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Raw Normal View History

2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class MaterialInterface extends Surface
enum EMaterialUsage
// NVCHANGE [Begin] [02/24/2011 Lin Nan, NVIDIA, SPH fluid rendering]
// NVCHANGE [End] [02/24/2011 Lin Nan, NVIDIA, SPH fluid rendering]
/** A fence to track when the primitive is no longer used as a parent */
var native const transient RenderCommandFence_Mirror ParentRefFence{FRenderCommandFence};
* Material interface settings for Lightmass
struct native LightmassMaterialInterfaceSettings
/** If TRUE, forces translucency to cast static shadows as if the material were masked. */
var(Material) bool bCastShadowAsMasked;
/** Scales the emissive contribution of this material to static lighting. */
var(Material) float EmissiveBoost;
/** Scales the diffuse contribution of this material to static lighting. */
var(Material) float DiffuseBoost;
/** Scales the specular contribution of this material to static lighting. */
var float SpecularBoost;
* Scales the resolution that this material's attributes were exported at.
* This is useful for increasing material resolution when details are needed.
var(Material) float ExportResolutionScale;
/** Scales the penumbra size of distance field shadows. This is useful to get softer precomputed shadows on certain material types like foliage. */
var(Material) float DistanceFieldPenumbraScale;
/** Boolean override flags - only used in MaterialInstance* cases. */
/** If TRUE, override the bCastShadowAsMasked setting of the parent material. */
var bool bOverrideCastShadowAsMasked;
/** If TRUE, override the emissive boost setting of the parent material. */
var bool bOverrideEmissiveBoost;
/** If TRUE, override the diffuse boost setting of the parent material. */
var bool bOverrideDiffuseBoost;
/** If TRUE, override the specular boost setting of the parent material. */
var bool bOverrideSpecularBoost;
/** If TRUE, override the export resolution scale setting of the parent material. */
var bool bOverrideExportResolutionScale;
/** If TRUE, override the distance field penumbra scale setting of the parent material. */
var bool bOverrideDistanceFieldPenumbraScale;
/** The Lightmass settings for this object. */
var(Lightmass) protected{protected} LightmassMaterialInterfaceSettings LightmassSettings <ScriptOrder=true>;
* Get the material which this is an instance of.
virtual class UMaterial* GetMaterial() PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::GetMaterial,return NULL;);
/**Fix up for deprecated properties*/
virtual void PostLoad ();
/** Perform any fixup before saving. */
virtual void PreSave();
* Tests this material for dependency on a given material.
* @param TestDependency - The material to test for dependency upon.
* @return True if the material is dependent on TestDependency.
virtual UBOOL IsDependent(UMaterialInterface* TestDependency) { return TestDependency == this; }
* Returns a pointer to the FMaterialRenderProxy used for rendering.
* @param Selected specify TRUE to return an alternate material used for rendering this material when part of a selection
* @note: only valid in the editor!
* @return The resource to use for rendering this material instance.
virtual FMaterialRenderProxy* GetRenderProxy(UBOOL Selected, UBOOL bHovered=FALSE) const PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::GetRenderProxy,return NULL;);
* Returns a pointer to the physical material used by this material instance.
* @return The physical material.
virtual UPhysicalMaterial* GetPhysicalMaterial() const PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::GetPhysicalMaterial,return NULL;);
* Returns the material textures used to render this primitive for the given quality level
* Internally calls GetUsedMaterials() and GetUsedTextures() for each material.
* @param OutTextures [out] The list of used textures.
* @param Quality The platform to get material textures for. If unspecified, it will get textures for current SystemSetting
* @param bAllQualities Whether to iterate for all platforms. The Platform parameter is ignored if this is set to TRUE.
* @param bAllowOverride Whether you want to be given the original textures or allow override textures instead of the originals.
virtual void GetUsedTextures(TArray<UTexture*> &OutTextures, const EMaterialShaderQuality Quality=MSQ_UNSPECIFIED, const UBOOL bAllQualities = FALSE, UBOOL bAllowOverride=TRUE)
* Checks whether the specified texture is needed to render the material instance.
* @param Texture The texture to check.
* @param bAllowOverride Whether you want to be given the original textures or allow override textures instead of the originals.
