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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// Controller, the base class of players or AI.
// Controllers are non-physical actors that can be attached to a pawn to control
// its actions. PlayerControllers are used by human players to control pawns, while
// AIControFllers implement the artificial intelligence for the pawns they control.
// Controllers take control of a pawn using their Possess() method, and relinquish
// control of the pawn by calling UnPossess().
// Controllers receive notifications for many of the events occuring for the Pawn they
// are controlling. This gives the controller the opportunity to implement the behavior
// in response to this event, intercepting the event and superceding the Pawn's default
// behavior.
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class Controller extends Actor
/** Pawn currently being controlled by this controller. Use Pawn.Possess() to take control of a pawn */
var editinline repnotify Pawn Pawn;
/** PlayerReplicationInfo containing replicated information about the player using this controller (only exists if bIsPlayer is true). */
var editinline repnotify PlayerReplicationInfo PlayerReplicationInfo;
var const int PlayerNum; // The player number - per-match player number.
var const private Controller NextController; // chained Controller list
var bool bIsPlayer; // Pawn is a player or a player-bot.
var bool bGodMode; // cheat - when true, can't be killed or hurt
var bool bDemiGodMode; /** It forces the pawn to not be able to die */
var bool bSoaking; // pause and focus on pawn controlled by this controller if it encounters a problem
var bool bSlowerZAcquire; // AI acquires targets above or below more slowly than at same height
// Input buttons.
var input byte bFire;
/** If true, the controlled pawn will attempt to alt fire */
var input byte bAltFire;
var bool bNotifyPostLanded; // if true, event NotifyPostLanded() after pawn lands after falling.
var bool bNotifyApex; // if true, event NotifyJumpApex() when at apex of jump
var float MinHitWall; // Minimum HitNormal dot Velocity.Normal to get a HitWall event from the physics
/** Navigation handle used for pathing when using NavMesh */
var class<NavigationHandle> NavigationHandleClass;
var editinline NavigationHandle NavigationHandle;
/** Override search start position for navhandle path cache info */
var bool bOverrideSearchStart;
var Vector OverrideSearchStart;
var bool bAdvancedTactics; // serpentine movement between pathnodes
var bool bCanDoSpecial; // are we able to traverse R_SPECIAL reach specs?
var bool bAdjusting; // adjusting around obstacle
var bool bPreparingMove; // set true while pawn sets up for a latent move
/** Used by AI, set true to force AI to use serpentine/strafing movement when possible. */
var bool bForceStrafe;
var float MoveTimer; // internal timer for latent moves, useful for setting a max duration
var Actor MoveTarget; // actor being moved toward
var BasedPosition DestinationPosition; // destination controlled pawn is moving toward
var BasedPosition FocalPosition; // position controlled pawn is looking at
var Actor Focus; // actor being looked at
var Actor GoalList[4]; // used by navigation AI - list of intermediate goals
var BasedPosition AdjustPosition; // intermediate destination used while adjusting around obstacle (bAdjusting is true)
var NavigationPoint StartSpot; // where player started the match
/** Cached list of nodes filled in by the last call to FindPathXXX */
var array<NavigationPoint> RouteCache;
var ReachSpec CurrentPath; // Current path being moved along
var ReachSpec NextRoutePath; // Next path in route to destination
var vector CurrentPathDir; // direction vector of current path
var Actor RouteGoal; // final destination for current route
var float RouteDist; // total distance for current route
var float LastRouteFind; // time at which last route finding occured
var InterpActor PendingMover; // InterpActor that controller is currently waiting on (e.g. door or lift)
/** used for discovering navigation failures */
var Actor FailedMoveTarget;
var int MoveFailureCount;
var float GroundPitchTime;
var Pawn ShotTarget; // Target most recently aimed at
var const Actor LastFailedReach; // cache to avoid trying failed actorreachable more than once per frame
var const float FailedReachTime;
var const vector FailedReachLocation;
const LATENT_MOVETOWARD = 503; // LatentAction number for Movetoward() latent function
var const bool bLOSflag; // used for alternating LineOfSight traces
var bool bSkipExtraLOSChecks; // Skip viewport nudging checks for LOS
var bool bNotifyFallingHitWall; // If true, controller gets NotifyFallingHitWall() when pawn hits wall while falling
var float SightCounter; // Used to keep track of when to check player visibility
var float SightCounterInterval; // how often player visibility is checked
var bool bEarlyOutOfSighTestsForSameType;// when an AI already has an enemy of this type, early out from sight tests to me
var bool bReachedLatentMoveGoal; // Used by APawn::MoveToward() & AKFPawn::MoveToward()
var NavigationPoint LastNavGoalReached; // Last NavigationPoint reached via MoveToward()
var bool bAdjustFromWalls; // Moved down from AIController to avoid casting
/** multiplier to cost of NavigationPoints that another Pawn is currently anchored to */
var float InUseNodeCostMultiplier;
/** additive modifier to cost of NavigationPoints that require high jumping */
var int HighJumpNodeCostModifier;
/** Max time when moving toward a pawn target before latent movetoward returns (allowing reassessment of movement) */
var float MaxMoveTowardPawnTargetTime;
// Enemy information
var Pawn Enemy;
/** Forces all velocity to be directed towards reaching Destination */
var bool bPreciseDestination;
/** Do visibility checks, call SeePlayer events() for pawns on same team as self. Setting to true will result in a lot more AI visibility line checks. */
var bool bSeeFriendly;
/** List of destinations whose source portals are visible to this Controller */
struct native VisiblePortalInfo
/** source actor of portal */
var Actor Source;
