2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFDestructibleActor
// Base class for all placeable destructibles
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Andrew "Strago" Ladenberger
class KFDestructibleActor extends Actor
hidecategories(Physics, Debug, Object, Mobile)
* Network
********************************************************************************************* */
enum EDestructibleRepType
/** Normal (unique net channel) server-side replication */
/** Use a single net channel to replicate many destructible actors */
/** Client-only, no blocking collision */
var() EDestructibleRepType ReplicationMode;
struct native ReplicatedDamageModInfo
var byte ObjIdx;
var byte ModIdx;
var bool bPartial;
/** Packed dmg mod info for replication */
var repnotify ReplicatedDamageModInfo ReplicatedDamageMods[16];
/** True if the destructible is fully shut down */
var repnotify bool bShutDown;
/** simplified network damage state */
var transient byte ReplicatedDamageFlags;
* Damage
********************************************************************************************* */
/** The damage needed for a hit to be considered instakill */
var protected const int INSTAKILL_DAMAGE;
/** List of damage types that instantly destroy this object */
var() array<class<DamageType> > InstaKillDamageType<AllowAbstract>;
/** List of damage types to always ignore */
var() array<class<DamageType> > IgnoreDamageType<AllowAbstract>;
/** These damage types do increase damage */
var const array< class<DamageType> > VulnerableDamageType;
/** The amount to scale damage if vulnerable */
var const byte VulnerableMultiplier;
/** If true, ignores all damage */
var() protected bool bIgnoreAllDamage;
/** If true, will ignore all damage done by players */
var() protected bool bIgnorePlayerDamage;
/** If true, will take bump damage from AI, in addition to just players */
var() protected bool bAllowBumpDamageFromAI;
var transient float LastBumpCheckTime;
/** If bSelfDestructAll == TRUE for a damage mod, the object will be killed after this delay */
var() const float SelfDestructAllDelay;
/** When destroyed, disable collision on this blocking volume (MUST have bSelfDestructAll=TRUE) */
var() const BlockingVolume BlockingVolumeToDisable;
/** Force destroy these actors on SelfDestructAll. Useful if we have nearby destructibles and need more precision than ExplosionMod */
var() const array<Actor> DamageOtherActors<DisplayName=ActorsToDamageOnDestruct>;
/** Used to attach all of the components only once */
var transient bool bComponentsSetUp;
/** Used to update physics bodies only once */
var transient bool bInitRBPhysCalled;
/** If set, TakeRadiusDamage is being executed */
var transient bool bIsRadiusDamage;
/** Used by reset code to determine if actor is dirtied */
var transient bool bAnyDamageModApplied;
********************************************************************************************* */
//enum ENavMeshObjectState
// ENavMeshObjectState_None,
// ENavMeshObjectState_ObstacleOnly,
// ENavMeshObjectState_PathObjectOnly,
// ENavMeshObjectState_BothObstacleAndPathObject,
//var(Navigation) KFNavMeshObstacle_Destructible MyNavMeshObstacle;
//var(Navigation) KFNavMeshPathObject_Destructible MyNavMeshPathObject;
//var (Navigation) ENavMeshObjectState NavMeshObjectState;
* Material Mods
********************************************************************************************* */
struct native MaterialReplaceMod
var() MaterialInterface NewMaterial;
/** Index in the Materials array to replace with NewMaterial when this action is activated. */
var() int MaterialIndex;
struct native MaterialScalarParamMod
var() MaterialInstanceConstant MatInst;
var() Name ParamName;
var() float ScalarVal;
struct native MaterialTexParamMod
var() MaterialInstanceConstant MatInst;
var() Name ParamName;
var() Texture NewTexture;
struct native MaterialVectorParamMod
