2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFPerk_Berserker
// The berserker perk class
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// Christian "schneidzekk" Schneider
class KFPerk_Berserker extends KFPerk
var const PerkSkill BerserkerDamage;
var const PerkSkill DamageResistance; // 0% resistance to all damage – Max 25%
var const PerkSkill NightVision;
var const private float NinjaSprintModifer;
var const private float SmashStumbleModifier;
var const private int SmallRadiusSizeSQ;
var private bool bParryActive;
var const private float ParryDuration;
var const private float ParrySpeed;
var const private float FurySpeed;
var const private float SmashKnockdownMultiplier;
var const private float SpartanZedTimeResistance;
var const private float SpeedDamageModifier;
var const private float SmashHeadDamageModifier;
var const private float VampireAttackSpeedModifier;
var const private float ParryDamageReduction;
var const private int RageRadius;
var const private float RageFleeDuration;
var const private int RageFleeDistance;
var const private int RageDialogEvent;
// Events to play when parry skill is activated / deactivated
var AkEvent ParrySkillSoundModeStart;
var AkEvent ParrySkillSoundModeStop;
enum EBerserkPerkSkills
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
/** The last time a zed was bumped using battering ram */
var float LastBumpTime;
/** The unique list of actors that have been bumped before the last cooldown reset */
var array<Actor> CurrentBumpedActors;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// specific abilities
virtual UBOOL UseBlueMeleeTrails();
virtual UBOOL UseRedMeleeTrails();
* @name Perk init and spawning
******************************************************************************************** */
/** (Server) Modify Instigator settings based on selected perk */
function ApplySkillsToPawn()
if( OwnerPawn != none )
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
OwnerPawn.bMovesFastInZedTime = IsFastInZedTime() || IsSWATEnforcerActiveForWeekly();
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* @brief Modifies skill related attributes
simulated protected event PostSkillUpdate()
// enable tick if we have the regeneration skill
SetTickIsDisabled( !IsNinjaActive() );
//clear parry
function ClearPerkEffects()
reliable client function ClientClearPerkEffects()
if (Role != ROLE_Authority)
* @brief script tick (server)
* @param DeltaTime time since the last tick
event Tick( float DeltaTime )
super.Tick( DeltaTime );
if( IsNinjaActive() )
TickRegen( DeltaTime );
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simulated event float GetZedTimeSpeedScale()
return GetZedTimeSpeedScaleForColliseum();
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* @name Passive skills functions
********************************************************************************************* */
* @brief Modifies the damage dealt
* @param InDamage damage
* @param DamageCauser weapon or projectile (optional)
* @param MyKFPM the zed damaged (optional)
* @param DamageInstigator responsible controller (optional)
* @param class DamageType the damage type used (optional)
simulated function ModifyDamageGiven( out int InDamage, optional Actor DamageCauser, optional KFPawn_Monster MyKFPM, optional KFPlayerController DamageInstigator, optional class<KFDamageType> DamageType, optional int HitZoneIdx )
local KFWeapon MyKFWeapon;
local float TempDamage;
TempDamage = InDamage;
if( DamageCauser != none )
if( DamageCauser.IsA( 'Weapon' ) )
MyKFWeapon = KFWeapon(DamageCauser);
else if( DamageCauser.IsA( 'Projectile' ) )
MyKFWeapon = KFWeapon(DamageCauser.Owner);
`QALog( GetFuncName() @ "Base damage:" @ InDamage , bLogPerk);
2021-09-03 00:46:08 +03:00