/** destination actor of portal */
var Actor Destination;
appMemzero(this, sizeof(FVisiblePortalInfo));
FVisiblePortalInfo(AActor* InSource, AActor* InDest)
: Source(InSource), Destination(InDest)
UBOOL operator==(const FVisiblePortalInfo& Other)
return Other.Source == Source && Other.Destination == Destination;
var array<VisiblePortalInfo> VisiblePortals;
/** indicates that the AI is within a lane in its CurrentPath (like a road)
* to avoid ramming other Pawns also using that path
* set by MoveToward() when it detects multiple AI pawns using the same path
* when this is true, serpentine movement and cutting corners are disabled
var bool bUsingPathLanes;
/** the offset from the center of CurrentPath to the center of the lane in use (the Pawn's CollisionRadius defines the extent)
* positive values are to the Pawn's right, negative to the Pawn's left
var float LaneOffset;
/** Used for reversing rejected mover base movement */
var const rotator OldBasedRotation;
/** allows easy modification of the search extent provided by setuppathfindingparams() */
var vector NavMeshPath_SearchExtent_Modifier;
INT* GetOptimizedRepList( BYTE* InDefault, FPropertyRetirement* Retire, INT* Ptr, UPackageMap* Map, UActorChannel* Channel );
UBOOL Tick( FLOAT DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType );
virtual void Spawned();
virtual void BeginDestroy();
virtual UBOOL IsPlayerOwned()
return IsPlayerOwner();
virtual UBOOL IsPlayerOwner()
return bIsPlayer;
virtual AController* GetAController() { return this; }
// Seeing and hearing checks
virtual UBOOL CanHear(const FVector& NoiseLoc, FLOAT Loudness, AActor *Other);
virtual void ShowSelf();
virtual UBOOL ShouldCheckVisibilityOf(AController* C);
virtual DWORD SeePawn(APawn *Other, UBOOL bMaySkipChecks = TRUE);
virtual DWORD LineOfSightTo(const AActor* Other, INT bUseLOSFlag=0, const FVector* chkLocation = NULL, UBOOL bTryAlternateTargetLoc = FALSE);
void CheckEnemyVisible();
virtual void HearNoise(AActor* NoiseMaker, FLOAT Loudness, FName NoiseType);
AActor* HandleSpecial(AActor *bestPath);
virtual INT AcceptNearbyPath(AActor* goal);
virtual UReachSpec* PrepareForMove( ANavigationPoint *NavGoal, UReachSpec* Path );
UReachSpec* GetNextRoutePath( ANavigationPoint *NavGoal );
virtual void AdjustFromWall(FVector HitNormal, AActor* HitActor);
void SetRouteCache( ANavigationPoint *EndPath, FLOAT StartDist, FLOAT EndDist );
AActor* FindPath(const FVector& Point, AActor* Goal, UBOOL bWeightDetours, INT MaxPathLength, UBOOL bReturnPartial);
/** given the passed in goal for pathfinding, set bTransientEndPoint on all NavigationPoints that are acceptable
* destinations on the path network
* @param EndAnchor the Anchor for the goal on the navigation network
* @param Goal the goal actor we're pathfinding toward (may be NULL)
* @param GoalLocation the goal world location we're pathfinding toward
virtual void MarkEndPoints(ANavigationPoint* EndAnchor, AActor* Goal, const FVector& GoalLocation);
/** gives the Controller a chance to pre-empt pathfinding with its own result (if a cached path is still valid, for example)
* called just before navigation network traversal, after Anchor determination and NavigationPoint transient properties are set up
* only called when using the 'FindEndPoint' node evaluator
* @param EndAnchor - Anchor for Goal on the path network
* @param Goal - Destination Actor we're trying to path to (may be NULL)
* @param GoalLocation - the goal world location we're pathfinding toward
* @param bWeightDetours - whether we should consider short detours for pickups and such
* @param BestWeight - weighting value for best node on path - if this function returns true, findPathToward() will return this value
* @return whether the normal pathfinding should be skipped
virtual UBOOL OverridePathTo(ANavigationPoint* EndAnchor, AActor* Goal, const FVector& GoalLocation, UBOOL bWeightDetours, FLOAT& BestWeight)
return FALSE;
AActor* SetPath(INT bInitialPath=1);
virtual UBOOL WantsLedgeCheck();
virtual UBOOL StopAtLedge();
virtual void PrePollMove()
virtual void PostPollMove()
virtual void PollMoveComplete();
virtual AActor* GetViewTarget();
virtual void UpdateEnemyInfo(APawn* AcquiredEnemy) {};
#if __TW_
virtual void JumpOverWall(FVector WallNormal, AActor* Wall);
virtual void JumpOverWall(FVector WallNormal);
virtual void UpdatePawnRotation();
virtual UBOOL ForceReached(ANavigationPoint *Nav, const FVector& TestPosition);
virtual FRotator SetRotationRate(FLOAT deltaTime);
virtual FVector DesiredDirection();
/** activates path lanes for this Controller's current movement and adjusts its destination accordingly
* @param DesiredLaneOffset the offset from the center of the Controller's CurrentPath that is desired
* the Controller sets its LaneOffset as close as it can get to it without
* allowing any part of the Pawn's cylinder outside of the CurrentPath
virtual void SetPathLane(FLOAT InPathOffset);
void SetPathLane(FLOAT InPathOffset);
virtual void FailMove( const FString& Reason );
virtual void FailMove();
// falling physics AI hooks
virtual void PreAirSteering(FLOAT DeltaTime) {};
virtual void PostAirSteering(FLOAT DeltaTime) {};
virtual void PostPhysFalling(FLOAT DeltaTime) {};
virtual void PostPhysWalking(FLOAT DeltaTime) {};
virtual void PostPhysSpider(FLOAT DeltaTime) {};
virtual UBOOL AirControlFromWall(float DeltaTime, FVector& RealAcceleration) { return FALSE; };
virtual void NotifyJumpApex();
virtual void PostBeginPlay();
virtual void PostScriptDestroyed();
virtual void ClearCrossLevelPaths(ULevel *Level);
// Natives.
virtual DECLARE_FUNCTION(execPollMoveTo);
virtual DECLARE_FUNCTION(execPollMoveToward);
virtual UBOOL ShouldOffsetCorners() { return TRUE; }
virtual UBOOL ShouldUsePathLanes() { return TRUE; }
virtual UBOOL ShouldIgnoreNavigationBlockingFor(const AActor* Other){ return !Other->bBlocksNavigation; }
// AnimControl Matinee Track support
/** Used to provide information on the slots that this Actor provides for animation to Matinee. */
virtual void GetAnimControlSlotDesc(TArray<struct FAnimSlotDesc>& OutSlotDescs);
* Called by Matinee when we open it to start controlling animation on this Actor.
