2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFPawn_MonsterBoss
// A base (abstract) class for bosses based on unique designs. Bosses based on
// existing zeds simply implement the boss interface.
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFPawn_MonsterBoss extends KFPawn_Monster
var KFPlayerController KFPC; //used to notify UI
/** Info for minion wave spawning */
struct native BossMinionWaveInfo
/** The minion wave to spawn for Phase 1 healing*/
var KFAIWaveInfo PhaseOneWave;
/** The minion wave to spawn for Phase 2 healing*/
var KFAIWaveInfo PhaseTwoWave;
/** The minion wave to spawn for Phase 3 healing*/
var KFAIWaveInfo PhaseThreeWave;
/** The minion wave to spawn for Phase 4 healing*/
var KFAIWaveInfo PhaseFourWave;
/** Waves to summon at each stage by difficulty level*/
var BossMinionWaveInfo SummonWaves[4];
/** The base amount of minions to spawn when boss goes into hunt and heal mode */
var vector2D NumMinionsToSpawn;
/** The current phase of the battle we're in */
var repnotify int CurrentBattlePhase;
/** Scalar to apply to attack range when there is only one player remaining in a multiplayer game */
var float LastPlayerAliveAttackRangeScale;
/** Set when the speed increase timer detects that there is only one player left */
var protected float LastPlayerAliveStartTime;
/** How long after spawn before the boss starts to increase its speed */
var protected const float TimeUntilSpeedIncrease;
/** How high the speed limit can go */
var protected const float SpeedLimitScalar;
/** How much to increase the sprint speed by (per minute) when the speed increase timer elapses */
var protected const float SpeedPctIncreasePerMinute;
/** The final sprint speed after being modified by SetMonsterDefaults() */
var protected float ActualSprintSpeed;
//Intro Camera
var bool bUseAnimatedCamera;
var vector AnimatedBossCameraOffset;
var localized array<string> BossCaptionStrings;
if( bNetDirty )
* @name KFInterface_MonsterBoss
//Quick access to a pawn reference
simulated function KFPawn_Monster GetMonsterPawn()
return self;
simulated function string GetRandomBossCaption()
if (default.BossCaptionStrings.Length <= 0)
return "";
return default.BossCaptionStrings[Rand(default.BossCaptionStrings.Length)];
//Status Accessors
static simulated event bool IsABoss()
return true;
simulated function float GetHealthPercent()
return float(Health) / float(HealthMax);
//Intro functionality
/** Turn on the boss camera animation mode */
simulated function SetAnimatedBossCamera(bool bEnable, optional vector CameraOffset)
bUseAnimatedCamera = bEnable;
if (bUseAnimatedCamera)
AnimatedBossCameraOffset = CameraOffset;
AnimatedBossCameraOffset = vect(0, 0, 0);
/** Whether this pawn is in theatric camera mode */
simulated function bool UseAnimatedBossCamera()
return bUseAnimatedCamera;
/** The name of the socket to use as a camera base for theatric sequences */
simulated function name GetBossCameraSocket()
return 'TheatricCameraRootSocket';
/** The relative offset to use for the cinematic camera */
simulated function vector GetBossCameraOffset()
return AnimatedBossCameraOffset;
function OnZedDied(Controller Killer)
function KFAIWaveInfo GetWaveInfo(int BattlePhase, int Difficulty)
switch (BattlePhase)
case 1:
return SummonWaves[Difficulty].PhaseOneWave;
case 2:
return SummonWaves[Difficulty].PhaseTwoWave;
case 3:
return SummonWaves[Difficulty].PhaseThreeWave;
return none;
/** Returns the number of minions to spawn based on number of players */
function byte GetNumMinionsToSpawn()
return byte(Lerp(NumMinionsToSpawn.X, NumMinionsToSpawn.Y, fMax(WorldInfo.Game.NumPlayers, 1) / float(WorldInfo.Game.MaxPlayers)));
simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName)
if( VarName == nameOf(CurrentBattlePhase) )
Super.ReplicatedEvent( VarName );
// Called immediately before gameplay begins.
