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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Activated when a certain amount of damage is taken. Allows the designer to define how much and
* which types of damage should be be required (or ignored).
* Originator: the actor that was damaged
* Instigator: the actor that did the damaging
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class SeqEvent_TakeDamage extends SequenceEvent
/** Damage must exceed this value to be counted */
var() float MinDamageAmount<autocomment=true>;
/** Total amount of damage to take before activating the event */
var() float DamageThreshold;
/** Types of damage that are counted */
var() array<class<DamageType> > DamageTypes<AllowAbstract>;
/** Types of damage that are ignored */
var() array<class<DamageType> > IgnoreDamageTypes<AllowAbstract>;
/** Current damage amount */
var float CurrentDamage;
/** Should the damage counter be reset if this event is toggled? */
var() bool bResetDamageOnToggle;
* Searches DamageTypes[] for the specified damage type.
* Default case is to return true for no damage types listed. This makes workflow a lot faster as you do not need to
* add a damage type each time you use this event.
final function bool IsValidDamageType(class<DamageType> inDamageType)
local int Idx;
local bool bValidDamageType;
// if any damage types are specified, then verify the inDamageType is a child of at least one
if (DamageTypes.Length > 0)
bValidDamageType = FALSE;
for (Idx = 0; Idx < DamageTypes.Length; Idx++)
if (ClassIsChildOf(inDamageType,DamageTypes[Idx]))
bValidDamageType = TRUE;
// no need to keep looking
if (!bValidDamageType)
return FALSE;
// check to see if the damage type is an ignored type
if (IgnoreDamageTypes.Length > 0)
for (Idx = 0; Idx < IgnoreDamageTypes.Length; Idx++)
if (ClassIsChildOf(inDamageType,IgnoreDamageTypes[Idx]))
// should be ignored
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Applies the damage and checks for activation of the event.
function HandleDamage(Actor inOriginator, Actor inInstigator, class<DamageType> inDamageType, int inAmount)
local SeqVar_Float FloatVar;
local bool bAlreadyActivatedThisTick;
if (inOriginator != None &&
bEnabled &&
inAmount >= MinDamageAmount &&
IsValidDamageType(inDamageType) &&
(!bPlayerOnly ||
(inInstigator!= None && inInstigator.IsPlayerOwned())))
CurrentDamage += inAmount;
if (CurrentDamage >= DamageThreshold)
bAlreadyActivatedThisTick = (bActive && ActivationTime ~= GetWorldInfo().TimeSeconds);
if (CheckActivate(inOriginator,inInstigator,false))
// write to any variables that want to know the exact damage taken
foreach LinkedVariables(class'SeqVar_Float', FloatVar, "Damage Taken")
//@hack carry over damage from multiple hits in the same tick
//since Kismet doesn't currently support multiple activations in the same tick
if (bAlreadyActivatedThisTick)
FloatVar.FloatValue += CurrentDamage;
FloatVar.FloatValue = CurrentDamage;
// reset the damage counter on activation
if (DamageThreshold <= 0.f)
CurrentDamage = 0.f;
CurrentDamage -= DamageThreshold;
function Reset()
CurrentDamage = 0.f;
* Return the version number for this class. Child classes should increment this method by calling Super then adding
* a individual class version to the result. When a class is first created, the number should be 0; each time one of the
* link arrays is modified (VariableLinks, OutputLinks, InputLinks, etc.), the number that is added to the result of
* Super.GetObjClassVersion() should be incremented by 1.
* @return the version number for this specific class.
static event int GetObjClassVersion()
return Super.GetObjClassVersion() + 2;
event Toggled()
if (bResetDamageOnToggle)
CurrentDamage = 0.f;
// Gives op a chance to add realtime debugging information (when enabled)
virtual void GetRealtimeComments(TArray<FString> &OutComments);
ObjName="Take Damage"
VariableLinks(1)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Float',LinkDesc="Damage Taken",bWriteable=true)