* Is also called again when the GroupAnimSets array changes in Matinee, so must support multiple calls.
virtual void PreviewBeginAnimControl(class UInterpGroup* InInterpGroup);
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the desired sequence by name and position within it. */
virtual void PreviewSetAnimPosition(FName SlotName, INT ChannelIndex, FName InAnimSeqName, FLOAT InPosition, UBOOL bLooping, UBOOL bFireNotifies, UBOOL bEnableRootMotion, FLOAT DeltaTime);
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the desired animation channel weights for this Actor. */
virtual void PreviewSetAnimWeights(TArray<FAnimSlotInfo>& SlotInfos);
/** Called by Matinee when we close it after we have been controlling animation on this Actor. */
virtual void PreviewFinishAnimControl(class UInterpGroup* InInterpGroup);
/** Function used to control FaceFX animation in the editor (Matinee). */
virtual void PreviewUpdateFaceFX(UBOOL bForceAnim, const FString& GroupName, const FString& SeqName, FLOAT InPosition);
/** Used by Matinee playback to start a FaceFX animation playing. */
virtual void PreviewActorPlayFaceFX(const FString& GroupName, const FString& SeqName, UAkBaseSoundObject* InSoundCue);
/** Used by Matinee to stop current FaceFX animation playing. */
virtual void PreviewActorStopFaceFX();
/** Used in Matinee to get the AudioComponent we should play facial animation audio on. */
virtual UAudioComponent* PreviewGetFaceFXAudioComponent();
/** Get the UFaceFXAsset that is currently being used by this Actor when playing facial animations. */
virtual class UFaceFXAsset* PreviewGetActorFaceFXAsset();
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the weight of a particular MorphNodeWeight. */
virtual void PreviewSetMorphWeight(FName MorphNodeName, FLOAT MorphWeight);
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the scaling on a SkelControl. */
virtual void PreviewSetSkelControlScale(FName SkelControlName, FLOAT Scale);
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the controlstrength on a SkelControl. */
virtual void SetSkelControlStrength(FName SkelControlName, FLOAT ControlStrength);
/** Called each from while the Matinee action is running, to set the animation weights for the actor. */
virtual void SetAnimWeights( const TArray<struct FAnimSlotInfo>& SlotInfos );
/** base function called to kick off moveto latent action (called from execMoveTo and execMoveToDirectNonPathPos) */
virtual void MoveTo(const FVector& Dest, AActor* ViewFocus, FLOAT DesiredOffset, UBOOL bShouldWalk);
/** base function called to kick off movetoward latent action (called from execMoveToward) */
virtual void MoveToward(AActor* goal, AActor* viewfocus, FLOAT DesiredOffset, UBOOL bStrafe, UBOOL bShouldWalk);
/** IMPLEMENT Interface_NavigationHandle */
virtual UBOOL CanCoverSlip(ACoverLink* Link, INT SlotIdx);
virtual void SetupPathfindingParams( FNavMeshPathParams& out_ParamCache );
virtual void InitForPathfinding() {}
virtual INT ExtraEdgeCostToAddWhenActive(FNavMeshEdgeBase* Edge) { return 0; }
virtual FVector GetEdgeZAdjust(FNavMeshEdgeBase* Edge);
/** END */
virtual FLOAT GetMaxDropHeight();
if (bNetDirty && Role==ROLE_Authority)
PlayerReplicationInfo, Pawn;
/** returns whether this Controller is a locally controlled PlayerController
* @note not valid until the Controller is completely spawned (i.e, unusable in Pre/PostBeginPlay())
native function bool IsLocalPlayerController();
/** returns whether this controller is a local controller.
* @RETURN true always for non-playercontroller
native function bool IsLocalController();
/** Route Cache Operations
* Allows operations on nodes in the route while modifying route (ie before emptying the cache)
* Should override in subclasses as needed
native function RouteCache_Empty();
native function RouteCache_AddItem( NavigationPoint Nav );
native function RouteCache_InsertItem( NavigationPoint Nav, int Idx=0 );
native function RouteCache_RemoveItem( NavigationPoint Nav );
native function RouteCache_RemoveIndex( int InIndex, int Count=1 );
/** Set FocalPoint as absolute position or offset from base */
native final function SetFocalPoint( Vector FP, optional bool bOffsetFromBase );
/** Retrive the final position that controller should be looking at */
native final function Vector GetFocalPoint();
/** Set Destination as absolute position or offset from base */
native final function SetDestinationPosition( Vector Dest, optional bool bOffsetFromBase );
/** Retrive the final position that controller should be moving to */
native final function Vector GetDestinationPosition();
native final virtual function SetAdjustLocation( Vector NewLoc, bool bAdjust, optional bool bOffsetFromBase );
native final function Vector GetAdjustLocation();
* this event is called when an edge is deleted that this controller's handle is actively using
event NotifyPathChanged();
event FailedToFindAnchor();
event JumpedOverWall( vector WallHitNormal, optional actor Wall );
event NotifyFailMove( string Reason );
event AILog_Internal( coerce string LogText, optional Name LogCategory, optional bool bForce, optional bool BugIt, optional bool bSkipExtraInfo );
event PauseAndShowMsg( optional string MsgTxt, optional vector TeleportToLocation );
/** Called when we start an AnimControl track operating on this Actor. Supplied is the set of AnimSets we are going to want to play from. */
simulated event BeginAnimControl(InterpGroup InInterpGroup)
/** Called each from while the Matinee action is running, with the desired sequence name and position we want to be at. */
simulated event SetAnimPosition(name SlotName, int ChannelIndex, name InAnimSeqName, float InPosition, bool bFireNotifies, bool bLooping, bool bEnableRootMotion)
Pawn.SetAnimPosition(SlotName, ChannelIndex, InAnimSeqName, InPosition, bFireNotifies, bLooping, bEnableRootMotion);
/** Called when we are done with the AnimControl track. */
simulated event FinishAnimControl(InterpGroup InInterpGroup)
* Play FaceFX animations on this Actor.