if( ((MyKFWeapon != none && IsWeaponOnPerk( MyKFWeapon,, self.class )) || IsDamageTypeOnPerk( DamageType )) && !IsBlastBrawlers(MyKFWeapon) )
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
TempDamage += InDamage * GetPassiveValue( BerserkerDamage, CurrentLevel );
if( IsSpeedActive() )
TempDamage += InDamage * static.GetSpeedDamageModifier();
`QALog( GetFuncName() @ "Speed extra damage:" @ InDamage * static.GetSpeedDamageModifier(), bLogPerk);
if( GetParryActive() )
TempDamage += InDamage * GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerParry] );
`QALog( GetFuncName() @ "Parry extra damage:" @ InDamage * GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerParry] ), bLogPerk);
if( HitZoneIdx == HZI_HEAD && IsSmashActive() )
TempDamage += InDamage * static.GetSmashHeadDamageModifier();
`QALog( GetFuncName() @ "Smash head hit extra damage:" @ InDamage * static.GetSmashHeadDamageModifier(), bLogPerk);
`QALog( "Total Damage Given" @ MyKFWeapon @ GetPercentage(InDamage, Round(TempDamage)) @ "Start/End" @ InDamage @ Round(TempDamage), bLogPerk );
InDamage = Round( TempDamage );
* @brief Some perk skills modify the melee attack speed
* @param InDuration delay in between attacks
simulated function ModifyMeleeAttackSpeed( out float InDuration, KFWeapon KFW )
local float TempDuration;
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
if( KFW == none || !KFW.IsMeleeWeapon() || IsBlastBrawlers(KFW) )
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
TempDuration = InDuration;
if( IsSpeedActive() )
`QALog("Speed reduced the attack delay duration by:" @ TempDuration * GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerSpeed] ), bLogPerk);
TempDuration -= InDuration * GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerSpeed] );
`QALog( "Speed Melee Attack Speed pct" @ GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerSpeed] ) @ InDuration @ TempDuration, bLogPerk );
if( GetParryActive() )
`QALog("Parry reduced the attack delay duration by:" @ TempDuration * ParrySpeed, bLogPerk);
TempDuration -= InDuration * ParrySpeed;
`QALog( "Parry Melee Attack Speed pct" @ ParrySpeed, bLogPerk );
if( IsFuryActive() && KFW.CurrentFireMode == 0 )
`QALog("Fury reduced the attack delay duration by:" @ TempDuration * GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerFury] ), bLogPerk);
TempDuration -= InDuration * GetFurySpeed();
`QALog( "Fury Melee Attack Speed pct" @ GetFurySpeed(), bLogPerk );
if( IsVampireActive() )
`QALog("Vampire reduced the attack delay duration by:" @ TempDuration * static.GetVampireAttackSpeedModifier(), bLogPerk);
TempDuration -= InDuration * static.GetVampireAttackSpeedModifier();
`QALog( "Vampire Melee Attack Speed pct" @ static.GetVampireAttackSpeedModifier(), bLogPerk );
`QALog( "Total, Melee Attack Speed" @ GetPercentage( InDuration, TempDuration ) @ "Start/End" @ InDuration @ TempDuration, bLogPerk );
InDuration = TempDuration;
simulated final static function float GetFurySpeed()
return default.FurySpeed;
* @brief Weapons and perk skills can affect the jog/sprint speed
* @param Speed jog speed
simulated function ModifySpeed( out float Speed )
local KFWeapon MyKFWeapon;
local KFInventoryManager KFIM;
if( !IsNinjaActive() )
MyKFWeapon = GetOwnerWeapon();
if( MyKFWeapon == none && CheckOwnerPawn() )
KFIM = KFInventoryManager(OwnerPawn.InvManager);
if( KFIM != none && KFIM.PendingWeapon != none )
MyKFWeapon = KFWeapon(KFIM.PendingWeapon);
2020-12-13 18:09:05 +03:00
if (MyKFWeapon != none &&
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
((MyKFWeapon.IsMeleeWeapon() && !IsBlastBrawlers(MyKFWeapon)) || IsWeaponOnPerk(MyKFWeapon,, self.class)))
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
Speed += Speed * GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerNinja] );
