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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// AICommand_Attack_Melee
// AI Action for melee attacks
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class AICommand_Attack_Melee extends AICommand_SM_Attack
within KFAIController
/** Renders sphere around NPC when aborting attack, stays visible from initial abort time until command is popped */
var bool bDebugShowAbortSequence;
var vector StepAheadLocation;
var vector CircleDistance;
var vector CirclePoint;
var int CircleDir;
var bool bNewEnemyPending;
* Initialization
/** Simple constructor that pushes a new instance of the command for the AI */
static function bool Melee( KFAIController AI, optional Actor InTarget, optional byte InSMFlags )
local AICommand_Attack_Melee Cmd;
if( AI != None )
Cmd = new(AI) default.class;
if( Cmd != None )
// Use melee target if set, in case we're not attacking a real enemy (a door, for example)
if( InTarget != none )
Cmd.AttackTarget = InTarget;
Cmd.AttackTarget = AI.Enemy;
Cmd.SMFlags = InSMFlags;
//Cmd.bSingleAttack = bInSingleAttack;
AI.PushCommand( Cmd );
return true;
return false;
function Pushed()
if( IsDoingLatentMove() )
`warn( MyKFPawn@"STILL DOING LATENT MOVE "$MoveTimer );
// Focus = none; // Temp!
// MyKFPawn.bBlocksNavigation = true;
MeleeTarget = (KFPawn(AttackTarget)!=none?KFPawn(AttackTarget):KFPawn(Enemy));
bFinishRotationBeforeAttack = bUseDesiredRotationForMelee;
AIActionStatus = "Attempting to attack "$AttackTarget;
function Popped()
AIActionStatus = "Finished melee attack";
// MyKFPawn.bBlocksNavigation = false;
MeleeTarget = none;
AIActionStatus = "Finished attack "$MeleeTarget;
if( Pawn != none )
event bool NotifyBump( Actor Other, vector HitNormal )
`AILog( GetFuncName()$" IN MELEE ATTACK", 'PathWarning' );
DisableBump( 0.25f );
return true;
function Paused( GameAICommand NewCommand )
`AILog( self$" PAUSED BY "$NewCommand, 'Warning');
super.Paused( NewCommand );
function Resumed( name OldCommandName )
`AILog( self$" Resumed, OldCommand: "$OldCommandName );
// Added 11/19 due to hit reactions pausing Melee command
super.Resumed( OldCommandName );
if( OldCommandName == 'AICommand_Pause' )
// Status = 'Failure';
// PopCommand( self );
GotoState( 'DelayFailure' );
* Notifications
/** Prevent switching enemies during attacks */
function bool CanChangeEnemy( Pawn NewEnemy )
// if( CachedChildCommand != None )
// {
// return CachedChildCommand.CanChangeEnemy( NewEnemy );
// }
return false;
// function bool NotifyPlayerBecameVisible( Pawn VisiblePlayer )
// {
// `AILog( GetFuncName()$"() Seen: "$VisiblePlayer$" ignoring event.", 'SeePlayer' );
// DisableSeePlayer();
// return false;
// }
/** Notification from controller that enemy has become visible */
function bool NotifyPlayerBecameVisible( Pawn VisiblePlayer )
if( VisiblePlayer.IsAliveAndWell() && AttackTarget != none && !AttackTarget.IsA('Pawn') )
if( ActorReachable(VisiblePlayer) && SetEnemy(VisiblePlayer) )
bNewEnemyPending = true;
return false;
return true;
* Debug
event String GetDumpString()
if( Enemy != none )
return Super.GetDumpString()@"AttackTarget:"@AttackTarget$" Enemy: "$Enemy$" Dist: "$VSize( Enemy.Location - Pawn.Location);
return Super.GetDumpString()@"No enemy! AttackTarget:"@AttackTarget;
function float GetAbortAttackDistanceSq()
local vector2D AttackRange;
local int AttackIdx;
if( MyKFPawn != none && MyKFPawn.PawnAnimInfo != none && SMFlags != 255 )
AttackIdx = SMFlags & 15;
AttackRange = MyKFPawn.PawnAnimInfo.GetAttackRangeByName( MyKFPawn.PawnAnimInfo.Attacks[AttackIdx].Tag );
return AttackRange.Y * AttackRange.Y;
return 57600.f; // (240UU, old default value)
* Special Move State
********************************************************************************************* */
state Command_SpecialMove
function BeginState( name PreviousStateName )
//local float DistFromTargetSq, RangeToCheck;
if( KFDoorActor(AttackTarget) != none && !KFDoorActor(AttackTarget).IsCompletelyOpen() &&
MyKFPawn.CanDoSpecialMove(SM_MeleeAttackDoor) && MyKFPawn.PawnAnimInfo != none && MyKFPawn.PawnAnimInfo.DoorAttacks.Length > 0 )
AttackSpecialMove = SM_MeleeAttackDoor;
if( MyKFPawn.MeleeAttackHelper == none )
// Move ahead a little if enemy isn't a Pawn
if( AttackTarget != none && !AttackTarget.IsA('Pawn') )
function ContinuedState()
GotoState( DefaultStartState,, true );
function bool ExecuteSpecialMove()
// local vector DirToEnemy;
// local vector SocketLocation;
// local KFSM_MeleeAttack AttackSM;
if( MyKFPawn == None || !MyKFPawn.IsAliveAndWell() || AttackTarget == none || (Pawn(AttackTarget) != none &&
!Pawn(AttackTarget).IsAliveAndWell()) || (AttackTarget.IsA('KFDoorActor') && KFDoorActor(AttackTarget).IsCompletelyOpen()) )
`AILog( self$" ExecuteSpecialMove() returning early "$AttackTarget, 'Command_Attack_Melee' );
return false;
`AILog( self$" ExecuteSpecialMove() AttackTarget: "$AttackTarget, 'Command_Attack_Melee' );
// Keep rotating toward melee target
if( AttackTarget != None && Pawn != none && !Pawn.bCrawler )
SetDesiredRotation( rotator(AttackTarget.Location - Pawn.Location) ); // 5.14 (lock it too?)