* @return UBOOL - TRUE if the material uses the specified texture.
virtual UBOOL UsesTexture(const UTexture* Texture, const UBOOL bAllowOverride=TRUE) PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::UsesTexture,return FALSE;);
* Overrides a specific texture (transient)
* @param InTextureToOverride The texture to override
* @param OverrideTexture The new texture to use
virtual void OverrideTexture( const UTexture* InTextureToOverride, UTexture* OverrideTexture ) PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::OverrideTexture,return;);
* Checks if the material can be used with the given usage flag.
* If the flag isn't set in the editor, it will be set and the material will be recompiled with it.
* @param Usage - The usage flag to check
* @param bSkipPrim - Bypass the primitive type checks
* @return UBOOL - TRUE if the material can be used for rendering with the given type.
virtual UBOOL CheckMaterialUsage(const EMaterialUsage Usage, const UBOOL bSkipPrim = FALSE) PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::CheckMaterialUsage,return FALSE;);
* Allocates a new material resource
* @return The allocated resource
virtual FMaterialResource* AllocateResource() PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::AllocateResource,return NULL;);
* Gets the static permutation resource if the instance has one
* @return - the appropriate FMaterialResource if one exists, otherwise NULL
virtual FMaterialResource* GetMaterialResource(EMaterialShaderQuality OverrideQuality=MSQ_UNSPECIFIED) { return NULL; }
* @return the flattened texture for the material
virtual UTexture* GetMobileTexture(const INT /* EMobileTextureUnit */ MobileTextureUnit);
* Used by various commandlets to purge editor only and platform-specific data from various objects
* @param PlatformsToKeep Platforms for which to keep platform-specific data
* @param bStripLargeEditorData If TRUE, data used in the editor, but large enough to bloat download sizes, will be removed
virtual void StripData(UE3::EPlatformType PlatformsToKeep, UBOOL bStripLargeEditorData);
* Compiles a FMaterialResource on the given platform with the given static parameters
* @param StaticParameters - The set of static parameters to compile for
* @param StaticPermutation - The resource to compile
* @param Platform - The platform to compile for
* @param Quality - The material quality to compile for
* @param bFlushExistingShaderMaps - Indicates that existing shader maps should be discarded
* @return TRUE if compilation was successful or not necessary
virtual UBOOL CompileStaticPermutation(
FStaticParameterSet* StaticParameters,
FMaterialResource* StaticPermutation,
EShaderPlatform Platform,
EMaterialShaderQuality Quality,
UBOOL bFlushExistingShaderMaps,
UBOOL bDebugDump)
PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::CompileStaticPermutation,return FALSE;);
* Gets the value of the given static switch parameter
* @param ParameterName The name of the static switch parameter
* @param OutValue Will contain the value of the parameter if successful
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetStaticSwitchParameterValue(FName ParameterName,UBOOL &OutValue,FGuid &OutExpressionGuid)
PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::GetStaticSwitchParameterValue,return FALSE;);
* Gets the value of the given static component mask parameter
* @param ParameterName The name of the parameter
* @param R, G, B, A Will contain the values of the parameter if successful
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetStaticComponentMaskParameterValue(FName ParameterName, UBOOL &R, UBOOL &G, UBOOL &B, UBOOL &A, FGuid &OutExpressionGuid)
PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::GetStaticComponentMaskParameterValue,return FALSE;);
* Gets the compression format of the given normal parameter
* @param ParameterName The name of the parameter
* @param CompressionSettings Will contain the values of the parameter if successful
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetNormalParameterValue(FName ParameterName, BYTE& OutCompressionSettings, FGuid &OutExpressionGuid)
PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::GetNormalParameterValue,return FALSE;);
* Gets the weightmap index of the given terrain layer weight parameter
* @param ParameterName The name of the parameter
* @param OutWeightmapIndex Will contain the values of the parameter if successful
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetTerrainLayerWeightParameterValue(FName ParameterName, INT& OutWeightmapIndex, FGuid &OutExpressionGuid)
PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::GetTerrainLayerWeightParameterValue,return FALSE;);
virtual UBOOL IsFallbackMaterial() { return FALSE; }
* NOTE: This will be called on the render thread, it is not recommended to override this in a subclass as
* it is likely to cause unsafe behavior.
