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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class PhysicsAsset extends Object
* Default skeletal mesh to use when previewing this PhysicsAsset etc.
* Is the one that was used as the basis for creating this Asset.
var const editoronly SkeletalMesh DefaultSkelMesh;
* Array of RB_BodySetup objects. Stores information about collision shape etc. for each body.
* Does not include body position - those are taken from mesh.
var const instanced array<RB_BodySetup> BodySetup;
* This caches the BodySetup Index by BodyName to speed up FindBodyIndex
var native const Map_Mirror BodySetupIndexMap{TMap<FName, INT>};
/** Index of bodies that are marked bConsiderForBounds */
var const array<int> BoundsBodies;
* Array of RB_ConstraintSetup objects.
* Stores information about a joint between two bodies, such as position relative to each body, joint limits etc.
var const instanced array<RB_ConstraintSetup> ConstraintSetup;
/** Default per-instance paramters for this PhysicsAsset. */
var const instanced PhysicsAssetInstance DefaultInstance;
// UObject interface
virtual void PostLoad();
* Returns a one line description of an object for viewing in the thumbnail view of the generic browser
virtual FString GetDesc();
* Returns detailed info to populate listview columns
virtual FString GetDetailedDescription( INT InIndex );
// Creates a Physics Asset using the supplied Skeletal Mesh as a starting point.
UBOOL CreateFromSkeletalMesh( class USkeletalMesh* skelMesh, FPhysAssetCreateParams& Params );
static void CreateCollisionFromBone( URB_BodySetup* bs, class USkeletalMesh* skelMesh, INT BoneIndex, FPhysAssetCreateParams& Params, TArray<struct FBoneVertInfo>& Infos );
INT FindControllingBodyIndex(class USkeletalMesh* skelMesh, INT BoneIndex);
INT FindConstraintIndex(FName ConstraintName);
FName FindConstraintBoneName(INT ConstraintIndex);
/** Utility for getting indices of all bodies below (and including) the one with the supplied name. */
void GetBodyIndicesBelow(TArray<INT>& OutBodyIndices, FName InBoneName, USkeletalMesh* InSkelMesh);
FBox CalcAABB(class USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp);
UBOOL LineCheck(FCheckResult& Result, class USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, const FVector& Start, const FVector& End, const FVector& Extent, UBOOL bOnlyPerPolyShapes, DWORD TraceFlags=0);
FCheckResult* LineCheckAllInteractions( FMemStack& Mem, class USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, const FVector& Start, const FVector& End, const FVector& Extent, UBOOL bPerPolyShapes, DWORD TraceFlags=0);
UBOOL LineCheck(FCheckResult& Result, class USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, const FVector& Start, const FVector& End, const FVector& Extent, UBOOL bOnlyPerPolyShapes);
FCheckResult* LineCheckAllInteractions( FMemStack& Mem, class USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, const FVector& Start, const FVector& End, const FVector& Extent, UBOOL bPerPolyShapes );
UBOOL PointCheck(FCheckResult& Result, class USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, const FVector& Location, const FVector& Extent);
void UpdateMassProps();
// For PhAT only really...
INT CreateNewBody(FName InBodyName);
void DestroyBody(INT BodyIndex);
INT CreateNewConstraint(FName InConstraintName, URB_ConstraintSetup* InConstraintSetup = NULL);
void DestroyConstraint(INT ConstraintIndex);
void BodyFindConstraints(INT BodyIndex, TArray<INT>& Constraints);
void ClearShapeCaches();
void UpdateBodyIndices();
void WeldBodies(INT BaseBodyIndex, INT AddBodyIndex, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp);
void DrawCollision(class FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, const USkeletalMesh* SkelMesh, const TArray<FBoneAtom>& SpaceBases, const FMatrix& LocalToWorld, FLOAT Scale);
void DrawConstraints(class FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, const USkeletalMesh* SkelMesh, const TArray<FBoneAtom>& SpaceBases, const FMatrix& LocalToWorld, FLOAT Scale);
void DrawHitZones(class FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, const USkeletalMesh* SkelMesh, const TArray<FBoneAtom>& SpaceBases, const FMatrix& LocalToWorld, FLOAT Scale);
void FixOuters();
/** Update the BoundsBodies array and cache the indices of bodies marked with bConsiderForBounds to BoundsBodies array. */
void UpdateBoundsBodiesArray();
/** Update the BodySetup Array Index Map. */
void UpdateBodySetupIndexMap();
native final function INT FindBodyIndex(Name BodyName);