* Returns TRUE if succeeded, if failed, a log warning will be issued.
event bool PlayActorFaceFXAnim(FaceFXAnimSet AnimSet, String GroupName, String SeqName, SoundCue SoundCueToPlay, AkEvent AkEventToPlay)
return Pawn.PlayActorFaceFXAnim(AnimSet, GroupName, SeqName, SoundCueToPlay, AkEventToPlay);
/** Stop any matinee FaceFX animations on this Actor. */
event StopActorFaceFXAnim()
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the weight of a particular MorphNodeWeight. */
event SetMorphWeight(name MorphNodeName, float MorphWeight)
Pawn.SetMorphweight(MorphNodeName, MorphWeight);
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the scaling on a SkelControl. */
event SetSkelControlScale(name SkelControlName, float Scale)
Pawn.SetSkelControlScale(SkelControlName, Scale);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::PostBeginPlay
* Overridden to create the player replication info and
* perform other mundane initialization tasks.
* =====================================================
event PostBeginPlay()
if ( !bDeleteMe && (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Client) )
if( bIsPlayer )
// create a new player replication info
// randomly offset the sight counter to avoid hitches
SightCounter = SightCounterInterval * FRand();
/* epic ===============================================
* ::Reset
* Resets various properties to their default state, used
* for round resetting, etc.
* =====================================================
function Reset()
Enemy = None;
StartSpot = None;
bAdjusting = false;
bPreparingMove = false;
MoveTimer = -1;
MoveTarget = None;
CurrentPath = None;
RouteGoal = None;
/* epic ===============================================
* ::ClientSetLocation
* Replicated function to set the pawn location and
* rotation, allowing server to force (ex. teleports).
* =====================================================
reliable client function ClientSetLocation( vector NewLocation, rotator NewRotation )
if ( Pawn != None )
if ( (Rotation.Pitch > Pawn.MaxPitchLimit)
&& (Rotation.Pitch < 65536 - Pawn.MaxPitchLimit) )
If (Rotation.Pitch < 32768)
NewRotation.Pitch = Pawn.MaxPitchLimit;
NewRotation.Pitch = 65536 - Pawn.MaxPitchLimit;
NewRotation.Roll = 0;
Pawn.SetRotation( NewRotation );
Pawn.SetLocation( NewLocation );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::ClientSetRotation
* Replicated function to set the pawn rotation, allowing
* the server to force.
* =====================================================
reliable client function ClientSetRotation( rotator NewRotation, optional bool bResetCamera )
if ( Pawn != None )
NewRotation.Pitch = 0;
NewRotation.Roll = 0;
Pawn.SetRotation( NewRotation );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::ReplicatedEvent
* Called when a variable with the property flag "RepNotify" is replicated
* =====================================================
simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName)
if (VarName == 'PlayerReplicationInfo')
if (PlayerReplicationInfo != None)
/** Kismet Action to possess a Pawn or a vehicle */
function OnPossess(SeqAct_Possess inAction)
local Pawn OldPawn;
local Vehicle V;
// if we're driving a vehicle, and we should try to get out first.
V = Vehicle(Pawn);
if( inAction.bTryToLeaveVehicle &&
V != None )
V.DriverLeave( TRUE );
if( inAction.PawnToPossess != None )
V = Vehicle(inAction.PawnToPossess);
if( Pawn!= None && V != None )
V.TryToDrive( Pawn );
OldPawn = Pawn;
Possess( inAction.PawnToPossess, FALSE );
if( inAction.bKillOldPawn && OldPawn != None )
/* epic ===============================================
* ::Possess
* Handles attaching this controller to the specified
* pawn.
* =====================================================
event Possess(Pawn inPawn, bool bVehicleTransition)
if (inPawn.Controller != None)
inPawn.PossessedBy(self, bVehicleTransition);
Pawn = inPawn;
// preserve Pawn's rotation initially for placed Pawns
SetFocalPoint( Pawn.Location + 512*vector(Pawn.Rotation), TRUE );
if( Pawn.Weapon == None )
/* epic ===============================================
* ::UnPossess
* Called to unpossess our pawn for any reason that is not death
* (death handled by PawnDied())
* =====================================================
event UnPossess()
if ( Pawn != None )
Pawn = None;
/* epic ===============================================
* ::PawnDied
* Called to unpossess our pawn because it has died
* (other unpossession handled by UnPossess())
* =====================================================
function PawnDied(Pawn inPawn)
local int idx;
if ( inPawn != Pawn )
{ // if that's not our current pawn, leave
// abort any latent actions
for (idx = 0; idx < LatentActions.Length; idx++)
if (LatentActions[idx] != None)
LatentActions.Length = 0;
if ( Pawn != None )
Pawn = None;
// if we are a player, transition to the dead state
if ( bIsPlayer )
// only if the game hasn't ended,
if ( !GamePlayEndedState() )
// so that we can respawn
// otherwise destroy this controller
function bool GamePlayEndedState()
return false;
/* epic ===============================================
* ::NotifyPostLanded
* Called after pawn lands after falling if bNotifyPostLanded is true
* =====================================================
event NotifyPostLanded();
/* epic ===============================================
* ::Destroyed
* Called once this controller has been deleted, overridden
* to cleanup any lingering references, etc.
* =====================================================
event Destroyed()
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
// if we are a player, log out
if ( bIsPlayer && (WorldInfo.Game != None) )
if ( PlayerReplicationInfo != None )
// remove from team if applicable
if ( !PlayerReplicationInfo.bOnlySpectator &&
PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != None )
/* epic ===============================================
* ::CleanupPRI
* Called from Destroyed(). Cleans up PlayerReplicationInfo.
* =====================================================
function CleanupPRI()
PlayerReplicationInfo = None;
/* epic ===============================================
* ::Restart
* Called upon possessing a new pawn, perform any specific
* cleanup/initialization here.