* @return the quality level this material wants to render with, based on if it has a quality switch, etc
EMaterialShaderQuality GetDesiredQualityLevel() const;
* NOTE: The UMaterial overload of this is written to work on rendering thread, BUT THE UMaterialInstance overload
* IS NOT SAFE on rendering thread! Use GetDesiredQualityLevel()
* @return the quality level this material can render with (may not match DesiredQualityLevel if we've unloaded a quality level, then switched system settings)
virtual EMaterialShaderQuality GetQualityLevel() const PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::GetQualityLevel,return MSQ_HIGH;);
/** @return The material's view relevance. */
FMaterialViewRelevance GetViewRelevance();
INT GetWidth() const;
INT GetHeight() const;
virtual const FGuid& GetLightingGuid() const
return LightingGuid;
static const FGuid NullGuid( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
return NullGuid;
virtual void SetLightingGuid()
LightingGuid = appCreateGuid();
// USurface interface
virtual FLOAT GetSurfaceWidth() const { return GetWidth(); }
virtual FLOAT GetSurfaceHeight() const { return GetHeight(); }
// UObject interface
virtual void BeginDestroy();
virtual UBOOL IsReadyForFinishDestroy();
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
* Serialize the given shader map to the given archive
* @param InShaderMap The shader map to serialize; when loading will be NULL.
* @param Ar The archvie to serialize it to.
* @return FMaterialShaderMap* The shader map serialized
FMaterialShaderMap* SerializeShaderMap(FMaterialShaderMap* InShaderMap, FArchive& Ar);
* Check if the textures have changed since the last time the material was
* serialized for Lightmass... Update the lists while in here.
* NOTE: This will mark the package dirty if they have changed.
* @return UBOOL TRUE if the textures have changed.
* FALSE if they have not.
virtual UBOOL UpdateLightmassTextureTracking()
return FALSE;
/** @return The override bOverrideCastShadowAsMasked setting of the material. */
inline UBOOL GetOverrideCastShadowAsMasked() const
return LightmassSettings.bOverrideCastShadowAsMasked;
/** @return The override emissive boost setting of the material. */
inline UBOOL GetOverrideEmissiveBoost() const
return LightmassSettings.bOverrideEmissiveBoost;
/** @return The override diffuse boost setting of the material. */
inline UBOOL GetOverrideDiffuseBoost() const
return LightmassSettings.bOverrideDiffuseBoost;
/** @return The override specular boost setting of the material. */
inline UBOOL GetOverrideSpecularBoost() const
return LightmassSettings.bOverrideSpecularBoost;
/** @return The override export resolution scale setting of the material. */
inline UBOOL GetOverrideExportResolutionScale() const
return LightmassSettings.bOverrideExportResolutionScale;
inline UBOOL GetOverrideDistanceFieldPenumbraScale() const
return LightmassSettings.bOverrideDistanceFieldPenumbraScale;
/** @return The bCastShadowAsMasked value for this material. */
virtual UBOOL GetCastShadowAsMasked() const
return LightmassSettings.bCastShadowAsMasked;
/** @return The Emissive boost value for this material. */
virtual FLOAT GetEmissiveBoost() const
return LightmassSettings.EmissiveBoost;
/** @return The Diffuse boost value for this material. */
virtual FLOAT GetDiffuseBoost() const
return LightmassSettings.DiffuseBoost;
/** @return The Specular boost value for this material. */
virtual FLOAT GetSpecularBoost() const
return LightmassSettings.SpecularBoost;
/** @return The ExportResolutionScale value for this material. */
virtual FLOAT GetExportResolutionScale() const
return LightmassSettings.ExportResolutionScale;
virtual FLOAT GetDistanceFieldPenumbraScale() const
return LightmassSettings.DistanceFieldPenumbraScale;
/** @param bInOverrideCastShadowAsMasked The override CastShadowAsMasked setting to set. */
inline void SetOverrideCastShadowAsMasked(UBOOL bInOverrideCastShadowAsMasked)
LightmassSettings.bOverrideCastShadowAsMasked = bInOverrideCastShadowAsMasked;
/** @param bInOverrideEmissiveBoost The override emissive boost setting to set. */
inline void SetOverrideEmissiveBoost(UBOOL bInOverrideEmissiveBoost)
LightmassSettings.bOverrideEmissiveBoost = bInOverrideEmissiveBoost;
/** @param bInOverrideDiffuseBoost The override diffuse boost setting of the parent material. */
inline void SetOverrideDiffuseBoost(UBOOL bInOverrideDiffuseBoost)
