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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class GameCrowdAgent extends CrowdAgentBase
placeable; // placeable only so LDs can create archetypes
/** Agent group this agent is part of */
var GameCrowdGroup MyGroup;
/** Velocity in the absence of other agent interactions */
var Vector PreferredVelocity;
/** Velocity we will take next physics tick */
var Vector PendingVelocity;
/** Current destination */
var GameCrowdDestination CurrentDestination;
/** Last destination where performed Kismet/Behavior. Cleared when have new destination. Used to keep from looping kismet/behavior at destination. */
var GameCrowdDestination BehaviorDestination;
/** where agent is coming from */
var GameCrowdDestination PreviousDestination;
/** If conforming to ground, this is how much to move the agent each frame between line-trace updates. */
var float InterpZTranslation;
/** Current health of agent */
var() int Health;
/** How long dead body stays around */
var(Behavior) float DeadBodyDuration;
/** Pointer to LightEnvironment */
var const editconst DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent LightEnvironment;
/** Used to count how many frames since the last conform trace. */
var transient int ConformTraceFrameCount;
/** Nearby pawns and agents. Updated periodically using main Octree */
var transient array<NearbyDynamicItem> NearbyDynamics;
/** Whether to use same scale variation in all axes */
var bool bUniformScale;
enum EConformType
/** How agent conforms to surfaces */
var(Movement) EConformType ConformType;
/** Whether to have obstacle mesh block agents */
var(Pathing) bool bCheckForObstacles;
/** How far to trace to conform agent to the bsp/world. */
var(Movement) float ConformTraceDist;
/** Every how many frames the ground conforming line check is done. */
var(Movement) int ConformTraceInterval;
/** Current conform interval */
var int CurrentConformTraceInterval;
/** TEMP for debugging - last ground conform hit normal Z*/
var float LastGroundZ;
// Agent force stuff
/** Controls how far around an agent the system looks when finding the average speed. */
var(Pathing) float AwareRadius;
/** The radius used to check overlap between agents (basically how big an agent is). */
var(Pathing) float AvoidOtherRadius;
struct native AvoidOtherSampleItem
var() int RotOffset;
var() byte NumMagSamples;
var() bool bFallbackOnly;
var(Pathing) array<AvoidOtherSampleItem> AvoidOtherSampleList;
var(Pathing) float PENALTY_COEFF_MAG;
var(Pathing) float MIN_PENALTY_THRESHOLD;
var(Pathing) float LastProgressTime;
var(Pathing) float LastFallbackActiveTime;
/** If TRUE, use navmesh for pathing */
var(Pathing) bool bUseNavMeshPathing;
var(Pathing) float MaxPathLaneValue;
var(Pathing) float CurrentPathLaneValue;
var(Pathing) int ExtraPathCost;
/** When a 'target' action occurs, agent will rotate to face the CrowdAttractor. This controls how fast that turn happens */
var(Movement) float RotateToTargetSpeed;
/** Crowd agents rotate to face the direction they are travelling. This value limits how quickly they turn to do this, to avoid them spinning too quickly */
var(Movement) float MaxYawRate;
/** Min 3D drawscale to apply to the agent mesh */
var(Rendering) vector MeshMinScale3D;
/** Max 3D drawscale to apply to the agent mesh */
var(Rendering) vector MeshMaxScale3D;
/** Note currently only checks if see player when being rendered */
var bool bWantsSeePlayerNotification;
/** Eye Z offset from location */
var float EyeZOffset;
/** Distance to LOD out proximity checks for non-visible agents */
var(LOD) float ProximityLODDist;
/** Distance to LOD out proximity checks for visible agents */
var(LOD) float VisibleProximityLODDist;
/** Last position validated by collision trace */
var vector LastKnownGoodPosition;
/** Distance from ground to agent center (used to adjust foot positioning) */
var(Rendering) float GroundOffset;
/** Current movement destination intermediate to reaching CurrentDestination */
var vector IntermediatePoint;
/** bounding box to use for pathing queries */
var vector SearchExtent;
// Whether agent is allowed to pitch as he rotates toward his current velocity
var(Movement) bool bAllowPitching;
/** Navigation Handle used by agents requesting pathing */
var class<NavigationHandle> NavigationHandleClass;
var NavigationHandle NavigationHandle;
/** flags set for debugging (set each tick) */
var bool bHitObstacle, bBadHitNormal;
var int ObstacleCheckCount;
/** Used for accessing potential obstacles - not an obstacle if hitnormal.Z > WalkableFloorZ */
var float WalkableFloorZ;
/** Last time pathing was attempted for this agent */
var float LastPathingAttempt;
/** Used to limit update frequency of agents that are not visible */
var float LastUpdateTime;
/** Whether to perform crowd simulation this tick on this agent ( updated using ShouldPerformCrowdSimulation() )*/
var bool bSimulateThisTick;
/** how long to wait before killing this agent when it isn't visible */
var(LOD) float NotVisibleLifeSpan;
/** Archetype used to spawn this agent */
var GameCrowdAgent MyArchetype;
/** Max walking speed (if not using root motion velocity)*/
var(Movement) float MaxWalkingSpeed;
