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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// PlayFabInterface
// Interface class for all playfab calls
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2016 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Author 4/5/2016
class PlayfabInterface extends Object
`define FillAddDel(aname)\
if (`aname.Find(InDelegate) == INDEX_NONE)\
`aname[`aname.Length] = InDelegate;\
`define FillClearDel( aname )\
local int RemoveIndex;\
RemoveIndex = `aname.Find(InDelegate);\
if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE)\
/** The current pending game search */
var OnlineGameSearch PendingGameSearch;
/** Game search for get player data */
var OnlineGameSearch TempGameSearch;
/** The playfab ID with successful login */
var const init string CachedPlayfabId;
/** The session ticket with successful login */
var const init string CachedSessionTicket;
/** The cached auth code for when talking to a backend */
var const init string CachedAuthCode;
/** Cached auth code for consuming entitlements. Used for XB1 only */
var const init string CachedAuthForEntitlements;
/** TRUE if login process has finished */
var const private bool bLoginProcessFinished;
/** The time of the last auth refresh to determine if re-auth is needed. Represents appseconds converted to an INT */
var const private INT LastAuthRefreshTime;
/** The time in seconds for when auth should be refreshed */
var const private INT SecondsForAuthRefreshTime;
/** The time to verify the certificate at */
var const private float VerifyCertificateTime;
/** The number of login attempts we've had */
var int LoginAttempts;
var const private int MaxRetryLoginAttempts;
/** The name of the catalog to use */
var const init private{private} config string CatalogName;
struct native RegionDefinition
var float Ping;
var bool RegionUp;
var init string Name;
var init string Address;
var const config array<RegionDefinition> KnownRegions;
/** The list of available region names */
// var const config array<string> RegionNames;
/** The list of favourite servers */
var array<string> FavouriteServers;
/** Server history */
var array<string> ServerHistory;
/** The current region index for the player */
var init string CurrRegionName;
/** Service label used to consume PSN entitlements */
var const int PlayfabNPServiceLabel;
/** The title data */
var native Map_Mirror TitleData{TMap<FString, FString>};
/** TRUE if this server was launched by playfab */
var const private{private} bool bLaunchedByPlayfab;
/** TRUE if this is a cloud server */
var const private{private} bool bCloudServer;
/** The lobby ID of the server */
var const init private{private} string CachedLobbyId;
/** Server ID used for registration with multiplay */
var const init private{private} string CachedServerId;
/** The elapsed time since the last heartbeat for the server */
var const private{private} float ElapsedTimeSinceLastHeartBeat;
/** The interval needed for sending heartbeats to playfab */
var const private{private} float HeartbeatInterval;
/** The cached game settings */
var private{private} OnlineGameSettings CachedGameSettings;
/** Countdown timer for attempting a re-register of the server */
var const private{private} float CountdownToReregister;
/** The interval for server re-register attempts. Only ever set if heartbeat or original registration fails */
var const private{private} float ReregisterInterval;
/** Endpoint APIs specified by multiplay via commandline */
var const init private{private} string AllocateAPIEndpoint;
var const init private{private} string DeallocateAPIEndpoint;
/** TRUE if server is actively allocated with backend */
var private{private} bool bServerAllocated;
/** TRUE if server is de-allocated. Can ONLY be true if bServerAllocated has ever been true */
var private{private} bool bServerDeallocated;
/** The timestamp at which the server was deallocated */
var const private{private} qword DeallocatedTimeStamp;
/** Elapsed time since last update for deallocated server */
var const private{private} float TimeSinceLastDeallocationUpdate;
/** The interval between updates for deallocated servers */
var const private{private} float DeallocateTimeUpdateInterval;
/** Array of delegates to multicast */
var array<delegate<OnFindOnlineGamesComplete> > FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates;
var array<delegate<OnQueryServerInfoComplete> > OnQueryServerInfoCompleteDelegates;
var array<delegate<OnLoginComplete> > LoginCompleteDelegates;
var array<delegate<OnRegionQueryComplete> > RegionQueryCompleteDelegates;
var array<delegate<OnServerStarted> > ServerStartedDelegates;
var array<delegate<OnInventoryRead> > InventoryReadDelegates;
var array<delegate<OnTitleDataRead> > TitleDataReadDelegates;
var array<delegate<OnStoreDataRead> > StoreDataReadDelegates;
var array<delegate<OnCloudScriptExecutionComplete> > CloudScriptExecutionCompleteDelegates;
var array<delegate<OnGetPlayerListComplete> > GetPlayerListCompleteDelegates;
// Client API calls
// Login to playfab service. Will create account if login fails
native function bool Login( string UserName );
delegate OnLoginComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, string SessionTicket, string PlayfabId);
function AddOnLoginCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnLoginComplete> InDelegate) { `FillAddDel(LoginCompleteDelegates); }
function ClearOnLoginCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnLoginComplete> InDelegate) { `FillClearDel(LoginCompleteDelegates); }
delegate OnGetPlayerListComplete(OnlineGameSettings PlayerListSettings, bool Success);
function AddGetPlayerListCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnGetPlayerListComplete> InDelegate) { `FillAddDel(GetPlayerListCompleteDelegates); }
function ClearGetPlayerListCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnGetPlayerListComplete> InDelegate) { `FillClearDel(GetPlayerListCompleteDelegates); }
* For determining if a server that we got in our search results is in our favorite list
* @return true if the search result at the specified index is a favorite, false if not
native function bool IsSearchResultInFavoritesList(OnlineGameSearch LatestGameSearch, int Index);
native function bool AddSearchResultToFavorites(OnlineGameSearch LatestGameSearch, int Index);
native function bool RemoveSearchResultFromFavorites(OnlineGameSearch LatestGameSearch, int Index);
native function bool AddSearchResultToHistory(string JoinString);
function native int GetRegionIndex(const out string RegionName);
function native SetDefaultRegion(const out string RegionName);
native function UpdateUserTitleDisplayName( string DisplayName );
native function UpdateUserName( string DisplayName );
native function UpdateUserData( string Key, string Data, string Permission );
native function GetUserName( string PlayfabId, int SelectedServerIndex, int PlayerIndex );
native function GetPlayerList( OnlineGameSearch SearchSettings, INT SelectedServerIndex );
native function CheckPlayerDisplayName( string PlayfabId );
native function GetUserData( array<string> Keys, bool CheckData );
native function QueryPlayfabClientTicket( string LobbyId );
// Logout of playfab services when we get disconnected
native function bool Logout();
// Read store data
native function ReadStoreData();
delegate OnStoreDataRead(bool bWasSuccessful);
function AddStoreDataReadCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnStoreDataRead> InDelegate) { `FillAddDel(StoreDataReadDelegates); }
function ClearStoreDataReadCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnStoreDataRead> InDelegate) { `FillClearDel(StoreDataReadDelegates); }
// Read inventory for local user
native function ReadInventory();
delegate OnInventoryRead(bool bWasSuccessful);
function AddInventoryReadCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnInventoryRead> InDelegate) { `FillAddDel(InventoryReadDelegates); }
function ClearInventoryReadCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnInventoryRead> InDelegate) { `FillClearDel(InventoryReadDelegates); }
// Read title data
native function ReadTitleData();
delegate OnTitleDataRead();
function AddTitleDataReadCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnTitleDataRead> InDelegate ) { `FillAddDel(TitleDataReadDelegates); }
function ClearTitleDataReadCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnTitleDataRead> InDelegate ) { `FillClearDel(TitleDataReadDelegates); }
// Retrieves title data value for a particular key
native function string GetTitleDataForKey( string InKey );
// Unlocks a container for the user
native function UnlockContainer(string ContainerId);
// WireService exchange interface
native function PerformRuleExchange( ExchangeRuleSets ForRuleset, bool AllButOne =false );
// Consumes entitlements
native function ConsumeEntitlements(optional bool bWasPurchase = false);
// Find online games. Results will show up in the search settings supplied if successful
native function bool FindOnlineGames( OnlineGameSearch SearchSettings );
delegate OnFindOnlineGamesComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
function AddFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnFindOnlineGamesComplete> InDelegate) { `FillAddDel(FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates); }
function ClearFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnFindOnlineGamesComplete> InDelegate) { `FillClearDel(FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates); }
// Cancel the current game search
native function CancelGameSearch();
// Query info for a particular server
native function QueryServerInfo( const string LobbyId );
delegate OnQueryServerInfoComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, string LobbyId, string ServerIp, int ServerPort, string AuthTicket);
function AddQueryServerInfoCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnQueryServerInfoComplete> InDelegate) { `FillAddDel(OnQueryServerInfoCompleteDelegates); }
function ClearQueryServerInfoCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnQueryServerInfoComplete> InDelegate) { `FillClearDel(OnQueryServerInfoCompleteDelegates); }
// Query available regions
delegate OnRegionQueryComplete( bool bWasSuccessful, array<string> OutRegionNames );
native function QueryAvailableRegions();
function AddRegionQueryCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnRegionQueryComplete> InDelegate) { `FillAddDel(RegionQueryCompleteDelegates); }
function ClearRegionQueryCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnRegionQueryComplete> InDelegate) { `FillClearDel(RegionQueryCompleteDelegates); }
// Starts a new server instance
native function StartNewServerInstance( optional string ServerCommandline );
delegate OnServerStarted( bool bWasSuccessful, string ServerLobbyId, string ServerIp, int ServerPort, string ServerTicket );