* @brief Weapons and perk skills can affect the jog/sprint speed
* @param Speed sprint speed
simulated function ModifySprintSpeed( out float Speed )
local KFWeapon MyKFWeapon;
local KFInventoryManager KFIM;
if( !IsNinjaActive() )
MyKFWeapon = GetOwnerWeapon();
if( MyKFWeapon == none && CheckOwnerPawn() )
KFIM = KFInventoryManager(OwnerPawn.InvManager);
if( KFIM != none && KFIM.PendingWeapon != none )
MyKFWeapon = KFWeapon(KFIM.PendingWeapon);
if (MyKFWeapon != none &&
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
((MyKFWeapon.IsMeleeWeapon() && !IsBlastBrawlers(MyKFWeapon)) || IsWeaponOnPerk(MyKFWeapon,, self.class)))
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
Speed += Speed * static.GetNinjaSprintModifier();
simulated static final function float GetNinjaSprintModifier()
return default.NinjaSprintModifer;
* @brief Modifies the damage taken
* @param InDamage damage
* @param DamageType the damage type used (optional)
function ModifyDamageTaken( out int InDamage, optional class<DamageType> DamageType, optional Controller InstigatedBy )
local float TempDamage;
if( InDamage <= 0 )
TempDamage = InDamage;
if( IsResistanceActive() )
TempDamage -= InDamage * GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerResistance] );
if( ClassIsChildOf( Damagetype, class'KFDT_Toxic' ) ||
ClassIsChildOf( Damagetype, class'KFDT_Sonic' ) )
TempDamage -= InDamage * GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerResistance] );
if( GetParryActive() )
TempDamage -= InDamage * static.GetParryDamageModifier();
`QALog( "Parry DamageResistance =" @ InDamage * static.GetParryDamageModifier(), bLogPerk );
TempDamage -= InDamage * GetPassiveDamageResistance( CurrentLevel );
`QALog( "Total DamageResistance" @ DamageType @ GetPercentage( InDamage, Round( TempDamage ) ) @ "Start/End" @ InDamage @ TempDamage, bLogPerk );
InDamage = Round( TempDamage );
* @brief Calculates the additional ammo per perk level
* @param Level Current perk level
* @return additional ammo
simulated private final static function float GetPassiveDamageResistance( int Level )
return default.DamageResistance.Increment * FFloor( float( Level ) / 5.f );
function ModifyBloatBileDoT( out float DoTScaler )
super.ModifyBloatBileDoT( DoTScaler );
`QALog( "BloatBile DotScaler" @ GetPercentage( DoTScaler, DoTScaler - GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerResistance] ) ),bLogPerk );
DotScaler -= GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerResistance] );
simulated static function GetPassiveStrings( out array<string> PassiveValues, out array<string> Increments, byte Level )
PassiveValues[0] = Round(GetPassiveValue( default.BerserkerDamage, Level ) * 100) $ "%";
PassiveValues[1] = Round(GetPassiveDamageResistance( Level ) * 100) $ "%";
PassiveValues[2] = "";
PassiveValues[3] = "";
Increments[0] = "[" @ Left( string( default.BerserkerDamage.Increment * 100 ), InStr(string(default.BerserkerDamage.Increment * 100), ".") + 2 )$"% /" @ default.LevelString @ "]";
Increments[1] = "[" @ Left( string( default.DamageResistance.Increment * 100 ), InStr(string(default.DamageResistance.Increment * 100), ".") + 2 )$"% / 5" @ default.LevelString @ "]";
Increments[2] = "";
Increments[3] = "";
* @name Selectable skills functions
********************************************************************************************* */
* @brief modifies the players health
* @param InHealth health
function ModifyHealth( out int InHealth )
local float TempHealth;
TempHealth = InHealth;
if( IsFortitudeActive() )
TempHealth += InHealth * GetSKillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerFortitude] );
`QALog( "Health passive + Fortitude health" @ InHealth, bLogPerk );
InHealth = Round( TempHealth );
* @brief Adds health points earned by killing with the vampire skill
