2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFGFxServerBrowser_ServerList
// Class Description
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Zane 8/19/2014
class KFGFxServerBrowser _ServerList extends KFGFxObject _Container
native ( UI )
config ( UI ) ;
/** Reference to the search datastore. */
var transient KFDataStore _OnlineGameSearch SearchDataStore ;
/** stores the password entered by the user when attempting to connect to a server with a password */
var private transient string ServerPassword ;
/** True if we want to join as a spectator */
var private transient bool bJoinAsSpectator ;
var protected transient const name SearchDSName ;
/** Cached online subsystem pointer */
var transient OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub ;
/** Cached game interface pointer */
var transient OnlineGameInterface GameInterface ;
//A cache for the server list gfx object so we do not have to create them everytime we refresh or update the list
var array < GFxObject > GFxServerObjects ;
/** Is an informative dialog about the server browser currently displayed. */
var private transient bool bQueryDialogShowing ;
var private transient bool bIssuedInitialQuery ;
var private GFxObject DataProvider ;
var public int FakePlayerIndex ;
var public int SelectedServerIndex ;
var localized string LeaveServerBrowserString ;
var localized string DetailsString ;
var localized string SpectateString ;
var KFGFxMenu _ServerBrowser ServerMenu ;
var transient int FilteredCount ;
/** Maximum number of server entries in the browser */
var globalconfig int MaxSearchResults ;
var int lastServerCount ;
/ * *
* Different actions to take when a query completes .
* /
var private transient enum EQueryCompletionAction
/** no query action set */
/** do nothing when the query completes; default behavior */
/ * *
* This is set when the user wants to close the scene but we still have active queries . When the queries are completed
* ( either through being canceled or receiving all results ) , close the scene .
* /
/ * *
* This is set when the user has chosen a server from the list . When the queries are completed or cancelled , join the currently selected server .
* /
/ * *
* This is set when the user switches from LAN to Internet or vice versa . When the queries are completed of cancelled , clear all results and reissue the
* current query .
* /
} QueryCompletionAction ;
var private transient enum ESearch _Tab
} ECurrentSearchTab ;
struct native ExtraServerInfo
var bool ServerHeardBackFrom ;
var bool GameRunning ;
var bool RequestDispatched ;
var int StartTimer ; // if game has not started, how many seconds until it does
var float Ping ; // direct ping to the server from x-tra fetch
var int Survivors ; // current player count
var int SurvivorsAvgLevel ;
var int ZedPlayers ; // current zed-players for vs servers
} ;
//equivalent to OnViewLoaded from UDK/Unreal Tournement 3
function Initialize ( KFGFxObject _Menu NewParentMenu )
local DataStoreClient DSClient ;
super . Initialize ( NewParentMenu ) ;
ServerMenu = KFGFxMenu _ServerBrowser ( NewParentMenu ) ;
LocalizeText ( ) ;
DSClient = class 'UIInteraction' . static . GetDataStoreClient ( ) ;
if ( DSClient != None )
SearchDataStore = KFDataStore _OnlineGameSearch ( DSClient . FindDataStore ( SearchDSName ) ) ;
OnlineSub = class 'GameEngine' . static . GetOnlineSubsystem ( ) ;
GameInterface = OnlineSub . GameInterface ;
function OnViewActivated ( )
//local UIDataStore_Registry Registry;
//Registry = UIDataStore_Registry(class'UIRoot'.static.StaticResolveDataStore('Registry'));
// Default to LAN.
//Registry.SetData("LanClient", "1");
// Decide whether we're playing LAN or Online and set MatchType appropriately.
ValidateServerType ( ) ;
// Push an initial query when the page is first activated.
if ( ! bIssuedInitialQuery )
bIssuedInitialQuery = TRUE ;
RefreshServerList ( FakePlayerIndex ) ;
// Update the list's data provider.
UpdateListDataProvider ( ) ;
function SortServerResultsRequest ( int ButtonIndex , int SortOrder )
local KFOnlineGameSearch LatestGameSearch ;
LatestGameSearch = KFOnlineGameSearch ( SearchDataStore . GetActiveGameSearch ( ) ) ;
if ( LatestGameSearch == none )
return ;
LatestGameSearch . SortResults ( ESortType ( ButtonIndex ) , ESortOrder ( SortOrder ) ) ;
UpdateListDataProvider ( ) ;
/ * *
* Enables / disables the "match type" control based on whether we are signed in online .