/** Max running speed (if not using root motion velocity)*/
var(Movement) float MaxRunningSpeed;
/** Current max speed */
var float MaxSpeed;
struct native RecentInteraction
var Name InteractionTag;
var float InteractionDelay;
var array<RecentInteraction> RecentInteractions;
/** Max distance to draw debug beacon */
var float BeaconMaxDist;
/** Debug beacon offset from Location */
var vector BeaconOffset;
/** Background texture for debug beacon */
var const Texture2D BeaconTexture;
/** Beacon background color */
var const LinearColor BeaconColor;
/** Ambient Sound cue played by this agent */
var() soundcue AmbientSoundCue;
/** Ambient sound being played */
var AudioComponent AmbientSoundComponent;
/** Current applied behavior instance */
var GameCrowdAgentBehavior CurrentBehavior;
var float CurrentBehaviorActivationTime;
/** Describes a behavior type and its frequency */
struct native BehaviorEntry
/** Archetype based on a GameCrowdAgentBehavior class */
var() GameCrowdAgentBehavior BehaviorArchetype;
/** Optional actor to look at when performing this behavior */
var() Actor LookAtActor;
/** How often this behavior is picked = BehaviorFrequency/(sum of BehaviorFrequencies) */
var() float BehaviorFrequency;
/** If true, agent will never repeat this behavior */
var() bool bNeverRepeat;
/** Whether this behavior has been used by this agent */
var bool bHasBeenUsed;
/** Temp Cache whether this behavior can be used */
var bool bCanBeUsed;
/** Behaviors to choose from when encounter another agent (only if no current behavior) */
var(Behavior) array<BehaviorEntry> EncounterAgentBehaviors;
/** Set when updating dynamics if agent is potential encounter for updating agent - only valid in HandlePotentialAgentEncounter() event.*/
var bool bPotentialEncounter;
/** Behaviors to choose from when see player (only if no current behavior) */
var(Behavior) array<BehaviorEntry> SeePlayerBehaviors;
/** Calculated from behaviors in SeePlayerList */
var float MaxSeePlayerDistSq;
/** How often see player event can be triggered. If 0, never retriggers */
var(Behavior) float SeePlayerInterval;
/** Behaviors to choose from when agent spawns. */
var(Behavior) array<BehaviorEntry> SpawnBehaviors;
/** Behaviors to choose from when agent panicks. */
var(Behavior) array<BehaviorEntry> UneasyBehaviors;
var(Behavior) array<BehaviorEntry> AlertBehaviors;
var(Behavior) array<BehaviorEntry> PanicBehaviors;
/** Behaviors to choose from randomly at RandomBehaviorInterval. */
var(Behavior) array<BehaviorEntry> RandomBehaviors;
/** Behaviors to choose from when the agent takes damage. */
var(Behavior) array<BehaviorEntry> TakeDamageBehaviors;
/** Average time between random behavior attempt (only if visible to player and no current behavior) */
var(Behavior) float RandomBehaviorInterval;
/** only used for animation now. Need to replace with more appropriately named property */
var bool bIsPanicked;
/** World time when agent was spawned or last rendered */
var float ForceUpdateTime;
/** Random variation in how closely agent must reach destination (0.5 to 1.0)*/
var float ReachThreshold;
/** Whether should idle and wait for other group members */
var bool bWantsGroupIdle;
/** Behaviors to choose from when waiting for other group members. */
var(Behavior) array<BehaviorEntry> GroupWaitingBehaviors;
/** Try to keep Members this close together - probably will be obsolete when have formations */
var(Behavior) float DesiredGroupRadius;
/** Keep square of DesiredGroupRadius for faster testing */
var float DesiredGroupRadiusSq;
/** If true, agent will prefer destinations with line of sight to player if starting from non-L.O.S. destination */
var() bool bPreferVisibleDestination;
/** If true, prefer visible destination only for first destination chosen after spawn */
var() bool bPreferVisibleDestinationOnSpawn;
/** Max distance to keep agents around if they haven't been rendered in NotVisibleLifeSpan, but are still in player's potential line of sight */
var float MaxLOSLifeDistanceSq;
/** Actor with GameCrowdSpawnerInterface which spawned this agent */
var GameCrowdSpawnerInterface MySpawner;
/** True if already notified spawner about destruction */
var bool bHasNotifiedSpawner;
/** true if agent is currently sitting in pop mgr's agent pool */
var bool bIsInSpawnPool;
/** Used for keeping groups spawned together */
var vector SpawnOffset;
/** Initial setting of LastRenderTime (used to see if agent was ever actually rendered) */
var float InitialLastRenderTime;
var(Debug) bool bPaused;
var(Debug) Color DebugAgentColor;
var(Debug) GameCrowdDestination DebugSpawnDest;
virtual void PreBeginPlay();
virtual void PostBeginPlay();
virtual void PostScriptDestroyed();
virtual void GetActorReferences(TArray<FActorReference*>& ActorRefs, UBOOL bIsRemovingLevel);
virtual UBOOL Tick( FLOAT DeltaSeconds, ELevelTick TickType );
virtual void performPhysics(FLOAT DeltaTime);
virtual UBOOL ShouldTrace(UPrimitiveComponent* Primitive, AActor *SourceActor, DWORD TraceFlags);
virtual void TickSpecial( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
* If desired, take the current location, and using a line check, update its Z to match the ground better.
* Returns FALSE if could not be conformed, and agent was killed.