var() MaterialInstanceConstant MatInst;
var() Name ParamName;
var() LinearColor VectorVal;
struct native MaterialLightParamMod
var() int MatID;
var() Name ParamName;
var() Light LightActor;
* Physics actors (fragments)
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Parameters to define an actor spawn. */
struct native ActorSpawnParams
/** Static mesh to use for physics object */
var() StaticMesh RigidBodyMesh;
/** Lower bound of random initial linear vel */
var() vector MinLinearVel;
/** Upper bound of random initial linear vel */
var() vector MaxLinearVel;
/** Lower bound of random initial angular vel */
var() vector MinAngularVel;
/** Upper bound of random initial angular vel */
var() vector MaxAngularVel;
/** Collision type to use for spawned rigid body */
var() ECollisionType CollisionType;
/** RBChannel to use for collision */
var() ERBCollisionChannel RBChannel;
/** Positional offset for actor spawn loc. Note this is relative to the subobject */
var() vector RelativeOffset;
/** Rotational offset for actor spawn loc. Note this is relative to the subobject */
var() rotator RelativeRotation;
/** How long before we forcibly destroy the spawned actor, in seconds. <= 0 means don't destroy. */
var() float LifeTimeSeconds;
/** Do not spawn if no local players are within this range */
var() float MaxSpawnDist<EditCondition=!bReplicated>;
/** (PERF WARNING) If set, the spawned KActor is network replicated */
var() bool bReplicated;
/** Material changes */
var() const array<MaterialReplaceMod> MaterialReplacements;
* Effects
********************************************************************************************* */
struct native DestroyedEffectParams
/** Emitters to spawn */
var() ParticleSystem ParticleEffect;
/** Position offset for detroyed effect. Note this is relative to the subobject */
var() vector RelativeOffset;
/** Rotational offset for destroyed effect. Note this is relative to the subobject */
var() rotator RelativeRotation;
/** Do not spawn if no local players are within this range */
var() float MaxSpawnDist;
/** reference to the spawned particle system */
var transient ParticleSystemComponent PSC;
/** Contains data for an explosion to spawn upon damage */
struct native ExplosionMod
/** Explosion archetype to spawn */
var() KFGameExplosion ExplosionTemplate;
/** Explosion damage */
var float Damage;
/** Explosion damage radius */
var float DamageRadius;
/** Translation offset */
var() vector RelativeLocation;
/** Rotation offset */
var() rotator RelativeRotation;
/** The actor class to ignore for damage from this explosion **/
var class<Actor> ActorClassToIgnoreForDamage;
struct native SplashDamageParams
var() float BaseDamage;
var() float DamageRadius;
var() class<DamageType> DamageType<AllowAbstract>;
/** Translation offset - useful when other sub objects are in the way */
var() vector RelativeLocation;
/** describes a dependency of one subobject on a modification to another */
struct native ObjDamageModifierDependency
/** which subobject we're talking about */
var() Name DependentSubObjName;
/** If dependent subobject is above this health, it will be damaged to this level */
var() int MaxHealthToAllow;
/** Optimization to avoid searches. Gets filled in on PostBeginPlay() */
var transient int DependentSubObjIdx;
/** Contains data for an explosion to spawn upon damage */
struct native LightDamageParams
/** Placed light actors to recieve this mod */
var() Light Light<DisplayName=LightActor>;
/** New light animation settings */
var() const float MaxBrightness<UIMin=0.0|ClampMin=0.0>;
var() const float MinBrightness<UIMin=0.0|ClampMin=0.0>;
var() ELightAnimationTechnique AnimationType;
var() float AnimationFrequency<UIMin=0.01|ClampMin=0.01|UIMax=20.0|ClampMax=20.0>;
/** If set, this light should be disabled */
var() bool bDisabled;
/** A modification to be applied to a subobject after a certain damage threshold is reached. */