* /
function ValidateServerType ( )
local int PlayerIndex , PlayerControllerID ;
local LocalPlayer LP ;
// Don't worry about remote players
LP = LocalPlayer ( GetPC ( ) . Player ) ;
// don't have a link connection, or not allowed to play online, don't allow them to select one.
PlayerIndex = class 'UIInteraction' . static . GetPlayerIndex ( LP . ControllerID ) ;
PlayerControllerID = class 'UIInteraction' . static . GetPlayerControllerId ( PlayerIndex ) ;
if ( ! class 'UIInteraction' . static . IsLoggedIn ( PlayerControllerID , true ) )
//FORCE A LAN SEARCH HERE. Attempting an online search here will crash the game if you are not signed into Steam ** IF WE SUPPORT IT **
function ChangeSearchType ( ESteamMatchmakingType SearchType , optional bool bPreventNewSearch )
GameInterface . SetMatchmakingTypeMode ( SearchType ) ;
if ( ! bPreventNewSearch )
RefreshServerList ( FakePlayerIndex ) ;
function LocalizeText ( )
local GFxObject LocalizedObject ;
LocalizedObject = CreateObject ( "Object" ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "players" , ServerMenu . PlayersString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "name" , ServerMenu . NameString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "mode" , ServerMenu . GameModeString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "difficulty" , ServerMenu . DifficultyString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "map" , ServerMenu . MapString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "filters" , ServerMenu . FiltersString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "search" , ServerMenu . SearchString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "refresh" , ServerMenu . RefreshString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "gamesFound" , ServerMenu . GamesFoundString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "back" , LeaveServerBrowserString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "details" , DetailsString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "spectate" , SpectateString ) ;
LocalizedObject . SetString ( "join" , ServerMenu . JoinString ) ;
SetObject ( "localizedText" , LocalizedObject ) ;
function OnRefeshClick ( )
RefreshServerList ( FakePlayerIndex ) ;
function ClearGFXServerList ( )
local GFxObject TempArray ;
TempArray = CreateArray ( ) ;
SetObject ( "dataProvider" , TempArray ) ;
/** Refreshes the server list. */
function RefreshServerList ( int InPlayerIndex )
local KFOnlineGameSearch GameSearch ;
if ( SearchDataStore == none ) {
` log("Can't refresh server list without a Search DS!");
return ;
ClearGFXServerList ( ) ;
//This submits the server list query
CancelQuery ( QUERYACTION _RefreshAll ) ;
// Get current filter from the string list datastore
GameSearch = KFOnlineGameSearch ( SearchDataStore . GetCurrentGameSearch ( ) ) ;
// Set max results
if ( ServerMenu . FiltersContainer . bLimitServerResults )
GameSearch . MaxSearchResults = Max ( MaxSearchResults , 1 ) ;
GameSearch . MaxSearchResults = MaxInt ;
function BuildServerFilters ( KFGFxServerBrowser _Filters Filters , OnlineGameSearch Search )
local string GametagSearch ;
local string MapName ;
local int Mode , Difficulty , Length ;
2022-11-28 00:49:25 +03:00
local bool DisableSeasonalSkins ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
Search . ClearServerFilters ( ) ;
Search . AddServerFilter ( "version_match" , string ( class 'KFGameEngine' . static . GetKFGameVersion ( ) ) ) ;
Search . TestAddServerFilter ( Filters . bNotFull , "notfull" ) ;
Search . TestAddServerFilter ( Filters . bNotEmpty , "hasplayers" ) ;
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
Search . TestAddBoolGametagFilter ( GametagSearch , Filters . bNoLocalAdmin , 'bServerExiled' , 0 ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
2022-11-28 00:49:25 +03:00
DisableSeasonalSkins = Filters . bNoSeasonalSkins ;
2022-12-07 23:25:49 +03:00
if ( class 'KFGameEngine' . static . GetSeasonalEventID ( ) == SEI _None
|| class 'KFGameEngine' . static . GetSeasonalEventID ( ) == SEI _Spring )
2022-11-28 00:49:25 +03:00
DisableSeasonalSkins = false ;
Search . TestAddBoolGametagFilter ( GametagSearch , DisableSeasonalSkins , 'bNoSeasonalSkins' , 1 ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if ( ! class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsConsoleBuild ( ) )
Search . TestAddServerFilter ( Filters . bDedicated , "dedicated" ) ;
if ( ! class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) )
Search . TestAddServerFilter ( Filters . bVAC _Secure , "secure" ) ;
MapName = Filters . GetSelectedMap ( ) ;
if ( MapName != "" )
Search . AddServerFilter ( "map" , MapName ) ;
if ( Filters . bInProgress && ! Filters . bInLobby )