UBOOL UpdateInterpZTranslation(const FVector& NewLocation);
* Update NearbyDynamics, RelevantAttractors
* Also checks ReportOverlapsWithClass and calls OverlappedActorEvent if necessary
void UpdateProximityInfo();
void CheckSeePlayer();
virtual void UpdatePendingVelocity( FLOAT DeltaTime );
UBOOL IsVelocityWithinConstraints( const FRotator& Dir, FLOAT Speed, FLOAT DeltaTime );
UBOOL VerifyDestinationIsClear();
UBOOL IsDestinationObstructed( const FVector& Dest );
virtual UBOOL IsValidNearbyDynamic( AActor* A );
virtual FLOAT GetInfluencePct( INT PriB );
virtual UBOOL WantsOverlapCheckWith(AActor* TestActor);
* This will allow subclasses to implement specialized behavior for whether or not to actually simulate.
* Example: You have hundreds of crowd agents and not all can be seen. So doing a distance check before simulating them
* could save CPU. (distance check in stead of LastRender as you might want them moving before the viewer sees them).
virtual UBOOL ShouldPerformCrowdSimulation(FLOAT DeltaTime);
/** Whether agent should end idling now */
virtual UBOOL ShouldEndIdle();
/** Check if reached intermediate point in route to destination */
UBOOL ReachedIntermediatePoint();
/** Clamp velocity to reach destination exactly */
virtual void ExactVelocity(FLOAT DeltaTime);
/** Interface_NavigationHandle implementation to grab search params */
virtual void SetupPathfindingParams( FNavMeshPathParams& out_ParamCache );
virtual void InitForPathfinding();
virtual INT ExtraEdgeCostToAddWhenActive(FNavMeshEdgeBase* Edge);
virtual FVector GetEdgeZAdjust(FNavMeshEdgeBase* Edge);
* This function actually does the work for the GetDetailInfo and is virtual.
* It should only be called from GetDetailedInfo as GetDetailedInfo is safe to call on NULL object pointers
virtual FString GetDetailedInfoInternal() const;
virtual UBOOL IsActiveObstacle() { return TRUE; }
virtual FLOAT GetAvoidRadius();
virtual INT GetInfluencePriority();
virtual FColor GetDebugAgentColor();
native function Vector GetCollisionExtent();
/** called when the actor falls out of the world 'safely' (below KillZ and such) */
simulated event FellOutOfWorld(class<DamageType> dmgType)
Health = -1;
Lifespan = -0.1;
* @RETURNS whether this agent is panicked (true if agent has a CurrentBehavior and CurrentBehavior.bIsPanicked==true
native function bool IsPanicked();
* Pick a behavior from the BehaviorList, for a camera at BestCameraLoc,
* and activate this behavior
* Caller is responsible for setting bHasBeenUsed on picked behavior entry.
* @RETURNS true if new behavior was activated
function bool PickBehaviorFrom(array<BehaviorEntry> BehaviorList, optional vector BestCameraLoc=vect(0,0,0) )
local vector CameraLoc;
local rotator CameraRot;
local PlayerController PC;
local float BestDistSq, NewDistSq;
local int i;
local float FreqSum, RandPick;
if ( BestCameraLoc == vect(0,0,0) )
// if camera location not passed in, find closest camera
BestDistSq = 90000000.0;
ForEach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC)
PC.GetPlayerViewPoint(CameraLoc, CameraRot);
NewDistSq = VSizeSq(CameraLoc - Location);
if ( NewDistSq < BestDistSq )
BestDistSq = NewDistSq;
BestCameraLoc = CameraLoc;
// Pick a behavior to activate
for ( i=0; i<BehaviorList.length; i++ )
if ( BehaviorList[i].BehaviorArchetype == None )
`warn(self@MyArchetype$" No behavior archetype for behavior entry "$i);
BehaviorList[i].bCanBeUsed = (!BehaviorList[i].bHasBeenUsed || !BehaviorList[i].bNeverRepeat) && BehaviorList[i].BehaviorArchetype.CanBeUsedBy(self, BestCameraLoc);
if ( BehaviorList[i].bCanBeUsed )
FreqSum += BehaviorList[i].BehaviorFrequency;
// If frequency sum < 1.0, chance no behavior will be picked
RandPick = FMax(1.0,FreqSum) * FRand();
if ( RandPick >= FreqSum )
return false;
// Activate the selected behavior
for ( i=0; i<BehaviorList.length; i++ )
if ( BehaviorList[i].bCanBeUsed )
RandPick -= BehaviorList[i].BehaviorFrequency;
if ( RandPick < 0.0 )
ActivateBehavior(BehaviorList[i].BehaviorArchetype, BehaviorList[i].LookAtActor);
BehaviorList[i].bHasBeenUsed = true;
return true;
return false;
* Too far ahead of group, pick waiting behavior
event WaitForGroupMembers()
local int i;
if ( CurrentBehavior != None )
CurrentBehavior.ActionTarget = MyGroup.Members[0];
// look at agent being waited for
for ( i=0; i<MyGroup.Members.Length; i++ )
if (MyGroup.Members[i] != None && !MyGroup.Members[i].bDeleteMe && (VSizeSq(MyGroup.Members[i].Location - Location) > DesiredGroupRadiusSq)
