2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFGFxMenu_Gear
// Class Description
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Greg Felber 7/23/2013
class KFGFxMenu_Gear extends KFGFxObject_Menu
/** The customization option we want alter */
enum ECustomizationOption
var KFGFxObject_Container CustomizationComponent;
var KFPlayerReplicationInfo MyKFPRI;
var const string HeadMeshKey;
var const string HeadSkinKey;
var const string HeadFunctionKey;
var const string BodyMeshKey;
var const string BodySkinKey;
var const string BodyFunctionKey;
var const string AttachmentKey;
var const string AttachmentSkinKey;
var const string AttachmentFunctionKey;
var const string KFCharacterInfoString;
var const string KFEmoteInfoString;
var KFCharacterInfo_Human CurrentCharInfo;
var string CharInfoPath;
var localized string GearHeaderString;
var localized string CharacterString;
var localized string BioString;
var localized string HeadString;
var localized string BodyString;
var localized string AttachmentsString;
2020-12-13 18:09:05 +03:00
var localized string Attachment0String;
var localized string Attachment1String;
var localized string Attachment2String;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
var localized string SkinsString;
var localized string BackString;
var localized string NoneString;
var KFGFxObject_TraderItems TraderItems;
var const int ControllerRotationRate;
var const float ControllerRotationThreshold;
var int CurrentPerkIndex;
var string ClearImagePath;
var array<Emote> EmoteList;
function InitializeMenu( KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager InManager )
CheckForCustomizationPawn( GetPC() );
MyKFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo( GetPC().PlayerReplicationInfo );
EmoteList = class'KFEmoteList'.static.GetEmoteArray();
// Set the list of usable characters
TraderItems = KFGameReplicationInfo( KFPlayerController(GetPC()).WorldInfo.GRI ).TraderItems;
function OnOpen()
local PlayerController PC;
PC = GetPC();
if( PC == none )
CheckForCustomizationPawn( PC );
// @hack: moved from KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager because this causes a crash while
// bink (e.g. KFII-25456) are playing. Don't use HandleInputAxis with Bink! (for now) :)
GetGameViewportClient().HandleInputAxis = OnAxisModified;
if ( class'WorldInfo'.static.IsMenuLevel() )
Manager.ManagerObject.SetBool("backgroundVisible", false);
else if ( PC.PlayerReplicationInfo.bReadyToPlay && PC.WorldInfo.GRI.bMatchHasBegun )
// Players cannot change characters if they are in a game
SetBool("characterButtonEnabled", false);
/** The customization pawn won't exist if this menu was opened mid-match */
function CheckForCustomizationPawn( PlayerController PC )
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
if( PC.Pawn == none || (!PC.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell() && KFPawn_Customization(PC.Pawn) == none) )
KFPC = KFPlayerController( PC );
if( KFPC != none )
//@HSL_MOD_BEGIN - amiller 4/1/2016 - Force game to resave game.ini when a gear piece changes
function SaveChanges()
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetPC());
function LocalizeText()
local GFxObject LocalizedObject;
LocalizedObject = CreateObject("Object");
LocalizedObject.SetString("header", GearHeaderString);
LocalizedObject.SetString("listButton", BackString);
LocalizedObject.SetString("bioStringText", BioString);
LocalizedObject.SetString("charactersString", CharacterString);
LocalizedObject.SetString("headsString", HeadString);
LocalizedObject.SetString("emoteString", Class'KFLocalMessage_VoiceComms'.default.VoiceCommsOptionStrings[8]);
LocalizedObject.SetString("bodiesString", BodyString);
LocalizedObject.SetString("skinsString", SkinsString);
LocalizedObject.SetString("attachmentsString", AttachmentsString);
2020-12-13 18:09:05 +03:00