Search . TestAddBoolGametagFilter ( GametagSearch , Filters . bInProgress , 'bInProgress' , 1 ) ;
else if ( Filters . bInLobby )
Search . TestAddBoolGametagFilter ( GametagSearch , Filters . bInLobby , 'bInProgress' , 0 ) ;
if ( ! class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsConsoleBuild ( ) )
Search . TestAddBoolGametagFilter ( GametagSearch , Filters . bNoPassword , 'bRequiresPassword' , 0 ) ;
Mode = Filters . SavedGameModeIndex ;
if ( Mode >= 0 && Mode < 255 )
Search . AddGametagFilter ( GametagSearch , 'Mode' , string ( Mode ) ) ;
Difficulty = Filters . GetSelectedDifficulty ( ) ;
if ( Difficulty >= 0 )
Search . AddGametagFilter ( GametagSearch , 'Difficulty' , string ( Difficulty ) ) ;
Length = Filters . GetSelectedGameLength ( ) ;
if ( Length >= 0 )
Search . AddGametagFilter ( GametagSearch , 'NumWaves' , string ( Length ) ) ;
if ( Filters . bCustom && ! class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsConsoleBuild ( ) )
//`log("adding custom filter");
Search . TestAddBoolGametagFilter ( GametagSearch , Filters . bCustom , 'bCustom' , 0 ) ;
if ( Len ( GametagSearch ) > 0 )
Search . AddServerFilter ( "gametagsand" , GametagSearch ) ;
if ( Search . MasterServerSearchKeys . length > 1 )
Search . AddServerFilter ( "and" , string ( Search . MasterServerSearchKeys . length ) , 0 ) ;
//@SABER_BEGIN - Saving the value for ping filter in server search parameters
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) )
Search . MaxPing = Filters . GetMaxPing ( ) ;
/ * *
* Submits a query for the list of servers which match the current configuration .
* /
function SubmitServerListQuery ( int PlayerIndex )
// ToDo delete
` log("SubmitServerListQuery called!");
BuildServerFilters ( ServerMenu . FiltersContainer , SearchDataStore . GetCurrentGameSearch ( ) ) ;
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsConsoleBuild ( ) || class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) )
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . AddFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ( OnFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ) ;
// Add a delegate for when the search completes. We will use this callback to do any post searching work.
GameInterface . AddFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ( OnFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ) ;
// Start a search
if ( ! SearchDataStore . SubmitGameSearch ( class 'UIInteraction' . static . GetPlayerControllerId ( PlayerIndex ) , false ) )
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsConsoleBuild ( ) || class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) )
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . ClearFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ( OnFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ) ;
GameInterface . ClearFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ( OnFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ) ;
//Set Refreshing to false **UI of we want to show it**
SetRefreshingIndicator ( false ) ;
//We're starting a new search, create a new DataProvider array
FilteredCount = 0 ;
DataProvider = CreateArray ( ) ;
SetRefreshingIndicator ( true ) ;
/ * *
* @ return True if the entry was filtered , false if it wasn ' t
* /
native function bool FilterEntry ( OnlineGameSearch Search , KFGFxServerBrowser _Filters filter , int entry ) ;
/ * *
* Delegate fired each time a new server is received , or when the action completes ( if there was an error )
* @ param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error , false if there was an error
* /
function OnFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ( bool bWasSuccessful )
local bool bSearchCompleted ;
local OnlineGameSearch Search ;
` log("OnFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate called!, bWasSuccessful is" @ bWasSuccessful);
Search = SearchDataStore . GetActiveGameSearch ( ) ;
bSearchCompleted = Search == none || Search . Results . length == lastServerCount ;
if ( ! bSearchCompleted )
if ( Search . Results . length > 0 && ( ! ServerMenu . ApplyFilters || ! FilterEntry ( Search , ServerMenu . FiltersContainer , Search . Results . length - 1 ) ) )
` TimerHelper.SetTimer( 0.01, false, nameof(UpdateListDataProvider), self );
lastServerCount = Search . Results . length ;
` log("OnFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate complete!");
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsConsoleBuild ( ) || class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) )
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . ClearFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ( OnFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ) ;
