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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFSM_GrappleCombined
// One grapple to rule them all. Combines GrappleAttack and GrappleStart
// so we have better control over the transition.
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFSM_GrappleCombined extends KFSM_InteractionPawnLeader
// Animations
var array<name> GrappleAnims;
var bool bStopFullBodyWhenMoveEnds;
var byte LastVariant; // The last anim index this special move played
// Simple state flags for multi-stage special move
enum EGrappleState
/** Beyond this distance the grapple will fail */
var float MaxGrabDistance;
/** Make sure Z distance isn't too far */
var float MaxVictimZOffset;
/** Anim to play when attempting to grab attach */
var name GrabStartAnimName;
/** If set, this ability can be blocked by a melee weapon */
var bool bCanBeBlocked;
/** Is set, the owner can cancel/abort this move after it's been started */
var bool bCanBeInterrupted;
/** The time from the start of the anim to check for a victim */
var float GrabCheckTime;
/** Minimum amount of time to grab if player released button */
var float MinPlayerGrabTime;
/** Should use root motion for the initial "grab attempt" animation */
var bool bUseRootMotion;
/** Restrictions for doing grab animation. */
protected function bool InternalCanDoSpecialMove()
if( PawnOwner.IsHumanControlled() && PawnOwner.Physics == PHYS_Falling )
return false;
if ( KFPOwner.IsHeadless() )
return false;
return super.InternalCanDoSpecialMove();
* Can a new special move override this one before it is finished?
* This is only if CanDoSpecialMove() == TRUE && !bForce when starting it.
function bool CanOverrideMoveWith( Name NewMove )
if ( KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags == EGS_GrabAttempt )
if ( NewMove == 'KFSM_Stunned' || NewMove == 'KFSM_Stumble' )
return TRUE; // for NotifyAttackParried
return FALSE;
/** Called when owning pawn has damage parried during this move */
function bool CanInterruptWithParry()
return (KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags == EGS_GrabAttempt);
/** Set our grab flag to EGS_GrabAttempt (we don't start the grapple until we've grabbed a pawn) */
static function byte PackFlagsBase( KFPawn P )
return EGS_GrabAttempt;
/** Notification called when Special Move starts */
function SpecialMoveStarted(bool bForced, Name PrevMove )
// skip default (instant attach) behavior
Super(KFSpecialMove).SpecialMoveStarted(bForced, PrevMove);
// Reset variables
Follower = None;
bAlignFollowerLookSameDirAsMe = default.bAlignFollowerLookSameDirAsMe;
bAlignPawns = default.bAlignPawns;
bAlignFollowerRotation = default.bAlignFollowerRotation;
bPendingStopFire = false;
/** Play an animation and enable the OnAnimEnd notification */
function PlayGrabAnim()
GrabCheckTime = KFSkeletalMeshComponent(PawnOwner.Mesh).GetAnimInterruptTime(GrabStartAnimName);
// On the server start a timer to check collision
if ( PawnOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority )
if ( GrabCheckTime <= 0 )
`warn("Failed to play" @ GrabStartAnimName @ "on special move" @ Self @ "on Pawn" @ PawnOwner);
PawnOwner.SetTimer(0.25f, FALSE, nameof(AbortSpecialMove), Self);
PawnOwner.SetTimer(GrabCheckTime, FALSE, nameof(CheckGrapple), Self);
PlaySpecialMoveAnim(GrabStartAnimName, EAS_FullBody);
if ( bUseRootMotion )
* Check to see if we're in range to lock into a grapple
* Network: Server
function CheckGrapple()
local vector ToEnemy;
local vector Extent, HitLocation, HitNormal;
local Actor HitActor;
local KFPawn Victim;
if( KFPOwner.IsHumanControlled() )
Victim = KFPawn(FindPlayerGrabTarget());
else if( AIOwner != none )
Victim = KFPawn( AIOwner.Enemy );
if( Victim != none && Victim.IsAliveAndWell() && Victim.GetTeamNum() != KFPOwner.GetTeamNum() /*&& AIOwner.Enemy.Physics != PHYS_Falling*/ )
if ( Victim != None && (bCanBeBlocked && Victim.MyKFWeapon != None && Victim.MyKFWeapon.IsGrappleBlocked(PawnOwner))
|| (!Victim.CanBeGrabbed(KFPOwner, true)) )
return; // blocked by weapon or pawn can't be grabbed
// Check victim Z offset
if( Abs(PawnOwner.Location.Z - Victim.Location.Z) > MaxVictimZOffset )
ToEnemy = (PawnOwner.Location - Victim.Location);
if( VSizeSq(ToEnemy) > Square(MaxGrabDistance) )
return; // exceeded max distance
if( !KFPOwner.IsHumanControlled() )
// Set our extent
Extent.X = PawnOwner.GetCollisionRadius() * 0.5f;
Extent.Y = Extent.X;
Extent.Z = PawnOwner.GetCollisionHeight() * 0.5f;
// trace for obstructions (already checked if IsHumanControlled())
HitActor = PawnOwner.Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Victim.Location, PawnOwner.Location, true, Extent);
