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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFGFxTraderContainer_Store
// This class holds all of the functions and variables corresponding to the
// traders inventory list ( Items you can buy ). This class will perform a
// single call to actionscript to pass the "ItemDataArray" to the flash file.
// This array contains all the weapon names, prices, and descriptions.
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Greg Felber 8/13/2013
class KFGFxTraderContainer_Store extends KFGFxObject_Container
var KFGFxMenu_Trader MyTraderMenu; // Reference to the movie player that owns us
var array< STraderItem > SlotsItemList; // The Trader Item Info for each Item slot
var localized string TraderString;
var KFPlayerController KFPC;
// Initialization
function Initialize( KFGFxObject_Menu NewParentMenu )
super.Initialize( NewParentMenu );
KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetPC());
MyTraderMenu = KFGFxMenu_Trader( NewParentMenu );
SetString("shopHeaderName", TraderString);
GetPC().SetTimer(0.1f, false,'DelayedRefresh', self);
function LocalizeContainer()
local GFxOBject LocalizedObject;
LocalizedObject = CreateObject("Object");
//Prompt strings
LocalizedObject.SetString("buyPrompt", Localize("KFGFxTraderContainer_ItemDetails", "BuyString", "KFGame"));
SetObject("localizeStrings", LocalizedObject);
//@todo Hack to get around AS clearing the weapon list once it's populated
function DelayedRefresh()
MyTraderMenu.RefreshShopItemList(MyTraderMenu.CurrentTab, MyTraderMenu.CurrentFilterIndex);
/** called each time trader UI is opened after initial */
function OnTraderReopened()
// Update Item List
function SetSelectedIndex( int SelectedIndex )
SetInt( "selectedIndex", SelectedIndex );
// Grab the list of perk weapons that we do not already own and set their information
function RefreshWeaponListByPerk(byte FilterIndex, const out array<STraderItem> ItemList)
local int i, SlotIndex;
local GFxObject ItemDataArray; // This array of information is sent to ActionScript to update the Item data
local array<STraderItem> OnPerkWeapons, SecondaryWeapons, OffPerkWeapons;
local class<KFPerk> TargetPerkClass;
local bool bDebug;
bDebug = false;
if(FilterIndex == 255 || FilterIndex == INDEX_NONE)
if (KFPC != none)
if(FilterIndex < KFPC.PerkList.Length)
TargetPerkClass = KFPC.PerkList[FilterIndex].PerkClass;
TargetPerkClass = none;
SlotIndex = 0;
ItemDataArray = CreateArray();
for (i = 0; i < ItemList.Length; i++)
if ( IsItemFiltered(ItemList[i], bDebug) )
continue; // Skip this item if it's in our inventory
else if ( ItemList[i].AssociatedPerkClasses.length > 0 && ItemList[i].AssociatedPerkClasses[0] != none && TargetPerkClass != class'KFPerk_Survivalist'
&& (FilterIndex >= KFPC.PerkList.Length || ItemList[i].AssociatedPerkClasses.Find(TargetPerkClass) == INDEX_NONE ) )
continue; // filtered by perk
if(ItemList[i].AssociatedPerkClasses.length > 0)
switch (ItemList[i].AssociatedPerkClasses.Find(TargetPerkClass))
case 0: //primary perk
if(OnPerkWeapons.length == 0 && MyTraderMenu.SelectedList == TL_Shop)
if(GetInt( "currentSelectedIndex" ) == 0)
case 1: //secondary perk
default: //off perk
for (i = 0; i < OnPerkWeapons.length; i++)
SetItemInfo(ItemDataArray, OnPerkWeapons[i], SlotIndex);
for (i = 0; i < SecondaryWeapons.length; i++)
SetItemInfo(ItemDataArray, SecondaryWeapons[i], SlotIndex);
for (i = 0; i < OffPerkWeapons.length; i++)
SetItemInfo(ItemDataArray, OffPerkWeapons[i], SlotIndex);
SetObject("shopData", ItemDataArray);
function RefreshItemsByType(byte FilterIndex, const out array<STraderItem> ItemList)
local int i, SlotIndex;
local GFxObject ItemDataArray; // This array of information is sent to ActionScript to update the Item data
SlotIndex = 0;
ItemDataArray = CreateArray();
for (i = 0; i < ItemList.Length; i++)
if ( IsItemFiltered(ItemList[i]) || !(FilterIndex == ItemList[i].TraderFilter || FilterIndex == ItemList[i].AltTraderFilter) )
continue; // Skip this item if it's in our inventory
SetItemInfo(ItemDataArray, ItemList[i], SlotIndex);