LightmassSettings.bOverrideDiffuseBoost = bInOverrideDiffuseBoost;
/** @param bInOverrideSpecularBoost The override specular boost setting of the parent material. */
inline void SetOverrideSpecularBoost(UBOOL bInOverrideSpecularBoost)
LightmassSettings.bOverrideSpecularBoost = bInOverrideSpecularBoost;
/** @param bInOverrideExportResolutionScale The override export resolution scale setting of the parent material. */
inline void SetOverrideExportResolutionScale(UBOOL bInOverrideExportResolutionScale)
LightmassSettings.bOverrideExportResolutionScale = bInOverrideExportResolutionScale;
inline void SetOverrideDistanceFieldPenumbraScale(UBOOL bInOverrideDistanceFieldPenumbraScale)
LightmassSettings.bOverrideDistanceFieldPenumbraScale = bInOverrideDistanceFieldPenumbraScale;
/** @param InCastShadowAsMasked The CastShadowAsMasked value for this material. */
inline void SetCastShadowAsMasked(UBOOL InCastShadowAsMasked)
LightmassSettings.bCastShadowAsMasked = InCastShadowAsMasked;
/** @param InEmissiveBoost The Emissive boost value for this material. */
inline void SetEmissiveBoost(FLOAT InEmissiveBoost)
LightmassSettings.EmissiveBoost = InEmissiveBoost;
/** @param InDiffuseBoost The Diffuse boost value for this material. */
inline void SetDiffuseBoost(FLOAT InDiffuseBoost)
LightmassSettings.DiffuseBoost = InDiffuseBoost;
/** @param InSpecularBoost The Specular boost value for this material. */
inline void SetSpecularBoost(FLOAT InSpecularBoost)
LightmassSettings.SpecularBoost = InSpecularBoost;
/** @param InExportResolutionScale The ExportResolutionScale value for this material. */
inline void SetExportResolutionScale(FLOAT InExportResolutionScale)
LightmassSettings.ExportResolutionScale = InExportResolutionScale;
inline void SetDistanceFieldPenumbraScale(FLOAT InDistanceFieldPenumbraScale)
LightmassSettings.DistanceFieldPenumbraScale = InDistanceFieldPenumbraScale;
* Get all of the textures in the expression chain for the given property (ie fill in the given array with all textures in the chain).
* @param InProperty The material property chain to inspect, such as MP_DiffuseColor.
* @param OutTextures The array to fill in all of the textures.
* @param OutTextureParamNames Optional array to fill in with texture parameter names.
* @param InStaticParameterSet Optional static parameter set - if specified only follow StaticSwitches according to its settings
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
virtual UBOOL GetTexturesInPropertyChain(EMaterialProperty InProperty, TArray<UTexture*>& OutTextures, TArray<FName>* OutTextureParamNames, class FStaticParameterSet* InStaticParameterSet)
PURE_VIRTUAL(UMaterialInterface::GetTexturesInPropertyChain,return FALSE;);
* Returns the lookup texture to be used in the physical material mask. Tries to get the parents lookup texture if not overridden here.
virtual UTexture2D* GetPhysicalMaterialMaskTexture() const { return NULL; }
* Returns the black physical material to be used in the physical material mask. Tries to get the parents black phys mat if not overridden here.
virtual UPhysicalMaterial* GetBlackPhysicalMaterial() const { return NULL; }
* Returns the white physical material to be used in the physical material mask. Tries to get the parents white phys mat if not overridden here.
virtual UPhysicalMaterial* GetWhitePhysicalMaterial() const { return NULL; }
* Returns the UV channel that should be used to look up physical material mask information
virtual INT GetPhysMaterialMaskUVChannel() const { return -1; }
* Returns True if this material has a valid physical material mask setup.
UBOOL HasValidPhysicalMaterialMask() const;
* Returns True if this material is a valid mobile value source for the specified value source.
UBOOL IsValidMobileValueSource (const EMobileValueSource InSource) const;
* Determines the texel on the physical material mask that was hit and returns the physical material corresponding to hit texel's color
* @param HitUV the UV that was hit during collision.
UPhysicalMaterial* DetermineMaskedPhysicalMaterialFromUV( const FVector2D& HitUV ) const;
* Retrieve the list of mobile parameter group names.
* @param OutGroupNames TArray filled with the group names
static void GetMobileParameterGroupNames(TArray<FName>& OutGroupNames);
* Retrieve the list of mobile scalar parameter names for the given group.