// Start the special move after rotating
if( (Pawn.bCrawler || Pawn.ReachedDesiredRotation()) && AttackTarget != none )
`AILog( self$" Target in melee range (Dist: "$VSize(AttackTarget.Location - Pawn.Location)$"... do attack", 'Command_Attack_Melee' );
MyKFPawn.DoSpecialMove( GetSpecialMove(),,, SMFlags );
return MyKFPawn.SpecialMove == AttackSpecialMove;
`AILog( self$" ExecuteSpecialMove returning false because ReachedDesiredRotation isn't done? AttackTarget: "$AttackTarget, 'Command_Attack_Melee' );
return false;
/** Melee attack is complete if... */
function bool IsSpecialMoveComplete()
local bool bInvalidTarget;
if ( MyKFPawn == None || AttackTarget == None || AttackTarget.bDeleteMe || (KFDoorActor(AttackTarget) != none ||
(KFPawn(AttackTarget) != None && (!IsValidAttackTarget((MeleeTarget)) || VSize(AttackTarget.Location - MyKFPawn.Location) > MyKFPawn.MeleeRange))) ||
(AttackTarget.IsA('KFDoorActor') && KFDoorActor(AttackTarget).IsCompletelyOpen()) )
bInvalidTarget = true;
// don't return here as that will cause us to slide if we're in the middle of a finishing move
if( MyKFPawn != None )
if( MyKFPawn.IsDoingMeleeAttack() )
return false;
if( !MyKFPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove( GetSpecialMove() ) )
return true;
if( bInvalidTarget )
//`AILog( GetFuncName()@"check #2 returning true, MyKFPawn:" @ MyKFPawn@MyKFPawn.IsDoingMeleeAttack()@IsValidMeleeTarget(KFPawn(Enemy)), 'Command_Attack_Melee' );
return true;
return false;
event HandleAICommandSpecialAction()
//local vector SocketLocation, DirToEnemy;
// If not using root motion...
if( Pawn.Mesh.RootMotionMode != RMM_Accel && Enemy != none && MyKFPawn != None )
// Keep rotating toward the AttackTarget
if( bUseDesiredRotationForMelee && AttackTarget != none )
SetDesiredRotation( rotator(AttackTarget.Location - Pawn.Location) );
Focus = AttackTarget;
//MyKFPawn.Mesh.GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation( 'FireballSocket', SocketLocation );
//DirToEnemy = ( CalcAimLocToHit(Enemy.Location, SocketLocation, 1800, 1800, Enemy.Velocity) - SocketLocation);
//SetDesiredRotation( rotator(DirToEnemy) );
// Abort the attack if it's played for at least one second and the target has since moved out of range
//if( bCanBeAborted && !bAttackAborted && !InMeleeRange(AttackTarget.Location) && !AttackTarget.IsA('KFDoorActor') && TimePlayed > 1.f )
// (jc) Changed distance check to use AttackTarget instead of enemy 7/15/14
if( bCanBeAborted && !bAttackAborted && (VSizeSq(Pawn.Location - AttackTarget.Location) > GetAbortAttackDistanceSq()) && !AttackTarget.IsA('KFDoorActor') )
`AILog( self$" 1 Aborting attack.. AttackTarget: "$AttackTarget$" Dist: "$VSize( AttackTarget.Location - Pawn.Location )$" Speed: "$VSize( Pawn.Velocity ), 'Command_Attack_Melee' );
if( MyKFPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove( GetSpecialMove() ) )
if( bDebugShowAbortSequence )
DrawDebugSphere( Pawn.Location, 32, 16, 255, 255, 0, false );
UpdateHistoryString( "attack aborted (out of range)" );
bAttackAborted = true;
KFSM_MeleeAttack( MyKFPawn.SpecialMoves[ GetSpecialMove() ] ).AbortedByAICommand();
if( bCanBeAborted && AttackTarget != none && AttackTarget.IsA('KFDoorActor') )
if( KFDoorActor( AttackTarget ).WeldIntegrity <= 0 || KFDoorActor( AttackTarget ).IsCompletelyOpen() )
