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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFGFxInGameHUD_PlayerStatus
// HUD container that stores information about the player's pawn (Health, armor, etc)
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Alex Quick 5/15/2014
class KFGFxHUD_PlayerStatus extends GFxObject;
/** Cached KFPlayerController */
var KFPlayerController MyPC;
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var KFGameReplicationinfo KFGRI;
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var KFPawn_Human MyHumanPawn;
var KFInventoryManager MyInventoryManager;
// Player's perk type as of the last tick.
var class<KFPerk> LastPerkClass;
// The experience level of the player's perk as of the last tick.
var int LastPerkLevel;
// Player's health as of last tick.
var int LastHealth;
// Player's armor amount as of the last tick.
var int LastArmor;
// Percentage of full ammo the player's healer had as of the last tick. (0-1, where 1 is full)
var float LastHealerAmmoPct;
var int LastEXPValue;
var localized string EXPString;
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var float LastUpdateTime;
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function InitializeHUD()
MyPC = KFPlayerController(GetPC());
function LocalizeText()
SetString("expString", EXPString);
function TickHud(float DeltaTime)
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LastUpdateTime = MyPC.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
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function ShowActiveIndicators( array<ActiveSkill> ActiveSkills )
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local byte i;
local GFxObject DataProvider;
local GFxObject TempObj;
DataProvider = CreateArray();
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for (i = 0; i < ActiveSkills.length; i++)
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//Corresponding AS3 class reads string off of the object to load in icon
TempObj = CreateObject( "Object" );
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TempObj.SetString( "iconPath", "img://" $ActiveSkills[i].IconPath );
TempObj.SetInt( "Multiplier", ActiveSkills[i].Multiplier );
TempObj.SetFloat( "MaxDuration", ActiveSkills[i].MaxDuration );
TempObj.SetFloat( "Duration", ActiveSkills[i].Duration );
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DataProvider.SetElementObject( i, TempObj );
SetObject("activeEffects", DataProvider);
function ClearBuffIcons()
local GFxObject DataProvider;
DataProvider = CreateArray();
SetObject("activeEffects", DataProvider);
function UpdateHealer(optional bool bForce)
local float CurrentHealerAmmoPct;
if( MyPC.Pawn != none && MyPC.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell() )
if( MyInventoryManager == none )
MyInventoryManager = KFInventoryManager(MyPC.Pawn.InvManager);
if( MyInventoryManager != none && MyInventoryManager.HealerWeapon != none)
CurrentHealerAmmoPct = FClamp(float(MyInventoryManager.HealerWeapon.AmmoCount[0]) / float(MyInventoryManager.HealerWeapon.MagazineCapacity[0]),0.f,1.f);
else if(MyInventoryManager != none)
MyInventoryManager = none;
// Update the Healer charge amount
if( LastHealerAmmoPct != CurrentHealerAmmoPct || bForce)
SetInt("playerHealerCharge" , int(CurrentHealerAmmoPct * 100.f));
LastHealerAmmoPct = CurrentHealerAmmoPct;
function UpdatePerk()
local byte CurrentPerkLevel;
local int CurrentPerkEXP;
local GFxObject PerkIconObject;
if( MyPC == none || MyPC.CurrentPerk == none )
CurrentPerkLevel = MYPC.GetLevel();
CurrentPerkEXP = MyPC.GetPerkXP(MyPC.CurrentPerk.Class);
// Update the perk class.
if( ( LastPerkClass != MyPC.CurrentPerk.Class ) || ( LastPerkLevel != CurrentPerkLevel ) )
PerkIconObject = CreateObject("Object");
PerkIconObject.SetString("perkIcon", "img://"$MyPC.CurrentPerk.GetPerkIconPath());
PerkIconObject.SetString("prestigeIcon", MyPC.CurrentPerk.GetPrestigeIconPath(MYPC.GetPerkPrestigeLevelFromPerkList(MyPC.CurrentPerk.Class)));
SetObject("playerPerkIcon", PerkIconObject);
//SetString("playerPerkIcon" , "img://"$ MyPC.CurrentPerk.GetPerkIconPath());
if(LastPerkLevel != CurrentPerkLevel)
if(LastPerkClass != none && LastPerkClass == MyPC.CurrentPerk.Class)
UpdateXP(CurrentPerkEXP, MyPC.GetPerkLevelProgressPercentage(MyPC.CurrentPerk.Class, CurrentPerkEXP), true, MyPC.CurrentPerk.Class);
SetBool("bXPInit", false);
LastPerkClass = MyPC.CurrentPerk.class;
SetInt("playerPerkLevel" , CurrentPerkLevel);
LastPerkLevel = CurrentPerkLevel;
SetInt("playerPerkXPPercent", MyPC.GetPerkLevelProgressPercentage(LastPerkClass) );
LastEXPValue = CurrentPerkEXP;
function UpdateHealth()
if( MyPC.Pawn != MyHumanPawn )
MyHumanPawn = KFPawn_Human( MyPC.Pawn );
if( MyHumanPawn == none )
LastHealth = 0;
SetInt("playerHealth" , LastHealth);
else if( LastHealth != MyHumanPawn.Health )
if(MyHumanPawn.Health < 0)
SetInt("playerHealth" , 0);
SetInt("playerHealth" , MyHumanPawn.Health);
LastHealth = MyHumanPawn.Health;
function UpdateArmor()
if( MyPC.Pawn != MyHumanPawn )
MyHumanPawn = KFPawn_Human( MyPC.Pawn );
if( MyHumanPawn == none )
LastArmor = 0;
SetInt("playerArmor" , LastArmor);
else if( LastArmor != MyHumanPawn.Armor )
SetInt("playerArmor" , MyHumanPawn.Armor);
LastArmor = MyHumanPawn.Armor;
function UpdateXP(int XPDelta, int XPPercent, bool bLevelUp, Class<KFPerk> PerkClass)
local bool bIsCurrentPerk;
SetBool("bLevelUp", bLevelUp);
bIsCurrentPerk = PerkClass == MyPC.CurrentPerk.Class;
SetInt("playerPerkXPPercent", MyPC.GetPerkLevelProgressPercentage(PerkClass));
if(!bLevelUp && MyPC.GetPerkLevelFromPerkList(PerkClass) < `MAX_PERK_LEVEL)
ShowXPBark( XPDelta, "img://"$PerkClass.Static.GetPerkIconPath(), bIsCurrentPerk );
function ShowXPBark( int DeltaXP, string iconPath, bool bIsCurrentPerk )
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function UpdateGlobalDamage()
if(KFGRI == none)
KFGRI = KFGameReplicationInfo(GetPC().WorldInfo.GRI);
SetBool("waveApplyingDamage", KFGRI.IsGlobalDamage());
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LastUpdateTime = 0.f;
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