2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFGFxTraderContainer_PlayerInventory
// This class holds all of the functions and variables corresponding to the
// players inventory list ( What you currently own ). This class will add
// and remove local item references to the array "OwnedItemList." The player
// will not receive any changed values to his inventory until the menu is
// closed and the the server is told to update the new purchases
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Greg Felber 8/14/2013
class KFGFxTraderContainer _PlayerInventory extends KFGFxObject _Container
DependsOn ( KFGFxObject _TraderItems )
DependsOn ( KFGFxMenu _Trader ) ;
enum EButtonStates
BS _Enabled ,
BS _MaxCapacity ,
BS _CantAfford
} ;
var KFGFxMenu _Trader MyTraderMenu ; // Reference to the movie player that owns us
var localized string FillString , MagString , AutoFillString , BuyGrenadeString , ChangePerkString ;
var localized string ArmorString ;
var KFPlayerController KFPC ;
var Float LowAmmoPercentThreshold ;
// Initialization
function Initialize ( KFGFxObject _Menu NewParentMenu )
super . Initialize ( NewParentMenu ) ;
KFPC = KFPlayerController ( GetPC ( ) ) ;
MyTraderMenu = KFGFxMenu _Trader ( NewParentMenu ) ;
LocalizeContainer ( ) ;
UpdateLock ( ) ;
function LocalizeContainer ( )
local GFxOBject LocalizedObject ;
LocalizedObject = CreateObject ( "Object" ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "autoFill" , AutoFillString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "armorLabel" , FillString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "fillLabel" , FillString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "magLabel" , MagString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "changePerk" , ChangePerkString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "grenadeLabel" , BuyGrenadeString ) ;
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LocalizedObject . SetString ( "armorBuyLabel" , class 'KFAutoPurchaseHelper' . default . ArmorMagSize$ "X" ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
//Prompt strings
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "sellPrompt" , Localize ( "KFGFxTraderContainer_ItemDetails" , "SellString" , "KFGame" ) ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "perkPrompt" , Localize ( "KFGFxTraderContainer_PlayerInventory" , "PerkPrompt" , "KFGameConsole" ) ) ;
SetObject ( "localizeStrings" , LocalizedObject ) ;
//Updates the ablility to change the perk
function UpdateLock ( )
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local bool bLocked ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if ( KFPC != none )
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bLocked = ! KFPC . CanUpdatePerkInfo ( ) || KFGameReplicationInfo ( KFPC . WorldInfo . GRI ) . IsRandomPerkMode ( ) ;
SetBool ( "perkChangeLocked" , bLocked ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// Update Item List
// Grab all the items currently in our inventory chain, and add them to the inventory list
function RefreshPlayerInventory ( )
local byte MagSize , SlotIndex ;
local float PricePerRound ;
local int AmmoCount , MaxAmmoCount , PricePerMag ;
local int FillAmmoCost , BlocksRequired , AutoFillCost ;
local string TextureLocation ;
local GFxObject InfoSlot , MagSlot , FillSlot , SellSlot ;
local GFxObject InfoDataProvider , FillDataProvider , MagDataProvider , SellDataProvider ; // This array of information is sent to ActionScript to update the item data
local SItemInformation ItemInfo ;
