
405 lines
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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFSceneCaptureDebugCam
// Renders a debug scene window focusing on the FocusActor's location.
// Activated through KFCheatManager - see "FocusOn" exec function.
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFSceneCaptureDebugCam extends SceneCapture2DActor
var Texture2D BlackTexture;
/** Scene capture component that's attached when debug scene camera is active */
var SceneCapture2DComponent CaptureComponent;
/** Actor that this camera is focused on */
var Actor FocusActor;
/** Class of actor that this camera is focused on */
var class<Actor> FocusClass;
/** This variable is used if the current focus actor is a Pawn */
var Pawn FocusPawn;
/** Owning player controller for this debug scene camera */
var KFPlayerController PCOwner;
/** Pop up a debug scene view focusing on NPC who most recently failed a move */
var bool bWatchNPCPathFailures;
/** Pop up a debug scene view when an actor with a specific name is spawned */
var bool bWatchActorSpawn;
/** Actor name to watch for spawn if bWatchActorSpawn is true */
var name ActorNameToWatchOnSpawn;
/** Pop up a debug scene view when the camera receives a touch event */
var bool bWatchTouch;
/** Debug scene view orbits around focus actor when true */
var bool bOrbitFocus;
/** Set the camera's base to the focus actor */
var bool bSetBaseToFocus;
/** Prevents the focus actor's skeletal mesh from pausing animations when not in view */
var bool bNoAnimPause;
/** When true, camera location/orientation has been placed in a fixed position/rotation by player */
var bool bOverrideFocus;
/** Number of currently active debug windows (WIP, currently 1 max) */
var int ActiveDebugWindows;
var bool bLockFocus;
/** If bNoAnimPause is true, some of the focus actor's skeletal mesh properties are stored here to be reset later */
var bool bTickAnimNodesWhenNotRendered;
var bool bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered;
var bool bIgnoreControllersWhenNotRendered;
var float MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate;
var bool bPauseAnims;
var string CurrentDebugSceneMessage;
var bool bTextOnly;
/** Material for debug scene window */
var MaterialInterface DebugViewMaterial;
var MaterialInstanceConstant DebugViewMaterialInstance;
var KFAIController FocusController;
var KFPawn FocusKFPawn;
var vector LastLocation;
Native functions
/** Creates the TextureRenderTarget2D in which the debug scene is rendered */
native function TextureRenderTarget2D CreateDebugTexture();
/** Overridden to call the PostRender event if this camera is active and PC is the PCOwner */
simulated native function NativePostRenderFor(PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir);
simulated native function GetDebugSceneViewPoint( out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_Rotation );
Initialization / Destruction
* public function bool InitDebugScene()
* Called from KFPlayerController - initializes the debug scene to focus on ActorToWatch
* @param NewOwner PlayerController who will own this debug cam
* @param ActorToWatch Debug scene will be focused on this actor's location
* @param DebugMessage Optional debug message which will be shown in debug text by PostRenderFor()
function bool InitDebugScene( KFPlayerController NewOwner, actor ActorToWatch, optional string DebugMessage )
local TextureRenderTarget2D TextureTarget;
local vector SceneLocation;
local rotator SceneRotation;
PCOwner = NewOwner;
CurrentDebugSceneMessage = DebugMessage;
if( FocusActor == ActorToWatch )
return false;
FocusActor = ActorToWatch;
FocusPawn = Pawn( FocusActor );
FocusKFPawn = KFPawn( FocusActor );
FocusController = KFAIController( FocusKFPawn.Controller );
