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2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
// KFWeapAttach_AutoTurretWeapon
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2022 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFWeapAttach_AutoTurretWeap extends KFWeaponAttachment;
const DeployAnimName = 'Drone_Deploy';
const DroneFireAnim = 'Drone_Shoot';
const DroneEmptyStartAnim = 'Drone_Start_Empty';
const DroneEmptyAnim = 'Drone_Empty';
const DroneIdleAnim = 'Drone_Idle';
const DroneClosedAnim = 'Drone_IdleClose';
const LaserSightSocketName = 'LaserSightSocket';
const LaserColorParamName = '0blue_1red';
var transient MaterialInstanceConstant LaserDotMIC;
var transient MaterialInstanceConstant LaserBeamMIC;
simulated function float PlayDeployAnim()
local float Duration;
Duration = WeapMesh.GetAnimLength( DeployAnimName );
WeapMesh.PlayAnim( DeployAnimName, Duration / ThirdPersonAnimRate, false, true );
return Duration;
simulated function PlayEmptyState()
local float Duration;
Duration = WeapMesh.GetAnimLength( DroneEmptyStartAnim );
WeapMesh.PlayAnim( DroneEmptyStartAnim, Duration / ThirdPersonAnimRate, true, false);
SetTimer(Duration, false, 'PlayEmptyAnim');
simulated function PlayEmptyAnim()
local float Duration;
Duration = WeapMesh.GetAnimLength( DroneEmptyAnim );
WeapMesh.PlayAnim( DroneEmptyAnim, Duration / ThirdPersonAnimRate, true, false);
if (LaserSight != none)
simulated function PlayIdleAnim()
local float Duration;
Duration = WeapMesh.GetAnimLength( DroneIdleAnim );
WeapMesh.PlayAnim( DroneIdleAnim, Duration / ThirdPersonAnimRate, true, false );
simulated function PlayCloseAnim()
local float Duration;
Duration = WeapMesh.GetAnimLength( DroneClosedAnim );
WeapMesh.PlayAnim( DroneClosedAnim, Duration / ThirdPersonAnimRate, true, false );
* Spawn all of the effects that will be seen in behindview/remote clients. This
* function is called from the pawn, and should only be called when on a remote client or
* if the local client is in a 3rd person mode.
* @return TRUE if the effect culling check passes
simulated function bool ThirdPersonFireEffects( vector HitLocation, KFPawn P, byte ThirdPersonAnimRateByte )
// local EAnimSlotStance AnimType;
SpawnTracer(GetMuzzleLocation(), HitLocation);
// Effects below this point are culled based on visibility and distance
if ( !ActorIsRelevant(self, false, MaxFireEffectDistance) )
return false;
DecodeThirdPersonAnimRate( ThirdPersonAnimRateByte );
// Weapon shoot anims
if( !bWeapMeshIsPawnMesh )
if( P.IsDoingSpecialMove() && P.SpecialMoves[P.SpecialMove].bAllowFireAnims )
AnimType = EAS_Additive;
AnimType = EAS_FullBody;
// AnimType = EAS_FullBody;
// Character shoot anims
if ( AnimType == EAS_Additive )
PlayPawnFireAnim( P, AnimType );
// interrupt other weapon action anims (e.g. Reload)
if( !P.IsDoingSpecialMove() )
P.StopBodyAnim(P.bIsCrouched ? EAS_CH_UpperBody : EAS_UpperBody, 0.1f);
if ( OnWeaponStateChanged != None )
return true;
simulated function bool ActorIsRelevant(Actor EffectInstigator, bool bForceDedicated, optional float VisibleCullDistance=5000.0, optional float HiddenCullDistance=350.0 )
local PlayerController P;
local float DistSq;
local vector CameraLoc;
local rotator CameraRot;
if ( EffectInstigator == None )
return FALSE;
// No local player, so only spawn on dedicated server if bForceDedicated
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer )
return bForceDedicated;
if ( bForceDedicated && (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer) && (WorldInfo.Game.NumPlayers > 1) )
// Is acting as server, so spawn effect if bForceDedicated
return TRUE;
// Determine how far to the nearest local viewer
DistSq = 10000000000.0;
ForEach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', P)
if ( P.GetViewTarget() == self )
return true;
P.GetPlayerViewPoint(CameraLoc, CameraRot);
DistSq = FMin(DistSq, VSizeSq(Location - CameraLoc)*Square(P.LODDistanceFactor));
if ( DistSq > VisibleCullDistance*VisibleCullDistance )
// never spawn beyond cull distance
return FALSE;
else if ( DistSq < HiddenCullDistance*HiddenCullDistance )
// If close enough, always spawn even if hidden
return TRUE;
/* This doesn't seem to be updating the render time, so ignore it */
return TRUE;
/** Plays fire animation on weapon mesh */
simulated function PlayWeaponFireAnim()
local float Duration;
local bool bAnimPlayed;
Duration = WeapMesh.GetAnimLength( DroneFireAnim );
bAnimPlayed = WeapMesh.PlayAnim( DroneFireAnim, Duration / ThirdPersonAnimRate, false, false );
if (bAnimPlayed)
SetTimer(Duration, false, nameof(PlayIdleAnim));
simulated function AttachLaserSight()
if ( WeapMesh != none && LaserSight == None && LaserSightArchetype != None )
LaserSight = new(self) Class'KFLaserSightAttachment' (LaserSightArchetype);
LaserSight.AttachLaserSight(WeapMesh, false, LaserSightSocketName);
simulated function UpdateLaserColor(bool bInCombat)
if (LaserSight != none)
if (LaserDotMIC == none)
LaserDotMIC = LaserSight.LaserDotMeshComp.CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceConstant(0);
if (LaserBeamMIC == none)
LaserBeamMIC = LaserSight.LaserBeamMeshComp.CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceConstant(0);
if (LaserDotMIC != none)
LaserDotMIC.SetScalarParameterValue(LaserColorParamName, bInCombat ? 1 : 0);
if (LaserBeamMIC != none)
LaserBeamMIC.SetScalarParameterValue(LaserColorParamName, bInCombat ? 1 : 0);
* Assign weapon skin to 3rd person mesh
simulated event SetWeaponSkin(int ItemId, optional bool bFinishedLoading = false)
local array<MaterialInterface> SkinMICs;
if ( ItemId > 0 && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && !bWaitingForWeaponSkinLoad)
if (!bFinishedLoading && StartLoadWeaponSkin(ItemId))
SkinMICs = class'KFWeaponSkinList'.static.GetWeaponSkin(ItemId, WST_ThirdPerson);
2022-06-14 18:52:40 +03:00
2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
if ( SkinMICs.Length > 0 )
WeapMesh.SetMaterial(0, SkinMICs[0]);