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Raw Normal View History

2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Camera: defines the Point of View of a player in world space.
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class Camera extends Actor
/** PlayerController Owning this Camera Actor */
var PlayerController PCOwner;
/** Camera Mode */
var Name CameraStyle;
/** default FOV */
var float DefaultFOV;
/** true if FOV is locked to a constant value*/
var bool bLockedFOV;
/** value FOV is locked at */
var float LockedFOV;
/** FOV that is not effected by checkerboard resolution */
var float UnmodifiedFOV;
/** If we should insert black areas when rendering the scene to ensure an aspect ratio of ConstrainedAspectRatio */
var bool bConstrainAspectRatio;
/** If bConstrainAspectRatio is true, add black regions to ensure aspect ratio is this. Ratio is horizontal/vertical. */
var float ConstrainedAspectRatio;
/** Default aspect ratio */
var float DefaultAspectRatio;
/** Off-axis yaw angle offset */
var float OffAxisYawAngle;
/** Off-axis pitch angle offset */
var float OffAxisPitchAngle;
/** If we should apply FadeColor/FadeAmount to the screen. */
var bool bEnableFading;
/** Color to fade to. */
var color FadeColor;
/** Amount of fading to apply. */
var float FadeAmount;
/** Apply fading of audio alongside the video */
var bool bFadeAudio;
/** Indicates if CamPostProcessSettings should be used when using this Camera to view through. */
var float CamOverridePostProcessAlpha;
/** Post-process settings to use if bCamOverridePostProcess is TRUE. */
var PostProcessSettings CamPostProcessSettings;
/** Rendering overrides that are active on this camera. */
var RenderingPerformanceOverrides RenderingOverrides;
* Forces Temporal AA to be disabled when True.
* This is useful for hiding reprojection artifacts while certain game specific translucent effects are active.
var transient bool bForceDisableTemporalAA;
/** Turn on scaling of color channels in final image using ColorScale property. */
var bool bEnableColorScaling;
/** Allows control over scaling individual color channels in the final image. */
var vector ColorScale;
/** Should interpolate color scale values */
var bool bEnableColorScaleInterp;
/** Desired color scale which ColorScale will interpolate to */
var vector DesiredColorScale;
/** Color scale value at start of interpolation */
var vector OriginalColorScale;
/** Total time for color scale interpolation to complete */
var float ColorScaleInterpDuration;
/** Time at which interpolation started */
var float ColorScaleInterpStartTime;
/** The actors which the camera shouldn't see. Used to hide actors which the camera penetrates. */
//var array<Actor> HiddenActors;
/* Caching Camera, for optimization */
struct native TCameraCache
/** Cached Time Stamp */
var float TimeStamp;
/** cached Point of View */
var TCameraCache CameraCache, LastFrameCameraCache;
* View Target definition
* A View Target is responsible for providing the Camera with an ideal Point of View (POV)
struct native TViewTarget
/** Target Actor used to compute ideal POV */
var() Actor Target;
/** Controller of Target (only for non Locally controlled Pawns) */
var() Controller Controller;
/** Point of View */
var() TPOV POV;
/** Aspect ratio */
var() float AspectRatio;
/** PlayerReplicationInfo (used to follow same player through pawn transitions, etc., when spectating) */
var() PlayerReplicationInfo PRI;
/** Current ViewTarget */
var TViewTarget ViewTarget;
/** Pending view target for blending */
var TViewTarget PendingViewTarget;
/** Time left when blending to pending view target */
var float BlendTimeToGo;
enum EViewTargetBlendFunction
/** Camera does a simple linear interpolation. */
/** Camera has a slight ease in and ease out, but amount of ease cannot be tweaked. */
/** Camera immediately accelerates, but smoothly decelerates into the target. Ease amount controlled by BlendExp. */
/** Camera smoothly accelerates, but does not decelerate into the target. Ease amount controlled by BlendExp. */
/** Camera smoothly accelerates and decelerates. Ease amount controlled by BlendExp. */
/** A set of parameters to describe how to transition between viewtargets. */
struct native ViewTargetTransitionParams
/** Total duration of blend to pending view target. 0 means no blending. */
var() float BlendTime;
/** Function to apply to the blend parameter */
var() EViewTargetBlendFunction BlendFunction;
/** Exponent, used by certain blend functions to control the shape of the curve. */
var() float BlendExp;
/** If TRUE, lock outgoing viewtarget to last frame's camera position for the remainder of the blend.
* This is useful if you plan to teleport the viewtarget, but want to keep the camera motion smooth. */
var() bool bLockOutgoing;
// providing the constructor by hand here, because we pass this as an optional parameter
// and when the parameter isn't there, the default contructor is called.