* =====================================================
function Restart(bool bVehicleTransition)
if ( !bVehicleTransition )
Enemy = None;
// if not vehicle transition, clear controller information
if ( bVehicleTransition == FALSE && Pawn.InvManager != None )
/* epic ===============================================
* ::BeyondFogDistance
* Returns true if OtherPoint is occluded by fog when viewed from ViewPoint.
* =====================================================
final native function bool BeyondFogDistance(vector ViewPoint, vector OtherPoint);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::EnemyJustTeleported
* Notification that Enemy just went through a teleporter.
* =====================================================
function EnemyJustTeleported()
/* epic ===============================================
* ::NotifyTakeHit
* Notification from pawn that it has received damage
* via TakeDamage().
* =====================================================
function NotifyTakeHit(Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, int Damage, class<DamageType> damageType, vector Momentum);
/** spawns and initializes the PlayerReplicationInfo for this Controller */
function InitPlayerReplicationInfo()
PlayerReplicationInfo = Spawn(WorldInfo.Game.PlayerReplicationInfoClass, self,, vect(0,0,0),rot(0,0,0));
// force a default player name if necessary
if (PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName == "")
// don't call SetPlayerName() as that will broadcast entry messages but the GameInfo hasn't had a chance
// to potentionally apply a player/bot name yet
PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName = class'GameInfo'.default.DefaultPlayerName;
* Queries the PRI and returns our current team index.
simulated native function byte GetTeamNum();
/* epic ===============================================
* ::ServerRestartPlayer
* Attempts to restart this player, generally called from
* the client upon respawn request.
* =====================================================
reliable server function ServerRestartPlayer()
if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Client &&
Pawn != None)
/* epic ===============================================
* ::ServerGivePawn
* Requests a pawn from the server for this controller,
* as part of the respawn process.
* =====================================================
function ServerGivePawn();
/* epic ===============================================
* ::SetCharacter
* Sets the character for this controller for future
* pawn spawns.
* =====================================================
function SetCharacter(string inCharacter);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::GameHasEnded
* Called from game info upon end of the game, used to
* transition to proper state.
* =====================================================
function GameHasEnded(optional Actor EndGameFocus, optional bool bIsWinner)
// and transition to the game ended state
/* epic ===============================================
* ::NotifyKilled
* Notification from game that a pawn has been killed.
* =====================================================
function NotifyKilled(Controller Killer, Controller Killed, pawn KilledPawn, class<DamageType> damageTyp)
if( Pawn != None )
Pawn.TriggerEventClass( class'SeqEvent_SeeDeath', KilledPawn );
if (Enemy == KilledPawn)
Enemy = None;
function NotifyProjLanded( Projectile Proj )
if( Proj != None && Pawn != None )
Pawn.TriggerEventClass( class'SeqEvent_ProjectileLanded', Proj );
* Notification from given projectil that it is about to explode
function WarnProjExplode( Projectile Proj );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::RatePickup
* Callback from PickupFactory that allows players to
* additionally weight certain pickups.
* =====================================================
event float RatePickup(Actor PickupHolder, class<Inventory> inPickup);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::FireWeaponAt
* Should cause this player to fire a weapon at the given
* actor.
* =====================================================
function bool FireWeaponAt(Actor inActor);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::StopFiring
* Stop firing of our current weapon.
* =====================================================
event StopFiring()
bFire = 0;
if ( Pawn != None )
/* epic ===============================================
* ::RoundHasEnded
* =====================================================
function RoundHasEnded(optional Actor EndRoundFocus)
/* epic ===============================================
* ::HandlePickup
* Called whenever our pawn runs over a new pickup.
* =====================================================
function HandlePickup(Inventory Inv);
* Adjusts weapon aiming direction.
* Gives controller a chance to modify the aiming of the pawn. For example aim error, auto aiming, adhesion, AI help...
* Requested by weapon prior to firing.
* @param W, weapon about to fire
* @param StartFireLoc, world location of weapon fire start trace, or projectile spawn loc.
function Rotator GetAdjustedAimFor( Weapon W, vector StartFireLoc )
// by default, return Rotation. This is the standard aim for controllers
// see implementation for PlayerController.
if ( Pawn != None )
return Pawn.GetBaseAimRotation();
return Rotation;
/* epic ===============================================
* ::InstantWarnTarget
* Warn a target it is about to be shot at with an instant hit
* weapon.
* =====================================================
function InstantWarnTarget(Actor InTarget, Weapon FiredWeapon, vector FireDir)
local Pawn P;
P = Pawn(InTarget);
if (P != None && P.Controller != None)
P.Controller.ReceiveWarning(Pawn, -1, FireDir);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::ReceiveWarning
* Notification that the pawn is about to be shot by a
* trace hit weapon.
* =====================================================
function ReceiveWarning(Pawn shooter, float projSpeed, vector FireDir);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::ReceiveProjectileWarning
* Notification that the pawn is about to be shot by a
* projectile.
* =====================================================
function ReceiveProjectileWarning(Projectile Proj);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::SwitchToBestWeapon
* Rates the pawn's weapon loadout and chooses the best
* weapon, bringing it up as the active weapon.
* =====================================================
2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
exec function SwitchToBestWeapon(optional bool bForceNewWeapon, optional bool check_9mm_logic = false)
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if ( Pawn == None || Pawn.InvManager == None )
2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
Pawn.InvManager.SwitchToBestWeapon(bForceNewWeapon, check_9mm_logic);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
/* epic ===============================================
* ::ClientSwitchToBestWeapon
* Forces the client to switch to a new weapon, allowing
* the server control.
* =====================================================
reliable client function ClientSwitchToBestWeapon(optional bool bForceNewWeapon)
2022-05-11 18:13:25 +03:00
local bool check_9mm_logic;
check_9mm_logic = true;
SwitchToBestWeapon(bForceNewWeapon, check_9mm_logic);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
/* epic ===============================================
* ::NotifyChangedWeapon
* Notification from pawn that the current weapon has
* changed.
* Network: LocalPlayer
* =====================================================
function NotifyChangedWeapon( Weapon PrevWeapon, Weapon NewWeapon );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::LineOfSightTo
* Returns true if the specified actor has line of sight
* to our pawn.