* @param KFPC Owning controller
function AddVampireHealth( KFPlayerController KFPC, class<DamageType> DT )
if( IsDamageTypeOnPerk( class<KFDamageType>(DT) ) && IsVampireActive() && KFPC.Pawn != none )
KFPC.Pawn.HealDamage( GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerVampire] ), KFPC, class'KFDT_Healing', false, false );
`QALog( "Vampire, HealDamage" @ GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerVampire] ), bLogPerk );
* @brief Skills can effect the hard (secondary) melee attack damage
* @param int The damage to modify
function ModifyHardAttackDamage( out int InDamage )
local float TempDamage;
TempDamage = InDamage;
if( IsSmashActive() )
TempDamage += InDamage * GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerSmash] );
`QALog( GetFuncName() @ "Smash extra damage:" @ InDamage * GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerSmash] ), bLogPerk);
`QALog( "Total Hard Atk Dmg" @ GetPercentage( InDamage, TempDamage != InDamage ? Round( TempDamage ) : InDamage ) @ "Start/End" @ InDamage @ ( TempDamage != InDamage ? Round( TempDamage ) : InDamage ), bLogPerk );
InDamage = Round( TempDamage );
* @brief Skills can effect the light melee attack damage
* @param int The damage to modify
function ModifyLightAttackDamage( out int InDamage )
local float TempDamage;
if( IsFuryActive() )
TempDamage = InDamage;
TempDamage += InDamage * GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerFury] );
InDamage = Round( TempDamage );
* @brief Called when the parry time ends
simulated function ParryTimer()
bParryActive = false;
SetTickIsDisabled( !IsNinjaActive() );
if( OwnerPC != none )
OwnerPC.SetPerkEffect( false );
OwnerPC.PlaySoundBase( ParrySkillSoundModeStop, true );
* @brief Change this to effect intensity change when we have it
* @param float InDuration The effects duration
function ModifyScreamEffectDuration( out float InDuration )
if( IsResistanceActive() )
InDuration *= 1 - GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerResistance]);
* @brief skills and weapons can modify the stumbling power
* @return stumbling power modifier
function float GetStumblePowerModifier( optional KFPawn KFP, optional class<KFDamageType> DamageType, optional out float CooldownModifier, optional byte BodyPart )
if( IsSmashActive() && IsDamageTypeOnPerk(DamageType) )
return static.GetSmashStumbleModifier();
return 0.f;
final static function float GetSmashStumbleModifier()
return default.SmashStumbleModifier;
* @brief Gets the small radius kill xp based on the difficulty
* @param Difficulty game difficulty
* @return XP
static function int GetSmallRadiusKillXP( byte Difficulty )
return default.SecondaryXPModifier[Difficulty];
* @brief Gets the squared small kill radius
* @return UUs squared
static function int GetSmallRadiusKillDistanceSQ()
return default.SmallRadiusSizeSQ;
* @brief can the perk earn small radius kill xp
* @return perk == berserker && DT is on perk
function bool CanEarnSmallRadiusKillXP( class<DamageType> DT )
return IsDamageTypeOnPerk( class<KFDamageType>(DT) ) || IsBackupDamageTypeOnPerk( DT );
simulated function float GetSirenScreamStrength()
if( IsResistanceActive() )
return 1 - GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerResistance] );
return super.GetSirenScreamStrength();
function NotifyZedTimeStarted()
local Pawn OtherPawn;
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
local KFPowerUp PowerUp;
local KFAIController KFAIC;
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local KFGameInfo GameInfo;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
local bool bScaredAI;
local bool bCannotBeHealed;
2022-10-30 02:52:58 +03:00
local KFGameReplicationInfo KFGRI;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if( IsRageActive() && OwnerPawn != none )