GameInterface . ClearFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ( OnFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ) ;
OnFindOnlineGamesComplete ( bWasSuccessful ) ;
lastServerCount = - 1 ;
// update the enabled state of the button bar buttons
function OnClose ( )
` log("KFGFxServerBrowser_ServerList::OnClose called.");
//Make sure delegate isn't still set
CancelQuery ( QUERYACTION _CloseScene ) ;
ChangeSearchType ( SMT _Internet , true ) ;
KFGameEngine ( Class 'Engine' . static . GetEngine ( ) ) . OnHandshakeComplete = None ;
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsConsoleBuild ( ) || class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) )
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . ClearFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ( OnFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ) ;
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . ClearQueryServerInfoCompleteDelegate ( OnQueryAdditionalServerInfoComplete ) ;
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) ) {
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . ClearGetPlayerListCompleteDelegate ( OnGetPlayerListComplete ) ;
GameInterface . ClearFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ( OnFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ) ;
GameInterface . ClearJoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegate ( OnJoinGameComplete ) ;
GameInterface . ClearCancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ( OnCancelSearchComplete ) ;
GameInterface . ClearGetPlayerListCompleteDelegate ( OnGetPlayerListComplete ) ;
function OnGetPlayerListComplete ( OnlineGameSettings Settings , bool Success )
local int i ;
if ( SearchDataStore . GetCurrentGameSearch ( ) . Results [ SelectedServerIndex ] . GameSettings != Settings )
` log("KFGFxServerBrowser_ServerList.OnGetPlayerListComplete got player list for unselected server",, 'DevOnline');
return ;
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) ) {
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . ClearGetPlayerListCompleteDelegate ( OnGetPlayerListComplete ) ;
} else {
GameInterface . ClearGetPlayerListCompleteDelegate ( OnGetPlayerListComplete ) ;
if ( Success )
ServerMenu . ServerDetailsContainer . UpdatePlayerList ( Settings ) ;
` log("***Server Browser got player list:");
for ( i = 0 ; i < Settings . PlayersInGame . Length ; ++ i )
` log(i+1 $ ":" @ Settings.PlayersInGame[i].PlayerName);
` log("***End of player list");
` log("***Server didn't respond with player list!");
/ * *
* Delegate fired when the search for an online game has completed
* @ param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error , false if there was an error
* /
function OnFindOnlineGamesComplete ( bool bWasSuccessful )
// ToDo delete
` log("OnFindOnlineGamesComplete called!");
SetRefreshingIndicator ( false ) ;
if ( QueryCompletionAction != QUERYACTION _None )
/ * i f ( b Q u e r y D i a l o g S h o w i n g )
MenuManager . PopView ( ) ;
bQueryDialogShowing = false ;
{ * /
OnCancelSearchComplete ( true ) ;
// refresh the list with the items from the currently selected gametype's cached query
/ * *
* Fires an asynchronous task to cancels all active queries .
* @ param DesiredCancelAction specifies what should happen when the asynchronous task completes .
* /
function CancelQuery ( optional EQueryCompletionAction DesiredCancelAction = QUERYACTION _Default )
// ToDo delete
` Log("CancelQuery called!");
if ( QueryCompletionAction == QUERYACTION _None )
QueryCompletionAction = DesiredCancelAction ;
if ( SearchDataStore . GetActiveGameSearch ( ) != none )
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsConsoleBuild ( ) || class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) )
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . CancelGameSearch ( ) ;
OnCancelSearchComplete ( true ) ;
// we don't check for none so that we get warning in the log if GameInterface is none (this would be bad)
GameInterface . AddCancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ( OnCancelSearchComplete ) ;
GameInterface . CancelFindOnlineGames ( ) ;
else if ( SearchDataStore . GetCurrentGameSearch ( ) . Results . length > 0 || QueryCompletionAction == QUERYACTION _RefreshAll )
OnCancelSearchComplete ( true ) ;
// If no cancel delegate will get kicked off, reset the QueryCompletionAction value, or it gets stuck in 'cancelling' mode
QueryCompletionAction = QUERYACTION _None ;
` log("Could not cancel query because query cancel already in progress:" @ GetEnum(enum'EQueryCompletionAction', QueryCompletionAction));
/ * *
* Handler for the 'cancel query' asynchronous task completion . Performs the actions dictated by the current QueryCompletionAction , as
* set when CancelQuery was called .
