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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* TextureFlipBook
* FlipBook texture support base class.
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class TextureFlipBook extends Texture2D
forcescriptorder( TRUE );
// TextureFlipBook
/** Time into the movie in seconds. */
var const transient float TimeIntoMovie;
/** Time that has passed since the last frame. Will be adjusted by decoder to combat drift. */
var const transient float TimeSinceLastFrame;
/** The horizontal scale factor */
var const transient float HorizontalScale;
/** The vertical scale factor */
var const transient float VerticalScale;
/** Whether the movie is currently paused. */
var const bool bPaused;
/** Whether the movie is currently stopped. */
var const bool bStopped;
/** Whether the movie should loop when it reaches the end. */
var(FlipBook) bool bLooping;
/** Whether the movie should automatically start playing when it is loaded. */
var(FlipBook) bool bAutoPlay;
/** The horizontal and vertical sub-image count */
var(FlipBook) int HorizontalImages;
var(FlipBook) int VerticalImages;
/** FlipBookMethod
* This defines the order by which the images should be 'flipped through'
* TFBM_UL_ROW Start upper-left, go across to the the right, go to
* the next row down left-most and repeat.
* TFBM_UL_COL Start upper-left, go down to the bottom, pop to the
* top of the next column to the right and repeat.
* TFBM_UR_ROW Start upper-right, go across to the the left, go to
* the next row down right-most and repeat.
* TFBM_UR_COL Start upper-right, go down to the bottom, pop to the
* top of the next column to the left and repeat.
* TFBM_LL_ROW Start lower-left, go across to the the right, go to
* the next row up left-most and repeat.
* TFBM_LL_COL Start lower-left, go up to the top, pop to the
* bottom of the next column to the right and repeat.
* TFBM_LR_ROW Start lower-right, go across to the the left, go to
* the next row up left-most and repeat.
* TFBM_LR_COL Start lower-right, go up to the top, pop to the
* bottom of the next column to the left and repeat.
* TFBM_RANDOM Randomly select the next image
enum TextureFlipBookMethod
var(FlipBook) TextureFlipBookMethod FBMethod;
/** The time to display a single frame */
var(FlipBook) float FrameRate;
var private float FrameTime;
/** The current sub-image row */
var const transient int CurrentRow;
/** The current sub-image column */
var const transient int CurrentColumn;
/** The current sub-image row for the render-thread */
var const transient float RenderOffsetU;
/** The current sub-image column for the render-thread */
var const transient float RenderOffsetV;
/** Command fence used to shut down properly */
var native const pointer ReleaseResourcesFence{FRenderCommandFence};
/** Plays the movie and also unpauses. */
native function Play();
/** Pauses the movie. */
native function Pause();
/** Stops movie playback. */
native function Stop();
/** Sets the current frame of the 'movie'. */
native function SetCurrentFrame(int Row, int Col);
// FTickableObject interface
* Updates the movie texture if necessary by requesting a new frame from the decoder taking into account both
* game and movie framerate.
* @param DeltaTime Time (in seconds) that has passed since the last time this function has been called.
virtual void Tick( FLOAT DeltaTime );
* Returns whether it is okay to tick this object. E.g. objects being loaded in the background shouldn't be ticked
* till they are finalized and unreachable objects cannot be ticked either.
* @return TRUE if tickable, FALSE otherwise
virtual UBOOL IsTickable() const
// We cannot tick objects that are unreachable or are in the process of being loaded in the background.
return !HasAnyFlags( RF_Unreachable | RF_AsyncLoading );
// UObject interface.
* Initializes property values for intrinsic classes. It is called immediately after the class default object
* is initialized against its archetype, but before any objects of this class are created.
void InitializeIntrinsicPropertyValues();
* Serializes the compressed movie data.
* @param Ar FArchive to serialize RawData with.
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
* Postload initialization of movie texture. Creates decoder object and retriever first frame.
virtual void PostLoad();
* PostEditChange - gets called whenever a property is either edited via the Editor or the "set" console command.
* @param PropertyThatChanged Property that changed
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& /*PropertyChangedEvent*/);
* Called after the garbage collection mark phase on unreachable objects.
virtual void BeginDestroy();
* Called to check if the object is ready for FinishDestroy. This is called after BeginDestroy to check the completion of the
* potentially asynchronous object cleanup.
* @return True if the object's asynchronous cleanup has completed and it is ready for FinishDestroy to be called.
virtual UBOOL IsReadyForFinishDestroy();
* We need to ensure that the decoder doesn't have any references to RawData before destructing it.
virtual void FinishDestroy();
// Thumbnail interface.
* Returns a one line description of an object for viewing in the thumbnail view of the generic browser
virtual FString GetDesc();
* Returns detailed info to populate listview columns
virtual FString GetDetailedDescription( INT InIndex );
// FlipBook texture interface...
void SetStartFrame();
virtual UBOOL IsAFlipBook() { return true; }
virtual void GetFlipBookOffset(FVector& Offset)
Offset.X = CurrentColumn * HorizontalScale;
Offset.Y = CurrentRow * VerticalScale;
virtual void GetFlipBookScale(FVector& Scale)
Scale.X = HorizontalScale;
Scale.Y = VerticalScale;
* Retrieve the UV offset
* @param UVOffset FVector2D to fill in with the offset
void GetTextureOffset(FVector2D& UVOffset);
* Retrieve the UV offset
* @param UVOffset FLinearColor to fill in with the offset
virtual void GetTextureOffset_RenderThread(FLinearColor& UVOffset) const;
* Set the texture offset (pass it to the render thread)
void SetTextureOffset();
* Set the texture offset in the render thread
* @param UOffset The value to set for the U offset
* @param VOffset The value to set for the V offset
void SetTextureOffset_RenderThread(FLOAT UOffset, FLOAT VOffset);