SetObject("shopData", ItemDataArray);
// Grab the list of perk weapons that we do not already own and set their information
function RefreshFavoriteItems(const out array<STraderItem> ItemList)
local int i, SlotIndex;
local GFxObject ItemDataArray; // This array of information is sent to ActionScript to update the Item data
SlotIndex = 0;
ItemDataArray = CreateArray();
for (i = 0; i < ItemList.Length; i++)
if ( IsItemFiltered(ItemList[i]) || !MyTraderMenu.GetIsFavorite(ItemList[i].ClassName) )
continue; // Skip this item if it's in our inventory
SetItemInfo(ItemDataArray, ItemList[i], SlotIndex);
SetObject("shopData", ItemDataArray);
// Grab the list of perk weapons that we do not already own and set their information
function RefreshAllItems(out array<STraderItem> ItemList)
local int i, SlotIndex;
local GFxObject ItemDataArray; // This array of information is sent to ActionScript to update the Item data
SlotIndex = 0;
ItemDataArray = CreateArray();
for (i = 0; i < ItemList.Length; i++)
if ( IsItemFiltered(ItemList[i]) )
continue; // Skip this item if it's in our inventory
SetItemInfo(ItemDataArray, ItemList[i], SlotIndex);
SetObject("shopData", ItemDataArray);
function SetItemInfo(out GFxObject ItemDataArray, STraderItem TraderItem, int SlotIndex)
local GFxObject SlotObject;
local string ItemTexPath;
local string IconPath;
local string SecondaryIconPath;
local bool bCanAfford, bCanCarry;
local int AdjustedBuyPrice, ItemUpgradeLevel;
SlotObject = CreateObject( "Object" );
ItemTexPath = "img://"$TraderItem.WeaponDef.static.GetImagePath();
if( TraderItem.AssociatedPerkClasses.length > 0 && TraderItem.AssociatedPerkClasses[0] != none)
IconPath = "img://"$TraderItem.AssociatedPerkClasses[0].static.GetPerkIconPath();
if( TraderItem.AssociatedPerkClasses.length > 1 )
SecondaryIconPath = "img://"$TraderItem.AssociatedPerkClasses[1].static.GetPerkIconPath();
IconPath = "img://"$class'KFGFxObject_TraderItems'.default.OffPerkIconPath;
SlotObject.SetString("buyText", Localize("KFGFxTraderContainer_ItemDetails", "BuyString", "KFGame"));
SlotObject.SetInt("itemID", TraderItem.ItemID);
SlotObject.SetString("weaponSource", ItemTexPath);
SlotObject.SetString( "perkIconSource", IconPath );
SlotObject.SetString( "perkSecondaryIconSource", SecondaryIconPath );
SlotObject.SetString( "weaponName", TraderItem.WeaponDef.static.GetItemName() );
SlotObject.SetString( "weaponType", TraderItem.WeaponDef.static.GetItemCategory() );
ItemUpgradeLevel = TraderItem.SingleClassName != '' ?
KFPC.GetPurchaseHelper().GetItemUpgradeLevelByClassName(TraderItem.SingleClassName) :
SlotObject.SetInt("weaponWeight", MyTraderMenu.GetDisplayedBlocksRequiredFor(TraderItem, ItemUpgradeLevel));
AdjustedBuyPrice = KFPC.GetPurchaseHelper().GetAdjustedBuyPriceFor(TraderItem);
SlotObject.SetInt( "weaponCost", AdjustedBuyPrice );
bCanAfford = KFPC.GetPurchaseHelper().GetCanAfford(AdjustedBuyPrice);
bCanCarry = KFPC.GetPurchaseHelper().CanCarry(TraderItem, ItemUpgradeLevel);
SlotObject.SetBool("bCanAfford", bCanAfford);
SlotObject.SetBool("bCanCarry", bCanCarry);
ItemDataArray.SetElementObject( SlotIndex, SlotObject );
/** returns true if this item should not be displayed */
function bool IsItemFiltered(STraderItem Item, optional bool bDebug)
if (KFPC.GetPurchaseHelper().IsInOwnedItemList(Item.ClassName))
if (bDebug)
`log("Item is owned");
return true;
if ( KFPC.GetPurchaseHelper().IsInOwnedItemList(Item.DualClassName) )
if (bDebug)
`log("dual Item is owned");
return true;
if (!KFPC.GetPurchaseHelper().IsSellable(Item))
if (bDebug)
`log("Item is not sellable");
return true;
if (Item.WeaponDef.default.SharedUnlockId != SCU_None && !class'KFUnlockManager'.static.IsSharedContentUnlocked(Item.WeaponDef.default.SharedUnlockId))
if (bDebug)
`log("Item is not unlocked");
return true;
if ( Item.WeaponDef.default.PlatformRestriction != PR_All && class'KFUnlockManager'.static.IsPlatformRestricted( Item.WeaponDef.default.PlatformRestriction ) )
if (bDebug)
`log("Item is platform restricted");
return true;
return false;