`AILog( self$" 2 Aborting attack.. AttackTarget: "$AttackTarget$" Dist: "$VSize( AttackTarget.Location - Pawn.Location )$" Speed: "$VSize( Pawn.Velocity ), 'Command_Attack_Melee' );
if( MyKFPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove( GetSpecialMove() ) )
bAttackAborted = true;
KFSM_MeleeAttack( MyKFPawn.SpecialMoves[ GetSpecialMove() ] ).AbortedByAICommand();
function bool HandleSpecialMoveEnded()
// if( MyKFPawn.PawnAnimInfo != none )
// {
// if( SMFlags <= MyKFPawn.PawnAnimInfo.Attacks.Length && MyKFPawn.PawnAnimInfo.Attacks[SMFlags].Tag == 'Projectile' && FRand() < 0.24f )
// {
// GotoState( GetStateName(), 'TauntEnemy' );
// return true;
// }
// }
return false;
function FinishedSpecialMove()
`AILog( GetFuncName(), 'Command_Attack_Melee' );
UpdateLastMeleeTime( EAS_FullBody );
Status = 'Success';
if( HandleSpecialMoveEnded() )
if( bSingleAttack )
if( IsTimerActive(nameof(SpecialMoveTimeout), self) )
SetTimer( 15.f, false, nameof(SpecialMoveTimeout), self );
bCanBeAborted = false;
MoveTimer = -1.f;
class'AICommand_TauntEnemy'.static.Taunt( Outer, KFPawn(Enemy), TAUNT_Standard );
Sleep( 0.33f );
Status = 'Success';
PopCommand( self );
function NotifyEnemyChanged( optional Pawn OldEnemy )
bNewEnemyPending = true;
state TestMove
StepAheadLocation = GetStepAheadLocation();
MoveTo( GetStepAheadLocation(), AttackTarget,, Pawn.bIsWalking );
Sleep( 0.f );
function CircleTimer ();
state Circle
function PushedState ()
MyKFPawn.bAllowAccelSmoothing = false;
super.PushedState ();
function PoppedState ()
super.PoppedState ();
//MyKFPawn.bAllowAccelSmoothing = true;
if( Pawn != None )
function bool GetCirclePoint()
local bool bResult;
local Vector EnemyToPawn;
local float Dist;
EnemyToPawn = Pawn .Location - Enemy.Location ;
Dist = VSize (EnemyToPawn);
if( Dist < CircleDistance.X )
EnemyToPawn *= (CircleDistance .X / Dist);
if( Dist > CircleDistance. Y )
EnemyToPawn *= (CircleDistance .Y / Dist);
CirclePoint = Enemy .Location + ( EnemyToPawn >> (rot (0,8192,0) * CircleDir));
bResult = PointReachable ( CirclePoint );
`AILog( GetFuncName()@CirclePoint @Dist@ bResult, 'Command_Attack_Melee' );
return bResult ;
`AILog( self$" BEGIN TAG" @GetStateName(), 'Command_Attack_Melee' );
SetTimer( 1.25f + (FRand () * 1.25f), false, nameof( self.CircleTimer ), self );
while( IsTimerActive( 'CircleTimer', self ) )
if( GetCirclePoint() )
SetFocalPoint( Enemy.Location, true );
MoveTo( CirclePoint, Enemy,, false);
if( FRand () < 0.6f && normal( Pawn.Location - Enemy. Location ) dot vector ( Enemy.Rotation ) < 0.94f )
Goto( 'Begin' );
PopCommand( self );
* Returns a location that Best moves out of the way of StepAsideGoal.
function vector GetStepAheadLocation()
local vector X;
local float StepDist;
local vector CheckLocation, HitLocation, HitNormal;
local float DistFromTarget, RangeToCheck;
DistFromTarget = VSize( AttackTarget.Location - Pawn.Location );
RangeToCheck = MyKFPawn.MeleeAttackHelper.GetMeleeRange();
StepDist = DistFromTarget - RangeToCheck;
//X = Vector(Pawn.Rotation);
X = (AttackTarget.Location - Pawn.Location);
// Ignore vertical component
X.Z = 0;
X = Normal(X);
CheckLocation = Pawn.Location + X * StepDist;
StepDist = MaxStepAsideDist;
if( PointReachable(CheckLocation) &&
(Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, CheckLocation, Pawn.Location, true) == None || VSize(HitLocation - Pawn.Location) > StepDist * 0.5) )
return CheckLocation;
return vect(0,0,0);
bShouldCheckSpecialMove=false // Newest