LocalizedObject.SetString("attachment0String", Attachment0String);
LocalizedObject.SetString("attachment1String", Attachment1String);
LocalizedObject.SetString("attachment2String", Attachment2String);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
SetObject("localizeText", LocalizedObject);
function UpdateEmoteList()
local int ItemIndex, i;
local GFxObject DataProvider, SlotObject;
local string TexturePath;
ItemIndex = 0;
DataProvider = CreateArray();
for (i = 0; i < EmoteList.length; i++)
if ( class'KFEmoteList'.static.GetUnlockedEmote(EmoteList[i].Id) != 'NONE')
SlotObject = CreateObject( "Object" );
SlotObject.SetInt("ItemIndex", i);
SlotObject.SetString("label", Localize(EmoteList[i].ItemName, "EmoteName", KFCharacterInfoString));
TexturePath = "img://"$EmoteList[i].IconPath;
SlotObject.SetBool("enabled", true);
SlotObject.SetString("source", TexturePath);
DataProvider.SetElementObject(ItemIndex, SlotObject);
//`log(MyKFPRI.EmoteList[i] @ "is not purchased.");
SetObject("emoteArray", DataProvider);
function UpdateCharacterList()
local int i, ItemIndex;
local GFxObject DataProvider, SlotObject;
local string TexturePath;
ItemIndex = 0;
DataProvider = CreateArray();
for (i = 0; i < MyKFPRI.CharacterArchetypes.length; i++)
if (class'KFUnlockManager'.static.GetAvailable(MyKFPRI.CharacterArchetypes[i]))
SlotObject = CreateObject( "Object" );
SlotObject.SetInt("ItemIndex", i);
SlotObject.SetString("label", Localize(String(MyKFPRI.CharacterArchetypes[i].Name), "CharacterName", KFCharacterInfoString));
TexturePath = "img://"$PathName(MyKFPRI.CharacterArchetypes[i].DefaultHeadPortrait);
SlotObject.SetBool("enabled", true);
SlotObject.SetString("source", TexturePath);
DataProvider.SetElementObject(ItemIndex, SlotObject);
//`log(MyKFPRI.CharacterArchetypes[i] @ "is not purchased.");
SetObject("characterArray", DataProvider);
function UpdateGear()
CurrentCharInfo = MyKFPRI.CharacterArchetypes[MyKFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.CharacterIndex];
if(CurrentCharInfo != none)
CharInfoPath = String(CurrentCharInfo.Name);
// Set the list of usable bodies for this character
UpdateMeshList(BodyMeshKey, BodySkinKey, CurrentCharInfo.BodyVariants, "bodyArray");
// Set the list of usable heads for this character
UpdateMeshList(HeadMeshKey, HeadSkinKey, CurrentCharInfo.HeadVariants, "headsArray");
// Set the list of usable attachments for this character
//it was null so we need to reinit the menu in a short time
GetPC().SetTimer(0.25, false, nameof(ReInitMenu), self);
function ReInitMenu()
function UpdateMeshList(string OutfitKey, string SkinKey, array<OutfitVariants> Outfits, string DataArrayString)
local int i, ItemIndex;
local GFxObject DataProvider, SlotObject;
local string TexturePath;
local OutfitVariants Outfit;
local SkinVariant FirstSkin;
ItemIndex = 0;
DataProvider = CreateArray();
for (i = 0; i < Outfits.length; i++)
Outfit = Outfits[i];
if (class'KFUnlockManager'.static.GetAvailableOutfit(Outfit))
SlotObject = CreateObject( "Object" );
SlotObject.SetInt("ItemIndex", i);
SlotObject.SetString("label", Localize(CharInfoPath, OutfitKey$i, KFCharacterInfoString));
SlotObject.SetBool("enabled", true);
FirstSkin = UpdateOutfitVariants( OutfitKey, SkinKey, Outfit.SkinVariations, i, SlotObject );
TexturePath = "img://"$PathName(FirstSkin.UITexture);
SlotObject.SetString("source", TexturePath);
DataProvider.SetElementObject(ItemIndex, SlotObject);
//`log("Outfit" @ Outfit.MeshName @ "is not purchased.");
SetObject(DataArrayString, DataProvider);
function UpdateAttachmentsList(array<AttachmentVariants> Attachments)
local int i, ItemIndex;
local GFxObject DataProvider, SlotObject;
local string TexturePath;
local AttachmentVariants Variant;
local Pawn MyPawn;
local SkinVariant FirstSkin;
local string AttachmentName;
ItemIndex = 0;
DataProvider = CreateArray();
MyPawn = GetPC().Pawn;