&& ((MyGroup.Members[i].Velocity dot (Location - MyGroup.Members[i].Location)) > 0.0))
CurrentBehavior.ActionTarget = MyGroup.Members[i];
event SetCurrentDestination(GameCrowdDestination NewDest)
if( NewDest != CurrentDestination )
if ( CurrentBehavior != None )
CurrentDestination = NewDest;
ReachThreshold = CurrentDestination.bSoftPerimeter ? 0.5 + 0.5*FRand() : 1.0;
/** Set maximum movement speed */
function SetMaxSpeed()
MaxSpeed = IsPanicked()? MaxRunningSpeed : MaxWalkingSpeed;
simulated function PostBeginPlay()
local vector AgentScale3D;
local int i;
local float MaxSeePlayerDist;
if ( bDeleteMe )
WorldInfo.bHaveActiveCrowd = true;
// Randomize scale
if( bUniformScale )
AgentScale3D = MeshMinScale3D + (FRand() * (MeshMaxScale3D - MeshMinScale3D));
AgentScale3D.X = RandRange(MeshMinScale3D.X, MeshMaxScale3D.X);
AgentScale3D.Y = RandRange(MeshMinScale3D.Y, MeshMaxScale3D.Y);
AgentScale3D.Z = RandRange(MeshMinScale3D.Z, MeshMaxScale3D.Z);
// assume starting point is valid
LastKnownGoodPosition = Location;
LastKnownGoodPosition.Z += EyeZOffset;
ForceUpdateTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
// init max speed
// init ambient sound
if ( AmbientSoundCue != None )
AmbientSoundComponent = new(self) class'AudioComponent';
if( AmbientSoundComponent != none )
AmbientSoundComponent.SoundCue = AmbientSoundCue;
// init see player notification
bWantsSeePlayerNotification = (SeePlayerBehaviors.Length > 0);
for ( i=0; i<SeePlayerBehaviors.Length; i++ )
MaxSeePlayerDist = FMax(MaxSeePlayerDist, SeePlayerBehaviors[i].BehaviorArchetype.MaxPlayerDistance);
// init convenient/perf squares of agent properties
MaxSeePlayerDistSq = MaxSeePlayerDist*MaxSeePlayerDist;
DesiredGroupRadiusSq = DesiredGroupRadius * DesiredGroupRadius;
if ( RandomBehaviors.Length > 0 )
settimer((0.8+0.4*FRand())*RandomBehaviorInterval, true, 'TryRandomBehavior');
* Kill this agent or add it to population manager's spawn pool
event KillAgent()
if ( bIsInSpawnPool )
LifeSpan = -0.1;
// make sure to tick right away to destroy
TimeSinceLastTick = 1000.0;
* Agent is coming out of pool, so rev him up
function ResetPooledAgent()
bIsInSpawnPool = false;
BehaviorDestination = None;
PreviousDestination = None;
LifeSpan = 0.0;
Health = default.Health;
TimeSinceLastTick = 0.0;
LastKnownGoodPosition = Location;
LastKnownGoodPosition.Z += EyeZOffset;
ForceUpdateTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
if ( RandomBehaviors.Length > 0 )
settimer((0.8+0.4*FRand())*RandomBehaviorInterval, true, 'TryRandomBehavior');
simulated function Destroyed()
if ( (MySpawner != None) && !bHasNotifiedSpawner )
bHasNotifiedSpawner = true;
if ( CurrentDestination != None )
CurrentDestination = None;
if ( MyGroup != None )
simulated function DisplayDebug(HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos)
local string T;
local Canvas Canvas;
super.DisplayDebug(HUD, out_YL, out_YPos);
Canvas = HUD.Canvas;
Canvas.SetPos(4, out_YPos);
T = GetDebugName();
if( bDeleteMe )
T = T$" DELETED (bDeleteMe == true)";
if( T != "" )
Canvas.DrawText(T, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.SetPos(4, out_YPos);
Canvas.DrawText("Location:"@Location@"Rotation:"@Rotation@" Speed: "$VSize(Velocity)@"ZVel"@Velocity.Z, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Hit obestacle:"@bHitObstacle@"BadHitNormal:"@bBadHitNormal@"count"@ObstacleCheckCount, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Current conform interval:"@CurrentConformTraceInterval@"Base Conform Interval:"@ConformTraceInterval@" Last Ground Z "@LastGroundZ, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
if ( CurrentDestination == None )
out_YPos += out_YL;
if ( NavigationHandle != None )
T = "DESTINATION "$CurrentDestination;
if ( MyGroup != None )
T = T$" Group "$MyGroup;
DrawDebugLine(MyGroup.Members[0].Location, Location, 255, 128, 0, FALSE);
Canvas.DrawText(T, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
if ( IntermediatePoint == CurrentDestination.Location )
DrawDebugLine(IntermediatePoint, Location, 0, 128, 255, FALSE);
DrawDebugLine(IntermediatePoint, Location, 0, 255, 0, FALSE);
DrawDebugLine(CurrentDestination.Location, Location, 255, 255, 0, FALSE);
* Set agent lighting
* @PARAM bEnableLightEnvironment controls whether light environment is enabled
* @PARAM AgentLightingChannel is the lighting channel to use (GameCrowdAgentSkeletal only)