* /
function OnCancelSearchComplete ( bool bWasSuccessful )
local EQueryCompletionAction CurrentAction ;
GameInterface . ClearCancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate ( OnCancelSearchComplete ) ;
CurrentAction = QueryCompletionAction ;
QueryCompletionAction = QUERYACTION _None ;
SetRefreshingIndicator ( false ) ;
switch ( CurrentAction )
case QUERYACTION _CloseScene :
ClearSearchResults ( ) ;
break ;
case QUERYACTION _JoinServer :
JoinServer ( SelectedServerIndex ) ;
break ;
case QUERYACTION _RefreshAll :
// if we're leaving the server browser area - clear all stored server query searches
ClearSearchResults ( ) ;
// Refresh the server browser after our cancel query has completely finished
GetPC ( ) . SetTimer ( 0.25 f , false , nameof ( DelayedRefresh ) , self ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
/ * * I f w e ' v e j u s t c a n c e l l e d o u r s e a r c h , a l w a y s d e l a y t h e n e x t s e a r c h s o t h e q u e r i e s
* are not confused * /
function DelayedRefresh ( )
SubmitServerListQuery ( FakePlayerIndex ) ;
function JoinServer ( optional int SearchResultIndex = - 1 , optional string WithPassword = "" , optional bool JoinAsSpectator = false )
local KFOnlineGameSettings ServerSettings ;
local OnlineGameSearchResult SearchResult ;
if ( SearchResultIndex >= 0 && SearchResultIndex < SearchDataStore . GetCurrentGameSearch ( ) . Results . Length )
SearchResult = SearchDataStore . GetCurrentGameSearch ( ) . Results [ SearchResultIndex ] ;
} else
return ;
// If the index is invalid, then we will assume its the query by ip result //leaving this in here because this is valid. Currently, OnlineGameSearch does not have this variable.
//SearchResult = SearchDataStore.GetCurrentGameSearch().QueryByIpResult;
// Store this in case we need it later
SelectedServerIndex = SearchResultIndex ;
// Get the settings
ServerSettings = KFOnlineGameSettings ( SearchResult . GameSettings ) ;
if ( ServerSettings == none )
return ;
// Just try joining, password or other checks will come back before the travel
ServerPassword = WithPassword ;
bJoinAsSpectator = JoinAsSpectator ;
ProcessJoin ( SearchResult ) ;
private function ProcessJoin ( OnlineGameSearchResult SearchResult )
// ToDo delete
` Log("ProcessJoin called!");
if ( GameInterface != None )
if ( SearchResult . GameSettings != None )
if ( ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsConsoleBuild ( ) || class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) ) && ! class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsE3Build ( ) )
// Make sure EOS game has GameSettings for crossplay needs.
if ( ( GameInterface . GetGameSettings ( 'Game' ) == None ) && class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) )
GameInterface . JoinOnlineGame ( 0 , 'Game' , SearchResult ) ;
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . AddSearchResultToHistory ( SearchResult . GameSettings . JoinString ) ;
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . AddQueryServerInfoCompleteDelegate ( OnQueryAdditionalServerInfoComplete ) ;
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . QueryServerInfo ( SearchResult . GameSettings . LobbyId ) ;
// Set the delegate for notification
GameInterface . AddJoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegate ( OnJoinGameComplete ) ;
if ( OnlineGameInterfaceImpl ( GameInterface ) . GetGameSearch ( ) != none )
` log("Already have an online game session when trying to join an online game. Destroying it.",,'DevOnline');
//Despite dire warnings to the contrary, DestroyOnlineGame completes synchronously.
GameInterface . DestroyOnlineGame ( 'Game' ) ;
// Start the async task
GameInterface . JoinOnlineGame ( 0 , 'Game' , SearchResult ) ;
OnJoinGameComplete ( 'Game' , false ) ;
ServerPassword = "" ;
bJoinAsSpectator = false ;
function OnJoinGameComplete ( name SessionName , bool bSuccessful )
local string URL ;
// Figure out if we have an online subsystem registered
if ( GameInterface != None )
if ( bSuccessful )
// Get the platform specific information
if ( GameInterface . GetResolvedConnectString ( SessionName , URL ) )
KFGameViewportClient ( LocalPlayer ( GetPC ( ) . Player ) . ViewPortClient ) . LastConnectionAttemptAddress = URL ;
` Log("- Join Game Successful, Traveling: " $ URL);
JoinGameURL ( ) ;
// Remove the delegate from the list
GameInterface . ClearJoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegate ( OnJoinGameComplete ) ;
if ( ! bSuccessful )
if ( GetServerDetails ( SelectedServerIndex ) . bRequiresPassword )
ServerMenu . ShowPasswordPopup ( ) ;
ServerPassword = "" ;
function OnQueryAdditionalServerInfoComplete ( bool bWasSuccessful , string LobbyId , string ServerIp , int ServerPort , string ServerTicket )
local string OpenCommand ;
` log("OnQueryAdditionalServerInfoComplete with success"@bWasSuccessful@"and lobbyID"@LobbyId@"and server IP"@ServerIp@"and port"@ServerPort);
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . ClearQueryServerInfoCompleteDelegate ( OnQueryAdditionalServerInfoComplete ) ;
if ( ! bWasSuccessful || ServerIp == "" )
// TODO: Popup?