* @param InGroupName Name of the group
* @param OutParamNames TArray filled with the parameter names
* @return UBOOL TRUE if group was valid, FALSE if not
static UBOOL GetMobileScalarParameterNamesForGroup(FName& InGroupName, TArray<FName>& OutParamNames);
* Retrieve the list of mobile vector parameter names for the given group.
* @param InGroupName Name of the group
* @param OutParamNames TArray filled with the parameter names
* @return UBOOL TRUE if group was valid, FALSE if not
static UBOOL GetMobileVectorParameterNamesForGroup(FName& InGroupName, TArray<FName>& OutParamNames);
* Retrieve the list of mobile texture parameter names for the given group.
* @param InGroupName Name of the group
* @param OutParamNames TArray filled with the parameter names
* @return UBOOL TRUE if group was valid, FALSE if not
static UBOOL GetMobileTextureParameterNamesForGroup(FName& InGroupName, TArray<FName>& OutParamNames);
/** The mesh used by the material editor to preview the material.*/
var() editoronly string PreviewMesh;
/** Unique ID for this material, used for caching during distributed lighting */
var private const editoronly Guid LightingGuid;
/** Set on materials (and their instances) that have a quality switch expression */
var const bool bHasQualitySwitch;
* Mobile material properties
/** When enabled, the base texture will be generated automatically by statically 'flattening' the graph network into a texture. */
var (Mobile) bool bAutoFlattenMobile;
/** When enabled, the normal texture will be generated automatically by statically 'flattening' the graph network into a texture. */
var (Mobile) bool bAutoFlattenMobileNormalTexture;
/** Color to use when flattening a material */
var (Mobile) color FlattenBackgroundColor;
/** Base (diffuse) texture, or a texture that was generated by flattening the graph network */
var(Mobile) texture MobileBaseTexture;
var deprecated duplicatetransient texture FlattenedTexture;
/** Texture coordinates from mesh vertex to use when sampling base texture on mobile platforms */
var(Mobile) EMobileTexCoordsSource MobileBaseTextureTexCoordsSource;
/** Normal map texture. If specified, this enables per pixel lighting when used in combination with other material features. */
var(Mobile) texture MobileNormalTexture;
/** Enables baked ambient occlusion from mesh vertices and selects which vertex color channel to get the AO data from */
var(Mobile) EMobileAmbientOcclusionSource MobileAmbientOcclusionSource;
/** When enabled, primitives using this material may be fogged. Disable this to improve performance for primitives that don't need fog. */
var(Mobile) bool bMobileAllowFog;
/** Whether to generate the flattened texture as a subUV texture */
var(Mobile, Generation) bool bGenerateSubUV;
/** The frame rate to capture the subUV images at */
var(Mobile, Generation) float SubUVFrameRate;
* The number of subUV images to capture along each axis of the texture.
* Since the generated texture is always going to be square, the same number of sub-images
* will be captured on both the horizontal and vertical axes.
var(Mobile, Generation) int SubUVFrameCountAlongAxes;
* The size of the subUV image to generate.
* The generated texture size will be:
* (SubUVFrameCountAlongAxes x SubUVFrameSize, SubUVFrameCountAlongAxes x SubUVFrameSize)
* This value will auto-adjust according to the SubUVFrameCountAlongAxes setting so that the
* proper texture size (power-of-two) results.