KFPC = KFPlayerController(OwnerPawn.Controller);
2022-10-30 02:52:58 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if( KFPC != none )
PowerUp = KFPC.GetPowerUp();
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
bCannotBeHealed = (PowerUp != none && !PowerUp.CanBeHealedWhilePowerUpIsActive);
GameInfo = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);
if(GameInfo != none)
bCannotBeHealed = bCannotBeHealed ||(GameInfo.OutbreakEvent != none && GameInfo.OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bCannotBeHealed);
2022-10-30 02:52:58 +03:00
// VIP cannot heal
KFGRI = KFGameReplicationInfo(WorldInfo.GRI);
if (KFGRI != none
&& KFGRI.VIPRepPlayer != none
&& KFGRI.VIPRepPlayer == KFPlayerReplicationInfo(KFPC.PlayerReplicationInfo))
bCannotBeHealed = true;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if( bCannotBeHealed == false )
OwnerPawn.Health += OwnerPawn.HealthMax * GetSkillValue( PerkSkills[EBerserkerRage] );
OwnerPawn.Health = Min( OwnerPawn.Health, OwnerPawn.HealthMax );
foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns( class'Pawn', OtherPawn, OwnerPawn.Location, static.GetRageRadius() )
KFAIC = KFAIController(OtherPawn.Controller);
if( KFAIC != none )
KFAIC.DoPauseAI( static.GetRageFleeDuration(), true, false, true);
//KFAIC.DoFleeFrom( OwnerPawn, static.GetRageFleeDuration(), static.GetRageFleeDistance(),, true );
bScaredAI = true;
if( bScaredAI )
KFGameInfo(Owner.WorldInfo.Game).DialogManager.PlayDialogEvent( OwnerPawn, RageDialogEvent );
private static function int GetRageRadius()
return default.RageRadius;
private static function float GetRageFleeDuration()
return default.RageFleeDuration;
private static function int GetRageFleeDistance()
return default.RageFleeDistance;
* @brief Skills can modify the zed time time dilation
* @param StateName used weapon's state
* @return time dilation modifier
simulated function float GetZedTimeModifier( KFWeapon W )
local name StateName;
StateName = W.GetStateName();
if( IsWeaponOnPerk( W,, self.class ) && ZedTimeModifyingStates.Find( StateName ) != INDEX_NONE )
if( CouldSpartanBeActive() )
return default.SpartanZedTimeResistance;
return 0.f;
private static function float GetSpeedDamageModifier()
return default.SpeedDamageModifier;
private static function float GetSmashHeadDamageModifier()
return default.SmashHeadDamageModifier;
private static function float GetVampireAttackSpeedModifier()
return default.VampireAttackSpeedModifier;
private static function float GetParryDamageModifier()
return default.ParryDamageReduction;
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* @name Getters / Setters
********************************************************************************************* */
* @brief Checks if the fortitude skill is active
* @return true if we have the skill enabled
final private function bool IsFortitudeActive()
return PerkSkills[EBerserkerFortitude].bActive && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerFortitude);
* @brief Checks if the ninja skill is active
* @return true if we have the skill enabled
simulated final private function bool IsNinjaActive()
return PerkSkills[EBerserkerNinja].bActive && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerNinja);
* @brief Checks if the Vampire skill is active
* @return true if we have the skill enabled
simulated private function bool IsVampireActive()
return PerkSkills[EBerserkerVampire].bActive && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerVampire);
* @brief Checks if the Speed skill is active
* @return true if we have the skill enabled
simulated final private function bool IsSpeedActive()
return PerkSkills[EBerserkerSpeed].bActive && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerSpeed);
* @brief Do we need to tick the perk?