` warn("Failed to connect to server for some reason");
OpenCommand = "open" @ ServerIp$ ":" $ServerPort ;
OpenCommand $ = "?AuthTicket=" $ServerTicket ;
OpenCommand $ = "?PlayfabPlayerId=" $class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) . CachedPlayfabId ;
if ( bJoinAsSpectator )
OpenCommand $ = "?SpectatorOnly=1" ;
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) && ( ServerPassword != "" ) )
OpenCommand $ = "?Password=" $ ServerPassword ;
KFGameEngine ( Class 'Engine' . static . GetEngine ( ) ) . OnHandshakeComplete = OnHandshakeComplete ;
` log("Going to connect with URL:"@OpenCommand);
ConsoleCommand ( OpenCommand ) ;
function bool OnHandshakeComplete ( bool bSuccess , string Error , out int SuppressPasswordRetry )
KFGameEngine ( Class 'Engine' . static . GetEngine ( ) ) . OnHandshakeComplete = None ;
if ( bSuccess )
OnlineSub . GetLobbyInterface ( ) . LobbyJoinServer ( KFGameViewportClient ( LocalPlayer ( GetPC ( ) . Player ) . ViewPortClient ) . LastConnectionAttemptAddress ) ;
SuppressPasswordRetry = 1 ;
` log("*******OnHandshakeComplete"@bSuccess@Error);
ScriptTrace ( ) ;
return false ;
private native function ServerConnect ( string URL ) ;
function JoinGameURL ( )
local string URL ;
// Call the game specific function to appending/changing the URL
URL = BuildJoinURL ( ) ;
KFGameEngine ( Class 'Engine' . static . GetEngine ( ) ) . OnHandshakeComplete = OnHandshakeComplete ;
//`log("join url:" @ URL);
// Get the resolved URL and build the part to start it
ServerConnect ( URL ) ;
ServerPassword = "" ;
function string BuildJoinURL ( )
local string ConnectURL ;
ConnectURL = KFGameViewportClient ( LocalPlayer ( GetPC ( ) . Player ) . ViewPortClient ) . LastConnectionAttemptAddress ;
if ( ServerPassword != "" )
ConnectURL $ = "?Password=" $ ServerPassword ;
OnlineSub . GetLobbyInterface ( ) . SetServerPassword ( ServerPassword ) ;
OnlineSub . GetLobbyInterface ( ) . SetServerPassword ( "" ) ;
if ( bJoinAsSpectator )
ConnectURL $ = "?SpectatorOnly=1" ;
ConnectURL $ = OnlineSub . GetLobbyInterface ( ) . GetLobbyURLString ( ) ;
//ConnectURL $= BuildJoinFiltersRequestURL();
return ConnectURL ;
function string BuildJoinFiltersRequestURL ( )
local string FiltersURL ;
local int GameDifficulty ;
GameDifficulty = ServerMenu . FiltersContainer . GetSelectedDifficulty ( ) ;
if ( ServerMenu . FiltersContainer . SavedGameModeIndex >= 0 )
FiltersURL $ = "?Game=" $class 'KFGameInfo' . static . GetGameModeClassFromNum ( ServerMenu . FiltersContainer . SavedGameModeIndex ) ;
if ( GameDifficulty >= 0 )
FiltersURL $ = "?Difficulty=" $GameDifficulty ;
if ( ServerMenu . FiltersContainer . SavedLengthIndex >= 0 )
FiltersURL $ = "?GameLength=" $ServerMenu . FiltersContainer . SavedLengthIndex ;
return FiltersURL ;
function OnRefreshServerDetails ( )
local KFOnlineGameSearch GameSearch ;
GameSearch = KFOnlineGameSearch ( SearchDataStore . GetCurrentGameSearch ( ) ) ;
if ( GameSearch != none )
` log("Refeshing Server: " @GameSearch.Results[SelectedServerIndex].GameSettings.OwningPlayerName);
//send the once the server is refreshed, ServerDetailsContainer::SetDetails(KFOnlineGameSettings ServerResult);
function ClearSearchResults ( )
if ( SearchDataStore != none )
SearchDataStore . ClearAllSearchResults ( ) ;
function KFOnlineGameSettings GetServerDetails ( int ServerIndex )
local KFOnlineGameSearch GameSearch ;
local KFOnlineGameSettings KFOGS ;
GameSearch = KFOnlineGameSearch ( SearchDataStore . GetCurrentGameSearch ( ) ) ;