* @PARAM bCastShadows controls whether agent casts shadows (GameCrowdAgentSkeletal only)
simulated function SetLighting(bool bEnableLightEnvironment, LightingChannelContainer AgentLightingChannel, bool bCastShadows)
// If desired, enable light env
// If not, detach to stop it even getting updated
simulated function Vector GetAttemptedSpawnLocation( float Pct, Vector CurPos, float CurRadius, Vector DestPos, float DestRadius )
local float MaxLateralOffset, LateralOffset;
local Vector LateralDir;
MaxLateralOffset = CurRadius + Pct * (DestRadius - CurRadius);
LateralDir = Normal((CurPos - DestPos) CROSS vect(0,0,1));
LateralOffset = RandRange( -MaxLateralOffset, MaxLateralOffset );
return (Pct * DestPos) + ((1.f-Pct)*CurPos) + (LateralOffset * LateralDir);
* Initialize agent archetype, group, destination, and behavior
simulated function InitializeAgent( Actor SpawnLoc, const out array<CrowdSpawnerPlayerInfo> PlayerInfo, GameCrowdAgent AgentTemplate, GameCrowdGroup NewGroup, float AgentWarmUpTime, bool bWarmupPosition, bool bCheckWarmupVisibility )
local bool bGroupDestination, bRealPreferVisible;
local GameCrowdDestination SpawnDest;
local float TryPct, MaxSpawnDist, DestDist, StartDist;
local vector TryLoc;
local Actor HitActor;
local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, NearestViewLocation, YAdjust;
local bool bVisibleTryLoc, bFoundOption;
local int CheckCnt, MaxCheckCnt, OptionIdx;
local array<Vector> TryOptions;
local float SpawnDestRadius, TravelDestRadius;
local int PlayerIdx;
local float NearestViewDistSq, ViewDistSq;
local bool bVisibleOption;
MyArchetype = AgentTemplate;
// let agent "warm up" and simulate a little before going to sleep
LastRenderTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds + AgentWarmUpTime * (0.5 + FRand());
InitialLastRenderTime = LastRenderTime;
// set group - maybe get destination from there
if ( NewGroup != None )
if ( NewGroup.Members.Length > 1 )
//already have leader, get destination from him
bGroupDestination = true;
if ( !bGroupDestination )
SpawnDest = GameCrowdDestination(SpawnLoc);
if( SpawnDest != None )
DebugSpawnDest = SpawnDest;
// already at destination - pick a next destination from it
// ask for a new destination - with spawn preference for visible destination
bRealPreferVisible = bPreferVisibleDestination;
bPreferVisibleDestination = bPreferVisibleDestinationOnSpawn || !SpawnDest.bWillBeVisible;
LastRenderTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds; // Update the agent's render time, so it doesn't get killed on initialization for having not been rendered in a while
bPreferVisibleDestination = bRealPreferVisible;
if ( CurrentDestination == None )
if ( bWarmupPosition )
for( PlayerIdx = 0; PlayerIdx < PlayerInfo.Length; PlayerIdx++ )
ViewDistSq = VSizeSq(PlayerInfo[PlayerIdx].ViewLocation-SpawnDest.Location);
if( NearestViewDistSq == 0.f || ViewDistSq < NearestViewDistSq )
NearestViewDistSq = ViewDistSq;
NearestViewLocation = PlayerInfo[PlayerIdx].ViewLocation;
if( NewGroup == None || NewGroup.Members.Length == 1 )
// group leader or individual agent determines spawn offset
// try randomizing position somewhere between spawn position and destination
TryPct = FRand();
MaxSpawnDist = (MySpawner != None) ? MySpawner.GetMaxSpawnDist() : 0.0;
if( SpawnDest.bIsBeyondSpawnDistance && MySpawner != None )
DestDist = VSize(CurrentDestination.Location - NearestViewLocation);
if ( CurrentDestination.bIsBeyondSpawnDistance || (DestDist > MaxSpawnDist) )
TryPct = (DestDist < VSizeSq(SpawnDest.Location - NearestViewLocation)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
// get close to max spawn dist
StartDist = VSize(SpawnDest.Location - NearestViewLocation);
if ( StartDist > DestDist )
TryPct = 1.0 - (MaxSpawnDist - DestDist)/(StartDist - DestDist);
TryPct *= 0.9;
TryPct = 0.0;
else if( !SpawnDest.bWillBeVisible )
// bias spawning closer to point that will soon be visible, unless player is about to view this area
TryPct = 0.5*TryPct + 0.5;
TryPct *= 0.9;
SpawnDestRadius = SpawnDest.GetDestinationRadius();
TravelDestRadius = CurrentDestination != None ? CurrentDestination.GetDestinationRadius() : SpawnDestRadius;
TryLoc = GetAttemptedSpawnLocation( TryPct, SpawnDest.Location, SpawnDestRadius, CurrentDestination.Location, TravelDestRadius );
// make sure no player can see this intermediate spawn position
bVisibleTryLoc = FALSE;
if( NavigationHandle != None )