struct native ObjectDamageModifier
/** Name that can use used to descriptively identify this mod. */
var() const Name DamageModName;
/** apply this Modifier at or below this health */
var() const float HealthThreshold;
/** New static mesh to swap to, or None */
var() StaticMesh NewMesh;
/** Material changes */
var() const array<MaterialReplaceMod> MaterialReplacements;
var() const array<MaterialScalarParamMod> MaterialScalarParams;
var() const array<MaterialTexParamMod> MaterialTexParams;
var() const array<MaterialVectorParamMod> MaterialVectorParams;
/** Sounds to play when applying this modifier */
var() const array<AkBaseSoundObject> Sounds;
/** TRUE to kill the subobject at this stage */
var() const bool bSelfDestruct;
/** TRUE to kill the object (all subobjects) at this stage */
var() const bool bSelfDestructAll;
/** TRUE to stop any attached ambient sound */
var() const bool bStopAmbientSound;
// maybe use this? ParticleSystem'Effects_Level_SP_5.SP_Hospital.Effects.P_Wooden_Barrier_Split'
var() array<DestroyedEffectParams> ParticleEffects;
/** Potential splash damage (if the subj explodes or something) */
var() const SplashDamageParams SplashDamage;
/** actors that will be spawned */
var() const array<ActorSpawnParams> ActorsToSpawn;
/** list of subobjects that are also affected by this modifier */
var() const array<ObjDamageModifierDependency> DependentSubObjs;
/** true when this stage has been applied */
var transient bool bApplied;
/** index of the next actor to be spawned from ActorsToSpawn array */
var transient int NextSpawnActorIdx;
/** Explosion archetype to spawn */
var() ExplosionMod ExploMod<DisplayName=ExplosionMod>;
/** Temporarily allow CanBecomeDynamic (bNeverBecomeDynamic=FALSE) on these actors */
var deprecated array<StaticMeshActor> BecomeDynamicActors;
/** light actors that are effected by this damage mod */
var() const array<LightDamageParams> LightParams;
/** Whether this mod should apply actor blocking or not. @NOTE: Only used by undo mod */
var transient bool bMeshBlockActors;
/** This sound is played all of the time the object is in the world. (good for radios and such) **/
var() protected AkBaseSoundObject AmbientSoundCue;
var protected AkComponent AmbientSoundComponent;
/** Cached squared distance of nearest local player */
var transient float ClosestLocalPlayerSqDist;
* Sub-objects
********************************************************************************************* */
struct native DestructibleSubobject
/** name of the subobject. should be unique, but not currently enforced */
var() Name SubObjName;
/** the mesh */
var() StaticMeshComponent Mesh;
/** mods that can be applied to this subobject */
var() array<ObjectDamageModifier> DamageMods;
/** hit points this subobject has by default */
var() float DefaultHealth;
/** Light brightness material parameter for this subobject */
var() array<MaterialLightParamMod> MaterialLightParams;
* This is a modifier that is autogenerated at initialization time which represents how to
* get back to our original state
* Used in MP to "heal" WDOs between rounds.
var transient ObjectDamageModifier UndoMod;
/** Index of damage mod that is currently spawning effects / actors */
var transient int ActiveDamageModIdx;
/** Most recent damage type this subobject was hit with */
var transient class<DamageType> LastHitDamageType;
/** Cached MICs that are generated for material params */
var transient array<MaterialInstanceConstant> MICs;
/** Current health of this SubObject (non-transient) */
var int Health;
/** Array of objects that comprise this destructible object (MAX: 8) */
var(SubObjects) array<DestructibleSubobject> SubObjects;
/** Tick optimization -- store all damaged mods in a single-dimensional array */
var native private const init array<pointer> DamagedSubObjects{FDestructibleSubobject};
/** SubObject array size limit based on ReplicationMode */
