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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class ParticleSystem extends Object
* ParticleSystemUpdateMode
* Enumeration indicating the method by which the system should be updated
enum EParticleSystemUpdateMode
/** RealTime - update via the delta time passed in */
/** FixedTime - update via a fixed time step */
var() EParticleSystemUpdateMode SystemUpdateMode;
/** UpdateTime_FPS - the frame per second to update at in FixedTime mode */
var() float UpdateTime_FPS;
/** UpdateTime_Delta - internal */
var float UpdateTime_Delta;
/** WarmupTime - the time to warm-up the particle system when first rendered */
var() float WarmupTime;
/** WarmupTickRate - the time step for each tick during warm up.
Increasing this improves performance. Decreasing, improves accuracy.
Set to 0 to use the default tick time. */
var() float WarmupTickRate;
/** Emitters - internal - the array of emitters in the system */
var editinline export array<ParticleEmitter> Emitters;
/** The component used to preview the particle system in Cascade */
var transient ParticleSystemComponent PreviewComponent;
/** The angle to use when rendering the thumbnail image */
var editoronly rotator ThumbnailAngle;
/** The distance to place the system when rendering the thumbnail image */
var editoronly float ThumbnailDistance;
/** The time to warm-up the system for the thumbnail image */
var(Thumbnail) editoronly float ThumbnailWarmup;
/** Deprecated, ParticleSystemLOD::bLit is used instead. */
var deprecated const bool bLit;
/** Used for curve editor to remember curve-editing setup. */
var export InterpCurveEdSetup CurveEdSetup;
/** If true, the system's Z axis will be oriented toward the camera */
var() bool bOrientZAxisTowardCamera;
// LOD
* How often (in seconds) the system should perform the LOD distance check.
var(LOD) float LODDistanceCheckTime;
* ParticleSystemLODMethod
enum ParticleSystemLODMethod
* The method of LOD level determination to utilize for this particle system
* PARTICLESYSTEMLODMETHOD_Automatic - Automatically set the LOD level, checking every LODDistanceCheckTime seconds.
* PARTICLESYSTEMLODMETHOD_DirectSet - LOD level is directly set by the game code.
* PARTICLESYSTEMLODMETHOD_ActivateAutomatic - LOD level is determined at Activation time, then left alone unless directly set by game code.
var(LOD) ParticleSystemLODMethod LODMethod;
* The array of distances for each LOD level in the system.
* Used when LODMethod is set to PARTICLESYSTEMLODMETHOD_Automatic.
* Example: System with 3 LOD levels
* LODDistances(0) = 0.0
* LODDistances(1) = 2500.0
* LODDistances(2) = 5000.0
* In this case, when the system is [ 0.0 .. 2499.9] from the camera, LOD level 0 will be used.
* [2500.0 .. 4999.9] from the camera, LOD level 1 will be used.
* [5000.0 .. INFINITY] from the camera, LOD level 2 will be used.
var(LOD) editfixedsize array<float> LODDistances;
/** LOD setting for intepolation (set by Cascade) Range [0..100] */
var editoronly int EditorLODSetting;
* Internal value that tracks the regenerate LOD levels preference.
* If TRUE, when autoregenerating LOD levels in code, the low level will
* be a duplicate of the high.
var bool bRegenerateLODDuplicate;
/** Structure containing per-LOD settings that pertain to the entire UParticleSystem. */
struct native ParticleSystemLOD
* Boolean to indicate whether the particle system accepts lights or not.
* This must not be changed in-game, it can only be changed safely in the editor through Cascade.
var() bool bLit;
static FParticleSystemLOD CreateParticleSystemLOD()
FParticleSystemLOD NewLOD;
NewLOD.bLit = FALSE;
return NewLOD;
var(LOD) array<ParticleSystemLOD> LODSettings;
/** Whether to use the fixed relative bounding box or calculate it every frame. */
var(Bounds) bool bUseFixedRelativeBoundingBox;
/** Fixed relative bounding box for particle system. */
var(Bounds) box FixedRelativeBoundingBox;
* Number of seconds of emitter not being rendered that need to pass before it
* no longer gets ticked/ becomes inactive.