bFoundOption = FALSE;
CheckCnt = 0;
MaxCheckCnt = 4;
while( CheckCnt < MaxCheckCnt && !bFoundOption )
TryOptions.Length = 0;
NavigationHandle.GetValidPositionsForBox( TryLoc, 128.f, GetCollisionExtent(), FALSE, TryOptions, 1 );
for( OptionIdx = 0; OptionIdx < TryOptions.Length; OptionIdx++ )
bVisibleOption = FALSE;
for( PlayerIdx = 0; PlayerIdx < PlayerInfo.Length; PlayerIdx ++ )
HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, PlayerInfo[PlayerIdx].ViewLocation, TryOptions[OptionIdx], FALSE);
if( HitActor == None )
// DrawDebugLine( PlayerInfo[PlayerIdx].ViewLocation, TryOptions[OptionIdx], 255, 0, 0, TRUE );
bVisibleOption = TRUE;
// DrawDebugLine( PlayerInfo[PlayerIdx].ViewLocation, TryOptions[OptionIdx], 0, 255, 0, TRUE );
if( !bVisibleOption )
// not visible - allow spawn
bFoundOption = TRUE;
TryLoc = TryOptions[OptionIdx];
if( !bFoundOption )
TryPct *= 0.5f;
TryLoc = GetAttemptedSpawnLocation( TryPct, SpawnDest.Location, SpawnDestRadius, CurrentDestination.Location, TravelDestRadius );
bVisibleTryLoc = !bFoundOption;
if ( !bVisibleTryLoc )
SpawnOffset = TryLoc;
// most of the time, agent is fine any way, otherwise will just fall quickly out of the world
// randomly turn some agents around if their spawn loc is about to become visible, and their current destination is visible
if ( SpawnDest.bWillBeVisible && CurrentDestination.bIsVisible && (FRand()<0.5) )
PreviousDestination = CurrentDestination;
CurrentDestination = None;
BehaviorDestination = None;
// If current position is visible, teleport to spawn location, which we know was not visible
for( PlayerIdx = 0; PlayerIdx < PlayerInfo.Length; PlayerIdx ++ )
HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Location, PlayerInfo[PlayerIdx].ViewLocation, FALSE);
if( HitActor == None )
SetLocation( SpawnDest.Location );
// group leader already determined offset, other group members will use same offset
TryLoc = SpawnOffset;
// try offsetting the agent so they aren't all in a line
TryPct = 2.0 * FRand() - 1.0;
YAdjust = TryLoc + TryPct * AvoidOtherRadius * Normal((CurrentDestination.Location - SpawnDest.Location) cross Vect(0,0,1));
HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, YAdjust, CurrentDestination.Location, false);
if ( HitActor == None )
TryLoc = YAdjust;
// find floor below candidate position, and adjust agent there
HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, TryLoc - vect(0.0,0.0,250.0), TryLoc, false);
if ( HitActor != None )
TryLoc.Z = HitLocation.Z + GroundOffset + 5.0;
// most of the time, agent is fine any way, otherwise will just fall quickly out of the world
LastKnownGoodPosition = Location;
LastKnownGoodPosition.Z += EyeZOffset;
// apply spawn behavior to agent
if ( SpawnBehaviors.Length > 0 )
simulated function OnPlayAgentAnimation(SeqAct_PlayAgentAnimation Action)
// non-skeletal agent can't play animation, so get next destination
* Play a looping idle animation
simulated event PlayIdleAnimation();
simulated event StopIdleAnimation();
* Called when agent encounters another agent
* NearbyDynamics list has been updated with agents, and potential encounters have their bPotentialEncounter set to true
event HandlePotentialAgentEncounter()
if ( CurrentBehavior == None )
* Called when agent spawns and has SpawnBehaviors set
function PlaySpawnBehavior()
if ( CurrentBehavior == None )
* Called when see PC's pawn where PC is a local playercontroller,
* Notification only occurs if bHasSeePlayerKismet=true
event NotifySeePlayer(PlayerController PC)
local bool bFoundBehavior;
local int i;
bWantsSeePlayerNotification = false;
// FIXMESTEVE - should check if current behavior can be overwritten and/or paused, and if so just pause it (keep it in current state)
if ( CurrentBehavior == None )
if ( !PickBehaviorFrom(SeePlayerBehaviors, PC.Pawn.Location) )
// maybe all behaviors have been used and can't be re-used
for ( i=0; i<SeePlayerBehaviors.Length; i++ )
if ( !SeePlayerBehaviors[i].bNeverRepeat || !SeePlayerBehaviors[i].bHasBeenUsed )
bFoundBehavior = true;
if ( !bFoundBehavior )
// no available behaviors, so kill the see player timer
SeePlayerInterval = 0.0;
// set timer to begin requesting see player notification again
if ( SeePlayerInterval > 0.0 )
SetTimer( (0.8+0.4*FRand())*SeePlayerInterval, false, 'ResetSeePlayer');
* Called when random behavior timer expires
* If not currently in behavior AND player can see me, do a random behavior.