InfoDataProvider = CreateArray ( ) ;
FillDataProvider = CreateArray ( ) ;
MagDataProvider = CreateArray ( ) ;
SellDataProvider = CreateArray ( ) ;
SetArmorInfo ( KFPC . GetPurchaseHelper ( ) . ArmorItem , AutoFillCost ) ;
SetGrenadeInfo ( KFPC . GetPurchaseHelper ( ) . GrenadeItem , AutoFillCost ) ;
// Iterate through all the items to get the auto fill cost, and update the items
// for the page we are currently on
for ( SlotIndex = 0 ; SlotIndex < MyTraderMenu . OwnedItemList . Length ; SlotIndex ++ )
InfoSlot = CreateObject ( "Object" ) ;
MagSlot = CreateObject ( "Object" ) ;
FillSlot = CreateObject ( "Object" ) ;
SellSlot = CreateObject ( "Object" ) ;
ItemInfo = MyTraderMenu . OwnedItemList [ SlotIndex ] ;
FillAmmoCost = KFPC . GetPurchaseHelper ( ) . GetFillAmmoCost ( ItemInfo ) ;
if ( ItemInfo . bIsSecondaryAmmo )
TextureLocation = ItemInfo . DefaultItem . SecondaryAmmoImagePath ;
AmmoCount = ItemInfo . SecondaryAmmoCount ;
MaxAmmoCount = ItemInfo . MaxSecondaryAmmo ;
MagSize = ItemInfo . DefaultItem . WeaponDef . default . SecondaryAmmoMagSize ;
PricePerMag = ItemInfo . DefaultItem . WeaponDef . default . SecondaryAmmoMagPrice ;
PricePerRound = ( MagSize > 0 ) ? float ( PricePerMag ) / float ( MagSize ) : 0. f ;
BlocksRequired = - 1 ; // This will hide the weight and
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SetItemInfo ( InfoSlot , ItemInfo . DefaultItem . WeaponDef , "SecondaryAmmo" , TextureLocation , AmmoCount , MaxAmmoCount , BlocksRequired , true , 0 , ItemInfo . DefaultItem . bCanBuyAmmo ) ;
SetMagInfo ( MagSlot , AmmoCount , MaxAmmoCount , MagSize , PricePerMag , PricePerRound , FillAmmoCost , ItemInfo . DefaultItem . bCanBuyAmmo ) ;
SetFillInfo ( FillSlot , AmmoCount , MaxAmmoCount , PricePerRound , FillAmmoCost , AutoFillCost , ItemInfo . DefaultItem . bCanBuyAmmo ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// @temp: Use LastPerkClass to determine correct knife image
TextureLocation = ItemInfo . DefaultItem . WeaponDef . static . GetImagePath ( ) ;
AmmoCount = ItemInfo . SpareAmmoCount ;
MaxAmmoCount = ItemInfo . MaxSpareAmmo ;
MagSize = ItemInfo . MagazineCapacity ;
PricePerMag = ItemInfo . AmmoPricePerMagazine ;
PricePerRound = ( MagSize > 0 ) ? float ( PricePerMag ) / float ( MagSize ) : 0. f ;
BlocksRequired = MyTraderMenu . GetDisplayedBlocksRequiredFor ( ItemInfo . DefaultItem , ItemInfo . ItemUpgradeLevel ) ;
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
SetItemInfo ( InfoSlot , ItemInfo . DefaultItem . WeaponDef , "ItemName" , TextureLocation , AmmoCount , MaxAmmoCount , BlocksRequired , false , KFPC . GetPurchaseHelper ( ) . GetItemUpgradeLevelByClassName ( ItemInfo . DefaultItem . ClassName ) , ItemInfo . DefaultItem . bCanBuyAmmo ) ;
SetMagInfo ( MagSlot , AmmoCount , MaxAmmoCount , MagSize , PricePerMag , PricePerRound , FillAmmoCost , ItemInfo . DefaultItem . bCanBuyAmmo ) ;
SetFillInfo ( FillSlot , AmmoCount , MaxAmmoCount , PricePerRound , FillAmmoCost , AutoFillCost , ItemInfo . DefaultItem . bCanBuyAmmo ) ;
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SetSellInfo ( SellSlot , ItemInfo . SellPrice , ItemInfo . SellPrice > 0 ) ;
InfoDataProvider . SetElementObject ( SlotIndex , InfoSlot ) ;
MagDataProvider . SetElementObject ( SlotIndex , MagSlot ) ;
FillDataProvider . SetElementObject ( SlotIndex , FillSlot ) ;
SellDataProvider . SetElementObject ( SlotIndex , SellSlot ) ;
SetAutoFill ( AutoFillCost ) ;
SetObject ( "itemData" , InfoDataProvider ) ;
SetObject ( "magData" , MagDataProvider ) ;
SetObject ( "fillData" , FillDataProvider ) ;