* @return true if perk needs to be ticked
simulated function bool PerkNeedsTick()
return IsNinjaActive();
* @brief Player successfully parried an attack, save it if Parry skill active
simulated function SetSuccessfullParry()
if( IsParryActive() )
bParryActive = true;
SetTickIsDisabled( false );
SetTimer( ParryDuration, false, nameOf( ParryTimer ));
if( OwnerPC != none )
OwnerPC.SetPerkEffect( true );
OwnerPC.PlaySoundBase( ParrySkillSoundModeStart, true );
* @brief Checks if the Parry skill is active
* @return true if we have the skill enabled
simulated function bool IsParryActive()
return PerkSkills[EBerserkerParry].bActive && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerParry);
* @brief Checks if the resistance skill is active
* @return true if we have the skill enabled
simulated function bool IsResistanceActive()
return PerkSkills[EBerserkerResistance].bActive && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerResistance);
* @brief Check if conditions for the Parry skill are true
* @return true if parried attack successfully earlier and Parry skill active
simulated event bool GetParryActive()
return IsParryActive() && bParryActive;
* @brief Checks if the night vision skill is active
* @return true if we have the skill enabled
simulated function bool HasNightVision()
return true;
* @brief Checks if the Smash skill is active
* @return true if we have the skill enabled
final simulated protected event bool IsSmashActive()
return PerkSkills[EBerserkerSmash].bActive && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerSmash);
* @brief Checks if the fury skill is active
* @return true if we have the skill enabled
final simulated private function bool IsFuryActive()
return PerkSkills[EBerserkerFury].bActive && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerFury);
* @brief Checks if the player can be grabbed by clots
* @return true if we are not grabbable
function bool CanNotBeGrabbed()
return true;
* @brief Checks if the menace skill is active and if we are in zed time
* @return true if we have the skill enabled
simulated private event bool IsRageActive()
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
return PerkSkills[EBerserkerRage].bActive && WorldInfo.TimeDilation < 1.f && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerRage) && !ShouldDisableZedTimeSkillsForWeekly();
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* @brief Checks if the Spartan skill is active and if we are in zed time
* @return true if we have the skill enabled
simulated final private event bool IsSpartanActive()
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
return PerkSkills[EBerserkerSpartan].bActive && WorldInfo.TimeDilation < 1.f && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerSpartan) && !ShouldDisableZedTimeSkillsForWeekly();
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
simulated private event bool CouldSpartanBeActive()
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
return PerkSkills[EBerserkerSpartan].bActive && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerSpartan) && !ShouldDisableZedTimeSkillsForWeekly();
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* @brief Spartan resists zed time. You move at normal speed.
* @return true if Spartan are active
simulated function bool IsFastInZedTime()
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
return PerkSkills[EBerserkerSpartan].bActive && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerSpartan) && !ShouldDisableZedTimeSkillsForWeekly();
simulated function bool IsFastInZedTimeOutbreak()
return ShouldDisableZedTimeSkillsForWeekly();
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* @brief Checks if we should be using instigator for time dilation
* while in zed time. Specific to Spartan mode for Berserker.
* @return true if Spartan is active
simulated event bool ShouldUseFastInstigatorDilation(KFWeapon Weap)
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
if (PerkSkills[EBerserkerSpartan].bActive && Weap != none && IsPerkLevelAllowed(EBerserkerSpartan) && !ShouldDisableZedTimeSkillsForWeekly())
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
return Weap.GetWeaponPerkClass(default.Class) == default.Class;
return false;
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
* @name Special Weekly Modes
********************************************************************************************* */
simulated event float GetZedTimeSpeedScaleForColliseum()
return IsSWATEnforcerActiveForWeekly() ? class'KFPerk_Swat'.default.SWATEnforcerZedTimeSpeedScale : 1.f;
function bool ShouldDisableZedTimeSkillsForWeekly()
return MyKFGI != none && MyKFGI.OutbreakEvent != none && MyKFGI.OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bColliseumSkillConditionsActive;
function bool IsSWATEnforcerActiveForWeekly()