// Insert blank object
SlotObject = CreateObject( "Object" );
SlotObject.SetString("label", NoneString);
SlotObject.SetString("source", "img://"$ClearImagePath);
SlotObject.SetInt("ItemIndex", INDEX_NONE);
SlotObject.SetBool("enabled", true);
DataProvider.SetElementObject(ItemIndex, SlotObject);
for (i = 0; i < Attachments.length; i++)
Variant = Attachments[i];
if ( CurrentCharInfo.IsAttachmentAvailable(Variant, MyPawn) )
SlotObject = CreateObject( "Object" );
SlotObject.SetInt("ItemIndex", i);
FirstSkin = UpdateCosmeticVariants( AttachmentKey, AttachmentSkinKey, Variant.AttachmentItem, i, SlotObject );
AttachmentName = Localize(string(Variant.AttachmentItem.Name), AttachmentKey, KFCharacterInfoString);
//Asc return the Unicode value of the first character in the String
//Use it to check if the first character is ?, which is the case when a localization isn't found
SlotObject.SetString("label", AttachmentName);
SlotObject.SetBool("enabled", true);
TexturePath = "img://"$PathName(FirstSkin.UITexture);
SlotObject.SetString("source", TexturePath);
DataProvider.SetElementObject(ItemIndex, SlotObject);
SetObject("attachmentsArray", DataProvider);
function SkinVariant UpdateCosmeticVariants(string OutfitKey, string KeyName, KFCharacterAttachment Attachment, int OutfitIndex, out GFxObject MeshObject)
local int i, ItemIndex;
local GFxObject DataProvider, SlotObject;
local SkinVariant Skin;
local SkinVariant FirstSkin;
local string TexturePath;
local bool bFoundFirst;
local string SkinName;
ItemIndex = 0;
DataProvider = CreateArray();
for (i = 0; i < Attachment.SkinVariations.length; i++)
Skin = Attachment.SkinVariations[i];
if (class'KFUnlockManager'.static.GetAvailableSkin(Skin))
FirstSkin = Skin;
bFoundFirst = true;
SlotObject = CreateObject( "Object" );
SlotObject.SetInt("ItemIndex", i);
SkinName = Localize(string(Attachment.Name), KeyName$i, KFCharacterInfoString);
SlotObject.SetString("label", SkinName);
TexturePath = "img://"$PathName(Skin.UITexture);
SlotObject.SetBool("enabled", true);
SlotObject.SetString("source", TexturePath);
DataProvider.SetElementObject(ItemIndex, SlotObject);
//`log("Skin" @ Skin.UITexture.Name @ "is not purchased.");
MeshObject.SetObject("skinInfo", DataProvider);
return FirstSkin;
function SkinVariant UpdateOutfitVariants(string OutfitKey, string KeyName, out array<SkinVariant> SkinVariations, int OutfitIndex, out GFxObject MeshObject)
local int i, ItemIndex;
local GFxObject DataProvider, SlotObject;
local SkinVariant Skin;
local SkinVariant FirstSkin;
local string SectionPath;
local string TexturePath;
local bool bFoundFirst;
ItemIndex = 0;
DataProvider = CreateArray();
SectionPath = CharInfoPath$"."$OutfitKey$OutfitIndex;
for (i = 0; i < SkinVariations.length; i++)
Skin = SkinVariations[i];
if (class'KFUnlockManager'.static.GetAvailableSkin(Skin))
FirstSkin = Skin;
bFoundFirst = true;
SlotObject = CreateObject( "Object" );
SlotObject.SetInt("ItemIndex", i);
SlotObject.SetString("label", Localize(SectionPath, KeyName$i, KFCharacterInfoString));
TexturePath = "img://"$PathName(Skin.UITexture);
SlotObject.SetBool("enabled", true);
SlotObject.SetString("source", TexturePath);
DataProvider.SetElementObject(ItemIndex, SlotObject);
//`log("Skin" @ Skin.UITexture.Name @ "is not purchased.");
MeshObject.SetObject("skinInfo", DataProvider);
return FirstSkin;
function SetCurrentCharacterButtons()
local GFxObject DataObject;
DataObject = CreateObject("Object");
DataObject.SetString( "selectedCharacter", Localize(CharInfoPath, "CharacterName", KFCharacterInfoString) );
DataObject.SetString( "characterBio", Localize(CharInfoPath, "Description", KFCharacterInfoString) );
DataObject.SetInt( "selectedCharacterIndex", MyKFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.CharacterIndex );
SetObject( "selectedCharacter", DataObject);
//set head