SetObject ( "sellData" , SellDataProvider ) ;
function SetArmorInfo ( out SItemInformation ArmorInfo , out int AutoFillCost )
local GFxObject SlotObject ;
2021-09-03 00:46:08 +03:00
local int FillCost , ChunkCost ;
local int ButtonState ;
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FillCost = KFPC . GetPurchaseHelper ( ) . GetFillArmorCost ( ) ;
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ChunkCost = KFPC . GetPurchaseHelper ( ) . GetChunkArmorCost ( ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
SlotObject = CreateObject ( "Object" ) ;
2021-09-03 00:46:08 +03:00
SlotObject . SetInt ( "magCost" , ChunkCost ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
SlotObject . SetInt ( "cost" , FillCost ) ;
SlotObject . SetString ( "itemName" , ArmorString ) ;
SlotObject . SetString ( "itemSource" , "img://" $ArmorInfo . DefaultItem . WeaponDef . static . GetImagePath ( ) ) ;
SlotObject . SetString ( "itemAmmo" , ArmorInfo . SpareAmmoCount$ "/" $ArmorInfo . MaxSpareAmmo ) ;
SlotObject . SetBool ( "lowAmmo" , ( ArmorInfo . MaxSpareAmmo > 0 ) ? ( float ( ArmorInfo . SpareAmmoCount ) / float ( ArmorInfo . MaxSpareAmmo ) ) <= LowAmmoPercentThreshold : false ) ;
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
ButtonState = GetButtonState ( ArmorInfo . AmmoPricePerMagazine , ArmorInfo . SpareAmmoCount , ArmorInfo . MaxSpareAmmo , true ) ;
2021-09-03 00:46:08 +03:00
SlotObject . Setint ( "buttonState" , ButtonState ) ;
SlotObject . Setint ( "magButtonState" , ButtonState ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
SetObject ( "armorInfo" , SlotObject ) ;
AutoFillCost += FillCost ;
function SetGrenadeInfo ( out SItemInformation GrenadeInfo , out int AutoFillCost )
local GFxObject SlotObject ;
local int FillCost ;
local int MagCost ;
local int ButtonState ;
local int AmmoPricePerMagazine ;
AmmoPricePerMagazine = GrenadeInfo . AmmoPricePerMagazine ;
SlotObject = CreateObject ( "Object" ) ;
SlotObject . SetString ( "itemSource" , "img://" $ GrenadeInfo . DefaultItem . WeaponDef . static . GetImagePath ( ) ) ;
SlotObject . SetString ( "itemName" , GrenadeInfo . DefaultItem . WeaponDef . static . GetItemName ( ) ) ;
FillCost = KFPC . GetPurchaseHelper ( ) . GetFillGrenadeCost ( ) ;
MagCost = ( GrenadeInfo . SpareAmmoCount != GrenadeInfo . MaxSpareAmmo ) ? GrenadeInfo . AmmoPricePerMagazine : 0 ;
SlotObject . SetInt ( "magCost" , MagCost ) ;
SlotObject . SetInt ( "fillCost" , FillCost ) ;
SlotObject . SetBool ( "lowAmmo" , ( GrenadeInfo . MaxSpareAmmo > 0 ) ? ( float ( GrenadeInfo . SpareAmmoCount ) / float ( GrenadeInfo . MaxSpareAmmo ) ) <= LowAmmoPercentThreshold : false ) ;
SlotObject . SetString ( "itemAmmo" , GrenadeInfo . SpareAmmoCount $ "/" $GrenadeInfo . MaxSpareAmmo ) ;
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
ButtonState = GetButtonState ( AmmoPricePerMagazine , GrenadeInfo . SpareAmmoCount , GrenadeInfo . MaxSpareAmmo , true ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
SlotObject . Setint ( "magButtonState" , ButtonState ) ;
SlotObject . Setint ( "fillButtonState" , ButtonState ) ;
SetObject ( "grenadeInfo" , SlotObject ) ;
AutoFillCost += FillCost ;
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function SetItemInfo ( out GFxObject InfoSlot , class < KFWeaponDefinition > WeaponDef , string ItemKeyString , string TextureLocation , int AmmoCount , int MaxAmmoCount , int BlocksRequired , optional bool bSecondaryAmmo , optional int UpgradeLevel , optional bool bCanBuyAmmo = true )
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
