated function bool IsObjectiveMode()
return false;
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
function SetGlobalDamage(bool bEnable)
bGlobalDamage = bEnable;
simulated function bool IsGlobalDamage()
return bGlobalDamage;
simulated function bool IsPerkAllowed(class<KFPerk> PerkClass)
if(PerkClass == class'KFPerk_Berserker') return PerksAvailableData.bBerserkerAvailable;
else if(PerkClass == class'KFPerk_Commando') return PerksAvailableData.bCommandoAvailable;
else if(PerkClass == class'KFPerk_Support') return PerksAvailableData.bSupportAvailable;
else if(PerkClass == class'KFPerk_FieldMedic') return PerksAvailableData.bFieldMedicAvailable;
else if(PerkClass == class'KFPerk_Demolitionist') return PerksAvailableData.bDemolitionistAvailable;
else if(PerkClass == class'KFPerk_Firebug') return PerksAvailableData.bFirebugAvailable;
else if(PerkClass == class'KFPerk_Gunslinger') return PerksAvailableData.bGunslingerAvailable;
else if(PerkClass == class'KFPerk_Sharpshooter') return PerksAvailableData.bSharpshooterAvailable;
else if(PerkClass == class'KFPerk_Swat') return PerksAvailableData.bSwatAvailable;
else if(PerkClass == class'KFPerk_Survivalist') return PerksAvailableData.bSurvivalistAvailable;
return true;
simulated function UpdatePerksAvailable()
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
simulated function NotifyBrokenTrader()
bIsBrokenTrader = true;
bNetDirty = true;
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
simulated function NotifyWeeklyEventIndex(int EventIndex)
CurrentWeeklyIndex = EventIndex;
bNetDirty = true;
2022-11-28 00:49:25 +03:00
simulated function NotifyAllowSeasonalSkins(int AllowSeasonalSkinsIndex)
bAllowSeasonalSkins = (AllowSeasonalSkinsIndex == 0);
2022-12-07 23:25:49 +03:00
`Log("NotifyAllowSeasonalSkins: AllowSeasonalSkins: "$bAllowSeasonalSkins);
2022-11-28 00:49:25 +03:00
bNetDirty = true;
2022-06-14 18:52:40 +03:00
2022-09-01 18:58:51 +03:00
/** VIP weekly */
simulated function UpdateVIPMaxHealth(int NewMaxHealth)
if (NewMaxHealth != VIPModeData.MaxHealth)
VIPModeData.MaxHealth = NewMaxHealth;
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
VIPRepMaxHealth = NewMaxHealth;
bNetDirty = true;
if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer)
simulated function UpdateVIPCurrentHealth(int NewCurrentHealth)
if (NewCurrentHealth != VIPModeData.CurrentHealth)
VIPModeData.CurrentHealth = NewCurrentHealth;
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
VIPRepCurrentHealth = NewCurrentHealth;
bNetDirty = true;
if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer)
simulated function UpdateVIPPlayer(KFPlayerReplicationInfo NewVIPPlayer)
if (NewVIPPlayer == none)
if (NewVIPPlayer != VIPModeData.VIPPlayer)
VIPModeData.VIPPlayer = NewVIPPlayer;
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
VIPRepPlayer = NewVIPPlayer;
bNetDirty = true;
if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer)
simulated function UpdateVIPUI()
local KFPlayerController_WeeklySurvival KFPC_WS;
if( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer )
KFPC_WS = KFPlayerController_WeeklySurvival(GetALocalPlayerController());
if (KFPC_WS != none)
2022-06-14 18:52:40 +03:00
simulated function bool IsGunGameMode()
return bIsWeeklyMode && CurrentWeeklyIndex == 16;
2022-09-01 18:58:51 +03:00
simulated function bool IsVIPMode()
return bIsWeeklyMode && CurrentWeeklyIndex == 17;
2022-11-28 00:49:25 +03:00
simulated function bool IsRandomPerkMode()
return bIsWeeklyMode && CurrentWeeklyIndex == 18;
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
simulated function bool IsContaminationMode()
return bIsWeeklyMode && CurrentWeeklyIndex == 19;
simulated function int ContaminationModeZedsToFinish()
local KFGameInfo KFGI;
if (IsContaminationMode())
KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);
if (KFGI != none && KFGI.OutbreakEvent != none)
return KFGI.OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.ContaminationModeZedsToFinish;
return 0;
simulated function int ContaminationModeExtraDosh()
local KFGameInfo KFGI;
if (IsContaminationMode())
KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);
if (KFGI != none && KFGI.OutbreakEvent != none)
return KFGI.OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.ContaminationModeExtraDosh;
return 0;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
bAllowGrenadePurchase = true
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
2021-09-03 00:46:08 +03:00
2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
2022-11-28 00:49:25 +03:00
2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
2022-09-01 18:58:51 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00