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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This class is responsible for mapping properties in an OnlineStatsRead
* class to the UI. It maintains a set of different read objects that are
* switched between at run time. This allows you to show leaderboards by
* age (one week, month, year, etc.) from the same UI by having this
* data store just use different query objects
* NOTE: Each game needs to derive at least one class from this one in
* order to expose the game's specific stats class(es)
class UIDataStore_OnlineStats extends UIDataStore_Remote
* The OnlineStatsRead derived classes to load and populate the UI with
var array<class<OnlineStatsRead> > StatsReadClasses;
/** Cached FName for faster compares */
var const name StatsReadName;
struct native PlayerNickMetaData
/** Cached FName for faster compares */
var const name PlayerNickName;
/** The name displayed in column headings in the UI */
var localized string PlayerNickColumnName;
var const PlayerNickMetaData PlayerNickData;
struct native RankMetaData
/** Cached FName for faster compares */
var const name RankName;
/** The name displayed in column headings in the UI */
var localized string RankColumnName;
/** Cached FName for faster compares */
var const RankMetaData RankNameMetaData;
/** Cached FName for faster compares */
var const name TotalRowsName;
/** The set of stats read objects that will be used for display purposes */
var array<OnlineStatsRead> StatsReadObjects;
* The OnlineStatsRead object that will be exposed to the UI. One of the objects
* from the array above. The game specific version of this class needs to change
* the current setting based on its rules
var OnlineStatsRead StatsRead;
/** The types of stats to fetch */
enum EStatsFetchType
/** The player's stats */
/** The player and people above/below them */
/** The player's frinds list and them */
/** The top n ranked players */
/** The current type to read */
var EStatsFetchType CurrentReadType;
/** The stats interface to use for reading stats data */
var OnlineStatsInterface StatsInterface;
/** The player interface to use for performing player specific functions */
var OnlinePlayerInterface PlayerInterface;
// UIDataStore interface
* Loads and creates an instance of the registered stats read object
virtual void InitializeDataStore(void);
* Grabs the interface pointers and sets the read delegate
event Init()
local OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub;
OnlineSub = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem();
if ( OnlineSub != None )
// Grab the stats and player interfaces
StatsInterface = OnlineSub.StatsInterface;
PlayerInterface = OnlineSub.PlayerInterface;
// Set the delegate that tells the UI to refresh
* This function should be overloaded with a game specific version. It is used
* to determine which search class to use and in which mode
function SetStatsReadInfo()
StatsRead = StatsReadObjects[0];
CurrentReadType = SFT_Player;
* Tells the online subsystem to re-read the stats data using the current read
* mode and the current object to add the results to
event bool RefreshStats(byte ControllerIndex)
// Clear the previous results and tell the UI to update
// Figure out what type of stats read we are doing
switch (CurrentReadType)
case SFT_Player:
if (StatsInterface.ReadOnlineStatsForPlayer(ControllerIndex, StatsRead) == false)
// Clear the delegate that tells the UI to refresh
`warn("Querying Player failed.");
return false;
return true;
case SFT_CenteredOnPlayer:
if (StatsInterface.ReadOnlineStatsByRankAroundPlayer(ControllerIndex, StatsRead, 10) == false)
// Clear the delegate that tells the UI to refresh
`warn("Querying CenteredOnPlayer failed.");
return false;
return true;
case SFT_Friends:
if (StatsInterface.ReadOnlineStatsForFriends(ControllerIndex, StatsRead) == false)
// Clear the delegate that tells the UI to refresh
`warn("Querying Friends failed.");
return false;
return true;
case SFT_TopRankings:
//@todo joeg -- expose a way to do virtual paging...different Kismet object?
if (StatsInterface.ReadOnlineStatsByRank(ControllerIndex, StatsRead) == false)
// Clear the delegate that tells the UI to refresh
`log("Querying Top Rankings failed.");
return false;
return true;
* Displays the gamercard for the specified list index
* @param ConrollerIndex the ControllerId for the player displaying the gamercard
* @param ListIndex the item in the list to display the gamercard for
event bool ShowGamercard(byte ConrollerIndex,int ListIndex)
local OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub;
local OnlinePlayerInterfaceEx PlayerExt;
local UniqueNetId PlayerId;
// Validate the specified index is within the stats results
if (ListIndex >= 0 && ListIndex < StatsRead.Rows.Length)
OnlineSub = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem();
if (OnlineSub != None)
PlayerExt = OnlineSub.PlayerInterfaceEx;
if (PlayerExt != None)
// Get the player id of the player we are going to show the gamer card of
PlayerId = StatsRead.Rows[ListIndex].PlayerId;
// Show the gamer card
return PlayerExt.ShowGamerCardUI(ConrollerIndex,PlayerId);
`warn("OnlineSubsystem does not support the extended player interface. Can't show gamercard");
`warn("No OnlineSubsystem present. Can't show gamercard");
`warn("Invalid index ("$ListIndex$") specified for online game to show the gamercard of");
* Called by the online subsystem when the stats read has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful whether the stats read was successful or not
function OnReadComplete(bool bWasSuccessful)
// If the call worked, sort the items before telling the list to refresh
if (bWasSuccessful)
//@todo - display a message box upon error?
// Notify any subscribers that we have new data
* Sorts the returned results by their rank (lowest to highest)
native static function SortResultsByRank(OnlineStatsRead StatsToSort);
// Change this value in the derived class
PlayerNickData=(PlayerNickName="Player Nick")