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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class GameCrowdAgentBehavior extends Object
enum ECrowdBehaviorEvent
var ECrowdBehaviorEvent MyEventType;
/** If non-zero, how long before behavior auto terminates */
var() float DurationOfBehavior;
var float TimeUntilStopBehavior;
/** If true, agent should idle (not move between destinations)/ */
var() bool bIdleBehavior;
/** actor to aim at during actions */
var Actor ActionTarget;
/** Agent must be within this distance of the player to perform this behavior */
var() float MaxPlayerDistance;
/** If true, must face action target before starting behavior */
var() bool bFaceActionTargetFirst;
/** If true, pass on to agents encountered */
var() bool bIsViralBehavior;
var() ECrowdBehaviorEvent ViralBehaviorEvent;
var() float ViralRadius;
* So for some behaviors we only want the original agents to be able to pass on the bViralBehavior flag.
* You will want to check for this flag in your specific behavior's event PropagateViralBehaviorTo.
* NOTE: Currently, there is no default implementation of that that we are are all calling super. to utilize that functionality
var() bool bPassOnIsViralBehaviorFlag;
var() float DurationBeforeBecomesViral;
var transient float TimeToBecomeViral;
* How long we should propagate the viral behavior. Basically, you can get into situations where the the behavior will never go away as it
* keeps getting propagated to others over and over and the various timers get started again.
var() float DurationOfViralBehaviorPropagation;
/** This is the time we will stop propagating the bIsViralBehavior flag **/
var transient float TimeToStopPropagatingViralBehavior;
/** Agent currently implementing this behavior instance */
var GameCrowdAgent MyAgent;
var(Debug) Color DebugBehaviorColor;
* if duration < 0 it is instant
* if duration == 0 it is eternal
* if duration > 0 it has a lifespan
static native function GameCrowdBehaviorPoint TriggerCrowdBehavior( ECrowdBehaviorEvent EventType, Actor Instigator, Vector AtLocation, float InRange, float InDuration, optional Actor BaseActor, optional bool bRequireLOS );
* Called every tick when agent is currently idle (because bIdleBehavior is true)
* @RETURN true if should end idle (bIdleBehavior should also become false)
native function bool ShouldEndIdle();
* Agent's current behavior gets ticked
native event Tick(float DeltaTime);
* This function is called on an archetype - do not modify any properties here!
function bool CanBeUsedBy(GameCrowdAgent Agent, vector CameraLoc)
if( Agent.CurrentBehavior != None && Agent.CurrentBehavior.MyEventType == MyEventType )
return FALSE;
return VSizeSq(CameraLoc - Agent.Location) < MaxPlayerDistance*MaxPlayerDistance;
* Event when agent is facing action target, called if bFaceActionTarget=true
event FinishedTargetRotation();
* Handles movement destination updating for agent.
* @RETURNS true if destination updating was handled
native function bool HandleMovement();
* Called when Agent activates this behavior
function InitBehavior(GameCrowdAgent Agent)
MyAgent = Agent;
if( DurationBeforeBecomesViral > 0.f )
TimeToBecomeViral = MyAgent.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds + DurationBeforeBecomesViral;
if( DurationOfViralBehaviorPropagation > 0.0f )
TimeToStopPropagatingViralBehavior = MyAgent.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds + DurationOfViralBehaviorPropagation;
if( DurationOfBehavior > 0.0f )
TimeUntilStopBehavior = DurationOfBehavior;
* Called when Agent stops this behavior
function StopBehavior()
* Anim end notification called by GameCrowdAgent.OnAnimEnd().
event OnAnimEnd(AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime);
* Get debug string about agent behavior
function string GetBehaviorString()
return "Behavior: "$self;
* Notification that MyAgent is changing destinations
function ChangingDestination(GameCrowdDestination NewDest);
* Returns action agent wants behavior to be moving toward.
function Actor GetDestinationActor()
return MyAgent.CurrentDestination;
* Called if agent wants to provide an action target to its behavior.
function ActivatedBy(Actor NewActionTarget)
ActionTarget = NewActionTarget;
function Actor GetBehaviorInstigator()
return ActionTarget;
* When two agents encounter each other, and one has a viral behavior and the other doesn't,
* the viral behavior is called to have a chance to propagate itself to the uninfected OtherAgent.
event PropagateViralBehaviorTo( GameCrowdAgent OtherAgent )
if( ViralBehaviorEvent != CBE_None )
OtherAgent.HandleBehaviorEvent( ViralBehaviorEvent, GetBehaviorInstigator(), TRUE, bPassOnIsViralBehaviorFlag );
* Return true if agent is allowed to go to destination while performing this behavior
function bool AllowThisDestination(GameCrowdDestination Destination)
return true;
* return true if get kismet or new behavior from this destination
function bool AllowBehaviorAt(GameCrowdDestination Destination)
return true;