var(SubObjects) const editconst byte SubObjectLimit;
/** SubObject array size limit based on ReplicationMode */
var(SubObjects) const editconst byte DamageModLimit;
/** Helper object to display RelativeLocation and RelativeRotation */
var(SubObjects) editoronly transient Actor PreviewOffsetActor;
/** Last value from PreviewOffsetActor */
var(SubObjects) editoronly transient vector PreviewRelativeLocation;
var(SubObjects) editoronly transient rotator PreviewRelativeRotation;
/** Attaches all of the subojects' components */
void AttachSubobjectComponents(void);
void SetupHealthVars();
void GenerateUndo();
void GenerateSubObjUndo(FDestructibleSubobject* SubObj);
void UpdateDamageMods();
void SetupComplexityLimits();
void UpdateLightMatParams();
/** handle MICs for any material params */
UMaterialInstanceConstant* GetSubObjMIC(FDestructibleSubobject* SubObj, INT ElementIndex);
void ClearSubObjMICs(INT ObjIdx);
virtual void PostLoad();
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual UBOOL ShouldTrace(UPrimitiveComponent* Primitive,AActor *SourceActor, DWORD TraceFlags);
virtual void TickSpecial(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
virtual UBOOL Tick(FLOAT DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType);
/* Overridden to setup collision for damage meshes that will eventually exist */
virtual void InitRBPhys();
virtual void CheckForErrors();
virtual INT AddMyMarker(AActor *S);
* Replication
********************************************************************************************* */
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
ReplicatedDamageMods, bShutDown;
simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName)
local int Idx, ObjIdx, ModIdx;
if (VarName == nameof(ReplicatedDamageMods))
// look for unprocessed replicated damage mods
for (Idx = 0; Idx < ArrayCount(ReplicatedDamageMods); Idx++)
if ( ReplicatedDamageMods[Idx].ObjIdx != 255 )
ObjIdx = ReplicatedDamageMods[Idx].ObjIdx;
ModIdx = ReplicatedDamageMods[Idx].ModIdx;
if ( !SubObjects[ObjIdx].DamageMods[ModIdx].bApplied )
ApplyDamageMod(ObjIdx, ModIdx, ReplicatedDamageMods[Idx].bPartial);
else if (VarName == nameof(bShutDown))
if (bShutDown)
* Fills in an empty slot in the replicated damage mod array to be
* sent to the clients for simulation.
event ReplicateDamageMod(int ObjIdx, int ModIdx, bool bPartial)
local int Idx;
if ( (ObjIdx < 0) || (ObjIdx > 255)
|| (ModIdx < 0) || (ModIdx > 255) )
`warn(self$" replicatedamagemod out of bounds "$ObjIdx@ModIdx);
// find first available
for (Idx = 0; Idx < ArrayCount(ReplicatedDamageMods); Idx++)
if (ReplicatedDamageMods[Idx].ObjIdx == 255)
ReplicatedDamageMods[Idx].ObjIdx = ObjIdx;
ReplicatedDamageMods[Idx].ModIdx = ModIdx;
ReplicatedDamageMods[Idx].bPartial = bPartial;
// immediate net update
bForceNetUpdate = TRUE;
/** Pack damage mod into a byte for ReplicateDamageMod */
function byte PackDamageMod(int ObjIdx, int ModIdx, bool bPartial)
// 1-4: ObjIdx, 5-6 ModIdx, 8 bPartial
local byte DmgModFlags;
DmgModFlags = ObjIdx + (ModIdx << 4);
if ( bPartial )
DmgModFlags = DmgModFlags | 128;
return DmgModFlags;
/** Pack damage mod into a byte for ReplicateDamageMod */
simulated function UnPackDamageMod(byte DmgModFlags, out int ObjIdx, out int ModIdx, out byte bPartial)
// 1-4: ObjIdx, 5-6 ModIdx, 8 bPartial
ObjIdx = (DmgModFlags & 15);
ModIdx = (DmgModFlags & 48);
bPartial = (DmgModFlags & 128);
* Startup
********************************************************************************************* */
/** attach all subojects, generally get things ready for play */
simulated private native function SetupComponents();
/** one-time initializations. basically intended to provide some native PostBeginPlay code. */
simulated native protected function OneTimeInit();
* This starts our ambient sound
simulated event PostBeginPlay()
// if we have and AmbientSoundCue we want to go ahead and start playing it.