* NOTE: No FOV is accounted for, use CanSee().
* =====================================================
native(514) noexport final function bool LineOfSightTo(Actor Other, optional vector chkLocation, optional bool bTryAlternateTargetLoc);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::CanSee
* Returns true if the specified pawn is visible within
* our peripheral vision. If the pawn is not our current
* enemy then LineOfSightTo() will be called instead.
* =====================================================
native(533) final function bool CanSee(Pawn Other);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::CanSee
* Returns true if the test location is visible within
* our peripheral vision (from view location).
* =====================================================
native(537) final function bool CanSeeByPoints( Vector ViewLocation, Vector TestLocation, Rotator ViewRotation );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::PickTarget
* Evaluates pawns in the local area and returns the
* one that is closest to the specified FireDir.
* =====================================================
native(531) final function Pawn PickTarget(class<Pawn> TargetClass, out float bestAim, out float bestDist, vector FireDir, vector projStart, float MaxRange, optional bool bTargetTeammates = False);
native(531) final function Pawn PickTarget(class<Pawn> TargetClass, out float bestAim, out float bestDist, vector FireDir, vector projStart, float MaxRange);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::HearNoise
* Counterpart to the Actor::MakeNoise() function, called
* whenever this player is within range of a given noise.
* Used as AI audio cues, instead of processing actual
* sounds.
* =====================================================
event HearNoise( float Loudness, Actor NoiseMaker, optional Name NoiseType );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::SeePlayer
* Called whenever Seen is within of our line of sight
* if Seen.bIsPlayer==true.
* =====================================================
event SeePlayer( Pawn Seen );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::SeeMonster
* Called whenever Seen is within of our line of sight
* if Seen.bIsPlayer==false.
* =====================================================
event SeeMonster( Pawn Seen );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::EnemyNotVisible
* Called whenever Enemy is no longer within of our line
* of sight.
* =====================================================
event EnemyNotVisible();
/* epic ===============================================
* ::MoveTo
* Latently moves our pawn to the desired location, which
* is cached in Destination.
* =====================================================
native(500) noexport final latent function MoveTo(vector NewDestination, optional Actor ViewFocus, optional float DestinationOffset, optional bool bShouldWalk = (Pawn != None) ? Pawn.bIsWalking : false);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::MoveToDirectNonPathPos
* Latently moves our pawn to the desired location, which
* is cached in Destination.
* NOTE: this function should be used only when moving directly to a final goal (e.g. not following a path)
* it will properly set the final destination on the navhandle (and ensure things are cleared out which would normally be set by GetNextMoveLocation)
* @Param NewDestination - destination to move to
* @param ViewFocus - actor to look at while moving
* @param DestinationOffset - distance from goal we would like to get within
* @param bShouldWalk - should the AI walk for this move?
* =====================================================
native noexport final latent function MoveToDirectNonPathPos(vector NewDestination, optional Actor ViewFocus, optional float DestinationOffset, optional bool bShouldWalk = (Pawn != None) ? Pawn.bIsWalking : false);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::MoveToward
* Latently moves our pawn to the desired actor, which
* is cached in MoveTarget. Takes advantage of the
* navigation network anchors when moving to other Pawn
* and Inventory actors.
* =====================================================
native(502) noexport final latent function MoveToward(Actor NewTarget, optional Actor ViewFocus, optional float DestinationOffset, optional bool bUseStrafing, optional bool bShouldWalk = (Pawn != None) ? Pawn.bIsWalking : false);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::SetupSpecialPathAbilities
* Called before path finding to allow setup of transient
* navigation flags.
* =====================================================
event SetupSpecialPathAbilities();
/* epic ===============================================
* ::FinishRotation
* Latently waits for our pawn's rotation to match the
* pawn's DesiredRotation.
* =====================================================
native(508) final latent function FinishRotation();
/* epic ===============================================
* ::FindPathTo
* Searches the navigation network for a path to the
* node closest to the given point.
* =====================================================
native(518) final function Actor FindPathTo( Vector aPoint, optional int MaxPathLength, optional bool bReturnPartial );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::FindPathToward
* Searches the navigation network for a path to the
* node closest to the given actor.
* =====================================================
native(517) final function Actor FindPathToward( Actor anActor, optional bool bWeightDetours, optional int MaxPathLength, optional bool bReturnPartial );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::FindPathTowardNearest
* Searches the navigation network for a path to the
* closest node of the specified type.
* =====================================================
native final function Actor FindPathTowardNearest(class<NavigationPoint> GoalClass, optional bool bWeightDetours, optional int MaxPathLength, optional bool bReturnPartial );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::FindRandomDest
* Returns a random node on the network.
* =====================================================
native(525) final function NavigationPoint FindRandomDest();
native final function Actor FindPathToIntercept(Pawn P, Actor InRouteGoal, optional bool bWeightDetours, optional int MaxPathLength, optional bool bReturnPartial );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::PointReachable
* Returns true if the given point is directly reachable
* given our pawn's current movement capabilities.
* NOTE: This function is potentially expensive and should
* be used sparingly. If at all possible, use ActorReachable()
* instead, since that has more possible optimizations
* over PointReachable().
* =====================================================
native(521) final function bool PointReachable(vector aPoint);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::ActorReachable
* Returns true if the given actor is directly reachable
* given our pawn's current movement capabilities. Takes
* advantage of the navigation network anchors when
* possible.
* NOTE: This function is potentially expensive and should
* be used sparingly.
* =====================================================
native(520) final function bool ActorReachable(actor anActor);
* Called by APawn::moveToward when the point is unreachable
* due to obstruction or height differences.
event MoveUnreachable(vector AttemptedDest, Actor AttemptedTarget)
/* epic ===============================================
* ::PickWallAdjust
* Checks if we could jump over obstruction (if within
* knee height), or attempts to move to either side of
* the obstruction.
