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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFGFxInGameHUD_TraderCompass
// HUD container that stores information about the player's Weapon & Equipment, dosh, etc.
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Alex Quick 5/15/2014
class KFGFxHUD_TraderCompass extends GFxObject;
/** Cached KFPlayerController */
var PlayerController MyPC;
var KFGameReplicationInfo MyKFGRI;
var private GfxObject TraderPing;
var float LastDistToTrader;
var byte LastArrowDirection;
var float LastViewAngleDotProduct;
var localized string TraderString;
const TraderPing_LeftSide = -1.0f;
const TraderPing_RightSide = 1.0f;
// Don't render the ping on the compass if the player is this distance or closer to the trader.
const PingMinRenderDistSq = 100000.f;
* Callback when a child widget is initialized within the path bound to this widget via GFxMoviePlayer::SetWidgetPathBinding(). Allows for GFxObject subclasses that encapsulate
* functionality to handle their own initialization for child widgets, instead of the GFxMoviePlayer. Returns TRUE if the widget was handled, FALSE if not.
event bool WidgetInitialized(name WidgetName, name WidgetPath, GFxObject Widget)
case 'CompassPingAnimContainer' :
if ( TraderPing == none )
TraderPing = Widget;
return true;
function InitializeHUD()
MyPC = GetPC();
SetString("traderText", TraderString);
function TickHud(float DeltaTime)
function vector GetCurrentTraderLocation()
local vector TraderLoc;
if( MyPC == none )
return Vect(0,0,0);
if( MyKFGRI == none )
MyKFGRI = KFGameReplicationInfo( MyPC.WorldInfo.GRI );
if(MyKFGRI != none && (MyKFGRI.OpenedTrader != none || MyKFGRI.NextTrader != none))
TraderLoc = MyKFGRI.OpenedTrader != none ? MyKFGRI.OpenedTrader.Location : MyKFGRI.NextTrader.Location;
return TraderLoc;
function UpdateDistanceToTrader()
local float CurrentDistToTrader;
local vector TraderLoc;
local Actor LocActor;
if(MyPC != none)
LocActor = MyPC.ViewTarget != none ? MyPC.ViewTarget : MyPC;
TraderLoc = GetCurrentTraderLocation();
CurrentDistToTrader = IsZero(TraderLoc) ? -1.f : VSize(TraderLoc - LocActor.Location) / 100.f ;
if (CurrentDistToTrader != LastDistToTrader )
SetInt("distanceToTrader" ,CurrentDistToTrader);
LastDistToTrader = CurrentDistToTrader;
function UpdateTraderCompassPosition()
local vector CameraLoc;
local rotator CameraRot;
local vector TraderLocation;
local float TraderAngle;
local vector NormalizedViewDir;
local float ViewAngleDotProduct;
local bool ShowPing;
local byte CurrentArrowdirection;
if( MyPC != none )
TraderLocation = GetCurrentTraderLocation();
// No active trader, or returning bad world location.
MyPC.GetPlayerViewPoint(CameraLoc, CameraRot);
CameraRot.Yaw = CameraRot.Yaw & 65535;
CameraRot.Roll = 0;
CameraRot.Pitch = 0;
CurrentArrowDirection = 0;
NormalizedViewDir = Normal(TraderLocation - Cameraloc << CameraRot) ;
ViewAngleDotProduct = Normal(TraderLocation - CameraLoc) Dot vector(CameraRot);
if(ViewAngleDotProduct != LastViewAngleDotProduct)
LastViewAngleDotProduct = ViewAngleDotProduct;
if(NormalizedViewDir.Y > 0) // Target is to the right of our camera.
if(ViewAngleDotProduct < 0.f)
TraderAngle = TraderPing_RightSide;
CurrentArrowDirection = 4;
TraderAngle = TraderPing_RightSide * (1.f-ViewAngleDotProduct);
else // To the left.
if(ViewAngleDotProduct < 0.f)
TraderAngle = TraderPing_LeftSide;
CurrentArrowDirection = 3;
TraderAngle = TraderPing_LeftSide * (1.f-ViewAngleDotProduct);
if(TraderPing != none)
ShowPing = VSizeSq(TraderLocation - CameraLoc) > PingMinRenderDistSq;
SetFloat("traderAngle", TraderAngle);
if(Abs(TraderLocation.Z - CameraLoc.Z) > 86.f) //Collisionheight
CurrentArrowDirection = TraderLocation.Z > CameraLoc.Z ? 1 : 2 ;
if(CurrentArrowDirection != LastArrowDirection)
SetInt("arrowDirection" ,CurrentArrowDirection);
LastArrowDirection = CurrentArrowDirection;