var() float SecondsBeforeInactive;
// Cascade 'floor' mesh information
var editoronly string FloorMesh;
var editoronly vector FloorPosition;
var editoronly rotator FloorRotation;
var editoronly float FloorScale;
var editoronly vector FloorScale3D;
/** The background color to display in Cascade */
var editoronly color BackgroundColor;
/** EDITOR ONLY: Indicates that Cascade would like to have the PeakActiveParticles count reset */
var bool bShouldResetPeakCounts;
/** Set during load time to indicate that physics is used... */
var transient bool bHasPhysics;
/** Inidicates the old 'real-time' thumbnail rendering should be used */
var(Thumbnail) bool bUseRealtimeThumbnail;
/** Internal: Indicates the PSys thumbnail image is out of date */
var bool ThumbnailImageOutOfDate;
/** Internal: The PSys thumbnail image */
var editoronly Texture2D ThumbnailImage;
* When TRUE, do NOT perform the spawning limiter check.
* Intended for effects used in pre-rendered cinematics.
var() bool bSkipSpawnCountCheck;
/** How long this Particle system should delay when ActivateSystem is called on it. */
var(Delay) float Delay;
/** The low end of the emitter delay if using a range. */
var(Delay) float DelayLow;
* If TRUE, select the emitter delay from the range
* [DelayLow..Delay]
var(Delay) bool bUseDelayRange;
/** Local space position that UVs generated with the ParticleMacroUV material node will be centered on. */
var(MacroUV) vector MacroUVPosition;
/** World space radius that UVs generated with the ParticleMacroUV material node will tile based on. */
var(MacroUV) float MacroUVRadius;
/** Occlusion method enumeration */
enum EParticleSystemOcclusionBoundsMethod
/** Don't determine occlusion on this particle system */
/** Use the bounds of the particle system component when determining occlusion */
/** Use the custom occlusion bounds when determining occlusion */
* Which occlusion bounds method to use for this particle system.
* EPSOBM_None - Don't determine occlusion for this system.
* EPSOBM_ParticleBounds - Use the bounds of the component when determining occlusion.
var(Occlusion) EParticleSystemOcclusionBoundsMethod OcclusionBoundsMethod;
/** The occlusion bounds to use if OcclusionBoundsMethod is set to EPSOBM_CustomBounds */
var(Occlusion) Box CustomOcclusionBounds;
* Temporary array for tracking 'solo' emitter mode.
* Entry will be true if emitter was enabled
struct native LODSoloTrack
var transient array<byte> SoloEnableSetting;
var transient array<LODSoloTrack> SoloTracking;
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN_TURB: TSC - Enable artist-controlled PhysX particle system overrides (credit to Jiayuan)
//NVCHANGE_BEGIN: JCAO - Use MinimumPhysXLevelOverride instead of bLoadIfPhysXLevel in ParticleSystem (Credit to David)
enum EParticleSystemOveridePhysXLevel
/** Don't override particle system */
/** Override particle system if PhysXLevel is at least 1 */
/** Override particle system if PhysXLevel is at least 2 */
//NVCHANGE_END: JCAO - Use MinimumPhysXLevelOverride instead of bLoadIfPhysXLevel in ParticleSystem (Credit to David)
/** Extended Particle System Reference */
var(PhysXParticleExtension) ParticleSystem PhysxParticleSystemExtRef;
/** Minimum PhysX Level Extend */
var(PhysXParticleExtension) EParticleSystemOveridePhysXLevel MinimumPhysXLevelExt<DisplayName=Minimum PhysX Level Extension>;
* PhysX Particle System Reference acts like an override
* The referenced Particle System will replace the original Particle System
* When it is on non-console platform and PhysXLevel setting matches the LoadIfPhysXLevel setting
var(PhysXParticleOverride) ParticleSystem PhysxParticleSystemRef;
//NVCHANGE_BEGIN: JCAO - Use MinimumPhysXLevelOverride instead of bLoadIfPhysXLevel in ParticleSystem (Credit to David)
/** Minimum PhysX Level Override */
var(PhysXParticleOverride) EParticleSystemOveridePhysXLevel MinimumPhysXLevelOverride<DisplayName=Minimum PhysX Level Override>;
//NVCHANGE_END: JCAO - Use MinimumPhysXLevelOverride instead of bLoadIfPhysXLevel in ParticleSystem (Credit to David)
// given the current PhysX level, what particle system might this mutate into (if different)?