if( ( AmbientSoundCue != None ) && ( AmbientSoundComponent != None ) )
AttachComponent( AmbientSoundComponent );
AmbientSoundComponent.OcclusionUpdateInterval = 0.2f;
AmbientSoundComponent.PlayEvent( AkEvent(AmbientSoundCue) );
switch (ReplicationMode)
case RT_ClientSide:
// turn off BlockActors collision
SetCollision(, false);
if ( BlockingVolumeToDisable != None )
BlockingVolumeToDisable.SetCollision(false, false);
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client)
// on the client, set role to Authority if we're a clientside only KActor
Role = (ReplicationMode == RT_ClientSide) ? ROLE_Authority : ROLE_SimulatedProxy;
// on the server, set role to SimulatedProxy (i.e. replicate it) only if not clientside
RemoteRole = (ReplicationMode == RT_ClientSide) ? ROLE_None : ROLE_SimulatedProxy;
* Damage
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Apply damage to a subobject */
protected native function DamageSubObject(int ObjIdx, int Damage, Controller EventInstigator, class<DamageType> DamType);
/** Returns TRUE if any subobject has health > 0. Should only be used on the server as a
* catch-all for destructibles that don't have a damage mod with bSelfDestructAll set
native function bool HasAnyHealth();
native function float GetCurrentHealth();
native function float GetMaxHealth();
/** Network: Server */
simulated function TakeRadiusDamage
Controller InstigatedBy,
float BaseDamage,
float DamageRadius,
class<DamageType> DamageType,
float Momentum,
vector HurtOrigin,
bool bFullDamage,
Actor DamageCauser,
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
optional float DamageFalloffExponent=1.f,
optional bool bAdjustRadiusDamage=true
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
bIsRadiusDamage = true;
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
Super.TakeRadiusDamage(InstigatedBy, BaseDamage, DamageRadius, DamageType, Momentum, HurtOrigin, bFullDamage, DamageCauser, DamageFalloffExponent, bAdjustRadiusDamage);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
bIsRadiusDamage = false;
/** Network: Server */
event TakeDamage(int Damage, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser)
local int Idx;
// Modify the damage based on the damage type
AdjustDamage(Damage, EventInstigator, DamageType);
// Bail if there is no damage
if( Damage <= 0 )
// If this damage type should instakill, don't bother finding a HitIdx
if ( Damage >= INSTAKILL_DAMAGE || bIsRadiusDamage )
// no specific hit subobject, so hit them all equally
for (Idx=0; Idx<SubObjects.Length; ++Idx)
if (Damage > 0.f)
DamageSubObject(Idx, Damage, EventInstigator, DamageType);
else if ( ValidateHitComponent(EventInstigator, HitInfo, HitLocation, Momentum) )
// Search and find which subobject got hit
for (Idx=0; Idx<SubObjects.Length; ++Idx)
if (SubObjects[Idx].Mesh != HitInfo.HitComponent)
if (SubObjects[Idx].Health > 0.f)
// hit a subobject, damage it
DamageSubObject(Idx, Damage, EventInstigator, DamageType);
//`log("Got Subobject!");
// If object is dead, unregister with navmesh
if ( Role == ROLE_Authority && !HasAnyHealth() )
// @todo: pathfinding
Super.TakeDamage(Damage, EventInstigator, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType, HitInfo, DamageCauser);
/** Adjust damage based on inventory, other attributes */
function AdjustDamage(out int InDamage, Controller EventInstigator, class<DamageType> DamageType)
local int Idx;
local KFAIController KFAIInstigator;
if (bIgnoreAllDamage)
InDamage = 0;
// Check if this damage should instakill
for ( Idx = 0; Idx < InstaKillDamageType.length; ++Idx )
if ( (DamageType == InstaKillDamageType[Idx]) || ClassIsChildOf(DamageType, InstaKillDamageType[Idx]) )
// Check if this damage should be ignored completely
for (Idx = 0; Idx < IgnoreDamageType.length; ++Idx)
if ( (DamageType == IgnoreDamageType[Idx]) || ClassIsChildOf(DamageType, IgnoreDamageType[Idx]) )
InDamage = 0;
// special case handling for players and zeds
if ( EventInstigator != None )
// The check below allows NPCs who are set to attack the destructible (see NotifyAttackTarget() in
// KFAIController), insta-kill the destructible if their ActorEnemy matches the destructible. This
// avoids the previous issue where damage was applied immediately on Bump, which resulted in the
// destructible breaking before the NPC's attack animtaion sequence actually began.