var(Mobile, Generation) float SubUVFrameSize;
/** Enables dynamic specular lighting from the single most prominent light source */
var(Mobile, Specular) bool bUseMobileSpecular;
var deprecated bool bUseMobileVertexSpecular;
/** Enables per-pixel specular for this material (requires normal map) */
var(Mobile, Specular) bool bUseMobilePixelSpecular<EditCondition=bUseMobileSpecular>;
/** Material specular color */
var(Mobile, Specular) LinearColor MobileSpecularColor<EditCondition=bUseMobileSpecular>;
/** When specular is enabled, this sets the specular power. Lower values yield a wider highlight, higher values yield a sharper highlight */
var(Mobile, Specular) float MobileSpecularPower<EditCondition=bUseMobileSpecular>;
/** Determines how specular values are masked. Constant: Mask is disabled. Luminance: Diffuse RGB luminance used as mask. Diffuse Red/Green/Blue: Use a specific channel of the diffuse texture as the specular mask. Mask Texture RGB: Uses the color from the mask texture */
var(Mobile, Specular) EMobileSpecularMask MobileSpecularMask;
/** Emissive texture. If the emissive color source is set to 'Emissive Texture', setting this texture will enable emissive lighting */
var(Mobile, Emissive) texture MobileEmissiveTexture;
/** Mobile emissive color source */
var(Mobile, Emissive) EMobileEmissiveColorSource MobileEmissiveColorSource;
/** Mobile emissive color. IF MobileEmissiveColorSource is set to 'Constant' this acts as the emissive color, IF NOT it blends with the other input to form the final color.*/
var(Mobile, Emissive) LinearColor MobileEmissiveColor;
/** Selects a source for emissive light masking */
var(Mobile, Emissive) EMobileValueSource MobileEmissiveMaskSource;
/** Spherical environment map texture. When specified, spherical environment mapping will be enabled for this material. */
var(Mobile, Environment) texture MobileEnvironmentTexture;
/** Selects a source for environment map amount */
var(Mobile, Environment) EMobileValueSource MobileEnvironmentMaskSource;
/** Sets how much the environment map texture contributes to the final color */
var(Mobile, Environment) float MobileEnvironmentAmount <ClampMin=0.0 | UIMax=1.0>;
/** When environment mapping is enabled, this sets how the environment color is blended with the base color. */
var(Mobile, Environment) EMobileEnvironmentBlendMode MobileEnvironmentBlendMode;
/** Environment map color scale */
var(Mobile, Environment) LinearColor MobileEnvironmentColor;
/** Environment mapping fresnel amount. Set this to zero for best performance. */
var(Mobile, Environment) float MobileEnvironmentFresnelAmount <ClampMin=0.0 | UIMax=1.0>;
/** Environment mapping fresnel exponent. Set this to 1.0 for best performance. */
var(Mobile, Environment) float MobileEnvironmentFresnelExponent <ClampMin=0.01 | UIMax=8.0>;
/** When set to anything other than zero, enables rim lighting for this material and sets the amount of rim lighting to apply */
var(Mobile, RimLighting) float MobileRimLightingStrength <ClampMin=0.0 | UIMax=4.0>;
/** Sets the exponent used for rim lighting */
var(Mobile, RimLighting) float MobileRimLightingExponent <ClampMin=0.01 | UIMax=8.0>;
/** Selects a source for rim light masking */
var(Mobile, RimLighting) EMobileValueSource MobileRimLightingMaskSource;
/** Rim light color */
var(Mobile, RimLighting) LinearColor MobileRimLightingColor;
/** Enables a bump offset effect for this material. A mask texture must be supplied. The bump offset amount is stored in the mask texture's RED channel. */
var(Mobile, BumpOffset) bool bUseMobileBumpOffset;
/** Bump offset reference plane */
var(Mobile, BumpOffset) float MobileBumpOffsetReferencePlane <EditCondition=bUseMobileBumpOffset>;
/** Bump height ratio */
var(Mobile, BumpOffset) float MobileBumpOffsetHeightRatio <EditCondition=bUseMobileBumpOffset>;
/** General purpose mask texture used for bump offset amount, texture blending, etc. */
var(Mobile, Masking) texture MobileMaskTexture;
/** Texture coordinates from mesh vertex to use when sampling mask texture */
var(Mobile, Masking) EMobileTexCoordsSource MobileMaskTextureTexCoordsSource;
/** Enables the override of base texture alpha with the red channel of the mask texture to support platforms that don't have alpha texture compression */
var(Mobile, Masking) EMobileAlphaValueSource MobileAlphaValueSource;
/** Acts as a multiplier for the final opacity value*/
var(Mobile, Masking) float MobileOpacityMultiplier <ClampMin=0.0 | UIMax=1.0>;
/** Detail texture to use for blending the base texture (red channel or mask texture alpha based on MobileTextureBlendFactorSource)*/
var(Mobile, TextureBlending) texture MobileDetailTexture;
/** Detail texture to use for blending the base texture (green of vertex color)*/
var(Mobile, TextureBlending) texture MobileDetailTexture2;