native function ParticleSystem EffectiveParticleSystemAfterPhysXOverride();
// NVCHANGE_END_TURB: TSC - Enable artist-controlled PhysX particle system overrides (credit to Jiayuan)
native function EffectiveParticleSystemAfterPhysXExtension(out array<ParticleSystem> ExtensionTemplates);
/** Return the currently set LOD method */
native function ParticleSystemLODMethod GetCurrentLODMethod();
/** Return the number of LOD levels for this particle system */
native function int GetLODLevelCount();
/** Return the distance for the given LOD level */
native function float GetLODDistance(int LODLevelIndex);
/** Set the LOD method */
native function SetCurrentLODMethod(ParticleSystemLODMethod InMethod);
/** Set the distance for the given LOD index */
native function bool SetLODDistance(int LODLevelIndex, float InDistance);
* Get the longest possible lifespan for this particle system.
* @param InComponentDelay The delay from the component using the emitter
* @return FLOAT The longest lifespan this PSys could have; 0.0f if infinite.
native function float GetMaxLifespan(float InComponentDelay);
// UObject interface.
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void PreSave();
virtual void PostLoad();
* Returns the size of the object/ resource for display to artists/ LDs in the Editor.
* @return size of resource as to be displayed to artists/ LDs in the Editor.
virtual INT GetResourceSize();
void UpdateColorModuleClampAlpha(class UParticleModuleColorBase* ColorModule);
* CalculateMaxActiveParticleCounts
* Determine the maximum active particles that could occur with each emitter.
* This is to avoid reallocation during the life of the emitter.
* @return TRUE if the numbers were determined for each emitter
* FALSE if not be determined
virtual UBOOL CalculateMaxActiveParticleCounts();
* Retrieve the parameters associated with this particle system.
* @param ParticleSysParamList The list of FParticleSysParams used in the system
* @param ParticleParameterList The list of ParticleParameter distributions used in the system
void GetParametersUtilized(TArray<TArray<FString> >& ParticleSysParamList,
TArray<TArray<FString> >& ParticleParameterList);
* Setup the soloing information... Obliterates all current soloing.
void SetupSoloing();
* Toggle the bIsSoloing flag on the given emitter.
* @param InEmitter The emitter to toggle.
* @return UBOOL TRUE if ANY emitters are set to soloing, FALSE if none are.
UBOOL ToggleSoloing(class UParticleEmitter* InEmitter);
* Turn soloing off completely - on every emitter
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
UBOOL TurnOffSoloing();
* Editor helper function for setting the LOD validity flags used in Cascade.
void SetupLODValidity();
* Convert the given module to its randon seed variant.
* @param InEmitter The emitter to convert
* @param InModuleIdx The index of the module to convert
* @param InSeededClass The seeded variant class
* @param bInUpdateModuleLists If TRUE, update the module lists after the conversion
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
UBOOL ConvertModuleToSeeded(UParticleEmitter* InEmitter, INT InModuleIdx, UClass* InSeededClass, UBOOL bInUpdateModuleLists);
* Convert all the modules in this particle system to their random seed variant if available
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
UBOOL ConvertAllModulesToSeeded();
* Remove all duplicate modules.
* @param bInMarkForCooker If TRUE, mark removed objects to not cook out.
* @param OutRemovedModules Optional map to fill in w/ removed modules...
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
UBOOL RemoveAllDuplicateModules(UBOOL bInMarkForCooker, TMap<UObject*,UBOOL>* OutRemovedModules);
* Update all emitter module lists
void UpdateAllModuleLists();
//NVCHANGE_BEGIN: JCAO - Use MinimumPhysXLevelOverride instead of bLoadIfPhysXLevel in ParticleSystem (Credit to David)
//NVCHANGE_END: JCAO - Use MinimumPhysXLevelOverride instead of bLoadIfPhysXLevel in ParticleSystem (Credit to David)