if( bAllowBumpDamageFromAI && !EventInstigator.bIsPlayer )
KFAIInstigator = KFAIController(EventInstigator);
if( KFAIInstigator != none && KFAIInstigator.ActorEnemy == self )
// Check if this damage should be ignored completely (update: human team only)
if ( bIgnorePlayerDamage && EventInstigator.bIsPlayer && EventInstigator.GetTeamNum() == 0)
InDamage = 0;
if( bIsRadiusDamage && IsVulnerableTo(DamageType) )
InDamage *= VulnerableMultiplier;
/** If returns true, the destructible is vulnerable to this damage type damage */
function bool IsVulnerableTo(class<DamageType> DT)
local int Idx;
for (Idx = 0; Idx < VulnerableDamageType.length; ++Idx)
if ( ClassIsChildOf(DT, VulnerableDamageType[Idx]) )
return true;
return false;
/** Called from UKFReachSpec::PrepareForMove when DestructibleActor is ahead on NPC's path */
event bool InstaKillFromLargeNPCBumpDamage()
return ( InstaKillDamageType.Find(class'KFDT_NPCBump_Large') != INDEX_NONE );
/** Called from UKFReachSpec::PrepareForMove when DestructibleActor is ahead on NPC's path */
event bool InstaKillFromStandardNPCBumpDamage()
return ( InstaKillDamageType.Find(class'KFDT_NPCBump') != INDEX_NONE );
/** If we don't have a valid hit component (e.g. CSHD) trace to retrieve */
function bool ValidateHitComponent( Controller EventInstigator, out TraceHitInfo HitInfo, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum )
local Actor TraceInstigator;
local vector NewHitLocation, HitNormal;
local vector Offset;
if ( HitInfo.HitComponent == None )
// Perform trace to retrieve hit info
if ( Momentum == vect(0,0,0) )
Momentum = Location - HitLocation;
Offset = 8.f * Normal(Momentum);
if( EventInstigator != none )
TraceInstigator = (EventInstigator.Pawn != none && EventInstigator.Pawn.Weapon != none) ? EventInstigator.Pawn.Weapon : EventInstigator.Pawn;
if( TraceInstigator == none )
TraceInstigator = WorldInfo;
TraceInstigator.Trace( NewHitLocation, HitNormal, HitLocation + Offset, HitLocation - Offset, true,, HitInfo, TRACEFLAG_Bullet );
return HitInfo.HitComponent != None;
event ApplySplashDamage(const out vector Origin, const out SplashDamageParams DamageParams)
// DEPRECATED. Use ExplosionTemplate instead
//if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
// HurtRadius(DamageParams.BaseDamage, DamageParams.DamageRadius, DamageParams.DamageType, 1.f, Origin + DamageParams.RelativeLocation, self);
/** Fire the Destroyed kismet event, called when all subobjects are dead */
delegate OnDestroyed(KFDestructibleActor DActor);
protected event TriggerDestroyedEvent(Controller EventInstigator)
//@note: This will always be called, unlike DelayedShutDownObject/ShutDownObject which is only called if bSelfDestructAll==TRUE
TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_Destroyed', EventInstigator);
function BumpedByMonster( KFPawn_Monster P, vector HitNormal )
if( bAllowBumpDamageFromAI )
if ( `TimeSince(LastBumpCheckTime) < 0.5f )
LastBumpCheckTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
if( P.Controller != none )
// Call TakeDamage with 0 because we only want to take bump damage if it is in the array of InstaKillDamageTypes
TakeDamage( 0, P.Controller, P.Location, vect(0,0,0), P.BumpDamageType,, P );
function int GetInstaKillDamage()
* Effects
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Change the static mesh to one stored in a DamageMod
* @param ObjIdx index of subobject getting the mod
* @param ModIdx index into mod array indicating which mod to apply
simulated native protected function SetSubObjectStaticMesh(int ObjIdx, int ModIdx);
* Apply one of the stored damage mods to this object.