/** Detail texture to use for blending the base texture (blue of vertex color)*/
var(Mobile, TextureBlending) texture MobileDetailTexture3;
/** Texture coordinates from mesh vertex to use when sampling detail texture */
var(Mobile, TextureBlending) EMobileTexCoordsSource MobileDetailTextureTexCoordsSource;
/** Where the blend factor comes from, for blending the base texture with the detail texture */
var(Mobile, TextureBlending) EMobileTextureBlendFactorSource MobileTextureBlendFactorSource;
/** Locks use of the detail texture and does not allow it to be forced off by system settings */
var(Mobile, TextureBlending) bool bLockColorBlending;
/** Whether to use uniform color scaling (mesh particles) or not */
var(Mobile, ColorBlending) bool bUseMobileUniformColorMultiply;
/** Default color to modulate each vertex by */
var deprecated LinearColor DefaultUniformColor;
var(Mobile, ColorBlending) LinearColor MobileDefaultUniformColor;
/** Whether to use per vertex color scaling */
var(Mobile, ColorBlending) bool bUseMobileVertexColorMultiply;
/** Whether to use detail normal for mobile */
var(Mobile, ColorBlending) bool bUseMobileDetailNormal;
/** Enables the user to specify a channel of a texture to use for the Color multiplication **/
var(Mobile, ColorBlending) EMobileColorMultiplySource MobileColorMultiplySource;
/** Which texture UVs to transform */
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) bool bBaseTextureTransformed;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) bool bEmissiveTextureTransformed;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) bool bNormalTextureTransformed;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) bool bMaskTextureTransformed;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) bool bDetailTextureTransformed;
/** Horizontal center for texture rotation/scale */
var deprecated float TransformCenterX;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) float MobileTransformCenterX;
/** Vertical center for texture rotation/scale */
var deprecated float TransformCenterY;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) float MobileTransformCenterY;
/** Horizontal speed for texture panning */
var deprecated float PannerSpeedX;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) float MobilePannerSpeedX;
/** Vertical speed for texture panning */
var deprecated float PannerSpeedY;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) float MobilePannerSpeedY;
/** Texture rotation speed in radians per second */
var deprecated float RotateSpeed;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) float MobileRotateSpeed;
/** Fixed horizontal texture scale (around the rotation center) */
var deprecated float FixedScaleX;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) float MobileFixedScaleX;
/** Fixed vertical texture scale (around the rotation center) */
var deprecated float FixedScaleY;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) float MobileFixedScaleY;
/** Horizontal texture scale applied to a sine wave */
var deprecated float SineScaleX;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) float MobileSineScaleX;
/** Vertical texture scale applied to a sine wave */
var deprecated float SineScaleY;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) float MobileSineScaleY;
/** Multiplier for sine wave texture scaling frequency */
var deprecated float SineScaleFrequencyMultipler;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) float MobileSineScaleFrequencyMultipler;
/** Fixed offset for texture */
var deprecated float FixedOffsetX;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) float MobileFixedOffsetX;
/** Fixed offset for texture */
var deprecated float FixedOffsetY;
var(Mobile, TextureTransform) float MobileFixedOffsetY;
/** Enables per-vertex movement on a wave (for use with trees and similar objects) */
var(Mobile, VertexAnimation) bool bUseMobileWaveVertexMovement;
/** Frequency adjustment for wave on vertex positions */
var(Mobile, VertexAnimation) float MobileTangentVertexFrequencyMultiplier<EditCondition=bUseMobileWaveVertexMovement>;
/** Frequency adjustment for wave on vertex positions */
var(Mobile, VertexAnimation) float MobileVerticalFrequencyMultiplier<EditCondition=bUseMobileWaveVertexMovement>;
/** Amplitude of adjustments for wave on vertex positions*/
var(Mobile, VertexAnimation) float MobileMaxVertexMovementAmplitude<EditCondition=bUseMobileWaveVertexMovement>;
/** Frequency of entire object sway */
var(Mobile, VertexAnimation) float MobileSwayFrequencyMultiplier<EditCondition=bUseMobileWaveVertexMovement>;
/** Frequency of entire object sway */
var(Mobile, VertexAnimation) float MobileSwayMaxAngle<EditCondition=bUseMobileWaveVertexMovement>;