if ( GameSearch != none )
KFOGS = KFOnlineGameSettings ( GameSearch . Results [ ServerIndex ] . GameSettings ) ;
return KFOGS ;
function SetRefreshingIndicator ( bool bRefreshing )
SetBool ( "refreshing" , bRefreshing ) ;
function OnServerSelected ( int ServerIndex )
local bool success ;
local PlayfabInterface PlayfabInter ;
SelectedServerIndex = ServerIndex ;
` log("***Attempting to get player list for server" @ SelectedServerIndex);
PlayfabInter = class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) ;
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) && PlayfabInter != none )
PlayfabInter . AddGetPlayerListCompleteDelegate ( OnGetPlayerListComplete ) ;
success = SearchDataStore . FindServerPlayerList ( SelectedServerIndex ) ;
if ( ! success )
` log("***Failed to get player list for server" @ SelectedServerIndex);
PlayfabInter . ClearGetPlayerListCompleteDelegate ( OnGetPlayerListComplete ) ;
} else {
GameInterface . AddGetPlayerListCompleteDelegate ( OnGetPlayerListComplete ) ;
success = SearchDataStore . FindServerPlayerList ( SelectedServerIndex ) ;
if ( ! success )
` log("***Failed to get player list for server" @ SelectedServerIndex);
GameInterface . ClearGetPlayerListCompleteDelegate ( OnGetPlayerListComplete ) ;
//native function bool FilterEntry(KFOnlineGameSettings Settings);
function UpdateListDataProvider ( )
local int i , NewServerCount ;
local GFxObject TempObj ;
local KFOnlineGameSearch LatestGameSearch ;
2022-03-29 20:30:25 +03:00
local int Ping , PlayerCount ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
local KFOnlineGameSettings TempOnlineGamesSettings ;
LatestGameSearch = KFOnlineGameSearch ( SearchDataStore . GetActiveGameSearch ( ) ) ;
if ( LatestGameSearch != none && DataProvider != none )
for ( i = 0 ; i < LatestGameSearch . Results . Length ; i ++ )
if ( LatestGameSearch . Results [ i ] . GameSettings . GfxId == INDEX _NONE || LatestGameSearch . Results [ i ] . GameSettings . GfxId >= GFxServerObjects . length )
if ( NewServerCount > 10 )
// delay
` TimerHelper.SetTimer( 0.01, false, nameof(UpdateListDataProvider), self );
break ;
TempOnlineGamesSettings = KFOnlineGameSettings ( LatestGameSearch . Results [ i ] . GameSettings ) ;
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) && i >= LatestGameSearch . MaxSearchResults )
break ;
//@SABER_EGS_BEGIN - Add to the list only servers with measured ping
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) && TempOnlineGamesSettings . PingInMs == - 1 ) {
` TimerHelper.SetTimer( 0.1, false, nameof(UpdateListDataProvider), self );
break ;
TempObj = CreateObject ( "Object" ) ;
2022-03-29 20:30:25 +03:00
TempObj . SetString ( "serverName" , TempOnlineGamesSettings . OwningPlayerName ) ;
PlayerCount = TempOnlineGamesSettings . NumPublicConnections - TempOnlineGamesSettings . NumOpenPublicConnections ;
if ( PlayerCount < 0 )
PlayerCount = 0 ;
TempObj . SetFloat ( "playerCount" , PlayerCount ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
TempObj . SetFloat ( "maxPlayerCount" , TempOnlineGamesSettings . NumPublicConnections ) ;
TempObj . SetFloat ( "waveCount" , TempOnlineGamesSettings . CurrentWave ) ;
TempObj . SetFloat ( "maxWaveCount" , IsEndlessModeIndex ( TempOnlineGamesSettings . Mode ) ? INDEX _NONE : TempOnlineGamesSettings . NumWaves ) ;
TempObj . SetFloat ( "zedCount" , TempOnlineGamesSettings . ZedCount ) ;
TempObj . SetFloat ( "maxZedCount" , TempOnlineGamesSettings . MaxZedCount ) ;