return MyKFGI != none && MyKFGI.OutbreakEvent != none && MyKFGI.OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bColliseumSkillConditionsActive;
simulated function bool ShouldKnockDownOnBump()
return IsSWATEnforcerActiveForWeekly() && WorldInfo.TimeDilation < 1.f;
simulated function OnBump(Actor BumpedActor, KFPawn_Human BumpInstigator, vector BumpedVelocity, rotator BumpedRotation)
local KFPawn_Monster KFPM;
local bool CanBump;
if (ShouldKnockDownOnBump() && Normal(BumpedVelocity) dot Vector(BumpedRotation) > 0.7f)
KFPM = KFPawn_Monster(BumpedActor);
if (KFPM != none)
// cooldown so that the same zed can't be bumped multiple frames back to back
// especially relevant if they can't be knocked down or stumbled so the player is always bumping them
if (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - LastBumpTime > class'KFPerk_Swat'.default.BumpCooldown)
CurrentBumpedActors.length = 0;
CanBump = true;
// if still within the cooldown time, can still bump the actor as long as it hasn't been bumped yet
else if (CurrentBumpedActors.Find(BumpedActor) == INDEX_NONE)
CanBump = true;
LastBumpTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
if (CanBump)
if (KFPM.IsHeadless())
KFPM.TakeDamage(KFPM.HealthMax, BumpInstigator.Controller, BumpInstigator.Location,
Normal(vector(BumpedRotation)) * class'KFPerk_Swat'.default.BumpMomentum, class'KFPerk_Swat'.default.BumpDamageType);
KFPM.TakeDamage(class'KFPerk_Swat'.default.BumpDamageAmount, BumpInstigator.Controller, BumpInstigator.Location,
Normal(vector(BumpedRotation)) * class'KFPerk_Swat'.default.BumpMomentum, class'KFPerk_Swat'.default.BumpDamageType);
KFPM.Knockdown(BumpedVelocity * 3, vect(1, 1, 1), KFPM.Location, 1000, 100);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* @name UI / HUD
********************************************************************************************* */
simulated function class<EmitterCameraLensEffectBase> GetPerkLensEffect( class<KFDamageType> DmgType )
if( ClassIsChildOf( DmgType, class'KFDT_Toxic' ) )
return IsResistanceActive() ? DmgType.default.AltCameraLensEffectTemplate : super.GetPerkLensEffect( DmgType );
return super.GetPerkLensEffect( DmgType );
* @name Logging / debug
********************************************************************************************* */
/** QA Logging - Report Perk Info */
simulated function LogPerkSkills()
if ( bLogPerk )
static function PrepareExplosive( Pawn ProjOwner, KFProjectile Proj, optional float AuxRadiusMod = 1.0f, optional float AuxDmgMod = 1.0f )
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
local KFPerk InstigatorPerk;
if( ProjOwner != none )
// Change the radius and damage based on the perk
if( ProjOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority )
KFPC = KFPlayerController( ProjOwner.Controller );
if( KFPC != none )
InstigatorPerk = KFPC.GetPerk();
Proj.ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius *= InstigatorPerk.GetAoERadiusModifier() * AuxRadiusMod;
2021-06-23 01:34:46 +03:00
ParryDuration=8.f //6.f //10.f
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
SpartanZedTimeResistance=1.f //Attack speed zed time resistance
2021-06-23 01:34:46 +03:00
ParryDamageReduction=0.3f //0.25f //0.4f //0.75
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
RageRadius=1000 //300
RageFleeDuration=5.f //3
RageFleeDistance=2500 //5000
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
RegenerationAmount=1 //2
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
BerserkerDamage=(Name="Berserker Damage",Increment=0.01,Rank=0,StartingValue=0.f,MaxValue=0.25)
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
DamageResistance=(Name="Damage Resistance",Increment=0.02f,Rank=0,StartingValue=0.f,MaxValue=0.1f) //0.03f, 0, 0.f, 0.15f
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
NightVision=(Name="Night Vision",Increment=0.f,Rank=0,StartingValue=0.f,MaxValue=0.f)
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
PerkSkills(EBerserkerFortitude)=(Name="Fortitude",IconPath="UI_PerkTalent_TEX.berserker.UI_Talents_Berserker_Fortitude",Increment=0.f,Rank=0,StartingValue=1.0,MaxValue=1.0) //0.75
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
PerkSkills(EBerserkerVampire)=(Name="Vampire",IconPath="UI_PerkTalent_TEX.berserker.UI_Talents_Berserker_Vampire",Increment=0.f,Rank=0,StartingValue=3.f,MaxValue=3.f) //4.f
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
PerkSkills(EBerserkerResistance)=(Name="Resistance",IconPath="UI_PerkTalent_TEX.berserker.UI_Talents_Berserker_PoisonResistance",Increment=0.f,Rank=0,StartingValue=0.15f,MaxValue=0.15f) //0.15 //0.2
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// Skill tracking
AutoBuyLoadOutPath=(class'KFWeapDef_Crovel', class'KFWeapDef_Katana', class'KFWeapDef_Pulverizer', class'KFWeapDef_Eviscerator', class'KFWeapDef_AbominationAxe')
// Prestige Rewards