/** The direction of the directional light for flattening the mobile material. */
var(Mobile, Flatten) vector MobileDirectionalLightDirection;
/** The brightness of the directional light for flattening the mobile material. */
var(Mobile, Flatten) float MobileDirectionalLightBrightness;
/** The color of the directional light for flattening the mobile material. */
var(Mobile, Flatten) color MobileDirectionalLightColor;
/** If TRUE, use a second directional light to simulate light bouncing when flattening the mobile material. */
var(Mobile, Flatten) bool bMobileEnableBounceLight;
/** The direction of the simulated bounce directional light for flattening the mobile material. */
var(Mobile, Flatten) vector MobileBounceLightDirection;
/** The brightness of the simulated bounce directional light for flattening the mobile material. */
var(Mobile, Flatten) float MobileBounceLightBrightness;
/** The color of the simulated bounce directional light for flattening the mobile material. */
var(Mobile, Flatten) color MobileBounceLightColor;
/** The brightness of the skylight for flattening the mobile material. */
var(Mobile, Flatten) float MobileSkyLightBrightness;
/** The color of the skylight for flattening the mobile material. */
var(Mobile, Flatten) color MobileSkyLightColor;
/** Whether to use monochrome layer Blending or regular Layer Blending */
var(Mobile, Landscape) bool bUseMobileLandscapeMonochromeLayerBlending;
/** The names of the 4 Landscape layers supported on mobile */
var(Mobile, Landscape) name MobileLandscapeLayerNames[4];
/** The RBG colors to colorize each monochome layer when using monochrome layer blending */
var(Mobile, Landscape) color MobileLandscapeMonochomeLayerColors[4];
native final noexport function Material GetMaterial();
* Returns a pointer to the physical material used by this material instance.
* @return The physical material.
native final noexport function PhysicalMaterial GetPhysicalMaterial() const;
// Get*ParameterValue - Gets the entry from the ParameterValues for the named parameter.
// Returns false is parameter is not found.
native function bool GetParameterDesc(name ParameterName, out String OutDesc);
native function bool GetFontParameterValue(name ParameterName,out font OutFontValue, out int OutFontPage);
native function bool GetScalarParameterValue(name ParameterName, out float OutValue);
native function bool GetScalarCurveParameterValue(name ParameterName, out InterpCurveFloat OutValue);
native function bool GetTextureParameterValue(name ParameterName, out Texture OutValue);
native function bool GetVectorParameterValue(name ParameterName, out LinearColor OutValue);
native function bool GetVectorCurveParameterValue(name ParameterName, out InterpCurveVector OutValue);
native function bool GetLinearColorParameterValue(name ParameterName, out LinearColor OutValue);
native function bool GetLinearColorCurveParameterValue(name ParameterName, out InterpCurveLinearColor OutValue);
native function bool GetGroupName(name ParameterName, out name GroupName);
native function bool GetMobileScalarParameterValue(name ParameterName, out float OutValue);
native function bool GetMobileTextureParameterValue(name ParameterName, out Texture OutValue);
native function bool GetMobileVectorParameterValue(name ParameterName, out LinearColor OutValue);
* Forces the streaming system to disregard the normal logic for the specified duration and
* instead always load all mip-levels for all textures used by this material.
* @param OverrideForceMiplevelsToBeResident - Whether to use (TRUE) or ignore (FALSE) the bForceMiplevelsToBeResidentValue parameter.
* @param bForceMiplevelsToBeResidentValue - TRUE forces all mips to stream in. FALSE lets other factors decide what to do with the mips.
* @param ForceDuration - Number of seconds to keep all mip-levels in memory, disregarding the normal priority logic. Negative value turns it off.
* @param CinematicTextureGroups - Bitfield indicating texture groups that should use extra high-resolution mips
native function SetForceMipLevelsToBeResident( bool OverrideForceMiplevelsToBeResident, bool bForceMiplevelsToBeResidentValue, float ForceDuration, optional int CinematicTextureGroups = 0 );
//default to the center of the texture for scaling and rotating
//default to the center of the texture for scaling and rotating
MobileBumpOffsetReferencePlane = 0.5;
MobileBumpOffsetHeightRatio = 0.05;
bUseMobileWaveVertexMovement = FALSE;
MobileTangentVertexFrequencyMultiplier = .125;
MobileVerticalFrequencyMultiplier = .1;
MobileMaxVertexMovementAmplitude = 5.0;
// By default, double the brightness of the light because it's coming at an angle not directly
// on to the surface so the brightness of the resulting texture would be darker than it should be
// No fake bounce light by default (old method)
bMobileAllowFog = TRUE;