function TryRandomBehavior()
local bool bFoundBehavior;
local int i;
// FIXMESTEVE - should check if current behavior can be overwritten and/or paused, and if so just pause it (keep it in current state)
if ( (CurrentBehavior == None) && (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - LastRenderTime < 0.1) )
if ( !PickBehaviorFrom(RandomBehaviors) )
// maybe all behaviors have been used and can't be re-used
for ( i=0; i<RandomBehaviors.Length; i++ )
if ( !RandomBehaviors[i].bNeverRepeat || !RandomBehaviors[i].bHasBeenUsed )
bFoundBehavior = true;
if ( !bFoundBehavior )
// no available behaviors, so kill the see player timer
function ResetSeePlayer()
bWantsSeePlayerNotification = true;
* Activate the passed in NewBehaviorArchetype as the new current behavior for this agent
* FIXMESTEVE - currently kills old behavior - instead, should have stack of behaviors
event ActivateBehavior(GameCrowdAgentBehavior NewBehaviorArchetype, optional Actor LookAtActor )
if ( NewBehaviorArchetype == None )
`warn("Illegal behavior "$NewBehaviorArchetype$" for "$self);
// Set custom look at actor if it exists
if( LookAtActor != None )
CurrentBehavior.ActionTarget = LookAtActor;
if( CurrentBehavior != None )
// start up behavior
* Activate a new behavior that has already been instantiated
function ActivateInstancedBehavior(GameCrowdAgentBehavior NewBehaviorObject)
CurrentBehavior = NewBehaviorObject;
// start up behavior
event HandleBehaviorEvent( ECrowdBehaviorEvent EventType, Actor InInstigator, bool bViralCause, bool bPropagateViralFlag )
local bool bActivatedBehavior;
// this will set CurrentBehavior
switch( EventType )
case CBE_Spawn:
bActivatedBehavior = PickBehaviorFrom( SpawnBehaviors );
case CBE_Random:
bActivatedBehavior = PickBehaviorFrom( RandomBehaviors );
case CBE_SeePlayer:
bActivatedBehavior = PickBehaviorFrom( SeePlayerBehaviors );
case CBE_EncounterAgent:
bActivatedBehavior = PickBehaviorFrom( EncounterAgentBehaviors );
case CBE_TakeDamage:
bActivatedBehavior = PickBehaviorFrom( TakeDamageBehaviors );
case CBE_GroupWaiting:
bActivatedBehavior = PickBehaviorFrom( GroupWaitingBehaviors );
case CBE_Uneasy:
bActivatedBehavior = PickBehaviorFrom( UneasyBehaviors );
case CBE_Alert:
bActivatedBehavior = PickBehaviorFrom( AlertBehaviors );
case CBE_Panic:
bActivatedBehavior = PickBehaviorFrom( PanicBehaviors );
if( bActivatedBehavior && CurrentBehavior != None )
if( bPropagateViralFlag )
CurrentBehavior.bIsViralBehavior = bViralCause;
CurrentBehavior.ActivatedBy( InInstigator );
event StopBehavior()
if( CurrentBehavior != None )
CurrentBehavior = None;
* Instantiate a new behavior using BehaviorArchetype, and set it to be the current behavior.
final native function SetCurrentBehavior(GameCrowdAgentBehavior BehaviorArchetype);
* @RETURNS true if CurrentBehavior and CurrentBehavior.bIdleBehavior is true
native function bool IsIdle();
* Calculate camera view point, when viewing this actor.
* @param fDeltaTime delta time seconds since last update
* @param out_CamLoc Camera Location
* @param out_CamRot Camera Rotation
* @param out_FOV Field of View
* @return true if Actor should provide the camera point of view.
simulated function bool CalcCamera( float fDeltaTime, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out float out_FOV )
local vector HitNormal;
local float Radius;
Radius = 20.0;
if (Trace(out_CamLoc, HitNormal, Location - vector(out_CamRot) * Radius * 20, Location, false) == None)
out_CamLoc = Location - vector(out_CamRot) * Radius * 20;
return false;
* Update current intermediate destination point for agent in route to DestinationActor
event UpdateIntermediatePoint(optional Actor DestinationActor)
if ( DestinationActor == None )
if ( CurrentBehavior != None )
DestinationActor = CurrentBehavior.GetDestinationActor();
DestinationActor = CurrentDestination;
if ( DestinationActor == None )
if ( !bUseNavMeshPathing )
IntermediatePoint = DestinationActor.Location;
IntermediatePoint = GeneratePathToActor(DestinationActor);
if ( IntermediatePoint == vect(0,0,0) )
IntermediatePoint = DestinationActor.Location;
/** Stop agent moving and pay death anim */
native function PlayDeath(vector KillMomentum);
/** Death event is script class, so need to call from script */
simulated event FireDeathEvent()
TriggerEventClass( class'SeqEvent_Death', self );
function TakeDamage(int DamageAmount, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser)
if ( Health > 0 )
Health -= DamageAmount;
if(Health <= 0)
Health = -1;
SetCollision(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); // Turn off all collision when dead.
PlayDeath(normal(Momentum) * DamageType.default.KDamageImpulse + Vect(0,0,1)*DamageType.default.KDeathUpKick);
if ( CurrentBehavior == None )
// Agent is still alive and there is no current behavior, start a take damage behavior
/** Called when crowd agent overlaps something in the ReportOverlapsWithClass list */
event OverlappedActorEvent(Actor A);
/** spawn and init Navigation Handle */
event InitNavigationHandle()
if( NavigationHandleClass != None )
NavigationHandle = new(self) NavigationHandleClass;
* Generate a path to Goal on behalf of the QueryingAgent
event vector GeneratePathToActor( Actor Goal, optional float WithinDistance, optional bool bAllowPartialPath )
local vector NextDest;
LastPathingAttempt = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
NextDest = Goal.Location;
// make sure we have a valid navigation handle
if ( NavigationHandle == None )
if( (NavigationHandle != None) && !NavigationHandle.ActorReachable(Goal) )
class'NavMeshPath_Toward'.static.TowardGoal( NavigationHandle, Goal );
class'NavMeshGoal_At'.static.AtActor( NavigationHandle, Goal, WithinDistance, bAllowPartialPath );
if ( NavigationHandle.FindPath() )
NavigationHandle.GetNextMoveLocation(NextDest, SearchExtent.X);
return NextDest;
simulated native function NativePostRenderFor(PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir);
Hook to allow agents to render HUD overlays for themselves.