if( FocusPawn != none && !bTextOnly )
FocusPawn = None;
TextureTarget = CreateDebugTexture();
//SetLocation( ActorToWatch.Location );
SetRotation( ActorToWatch.Rotation );
if( bSetBaseToFocus )
//SetBase( ActorToWatch );
CaptureComponent.SetEnabled( true );
CaptureComponent.SetCaptureParameters( TextureTarget );
GetDebugSceneViewPoint( SceneLocation, SceneRotation );
CaptureComponent.SetView( SceneLocation, SceneRotation );
// Create the material instance for the debug scene view
if( DebugViewMaterialInstance == none )
DebugViewMaterialInstance = new(self) class'MaterialInstanceConstant';
DebugViewMaterialInstance.SetParent( DebugViewMaterial );
DebugViewMaterialInstance.SetTextureParameterValue( 'RenderToTextureMap', TextureTarget);
AttachComponent( CaptureComponent );
// Special handling if actor to watch is a pawn
if( Pawn( ActorToWatch ) != none && !bTextOnly )
FocusPawn = Pawn( ActorToWatch );
if( FocusPawn.Mesh != none )
// Make the pawn animate if not visible, if desired
if( bNoAnimPause )
return true;
* public function DestroyDebugScene()
* Clean up the debug scene and capture component, and restore any properties changed on the focus actor's skeletal mesh
event DestroyDebugScene()
CurrentDebugSceneMessage = "";
if( FocusPawn != none )
FocusPawn = none;
FocusActor = none;
DebugViewMaterialInstance.SetParent( none );
DebugViewMaterialInstance = none;
FocusClass = none;
PCOwner = none;
DetachComponent( CaptureComponent );
CaptureComponent = none;
Behavior changing functions accessed through cheat manager
/** Turn the orbiting camera movement on or off */
function ToggleDebugSceneOrbit()
bOrbitFocus = !bOrbitFocus;
/** Called from cheat manager when player wants to set the debug view to a fixed position/rotation matching the pawn's current values */
function MoveToMyPawnLocation()
local vector CameraLoc;
local rotator CameraRot;
bOverrideFocus = true;
// Turn movement/orbiting off
SetBase( None );
bOrbitFocus = false;
PCOwner.GetPlayerViewPoint( CameraLoc, CameraRot );
SetLocation( CameraLoc );
SetRotation( CameraRot );
CaptureComponent.SetView( CameraLoc, CameraRot );
* public function ToggleLockFocus()
* Toggles whether debug scene focus is locked to its current view
function ToggleLockFocus()
bLockFocus = !bLockFocus;
* public function SetDebugSceneViewMode()
* Called from cheat manager - lets player change debug scene viewmode
* @param NewViewMode New scene capture view mode to use (SceneCapView_Lit,SceneCapView_Wire,etc.)
function SetDebugSceneViewMode( ESceneCaptureViewMode NewViewMode )
CaptureComponent.ViewMode = NewViewMode;
DetachComponent( CaptureComponent );
AttachComponent( CaptureComponent );
* public function PauseDebugSceneUpdate()
* Called from cheat manager, toggles pausing of debug scene window updates
function PauseDebugSceneUpdate()
CaptureComponent.bEnabled = !CaptureComponent.bEnabled;
FocusPawn handling - if FocusActor is a pawn
* public function CacheAndUpdateFocusPawnMeshProperties()
* Store some of the focus pawn's mesh property values and get the mesh to animate if it's not
* considered visible
function CacheAndUpdateFocusPawnMeshProperties()
// Store the mesh properties that will might be changing
bTickAnimNodesWhenNotRendered = FocusPawn.Mesh.bTickAnimNodesWhenNotRendered;
bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered = FocusPawn.Mesh.bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered;
bIgnoreControllersWhenNotRendered = FocusPawn.Mesh.bIgnoreControllersWhenNotRendered;
MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate = FocusPawn.Mesh.MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate;
bPauseAnims = FocusPawn.Mesh.bPauseAnims;
// Update the mesh properties to prevent the focus target mesh from pausing its animations
FocusPawn.Mesh.bTickAnimNodesWhenNotRendered = true;