SetGearButtons(MyKFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.HeadMeshIndex, MyKFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.HeadSkinIndex, HeadMeshKey, HeadSkinKey, HeadFunctionKey);
//set body
SetGearButtons(MyKFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.BodyMeshIndex, MyKFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.BodySkinIndex, BodyMeshKey, BodySkinKey, BodyFunctionKey);
//set attachments
SetAttachmentButtons(AttachmentKey, AttachmentFunctionKey);
function SetEmoteButton()
local GFxObject DataObject;
local int EmoteIndex;
EmoteIndex = class'KFEmoteList'.static.GetEmoteIndex( class'KFEmoteList'.static.GetEquippedEmoteId());
DataObject = CreateObject("Object");
if(EmoteIndex == 255)
DataObject.SetString( "selectedEmote", "");
DataObject.SetInt( "selectedEmoteIndex", 0 );
DataObject.SetString( "selectedEmote", Localize(EmoteList[EmoteIndex].ItemName, "EmoteName", KFCharacterInfoString));
DataObject.SetInt( "selectedEmoteIndex", 0 );
SetObject("selectedEmote", DataObject);
/** Update the labels for our gear buttons */
function SetGearButtons(int MeshIndex, int SkinIndex, string MeshKey, string SkinKey, string sectionFunctionName)
local string SectionPath;
local string CurrentMesh;
local string SkinName, MeshName;
local GFxObject DataObject;
DataObject = CreateObject("Object");
DataObject.SetString( sectionFunctionName, NoneString );
CurrentMesh = MeshKey$MeshIndex;
SectionPath = CharInfoPath$"."$CurrentMesh;
SkinName = Localize(SectionPath, SkinKey$SkinIndex, KFCharacterInfoString);
MeshName = Localize(CharInfoPath, CurrentMesh, KFCharacterInfoString);
DataObject.SetString( sectionFunctionName, MeshName @"\n" @SkinName );
DataObject.SetInt( (sectionFunctionName$"Index"), MeshIndex);
DataObject.SetInt( (sectionFunctionName$"SkinIndex"), SkinIndex);
SetObject( sectionFunctionName, DataObject);
/** Update the labels for our currently equipped attachments */
function SetAttachmentButtons(string AttachmentMeshKey, string sectionFunctionName)
local GFxObject DataObject;
local int i, AttachmentIndex;
DataObject = CreateObject("Object");
for(i = 0; i < `MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS; i++)
2020-12-13 18:09:05 +03:00
AttachmentIndex = MyKFPRI.RepCustomizationInfo.AttachmentMeshIndices[i];
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if( AttachmentIndex == `CLEARED_ATTACHMENT_INDEX )
DataObject.SetString("selectedAttachment_"$i, "----");
DataObject.SetString("selectedAttachment_"$i, Localize(string(CurrentCharInfo.CosmeticVariants[AttachmentIndex].AttachmentItem.Name), AttachmentMeshKey, KFCharacterInfoString));
SetObject( sectionFunctionName, DataObject);
event OnClose()
local PlayerController PC;
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
Manager.CachedProfile.Save( GetLP().ControllerId );
GetGameViewportClient().HandleInputAxis = none;
if ( class'WorldInfo'.static.IsMenuLevel() )
Manager.ManagerObject.SetBool("backgroundVisible", true);
// If we are alive, in game, with a playable pawn. switch back to first person view when leaving this menu
PC = GetPC();
if( PC != none )
KFPC = KFPlayerController( PC );
if( KFPC != none )
if( PC.WorldInfo.GRI.bMatchHasBegun && PC.Pawn != none && !PC.Pawn.IsA('KFPawn_Customization') )
PC.ServerCamera( 'FirstPerson' );
event bool OnAxisModified( int ControllerId, name Key, float Delta, float DeltaTime, bool bGamepad )
if ( GetPC().PlayerInput.bUsingGamepad )
if ( Key == 'XboxTypeS_RightX' && Abs(Delta) > ControllerRotationThreshold)
Callback_RotateCamera(Delta * ControllerRotationRate);
return false;
// ActionScript Callbacks
function Callback_RotateCamera( int RotationDirection )
local KFPlayerCamera PlayerCamera;
PlayerCamera = KFPlayerCamera( GetPC().PlayerCamera );
if ( PlayerCamera != none )
PlayerCamera.CustomizationCam.RotatedCamera( RotationDirection );
function Callback_EndRotateCamera()