Called only if the agent was rendered this tick.
Assumes that appropriate font has already been set
simulated event PostRenderFor(PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir)
local float NameXL, TextXL, BehavXL, TextYL, YL, XL;
local vector ScreenLoc;
local string ScreenName, DestString, BehaviorString;
local FontRenderInfo FontInfo;
// make sure not clipped out
screenLoc = Canvas.Project(Location + BeaconOffset);
if (screenLoc.X < 0 ||
screenLoc.X >= Canvas.ClipX ||
screenLoc.Y < 0 ||
screenLoc.Y >= Canvas.ClipY)
ScreenName = "Agent"@self;
if ( MyGroup != None )
ScreenName = ScreenName$" Group "$MyGroup;
DrawDebugLine(MyGroup.Members[0].Location, Location, 255, 0, 255, FALSE);
ScreenName = ScreenName@"Last Rendered"@(WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - LastRenderTime);
Canvas.StrLen(ScreenName, NameXL, TextYL);
XL = FMax(XL, NameXL);
YL += TextYL;
DestString = GetDestString();
Canvas.StrLen(DestString, TextXL, TextYL);
XL = FMax(XL, TextXL);
YL += TextYL;
BehaviorString = GetBehaviorString();
Canvas.StrLen(BehaviorString, BehavXL, TextYL);
XL = FMax(XL, BehavXL);
YL += TextYL;
Canvas.SetPos(ScreenLoc.X-0.7*XL, ScreenLoc.Y-1.8*YL);
Canvas.DrawTile(BeaconTexture, 1.4*XL, 1.2*YL, 0,0,31,31, BeaconColor);
Canvas.DrawColor = class'HUD'.default.GreenColor;
FontInfo.bClipText = true;
Canvas.DrawText(ScreenName, true,,, FontInfo);
Canvas.SetPos(ScreenLoc.X-0.5*TextXL,ScreenLoc.Y-1.7*YL + 1.1*TextYL);
FontInfo.bClipText = true;
Canvas.DrawText(DestString, true,,, FontInfo);
Canvas.SetPos(ScreenLoc.X-0.5*BehavXL,ScreenLoc.Y-1.7*YL + 2.2*TextYL);
FontInfo.bClipText = true;
Canvas.DrawText(BehaviorString, true,,, FontInfo);
// draw line to current destination
if ( CurrentDestination != None )
DrawDebugLine(Location, CurrentDestination.Location, 255, 255, 0 , false);
* Get debug string about agent destination and movement status
function string GetDestString()
local string DestString;
DestString = (CurrentDestination == None) ? "NO DESTINATION" : ""$CurrentDestination;
if ( IsIdle() )
DestString = ((CurrentDestination != None) && CurrentDestination.ReachedByAgent(self, Location, true)) ? "Idle at "$DestString : "Idle en route to "$DestString;
DestString = "Moving to "$DestString;
return DestString;
* Get debug string about agent behavior
function string GetBehaviorString()
local string BehaviorString;
if ( CurrentBehavior != None )
BehaviorString = CurrentBehavior.GetBehaviorString();
BehaviorString = "Moving between Destinations";
return BehaviorString;
simulated function InitDebugColor()
// DebugAgentColor.R = 30 + Rand(220);
DebugAgentColor.G = 50 + Rand(205);
// DebugAgentColor.B = 30 + Rand(220);
Begin Object Class=DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent Name=MyLightEnvironment
End Object
// AwareRadius=1024.0
AvoidOtherSampleList.Add((RotOffset=0,NumMagSamples=10)) // 0 degrees
AvoidOtherSampleList.Add((RotOffset=2048,NumMagSamples=8)) // 11 degrees
AvoidOtherSampleList.Add((RotOffset=4096,NumMagSamples=6)) // 22 degrees
AvoidOtherSampleList.Add((RotOffset=6144,NumMagSamples=4)) // 33 degrees
AvoidOtherSampleList.Add((RotOffset=8192,NumMagSamples=4)) // 45 degrees
AvoidOtherSampleList.Add((RotOffset=12288,NumMagSamples=2)) // 67 degrees
AvoidOtherSampleList.Add((RotOffset=16384,NumMagSamples=1,bFallbackOnly=TRUE)) // 90 degrees
AvoidOtherSampleList.Add((RotOffset=24576,NumMagSamples=1,bFallbackOnly=TRUE)) // 135 degrees
AvoidOtherSampleList.Add((RotOffset=32768,NumMagSamples=1,bFallbackOnly=TRUE)) // 180 degrees
BeaconColor=(R=0.5f, G=0.5f, B=0.5f, A=0.5f)