function AddOnServerStartedDelegate( delegate<OnServerStarted> InDelegate) { `FillAddDel(ServerStartedDelegates); }
function ClearOnServerStartedDelegate( delegate<OnServerStarted> InDelegate) { `FillClearDel(ServerStartedDelegates); }
// Executes a cloud script function
native function ExecuteCloudScript( string FunctionName, JsonObject FunctionParms );
delegate OnCloudScriptExecutionComplete( bool bWasSuccessful, string FunctionName, JsonObject FunctionResult );
function AddOnCloudScriptExecutionCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnCloudScriptExecutionComplete> InDelegate ) { `FillAddDel(CloudScriptExecutionCompleteDelegates); }
function ClearOnCloudScriptExecutionCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnCloudScriptExecutionComplete> InDelegate ) { `FillClearDel(CloudScriptExecutionCompleteDelegates); }
function bool IsRegisteredWithPlayfab()
return CachedLobbyId != "";
function string GetCachedLobbyId()
return CachedLobbyId;
event bool IsCloudServer()
return bCloudServer;
event string GetServerId()
return CachedServerId;
function int GetIndexForCurrentRegion()
local int i;
for( i = 0; i < KnownRegions.Length; i++ )
if( KnownRegions[i].Name == CurrRegionName )
return i;
`warn("Failed to find index for current region"@CurrRegionName);
return -1;
function SetIndexForCurrentRegion( int InRegionIndex )
if( InRegionIndex >= 0 && InRegionIndex < KnownRegions.Length )
`warn("Failed to set region index"@InRegionIndex);
static function array<string> GetLocalizedRegionList()
local int i;
local array<string> LocalizedRegions;
for( i = 0; i < default.KnownRegions.Length; i++ )
LocalizedRegions.AddItem( Localize( "Regions", default.KnownRegions[i].Name, "KFGameConsole" ) );
return LocalizedRegions;
static function string GetLocalizedRegionName(int RegionIndex)
return Localize( "Regions", default.KnownRegions[RegionIndex].Name, "KFGameConsole" );
event OnlineProfileSettings GetProfileSettings( byte LocalUserNum )
return class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem().PlayerInterface.GetProfileSettings( LocalUserNum );
// Server API calls
native function ServerValidatePlayer( const string ClientAuthTicket );
native function ServerNotifyPlayerJoined( const string PlayfabId );
native function ServerNotifyPlayerLeft( const string PlayfabId );
native function ServerUpdateOnlineGame();
native function ServerRegisterGame();
native function ServerSetOpenStatus( const bool bOpen );
native function ServerSetSteamServerUID(const qword UID);
native function ServerUpdateInternalUserData( const string ForPlayerId, array<string> InKeys, array<string> InValues );
native function ServerRetrieveInternalUserData( const string ForPlayerId, array<string> InKeys );
native function ServerAddVirtualCurrencyForUser( const string ForPlayerId, const int AmountToAdd, optional string CurrencyName = "GM" );
native function ServerRemoveVirtualCurrencyForUser( const string ForPlayerId, const int AmountToRemove, optional string CurrencyName = "GM" );
native function ServerGrantItemsForUser( const string ForPlayerId, array<string> ItemIds );
native function ServerAllocate();
native function ServerDeallocate( optional bool bForce );
function CreateGameSettings( class<OnlineGameSettings> GameSettingsClass )
if( CachedGameSettings == none )
CachedGameSettings = new GameSettingsClass;
event OnlineGameSettings GetGameSettings()
return CachedGameSettings;
// Private calls
// Auths with online service (ex. PSN). Calls into OSS to do this
private event AuthWithOnlineService( byte LocalUserNum, string ForURL )
local OnlineSubsystem OSS;
OSS = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem();
if( OSS != none && OSS.PlayerInterface != none )
OSS.PlayerInterface.AddURLTokenRetrievedDelegate( LocalUserNum, OnTokenAndSignatureRetrieved );
OSS.PlayerInterface.GetTokenAndSignatureForURL( LocalUserNum, ForURL );
private function OnTokenAndSignatureRetrieved(byte LocalUserNum, string URL, string Token, string Signature)
class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem().PlayerInterface.ClearURLTokenRetrievedDelegate(LocalUserNum, OnTokenAndSignatureRetrieved);
OnlineServiceAuthComplete( URL, Token, Signature );
// The rest is handled in native
private native function OnlineServiceAuthComplete( string ForURL, string Token, string Signature );
virtual void Initialize();
virtual UBOOL IsTickable() const
// We cannot tick objects that are unreachable or are in the process of being loaded in the background.
return !HasAnyFlags( RF_Unreachable | RF_AsyncLoading );
virtual UBOOL IsTickableWhenPaused() const
return TRUE;
virtual void Tick( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
virtual void Shutdown();
UBOOL WasLaunchedByPlayfab() { return bLaunchedByPlayfab; }
virtual FString GetLobbyId() { return CachedLobbyId; }
virtual void SetLobbyId( const FString& InLobbyId ) { CachedLobbyId = InLobbyId; }
// Notification from OSS after entitlements have been read
virtual void OnEntitlementsRead();
// Called on the event inventory is updated
virtual void InventoryUpdated( TArray<FCurrentInventoryEntry>& NewInvList );
// Adds durable entitlements to inventory list
virtual void AddDurableEntitlementsToInventory( TArray<FCurrentInventoryEntry>& InvList );
// Sets a timer to attempt registration again
virtual void Reregister();
// Retrieves the catalog name
virtual FString GetCatalogName() { return CatalogName; }
// Auth refreshed every hour
// 60 seconds for every heartbeat