* =====================================================
native(526) final function bool PickWallAdjust(vector HitNormal);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::WaitForLanding
* Latently waits until the pawn has landed. Only valid
* with PHYS_Falling. Optionally specify the max amount
* of time to wait, which defaults to 4 seconds.
* NOTE: If the pawn hasn't landed before the duration
* is exceeded, it will abort and call LongFall().
* =====================================================
native(527) noexport final latent function WaitForLanding(optional float waitDuration);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::LongFall
* Called once the duration for WaitForLanding has been
* exceeded without hitting ground.
* =====================================================
event LongFall();
/* epic ===============================================
* ::EndClimbLadder
* Aborts a latent move action if the MoveTarget is
* currently a ladder.
* =====================================================
native function EndClimbLadder();
/* epic ===============================================
* ::MayFall
* Called when a pawn is about to fall off a ledge, and
* allows the controller to prevent a fall by toggling
* bCanJump.
* This event is also passed if a floor is found over the edge, and the normal of the floor if so.
* =====================================================
event MayFall(bool bFloor, vector FloorNormal);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::AllowDetourTo
* Return true to allow a detour to a given point, or
* false to avoid it. Called during any sort of path
* finding (FindPathXXX() functions).
* =====================================================
event bool AllowDetourTo(NavigationPoint N)
return true;
/* epic ===============================================
* ::WaitForMover
* Used to notify AI controller that it needs to wait
* at its current position for an interpActor to
* become properly positioned.
* =====================================================
function WaitForMover(InterpActor M)
PendingMover = M;
M.bMonitorMover = true;
bPreparingMove = true;
Pawn.Acceleration = vect(0,0,0);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::MoverFinished
* Called by InterpActor when it stops
* if this controller has it set as its PendingMover
* =====================================================
event bool MoverFinished()
if (Pawn == None || PendingMover.MyMarker == None || PendingMover.MyMarker.ProceedWithMove(Pawn))
PendingMover = None;
bPreparingMove = false;
return true;
return false;
/** Called when the this Controller's Pawn gets hit by an InterpActor interpolating downward while this Controller has Lift
* set as its PendingMover
* @param Lift the LiftCenter associated with the InterpActor that hit the Pawn
function UnderLift(LiftCenter Lift);
/** called when a ReachSpec the AI wants to use is blocked by a dynamic obstruction
* gives the AI an opportunity to do something to get rid of it instead of trying to find another path
* @note MoveTarget is the actor the AI wants to move toward, CurrentPath the ReachSpec it wants to use
* @param BlockedBy the object blocking the path
* @return true if the AI did something about the obstruction and should use the path anyway, false if the path
* is unusable and the bot must find some other way to go
event bool HandlePathObstruction(Actor BlockedBy);
* Returns Player's Point of View
* For the AI this means the Pawn's 'Eyes' ViewPoint
* For a Human player, this means the Camera's ViewPoint
* @output out_Location, view location of player
* @output out_rotation, view rotation of player
simulated event GetPlayerViewPoint( out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_rotation )
out_Location = Location;
out_Rotation = Rotation;
* returns the point of view of the actor.
* note that this doesn't mean the camera, but the 'eyes' of the actor.
* For example, for a Pawn, this would define the eye height location,
* and view rotation (which is different from the pawn rotation which has a zeroed pitch component).
* A camera first person view will typically use this view point. Most traces (weapon, AI) will be done from this view point.
* @output out_Location, location of view point
* @output out_Rotation, view rotation of actor.
simulated event GetActorEyesViewPoint( out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_Rotation )
// If we have a Pawn, this is our view point.
if ( Pawn != None )
Pawn.GetActorEyesViewPoint( out_Location, out_Rotation );
{ // Otherwise controller location/rotation is our view point.
out_Location = Location;
out_Rotation = Rotation;
* This will return whether or not this controller is aiming at the passed in actor.
* We are defining AIMing to mean that you are attempting to target the actor. Not just looking in the
* direction of the actor.
simulated function bool IsAimingAt( Actor ATarget, float Epsilon )
local Vector Loc;
local Rotator Rot;
// grab camera location/rotation for checking Dist
GetPlayerViewPoint( Loc, Rot );
// a decent epsilon value is 0.98f as that allows a for a little bit of slop
// NOTE: if you want to aim DIRECTLY at something then you would want ~= 1.0f
return ( (Normal(ATarget.Location - Loc) dot vector(Rot)) >= Epsilon );
/** LandingShake()
returns true if controller wants landing view shake
simulated function bool LandingShake()
return false;
/* epic ===============================================
* ::NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange
* Called when our pawn enters a new physics volume.
* =====================================================
event NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange(PhysicsVolume NewVolume);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::NotifyHeadVolumeChange
* Called when our pawn's head enters a new physics
* volume.
* return true to prevent HeadVolumeChange() notification on the pawn.
* =====================================================
event bool NotifyHeadVolumeChange(PhysicsVolume NewVolume);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::NotifyLanded
* Called when our pawn has landed from a fall, return
* true to prevent Landed() notification on the pawn.
* =====================================================
event bool NotifyLanded(vector HitNormal, Actor FloorActor);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::NotifyHitWall
* Called when our pawn has collided with a blocking
* piece of world geometry, return true to prevent
* HitWall() notification on the pawn.
* =====================================================
event bool NotifyHitWall(vector HitNormal, actor Wall);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::NotifyFallingHitWall
* Called when our pawn has collided with a blocking
* piece of world geometry while falling, only called if
* bNotifyFallingHitWall is true
* =====================================================
event NotifyFallingHitWall(vector HitNormal, actor Wall);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::NotifyBump
* Called when our pawn has collided with a blocking player,
* return true to prevent Bump() notification on the pawn.
* =====================================================
event bool NotifyBump(Actor Other, Vector HitNormal);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::NotifyJumpApex
* Called when our pawn has reached the apex of a jump.
* =====================================================
event NotifyJumpApex();
/* epic ===============================================
* ::NotifyMissedJump
* Called when our pawn misses a jump while performing
* latent movement (ie MoveToward()).