if( HitActor != None && HitActor != Victim )
/** Returns a victim to try and grab onto */
function Pawn FindPlayerGrabTarget()
local KFPawn_Monster KFPM;
local vector StartLoc, EndLoc;
KFPM = KFPawn_Monster(PawnOwner);
if ( KFPM != None )
StartLoc = PawnOwner.Location;
EndLoc = StartLoc + Normal(Vector(PawnOwner.Rotation)) * MaxGrabDistance;
return KFPM.MeleeAttackHelper.FindVictimByFOV(StartLoc, EndLoc, MaxGrabDistance);
* Used for Pawn to Pawn interactions.
* Return TRUE if we can perform an Interaction with this Pawn.
function bool CanInteractWithPawn(KFPawn OtherPawn)
// Prevent interaction if potentiail victim is dead, not on our team, in Phys_Falling, or busy with another special move
return( (OtherPawn.IsAliveAndWell() && !KFPOwner.IsSameTeam(OtherPawn) && OtherPawn.Physics != PHYS_Falling && !OtherPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove())
&& Super.CanInteractWithPawn(OtherPawn) );
/** Called when grapple is successful and interaction pawn is attached */
function BeginGrapple(optional KFPawn Victim)
if ( PawnOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority )
// @todo: Server only for now because the alignment code is not
// network safe on simulated proxy. Needs invstigation!
bAlignPawns = default.bAlignPawns;
KFPOwner.InteractionPawn = Victim;
KFPOwner.ReplicatedSpecialMove.InteractionPawn = Victim;
// replicate attachment
KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags = EGS_GrabSuccess;
KFPOwner.ReplicatedSpecialMove.Flags = KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags;
// See if the grab should be ended early
if( PawnOwner.IsHumanControlled() && PawnOwner.IsLocallyControlled() )
PawnOwner.SetTimer(MinPlayerGrabTime, false, nameof(CheckIfPlayerReleasedGrapple), self);
// stop root motion
if ( bUseRootMotion && PawnOwner.Mesh.RootMotionMode == SMRootMotionMode )
// Set up a safety net in case interaction cannot be started
PawnOwner.SetTimer( InteractionStartTimeOut, FALSE, nameof(self.InteractionStartTimedOut), self );
// See if we can start interaction right now. If we can't, keep trying until we can.
/** StartInteraction */
function StartInteraction()
local KFAIDirector AIDirector;
if( Follower != none && KFPOwner != none )
// Prevent grenade throwing for a short time after being grabbed to prevent players blowing themselves up
if( KFWeapon(Follower.Weapon) != none )
KFWeapon(Follower.Weapon).ZedGrabGrenadeTossCooldown = Follower.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds + 0.35;
// Try to let the game's KFAIDirector know about the successful grab, so it can alert nearby Zeds
// TODO: Might want to move this to a timer so other zeds aren't alerted until the grapple anim actively looping
if( KFPOwner.MyKFAIC != none )
AIDirector = KFPOwner.MyKFAIC.MyAIDirector;
//Let the AI controller know the initial attack succeeded
if( KFAIController_Monster(KFPOwner.MyKFAIC) != none )
KFAIController_Monster(KFPOwner.MyKFAIC).bCompletedInitialGrabAttack = true;
else if ( KFPOwner.WorldInfo.Game != None )
AIDirector = KFGameInfo( KFPOwner.WorldInfo.Game ).GetAIDirector();
if ( AIDirector != None )
// We currently don't notify if/when the player breaks away from the grab
AIDirector.NotifyPawnGrabbed( Follower, KFPOwner );
/** Use timer & animlength instead of animend */
function AnimEndNotify(AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime)
if( KFPOwner != none && KFPOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority )
if ( KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags == EGS_GrabAttempt )
/** Toggle attachment */
function SpecialMoveFlagsUpdated()
if ( KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags >= EGS_GrabSuccess )
// one-time attachment
if ( Follower == None )
/** Network: All */
function PlayGrappleLoopAnim()
local byte Variant;
if( KFPOwner != none && KFPOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority )
// Do not use the last variant
Variant = Rand(default.GrappleAnims.Length);
while(Variant == LastVariant)
Variant = Rand(default.GrappleAnims.Length);
LastVariant = Variant;
KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags = (Variant << 4) + EGS_GrabSuccess;
KFPOwner.ReplicatedSpecialMove.Flags = KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags;
PlaySpecialMoveAnim(GrappleAnims[KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags >> 4], EAS_FullBody);
/** Notification when Follower is leaving his FollowerSpecialMove */
function OnFollowerLeavingSpecialMove()
function SpecialMoveEnded(Name PrevMove, Name NextMove)
// Clear timers.