simulated event PreBeginPlay()
KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetALocalPlayerController());
// Mostly indistinguishable from PreBeginPlay(). Following Pawn conventions only one is 'simulated'
simulated event PostBeginPlay()
static simulated function SetupHealthBar(KFInterface_MonsterBoss BossRef)
local KFPawn_Monster BossMonster;
local KFPlayerController LocalKFPC;
BossMonster = KFPawn_Monster(BossRef);
if (BossMonster != none && BossMonster.WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer)
LocalKFPC = KFPlayerController(BossMonster.GetALocalPlayerController());
if(LocalKFPC.MyGFxHUD != none && LocalKFPC.MyGFxHUD.BossHealthBar != none)
if (!KFGameReplicationInfo(BossMonster.WorldInfo.GRI).ShouldSetBossCamOnBossSpawn())
/** Called from Possessed event when this controller has taken control of a Pawn */
function PossessedBy( Controller C, bool bVehicleTransition )
Super.PossessedBy( C, bVehicleTransition );
// Set a timer to begin increasing this boss's speed after enough time has elapsed
if( !IsHumanControlled() )
ActualSprintSpeed = SprintSpeed;
SetTimer( TimeUntilSpeedIncrease, false, nameOf(Timer_IncreaseSpeed) );
static function PlayBossEntranceTheatrics(KFInterface_MonsterBoss BossRef)
local KFPawn_Monster BossMonster;
BossMonster = KFPawn_Monster(BossRef);
if (BossMonster != none && KFGameReplicationInfo(BossMonster.WorldInfo.GRI).ShouldSetBossCamOnBossSpawn())
/** Gradually increases sprint speed */
function Timer_IncreaseSpeed()
SetTimer( 10.f, false, nameOf(Timer_IncreaseSpeed) );
if( IsOnePlayerLeftInTeamGame() )
if( LastPlayerAliveStartTime == 0.f )
LastPlayerAliveStartTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
// Adjust sprint speed but don't let it go below original or higher than 2x
SprintSpeed = fClamp( ActualSprintSpeed + ((`TimeSince(LastPlayerAliveStartTime) / 60.f)
* (ActualSprintSpeed * SpeedPctIncreasePerMinute)), ActualSprintSpeed, ActualSprintSpeed * SpeedLimitScalar );
LastPlayerAliveStartTime = 0.f;
SprintSpeed = ActualSprintSpeed;
/** sends any notifications to anything that needs to know this pawn has taken damage */
function NotifyTakeHit(Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, int Damage, class<DamageType> DamageType, vector Momentum, Actor DamageCauser)
Super.NotifyTakeHit(InstigatedBy, HitLocation, Damage, DamageType, Momentum, DamageCauser);
`DialogManager.PlayBossTakeDamageDialog( self );
/** Return true if AI can target this pawn */
function bool CanAITargetThisPawn(Controller TargetingController)
if( TargetingController.Pawn.IsSameTeam( self ) )
// Don't let weaker zeds target a boss!!!
return false;
return Super.CanAITargetThisPawn(TargetingController);
simulated function PlayDyingSound()
if (!HasMouth())
/** Called when pawn dies or is destroyed. Overloaded to call OnBattlePhaseChanged. */
simulated function TerminateEffectsOnDeath()
/** Reapply active gameplay related MIC params (e.g. when switching to the gore mesh) */
simulated function UpdateGameplayMICParams()
/** Returns current battle phase, used by KFPawnAnimInfo */
simulated function int GetCurrentBattlePhase()
return CurrentBattlePhase;
/** Called when current battle phase changes */
/* Network: ALL
simulated function OnBattlePhaseChanged()
simulated function UpdateBattlePhaseOnLocalPlayerUI()
if( KFPC == none || KFPC.MyGFxHUD == none || KFPC.MyGFxHUD.bossHealthBar == none )
/** Returns the attack range scalar when there is only one player remaining */
function float GetAttackRangeScale()
if( IsOnePlayerLeftInTeamGame() )
return LastPlayerAliveAttackRangeScale;
return 1.f;
/** Returns true if there is only one player remaining in a multiplayer game */
function bool IsOnePlayerLeftInTeamGame()
if( WorldInfo.Game.NumPlayers > 1 )
return KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game).GetLivingPlayerCount() == 1;
return false;
/** Similar to IsOnePlayerLeftInTeamGame(), but more expensive and can be called on clients */
native function bool LocalIsOnePlayerLeftInTeamGame();
* This pawn has died.
function bool Died( Controller Killer, class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLocation )
local bool result;
result = super.Died( Killer, DamageType, HitLocation );
ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_IncreaseSpeed) );
return result;
/** Play music for this boss (overridden for each boss) */
function PlayBossMusic();
// bosses cannot be decapitated
function CauseHeadTrauma(float BleedOutTime=5.f);
simulated function PlayHeadAsplode();
function PlayGrabDialog()
`DialogManager.PlayBossGrabDialog( self );
function PlayHealDialog()
`DialogManager.PlayBossHealDialog( self );
function PlayLeapedDialog()
`DialogManager.PlayBossLeapedDialog( self );
function PlayLandedDialog()
`DialogManager.PlayBossLandedDialog( self );
function PlayGrabbedPlayerDialog( KFPawn_Human Target );
function PlayGrabKilledDialog();
simulated function string GetIconPath()
return "ZED_Patriarch_UI.ZED-VS_Icon_Boss";
Begin Object Name=KFPawnSkeletalMeshComponent
// Enabling kinematic for physics interaction while alive. (see also MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate)
End Object
// ---------------------------------------------
// Special Moves
Begin Object Name=SpecialMoveHandler_0
SpecialMoveClasses(SM_BossTheatrics) = class'KFGame.KFSM_Zed_Boss_Theatrics'
//SpecialMoveClasses(SM_RecoverFromRagdoll) = None
//SpecialMoveClasses(SM_Knockdown) = None
End Object
// ---------------------------------------------
// Spawning
// ---------------------------------------------
// Last Player Remaining Difficulty
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00