FocusPawn.Mesh.bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered = true;
FocusPawn.Mesh.bIgnoreControllersWhenNotRendered = false;
FocusPawn.Mesh.MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate = 0;
FocusPawn.Mesh.bPauseAnims = false;
* public function RestoreFocusPawnMeshProperties()
* Reset any properties changed for the focus actor's skeletal mesh
function RestoreFocusPawnMeshProperties()
FocusPawn.Mesh.bTickAnimNodesWhenNotRendered = bTickAnimNodesWhenNotRendered;
FocusPawn.Mesh.bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered = bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered;
FocusPawn.Mesh.bIgnoreControllersWhenNotRendered = bIgnoreControllersWhenNotRendered;
FocusPawn.Mesh.MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate = MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate;
FocusPawn.Mesh.bPauseAnims = bPauseAnims;
* public function GetDebugSceneViewPoint()
* Used to get the orbit locations for the debug scene camera
* @param out_Location Location of current orbiting view point
* @param out_Rotation Rotation of current orbiting view point
// function GetDebugSceneViewPoint( out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_Rotation )
// {
// if( FocusActor != none )
// {
// if( bOrbitFocus )
// {
// out_Rotation = FocusActor.Rotation;
// out_Rotation.Pitch -= 3000;
// out_Rotation.Yaw = ( WorldInfo.TimeSeconds * 65536 ) / 10;
// out_Location = ( FocusActor.Location + vect(0,0,72) ) - 120 * vector( out_Rotation );
// }
// else
// {
// out_Rotation = FocusActor.Rotation;
// //out_Rotation.Pitch -= 3000;
// // out_Rotation.Yaw = ( WorldInfo.TimeSeconds * 65536 ) / 10;
// out_Location = ( FocusActor.Location + vect(0,0,72) ) - 120 * vector( out_Rotation );
// }
// return;
// }
// }
* public simulated event PostRenderFor()
* Event called by NativePostRenderFor - Draws debug text related to current FocusActor
* @param PC PlayerController we're rendering for
* @param Canvas HUD Canvas to use
* @param CameraPosition
* @param CameraDir
simulated event PostRenderFor( PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir )
local float H, W;
local vector SceneLocation;
local rotator SceneRotation;
if( ( FocusActor == none && !bOverrideFocus ) )
if( PCOwner != none && PCOwner.CheatManager != none )
KFCheatManager( PCOwner.CheatManager ).DestroyDebugScene();
if( !bTextOnly && bOrbitFocus )
if( CaptureComponent.bEnabled )
// Don't think detach/attach is necessary here, will double check
DetachComponent( CaptureComponent );
GetDebugSceneViewPoint( SceneLocation, SceneRotation );
CaptureComponent.SetView( SceneLocation, SceneRotation );
AttachComponent( CaptureComponent );
else if( !bOrbitFocus )
GetDebugSceneViewPoint( SceneLocation, SceneRotation );
if( SceneLocation != LastLocation )
DetachComponent( CaptureComponent );
//GetDebugSceneViewPoint( SceneLocation, SceneRotation );
CaptureComponent.SetView( SceneLocation, SceneRotation );
AttachComponent( CaptureComponent );
LastLocation = SceneLocation;
// if( PC != none && PC.myHUD != none )
// {
// if( FocusKFPawn != none && FocusController != none )
// {
// FocusController.KFDrawDebug( KFHUDBase(PC.myHUD), 'Default' );
// }
// }
if( !bTextOnly )
// Draw the debug scene material
//Canvas.SetPos( 4, 200 );
Canvas.SetPos( Canvas.ClipX * 0.65f, Canvas.ClipY * 0.075 );
H = 256 * ( Canvas.ClipY/768.0 );
W = 256 * ( Canvas.ClipY/768.0 );
Canvas.DrawTile( BlackTexture, H, W, 0, 0, 32, 32 );
Canvas.DrawColor = MakeColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
Canvas.SetPos( Canvas.ClipX * 0.65f, Canvas.ClipY * 0.075 );
Canvas.DrawMaterialTile( DebugViewMaterialInstance, H, W, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
Begin Object Name=SceneCapture2DComponent0
FarPlane=-1 //1024
End Object