* =====================================================
event NotifyMissedJump();
/** Called when our pawn reaches Controller.Destination after setting bPreciseDestination = TRUE */
event ReachedPreciseDestination();
/* epic ===============================================
* ::InLatentExecution
* Returns true if currently in the specified latent
* action.
* =====================================================
native final function bool InLatentExecution(int LatentActionNumber);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::StopLatentExecution
* Stops any active latent action.
* =====================================================
native final function StopLatentExecution();
* list important Controller variables on canvas. HUD will call DisplayDebug() on the current ViewTarget when
* the ShowDebug exec is used
* @param HUD - HUD with canvas to draw on
* @input out_YL - Height of the current font
* @input out_YPos - Y position on Canvas. out_YPos += out_YL, gives position to draw text for next debug line.
simulated function DisplayDebug(HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos)
local Canvas Canvas;
Canvas = HUD.Canvas;
if ( Pawn == None )
if ( PlayerReplicationInfo == None )
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("CONTROLLER "$GetItemName(string(Self))$" Pawn "$GetItemName(string(Pawn)));
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText(" bPreciseDestination:" @ bPreciseDestination);
out_YPos += out_YL;
if (HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('AI'))
if ( Enemy != None )
Canvas.DrawText(" STATE: "$GetStateName()$" Enemy "$Enemy.GetHumanReadableName(), false);
Canvas.DrawText(" STATE: "$GetStateName()$" NO Enemy ", false);
out_YPos += out_YL;
/* epic ===============================================
* ::GetHumanReadableName
* Returns the PRI player name if available, or of this
* controller object.
* =====================================================
simulated function String GetHumanReadableName()
if ( PlayerReplicationInfo != None )
return PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName;
return GetItemName(String(self));
function bool IsDead();
/* epic ===============================================
* state Dead
* Base state entered upon pawn death, if bIsPlayer is
* set to true.
* =====================================================
State Dead
ignores SeePlayer, HearNoise, KilledBy;
function bool IsDead() { return TRUE; }
function PawnDied(Pawn P)
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Client )
`warn( Self @ "Pawndied while dead" );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::ServerRestartPlayer
* Attempts to restart the player if not a client.
* =====================================================
reliable server function ServerReStartPlayer()
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client )
// If we're still attached to a Pawn, leave it
if ( Pawn != None )
WorldInfo.Game.RestartPlayer( Self );
/* epic ===============================================
* state RoundEnded
* Base state entered upon the end of a game round, instigated
* by the
* =====================================================
state RoundEnded
ignores SeePlayer, HearNoise, KilledBy, NotifyBump, HitWall, NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange, NotifyHeadVolumeChange, Falling, TakeDamage, ReceiveWarning;
function bool GamePlayEndedState()
return true;
event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName)
// if we still have a valid pawn,
if ( Pawn != None )
// stop it in midair and detach
if (!bIsPlayer)
Pawn = None;
if ( !bIsPlayer )
* Overridden to redirect to pawn, since teleporting the controller
* would be useless.
* If Action == None, this was called from the Pawn already
simulated function OnTeleport(SeqAct_Teleport Action)
if( Action != None )
if (Pawn != None)
function OnAttachToActor(SeqAct_AttachToActor Action)
if (Pawn != None)
* Sets god mode based on the activated link.
function OnToggleGodMode(SeqAct_ToggleGodMode inAction)
if (inAction.InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse)
bGodMode = true;
else if (inAction.InputLinks[1].bHasImpulse)
bGodMode = false;
bGodMode = !bGodMode;
/** Redirects SetPhysics kismet action to the pawn */
simulated function OnSetPhysics(SeqAct_SetPhysics Action)
if( Pawn != None )
/** Redirects SetVelocity kismet action to the pawn */
simulated function OnSetVelocity( SeqAct_SetVelocity Action )
if( Pawn != None )
* Called when a slot is disabled with this controller as the current owner.
simulated function NotifyCoverDisabled( CoverLink Link, int SlotIdx, optional bool bAdjacentIdx );
* Called when a slot is adjusted with this controller as the current owner.
simulated event NotifyCoverAdjusted()
// do nothing. intended to be overloaded, but needs a body because it's an event.
* Called when cover that AI had claimed is claimed forceably by someone else (usually a player)
simulated function bool NotifyCoverClaimViolation( Controller NewClaim, CoverLink Link, int SlotIdx );
* Redirect to pawn.
simulated function OnModifyHealth(SeqAct_ModifyHealth Action)
if (Pawn != None)
* Called when an inventory item is given to our Pawn
* (owning client only)
* @param NewItem the Inventory item that was added
function NotifyAddInventory(Inventory NewItem);
* Overridden to redirect to the pawn if available.
simulated function OnToggleHidden(SeqAct_ToggleHidden Action)
if (Pawn != None)
/** Returns true if controller is spectating */
event bool IsSpectating()
return false;
/** Returns if controller is in combat */
event bool IsInCombat( optional bool bForceCheck );
* Called when the level this controller is in is unloaded via streaming.
event CurrentLevelUnloaded();
function SendMessage(PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient, name MessageType, float Wait, optional class<DamageType> DamageType);
function ReadyForLift();
/** spawn and init Navigation Handle */
simulated function InitNavigationHandle()
if( NavigationHandleClass != None )
NavigationHandle = new(self) NavigationHandleClass;
simulated event InterpolationStarted(SeqAct_Interp InterpAction, InterpGroupInst GroupInst)
if (Pawn!=none)
Pawn.InterpolationStarted(InterpAction, GroupInst);
Super.InterpolationStarted( InterpAction, GroupInst );
/** called when a SeqAct_Interp action finished interpolating this Actor
* @note this function is called on clients for actors that are interpolated clientside via MatineeActor
* @param InterpAction the SeqAct_Interp that was affecting the Actor
simulated event InterpolationFinished(SeqAct_Interp InterpAction)
if (Pawn!=none)
Super.InterpolationFinished( InterpAction );
event bool GeneratePathToActor( Actor Goal, optional float WithinDistance, optional bool bAllowPartialPath );
event bool GeneratePathToLocation( Vector Goal, optional float WithinDistance, optional bool bAllowPartialPath );