TempObj . SetBool ( "vacEnable" , TempOnlineGamesSettings . bAntiCheatProtected ) ;
TempObj . SetBool ( "mutators" , TempOnlineGamesSettings . bMutators ) ;
TempObj . SetBool ( "bRanked" , TempOnlineGamesSettings . bUsesStats ) ;
TempObj . SetBool ( "bCustom" , TempOnlineGamesSettings . bCustom ) ;
Ping = TempOnlineGamesSettings . PingInMs ;
TempObj . SetString ( "ping" , ( Ping < 0 ) ? ( "-" ) : ( String ( Ping ) ) ) ;
TempObj . SetString ( "difficulty" , Class 'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings' . static . GetDifficultyString ( TempOnlineGamesSettings . difficulty ) ) ;
TempObj . SetString ( "mode" , class 'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings' . static . GetGameModeString ( TempOnlineGamesSettings . Mode ) ) ;
TempObj . SetString ( "map" , TempOnlineGamesSettings . MapName ) ;
TempObj . SetBool ( "locked" , TempOnlineGamesSettings . bRequiresPassword ) ;
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
TempObj . SetBool ( "serverExiled" , TempOnlineGamesSettings . bServerExiled ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
//Get Game State from var const databinding EOnlineGameState GameState;
TempObj . SetString ( "gameStatus" , String ( TempOnlineGamesSettings . GameState ) ) ;
GFxServerObjects . AddItem ( TempObj ) ;
TempOnlineGamesSettings . GfxId = GFxServerObjects . Length - 1 ;
NewServerCount ++ ;
if ( LatestGameSearch . Results [ i ] . GameSettings . ElementIdx != i )
DataProvider . SetElementObject ( i , GFxServerObjects [ LatestGameSearch . Results [ i ] . GameSettings . GfxId ] ) ;
LatestGameSearch . Results [ i ] . GameSettings . ElementIdx = i ;
SetObject ( "dataProvider" , DataProvider ) ;
function bool IsEndlessModeIndex ( int ModeIndex )
return ModeIndex == 3 ;
function bool IsSelectedServerFavorited ( int ServerSearchIndex )
local PlayfabInterface PlayfabInter ;
local OnlineGameSearch LatestGameSearch ;
PlayfabInter = class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) ;
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) && PlayfabInter != none )
LatestGameSearch = SearchDataStore . GetActiveGameSearch ( ) ;
return PlayfabInter . IsSearchResultInFavoritesList ( LatestGameSearch , ServerSearchIndex ) ;
} else {
return GameInterface . IsSearchResultInFavoritesList ( ServerSearchIndex ) ;
function bool SetSelectedServerFavorited ( bool bFavorited )
local PlayfabInterface PlayfabInter ;
local OnlineGameSearch LatestGameSearch ;
PlayfabInter = class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) ;
if ( bFavorited )
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) && PlayfabInter != none )
LatestGameSearch = SearchDataStore . GetActiveGameSearch ( ) ;
return PlayfabInter . AddSearchResultToFavorites ( LatestGameSearch , SelectedServerIndex ) ;
} else {
return GameInterface . AddSearchResultToFavorites ( SelectedServerIndex ) ;
if ( class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsEOSBuild ( ) && PlayfabInter != none )
LatestGameSearch = SearchDataStore . GetActiveGameSearch ( ) ;
return PlayfabInter . RemoveSearchResultFromFavorites ( LatestGameSearch , SelectedServerIndex ) ;
} else {
return GameInterface . RemoveSearchResultFromFavorites ( SelectedServerIndex ) ;
inline UBOOL CheckFilters ( const UKFOnlineGameSettings & settings , const UKFGFxServerBrowser _Filters & filter ) ;
lastServerCount = - 1
FakePlayerIndex = 0
ServerPassword = ""
SearchDSName = KFGameSearch
bIssuedInitialQuery = FALSE
bQueryDialogShowing = FALSE
SelectedServerIndex = - 1