* @param ObjIdx index of subobject getting the mod
* @param ModIdx index into mod array indicating which mod to apply
* @param bPartial TRUE for partial application, used if more than one mod triggers
* in a frame. Only 1 mod will be fully applied (to prevent overlapping
* sounds and whatnot.
simulated native protected function ApplyDamageMod(int ObjIdx, int ModIdx, bool bPartial, optional Controller DamageInstigator);
* This function will remove all of the currently attached decals from the object.
* Basically, we want to have decals attach to these objects and then on state change (due to damage usually), we will
* just detach them all with the big particle effect that occurs it should not be noticeable.
simulated native protected function RemoveDecals();
/** Spawns the explosion associated with the passed in damage mod */
simulated event Explosion(const out DestructibleSubobject SubObj, const out ObjectDamageModifier Mod)
local vector EffectLoc;
local rotator EffectRot;
local GameExplosionActor ExplosionActor;
local GameExplosion ExplosionTemplate;
//local StaticMeshActor SMActor;
//local bool bOldNeverBecomeDynamic;
// Temporarily enable CanBecomeDynamic and activate these actors. This is useful
// for tables and other destructibles with objects stacked on top.
//foreach Mod.BecomeDynamicActors(SMActor)
// bOldNeverBecomeDynamic = SMActor.StaticMeshComponent.bNeverBecomeDynamic;
// SMActor.StaticMeshComponent.bNeverBecomeDynamic = false;
// class'KActorFromStatic'.Static.MakeDynamic(SMActor.StaticMeshComponent);
// SMActor.StaticMeshComponent.bNeverBecomeDynamic = bOldNeverBecomeDynamic;
if( Mod.ExploMod.ExplosionTemplate != None )
EffectLoc = Location + (Mod.ExploMod.RelativeLocation >> Rotation);
EffectRot = Rotation + RelativeRotation;
ExplosionActor = Spawn(class'KFExplosionActor', self,, EffectLoc, EffectRot);
ExplosionTemplate = Mod.ExploMod.ExplosionTemplate;
if (ExplosionActor != None)
// override explosion template
ExplosionTemplate = new class'KFGameExplosion'(Mod.ExploMod.ExplosionTemplate);
ExplosionTemplate.Damage = Mod.ExploMod.Damage;
ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius = Mod.ExploMod.DamageRadius;
ExplosionTemplate.DamageFalloffExponent = 1.0f;
ExplosionTemplate.ActorClassToIgnoreForDamage = Mod.ExploMod.ActorClassToIgnoreForDamage;
ExplosionTemplate.ActorToIgnoreForDamage = self;
ExplosionTemplate.DamageDelay = 0.01f;
// Detect environment template and skip line check and damage falloff
//if ( ExplosionTemplate.DamageFalloffExponent == 0.f
// && ExplosionTemplate.ActorClassToIgnoreForDamage == class'Pawn'
// && ExplosionTemplate.MyDamageType == class'KFDT_Environment_KActorImpulse' )
// ExplosionActor.bAlwaysDoFullDamage = true;
* Destroy / UnDestroy
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Restores to it's pristine state. */
simulated native function UnDestroy();
/** "Turn off" this entire object after a delay */
simulated protected event DelayedShutDownObject()
local Actor Other;
local StaticMeshActor OtherSM;
SetCollision(false, false, bIgnoreEncroachers);
// Disable associated blocking volume. Called when bSelfDestructAll is set
// @note invalid if this is a clientside destructible
if ( ReplicationMode != RT_ClientSide && BlockingVolumeToDisable != None )
BlockingVolumeToDisable.SetCollision(false, false);
// Process DamageOtherActors