local string ItemTexPath ;
InfoSlot . SetString ( "itemName" , WeaponDef . static . GetItemLocalization ( ItemKeyString ) ) ;
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
InfoSlot . SetString ( "itemAmmo" , AmmoCount $ "/" $ ( bCanBuyAmmo ? MaxAmmoCount : 0 ) ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
InfoSlot . Setint ( "itemWeight" , BlocksRequired ) ;
InfoSlot . Setint ( "weaponTier" , UpgradeLevel ) ;
InfoSlot . SetBool ( "lowAmmo" , ( MaxAmmoCount > 0 ) ? ( float ( AmmoCount ) / float ( MaxAmmoCount ) ) <= LowAmmoPercentThreshold : false ) ;
InfoSlot . SetBool ( "isSubAmmo" , bSecondaryAmmo ) ;
ItemTexPath = "img://" $TextureLocation ;
InfoSlot . SetString ( "itemSource" , ItemTexPath ) ;
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
function SetMagInfo ( out GFxObject MagSlot , int AmmoCount , int MaxAmmoCount , byte AmmoMagSize , int PricePerMag , float PricePerRound , int FillAmmoCost , bool bCanBuyAmmo )
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
local int MagCost ;
local bool bBuyPartialMag ;
bBuyPartialMag = AmmoCount + AmmoMagSize > MaxAmmoCount ;
MagCost = ( bBuyPartialMag ) ? FillAmmoCost : PricePerMag ;
MagSlot . SetString ( "label" , MagString ) ;
MagSlot . SetInt ( "buttonValue" , MagCost ) ;
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
MagSlot . SetInt ( "buttonState" , GetButtonState ( PricePerRound , AmmoCount , MaxAmmoCount , bCanBuyAmmo ) ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
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function SetFillInfo ( out GFxObject FillSlot , int AmmoCount , int MaxAmmoCount , float PricePerRound , int FillAmmoCost , out int AutoFillCost , bool bCanBuyAmmo )
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
FillSlot . SetString ( "label" , FillString ) ;
FillSlot . SetInt ( "buttonValue" , FillAmmoCost ) ;
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
FillSlot . SetInt ( "buttonState" , GetButtonState ( PricePerRound , AmmoCount , MaxAmmoCount , bCanBuyAmmo ) ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
AutoFillCost += FillAmmoCost ;
// Sell list data being added to trader menu, setup the data - HSL
function SetSellInfo ( out GFxObject SellSlot , int SellPrice , bool bCanSell )
SellSlot . SetString ( "label" , Localize ( "KFGFxTraderContainer_ItemDetails" , "SellString" , "KFGame" ) ) ;
SellSlot . SetInt ( "buttonValue" , SellPrice ) ;
SellSlot . SetBool ( "buttonState" , bCanSell ) ;
function SetAutoFill ( int AutoFillCost )
local GFxObject AutoFillObject ;
AutoFillObject = CreateObject ( "Object" ) ;
AutoFillObject . SetInt ( "buttonValue" , AutoFillCost ) ;
// Only disable this button if we have all the ammo
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
AutoFillObject . SetInt ( "buttonState" , GetButtonState ( 0 , 0 , AutoFillCost , true ) ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
SetObject ( "autoFillCost" , AutoFillObject ) ;
// Change the look of the button dependant on if we can afford it, or are at max capacity
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function int GetButtonState ( float Price , int SpareAmmoCount , int MaxSpareAmmoCount , bool bCanBuyAmmo )
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if ( SpareAmmoCount >= MaxSpareAmmoCount || ! bCanBuyAmmo )
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
return BS _MaxCapacity ;
else if ( KFPC . GetPurchaseHelper ( ) . TotalDosh < Price )
return BS _CantAfford ;
return BS _Enabled ;
LowAmmoPercentThreshold = 0.5 f