PawnOwner.ClearTimer(nameof(CheckGrapple), Self);
// stop root motion
if ( bUseRootMotion && PawnOwner.Mesh.RootMotionMode == SMRootMotionMode )
if( bStopFullBodyWhenMoveEnds )
KFPOwner.StopBodyAnim(EAS_FullBody, 0.2f);
Super.SpecialMoveEnded(PrevMove, NextMove);
/** Handle bCanBeInterrupted, also see CanOverrideMoveWith() for interrupt moves */
function NotifyOwnerTakeHit(class<KFDamageType> DamageType, vector HitLoc, vector HitDir, Controller InstigatedBy)
// Don't break grab if the damage was from someone on the same team
if( InstigatedBy != none && KFPOwner != none && InstigatedBy.GetTeamNum() == KFPOwner.GetTeamNum() )
if( !KFPOwner.IsHumanControlled() )
// End the move immediately and let ProcessAIHit force a SM_Stumble
// force stumble when damaged from a grapple
if ( KFPOwner.CanDoSpecialMove(SM_Stumble) && DamageType.default.StumblePower > 0 )
KFPOwner.DoSpecialMove(SM_Stumble,,, class'KFSM_Stumble'.static.PackBodyHitSMFlags(KFPOwner, HitDir));
/** Notification from the pawn that a medium (aka gun) or heavy (aka melee) affliction has been activated */
function NotifyHitReactionInterrupt()
local vector HitDir;
if ( KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags == EGS_GrabAttempt )
if ( bCanBeInterrupted )
// Force stumble. Cannot simple exit this move without aborting/overriding the animation
if ( KFPOwner.CanDoSpecialMove(SM_Stumble) )
HitDir = Normal(KFPOwner.HitFxInfo.EncodedHitDirection);
KFPOwner.DoSpecialMove(SM_Stumble,,, class'KFSM_Stumble'.static.PackBodyHitSMFlags(KFPOwner, HitDir));
/* Called on some player-controlled moves when a firemode input has been pressed */
function SpecialMoveButtonRetriggered()
bPendingStopFire = false;
/** Called on some player-controlled moves when a firemode input has been released */
function SpecialMoveButtonReleased()
bPendingStopFire = true;
// Wait out the initial grab attempt + minimum grab duration
if( Follower == none || KFPOwner.IsTimerActive(nameOf(CheckIfPlayerReleasedGrapple), self) )
if( KFPOwner.Role < ROLE_Authority && KFPOwner.IsLocallyControlled() )
KFPOwner.ServerDoSpecialMove( SM_None, true );
/** Called when aborting the move due to player input */
function CheckIfPlayerReleasedGrapple()
if( bPendingStopFire )
if( KFPOwner.Role < ROLE_Authority && KFPOwner.IsLocallyControlled() )
KFPOwner.ServerDoSpecialMove( SM_None, true );
// ---------------------------------------------
// Animation
GrappleAnims=(Grab_Attack_V1, Grab_Attack_V2, Grab_Attack_V3)
// ---------------------------------------------
// Alignment
// @deprecated: see ForceLookAtPawn
// ---------------------------------------------
// Movement
// ---------------------------------------------
// Combat