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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* MobileMenuObject
* This is the base of all Mobile UI Menu Widgets
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class MobileMenuObject extends object
struct native UVCoords
var() bool bCustomCoords;
/** The UV coords. */
var() float U;
var() float V;
var() float UL;
var() float VL;
/** If true, the object has been initialized to the screen size (note, it will not work if the screen size changes) */
var transient bool bHasBeenInitialized;
/** The left position of the menu. */
var float Left;
/** The top position of the menu. */
var float Top;
/** The width of the menu. */
var float Width;
/** The height of the menu */
var float Height;
/** Initial location/size, used for resizing the menu */
var float InitialLeft;
var float InitialTop;
var float InitialWidth;
var float InitialHeight;
/** If any of the bRelativeXXXX vars are set, then the value will be considered a percentage of the viewport */
var bool bRelativeLeft;
var bool bRelativeTop;
var bool bRelativeWidth;
var bool bRelativeHeight;
/** If any of these are set, then the Global scsale will be applied */
var bool bApplyGlobalScaleLeft;
var bool bApplyGlobalScaleTop;
var bool bApplyGlobalScaleWidth;
var bool bApplyGlobalScaleHeight;
/** This is the scale factor you are authoring for. 2.0 is useful for Retina display resolution (960x640), 1.0 for iPads and older iPhones */
var (Bounds) float AuthoredGlobalScale;
/** The Leeway values all you to subtle adjust the hitbox for an object.*/
var float TopLeeway;
var float BottomLeeway;
var float LeftLeeway;
var float RightLeeway;
var bool bHeightRelativeToWidth;
/** The XOffset and YOffset can be used to shift the position of the widget within it's bounds. */
var float XOffset;
var float YOffset;
/** Unlike Left/Top/Width/Height the XOffset and YOffsets are assumed to be a percentage of the bounds. If you
wish to use actual offsets. set one of the variables below */
var bool bXOffsetIsActual;
var bool bYOffsetIsActual;
/** Holds the tag of this widget */
var string Tag;
/** If true, this control is considered to be active and accepts taps */
var bool bIsActive;
/** If true, this control is hidden and will not be rendered */
var bool bIsHidden;
/** If true, this control is being touched/pressed */
var bool bIsTouched;
/** If true, this control is highlighted (like a radio button) */
var bool bIsHighlighted;
/** A reference to the input owner */
var MobilePlayerInput InputOwner;
/** Holds the opacity of an object */
var float Opacity;
/** The scene this object is in */
var MobileMenuScene OwnerScene;
/** You can set RelativeToTag to the Tag of an object,
and this Left,Top is an offset to the Left,Top of RelativeTo*/
var String RelativeToTag;
var MobileMenuObject RelativeTo;
/** Tell scene before we are rendering this Object - Allows rendering between menu objects */
var bool bTellSceneBeforeRendering;
* This event is called when a "touch" event is detected on the object.
* If false is returned (unhandled) event will be passed to scene.
* @param EventType - type of event
* @param TouchX - The X location of the touch event
* @param TouchY - The Y location of the touch event
* @param ObjectOver - The Object that mouse is over (NOTE: May be NULL or another object!)
* @param DeltaTime - Time since last update.
event bool OnTouch(ETouchType EventType, float TouchX, float TouchY, MobileMenuObject ObjectOver, float DeltaTime)
return false;
* Figure out real position of object taking in consideration OwnerScnen and RelativeTO
* @param PosX - True X Position
* @param PosY - True Y Position
event GetRealPosition(out float PosX, out float PosY)
if (RelativeTo == none)
PosX = OwnerScene.Left + Left;
PosY = OwnerScene.Top + Top;
RelativeTo.GetRealPosition(PosX, PosY);
PosX += Left;
PosY += Top;
* InitMenuObject - Perform any initialization here
* @param PlayerInput - A pointer to the MobilePlayerInput object that owns the UI system
* @param Scene - The scene this object is in
* @param ScreenWidth - The Width of the Screen
* @param ScreenHeight - The Height of the Screen
* @param bIsFirstInitialization - If True, this is the first time the menu is being initialized. If False, it's a result of the screen being resized
function InitMenuObject(MobilePlayerInput PlayerInput, MobileMenuScene Scene, int ScreenWidth, int ScreenHeight, bool bIsFirstInitialization)
local int X,Y,W,H,oX,oY,RelativeIdx;
// First out the bounds.
InputOwner = PlayerInput;
OwnerScene = Scene;
if (Len(RelativeToTag) > 0)
RelativeIdx = int(RelativeToTag);
if (String(RelativeIdx) != RelativeToTag)
RelativeTo = Scene.FindMenuObject(RelativeToTag);
RelativeIdx += Scene.MenuObjects.find(self);
RelativeTo = Scene.MenuObjects[RelativeIdx];
// don't reinitialize the view coords
if (!bHasBeenInitialized || !bIsFirstInitialization)
if (bIsFirstInitialization)
InitialTop = Top;
InitialLeft = Left;
InitialWidth = Width;
InitialHeight = Height;
Top = InitialTop;
Left = InitialLeft;
Width = InitialWidth;
Height = InitialHeight;
X = bRelativeLeft ? Scene.Width * Left : Left;
Y = bRelativeTop ? Scene.Height * Top : Top;
W = bRelativeWidth ? Scene.Width * Width : Width;
if (bHeightRelativeToWidth)
H = W * Height;
H = bRelativeHeight ? Scene.Height * Height : Height;
if (bApplyGlobalScaleLeft)
X *= Scene.static.GetGlobalScaleX() / AuthoredGlobalScale;
if (bApplyGlobalScaleTop)
Y *= Scene.static.GetGlobalScaleY() / AuthoredGlobalScale;
if (bApplyGlobalScaleWidth)
W *= Scene.static.GetGlobalScaleX() / AuthoredGlobalScale;
if (bApplyGlobalScaleHeight)
H *= Scene.static.GetGlobalScaleY() / AuthoredGlobalScale;
if (RelativeTo == none)
if (X<0) X = Scene.Width + X;
if (Y<0) Y = Scene.Height + Y;
if (W<0) W = Scene.Width + W;
if (H<0) H = Scene.Height + H;
// Copy them back in to place
Left = X;
Top = Y;
Width = W;
Height = H;
// Now we figure out the render bounds. To figure out the render bounds, we need the
// position + offsets.
oX = bXOffsetIsActual ? XOffset : Width * XOffset;
oY = bYOffsetIsActual ? YOffset : Height * YOffset;
// Calculate the actual render bounds based on the data
Left -= oX;
Top -= oY;
//`log(" InitMenuObject::"$Tag@"["$ScreenWidth@ScreenHeight$"] ["@Left@Top@Width@Height$"]"@OwnerScene@Scene);
// mark as initialized
bHasBeenInitialized = TRUE;
* Call Canvas.SetPos based on Left,Top and taking into consideration the OwnerScene and RelativeTo Object.
* @param OffsetX - Optional additional Offset to apply
* @param OffsetX - Optional additional Offset to apply
function SetCanvasPos(Canvas Canvas, optional float OffsetX = 0, optional float OffsetY = 0)
local float PosX, PosY;
GetRealPosition(PosX, PosY);
Canvas.SetPos(PosX + OffsetX, PosY + OffsetY);
* Render the widget
* @param Canvas - the canvas object for drawing
function RenderObject(canvas Canvas, float DeltaTime)
// `log("Object " $ Class $ "." $ Name $ "needs to have a RenderObject function");