local KFPlayerCamera PlayerCamera;
PlayerCamera = KFPlayerCamera( GetPC().PlayerCamera );
if ( PlayerCamera != none )
function Callback_BodyCamera()
if ( KFPlayerCamera( GetPC().PlayerCamera ) != none )
KFPlayerCamera( GetPC().PlayerCamera ).CustomizationCam.SetBodyView( 0 );
function Callback_HeadCamera()
if ( KFPlayerCamera( GetPC().PlayerCamera ) != none )
KFPlayerCamera( GetPC().PlayerCamera ).CustomizationCam.SetBodyView( 1 );
private function Callback_Emote(int Index)
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetPC());
if( KFPC != none )
if ( KFPawn_Customization(KFPC.Pawn) != none )
private function Callback_Character(int Index)
local Pawn P;
P = GetPC().Pawn;
if( P != none )
// only allowed during gear preview
if ( KFPawn_Customization(P) != none )
SelectCharacter(P, Index);
private function Callback_Head( int MeshIndex, int SkinIndex )
local Pawn P;
local KFPawn KFP;
P = GetPC().Pawn;
if( P != none )
KFP = KFPawn( P );
if ( KFP != none )
SelectCustomizationOption(KFP, CO_Head, MeshIndex, SkinIndex);
SetGearButtons(MeshIndex, SkinIndex, HeadMeshKey, HeadSkinKey, HeadFunctionKey);
private function Callback_Body( int MeshIndex, int SkinIndex )
local Pawn P;
local KFPawn KFP;
P = GetPC().Pawn;
if( P != none )
KFP = KFPawn( P );
if ( KFP != none )
SelectCustomizationOption(KFP, CO_Body, MeshIndex, SkinIndex);
// When assigning a new body mesh we may need to remove certain attachments
// refresh filters, and update the equipped accessories list
SetAttachmentButtons(AttachmentKey, AttachmentFunctionKey);
SetGearButtons(MeshIndex, SkinIndex, BodyMeshKey, BodySkinKey, BodyFunctionKey);
2020-12-13 18:09:05 +03:00
private function Callback_Attachment1( int MeshIndex, int SkinIndex )
Callback_AttachmentNumbered(MeshIndex, SkinIndex, 0);
private function Callback_Attachment2( int MeshIndex, int SkinIndex )
Callback_AttachmentNumbered(MeshIndex, SkinIndex, 1);
private function Callback_Attachment3( int MeshIndex, int SkinIndex )
Callback_AttachmentNumbered(MeshIndex, SkinIndex, 2);
private function Callback_AttachmentNumbered(int MeshIndex, int SkinIndex, int SlotIndex)
local Pawn P;
local KFPawn KFP;
local array<int> RemovedAttachments;
P = GetPC().Pawn;
if( P != none )
KFP = KFPawn( P );
if ( KFP != none && MyKFPRI != None )
//CurrentCharInfo.RemoveAttachmentMeshAndSkin(SlotIndex, KFP, MyKFPRI);
CurrentCharInfo.DetachConflictingAttachments(MeshIndex, KFP, MyKFPRI, RemovedAttachments);
SelectCustomizationOption(KFP, CO_Attachment, MeshIndex, SkinIndex, SlotIndex);
SetAttachmentButtons(AttachmentKey, AttachmentFunctionKey);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
private function Callback_Attachment( int MeshIndex, int SkinIndex )
local Pawn P;
local KFPawn KFP;
local int SlotIndex;
P = GetPC().Pawn;
if( P != none )
KFP = KFPawn( P );
if ( KFP != none && MyKFPRI != None )
2020-12-13 18:09:05 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
CurrentCharInfo.DetachConflictingAttachments(MeshIndex, KFP, MyKFPRI);
SlotIndex = CurrentCharInfo.GetAttachmentSlotIndex(MeshIndex, KFP, MyKFPRI);
SelectCustomizationOption(KFP, CO_Attachment, MeshIndex, SkinIndex, SlotIndex);
SetAttachmentButtons(AttachmentKey, AttachmentFunctionKey);
function RelayFromCheatManager(Pawn P, ECustomizationOption CustomizationOption, int MeshIndex, int SkinIndex, int AttachmentIndex, optional bool bIgnoreConflictingSlots = false)
CurrentCharInfo.DetachConflictingAttachments(MeshIndex, KFPawn(P), MyKFPRI);
SelectCustomizationOption(P, CustomizationOption, MeshIndex, SkinIndex, AttachmentIndex);
/** Update our character parts when the UI is being used */
native private function SelectCharacter(Pawn P, byte CharacterIndex);
native private function SelectCustomizationOption(Pawn P, ECustomizationOption CustomizationOption, int MeshIndex, int SkinIndex, optional int AttachmentIndex);