foreach DamageOtherActors(Other)
if ( Other.bStatic && Other.bWorldGeometry )
OtherSM = StaticMeshActor(Other);
if ( OtherSM != None )
// override bNeverBecomeDynamic on this StaticMeshComp
OtherSM.StaticMeshComponent.bNeverBecomeDynamic = false;
if ( OtherSM.StaticMeshComponent.CanBecomeDynamic() )
Other = class'KActorFromStatic'.Static.MakeDynamic(OtherSM.StaticMeshComponent);
if ( Other == None )
// make dynamic failed, move on to next actor
Other.TakeRadiusDamage(None, 1000, 1000, class'KFDT_Environment_KActorImpulse', 1, Location, true, self);
SetTimer(0.2f, false, nameof(ShutDownObject));
/** "Turn off" this entire object */
simulated function ShutDownObject()
local int Idx;
bShutDown = true;
// shut down all subobjects
for (Idx=0; Idx<SubObjects.Length; ++Idx)
SubObjects[Idx].Mesh.SetTraceBlocking(FALSE, FALSE);
SubObjects[Idx].Mesh.SetActorCollision(FALSE, FALSE);
// note actor collision is already disabled (see DelayedShutDownObject)
/** "Turn off" a subobject, no mesh, no collision, nothing left */
simulated protected event ShutDownSubObject(const out DestructibleSubobject SubObj)
SubObj.Mesh.SetTraceBlocking(FALSE, FALSE);
SubObj.Mesh.SetActorCollision(FALSE, FALSE);
/** Reset all objects after TurnOff has been called */
simulated protected event UnShutDownObject()
local int SubObjIdx, DamageModIdx;
bShutDown = false;
// Reset collision
SetCollision(default.bCollideActors, default.bBlockActors, bIgnoreEncroachers);
// @fixme: better to store original vals here instead of assuming
// true across the board, in case that assumption is inaccurate
for (SubObjIdx = 0; SubObjIdx < SubObjects.Length; ++SubObjIdx)
SubObjects[SubObjIdx].Mesh.SetTraceBlocking(TRUE, TRUE);
SubObjects[SubObjIdx].Mesh.SetActorCollision( TRUE, SubObjects[SubObjIdx].Mesh.BlockActors ); // BlockActors is determined by the undo object
// Reset vars for tracking damage mods
SubObjects[SubObjIdx].ActiveDamageModIdx = -1;
for (DamageModIdx = 0; DamageModIdx < SubObjects[SubObjIdx].DamageMods.length; ++DamageModIdx)
SubObjects[SubObjIdx].DamageMods[DamageModIdx].NextSpawnActorIdx = 0;
// If a pawn is inside of this actor now, teleport it
if( Role == ROLE_Authority )
SetTimer(0.01, false, nameof(MoveCollidingPawns));
/** Moves pawns that are standing on destroyed actor when it is reset */
function MoveCollidingPawns()
// @todo
* Level was reset without reloading
* Network: ALL. Called on clients to avoid issues that could arise from players joining in progress
* and thinking they need to reset this actor when they don't.
simulated function Reset()
local int SubObjIdx;
//Undo shutdown if necessary
if (bShutDown)
//Reset health
for (SubObjIdx = 0; SubObjIdx < SubObjects.Length; ++SubObjIdx)
SubObjects[SubObjIdx].Health = SubObjects[SubObjIdx].DefaultHealth;
if( !bAnyDamageModApplied )
bForceNetUpdate = true;
function ToggleAllDamage(bool bDamageOn)
bIgnoreAllDamage = !bDamageOn;
Begin Object Class=SpriteComponent Name=Sprite
End Object
Begin Object Class=AkComponent Name=AmbientSoundComponent0
// OcclusionCheckInterval set in PostBeginPlay
End Object
// no physics by default
// many of these properties are pulled in from KActor
// since this class was originally derived from KActor
// Without this explosions won't do damage to them because they are world geometry
// network - see EDestructibleRepType