: BlendTime(0.f), BlendFunction(VTBlend_Cubic), BlendExp(2.f), bLockOutgoing(FALSE)
var ViewTargetTransitionParams BlendParams;
/** List of camera modifiers to apply during update of camera position/ rotation */
var Array<CameraModifier> ModifierList;
/** Distance to place free camera from view target */
var float FreeCamDistance;
/** Offset to Z free camera position */
var vector FreeCamOffset;
/** camera fade management */
var vector2d FadeAlpha;
var float FadeTime, FadeTimeRemaining;
// "Lens" effects (e.g. blood, dirt on camera)
/** CameraBlood emitter attached to this camera */
var protected transient array<EmitterCameraLensEffectBase> CameraLensEffects;
// Camera Modifiers
/** Camera modifier for cone-driven screen shakes */
var() editinline transient CameraModifier_CameraShake CameraShakeCamMod;
/** Class to use when instantiating screenshake modifier object. Provided to support overrides. */
var() protected class<CameraModifier_CameraShake> CameraShakeCamModClass;
enum ECameraAnimPlaySpace
/** This anim is applied in camera space */
/** This anim is applied in world space */
/** This anim is applied in a user-specified space (defined by UserPlaySpaceMatrix) */
// CameraAnim support
/** Pool of anim instance objects available with which to play camera animations */
var protected CameraAnimInst AnimInstPool[MAX_ACTIVE_CAMERA_ANIMS];
/** Array of anim instances that are currently playing and in-use */
var protected array<CameraAnimInst> ActiveAnims;
/** Array of anim instances that are not playing and available */
var protected array<CameraAnimInst> FreeAnims;
/** Internal. Receives the output of individual camera animations. */
var protected transient DynamicCameraActor AnimCameraActor;
/** if true, server will use camera positions replicated from the client instead of calculating locally. */
var bool bUseClientSideCameraUpdates;
/** If true, replicate the client side camera position but don't use it, and draw the positions on the server */
var bool bDebugClientSideCamera;
/** if true, send a camera update to the server on next update */
var bool bShouldSendClientSideCameraUpdate;
void InitTempCameraActor(class ACameraActor* CamActor, class UCameraAnim* AnimToInitFor) const;
void ApplyAnimToCamera(class ACameraActor const* AnimatedCamActor, class UCameraAnimInst const* AnimInst, FTPOV& OutPOV);
UCameraAnimInst* AllocCameraAnimInst();
void ReleaseCameraAnimInst(UCameraAnimInst* Inst);
UCameraAnimInst* FindExistingCameraAnimInst(UCameraAnim const* Anim);
virtual void ModifyPostProcessSettings(FPostProcessSettings& PPSettings) const;
void AssignViewTarget(AActor* NewTarget, FTViewTarget& VT, struct FViewTargetTransitionParams TransitionParams=FViewTargetTransitionParams(EC_EventParm));
AActor* GetViewTarget();
virtual UBOOL PlayerControlled();
* Internal. Creates and initializes a new camera modifier of the specified class, returns the object ref.
protected function CameraModifier CreateCameraModifier(class<CameraModifier> ModifierClass)
local CameraModifier NewMod;
NewMod = new(Outer) ModifierClass;
return NewMod;
function PostBeginPlay()
local int Idx;
// Setup camera modifiers
if( (CameraShakeCamMod == None) && (CameraShakeCamModClass != None) )
CameraShakeCamMod = CameraModifier_CameraShake(CreateCameraModifier(CameraShakeCamModClass));
// create CameraAnimInsts in pool
for (Idx=0; Idx<MAX_ACTIVE_CAMERA_ANIMS; ++Idx)
AnimInstPool[Idx] = new(Self) class'CameraAnimInst';
// add everything to the free list initially
FreeAnims[Idx] = AnimInstPool[Idx];
// spawn the two temp CameraActors used for updating CameraAnims
AnimCameraActor = Spawn(class'DynamicCameraActor', self,,,,, TRUE);
event Destroyed()
// clean up the temp camera actors
* Apply modifiers on Camera.
* @param DeltaTime Time is seconds since last update
* @param OutPOV Point of View
native function ApplyCameraModifiers(float DeltaTime, out TPOV OutPOV);
* Initialize Camera for associated PlayerController
* @param PC PlayerController attached to this Camera.
function InitializeFor(PlayerController PC)
CameraCache.POV.FOV = DefaultFOV;
PCOwner = PC;
// set the level default scale
SetDesiredColorScale(WorldInfo.DefaultColorScale, 5.f);
// Force camera update so it doesn't sit at (0,0,0) for a full tick.
// This can have side effects with streaming.
* returns camera's current FOV angle
function float GetFOVAngle()
if( bLockedFOV )
return LockedFOV;
return CameraCache.POV.FOV;
* Lock FOV to a specific value.
* A value of 0 to beyond 170 will unlock the FOV setting.
function SetFOV(float NewFOV)
if( NewFOV < 1 || NewFOV > 170 )
bLockedFOV = FALSE;
bLockedFOV = TRUE;
LockedFOV = NewFOV;
/** Checkerborad-free FOV */
function SetUnmodifiedFOV(float NewFOV)
UnmodifiedFOV = NewFOV;
function float GetActualFOV() { return GetFOVAngle(); }
* Master function to retrieve Camera's actual view point.
* do not call this directly, call PlayerController::GetPlayerViewPoint() instead.
* @param OutCamLoc Camera Location
* @param OutCamRot Camera Rotation
final function GetCameraViewPoint(out vector OutCamLoc, out rotator OutCamRot)
// @debug: find out which calls are being made before the camera has been ticked
// and have therefore one frame of lag.
if( CameraCache.TimeStamp != WorldInfo.TimeSeconds )
`Log(WorldInfo.TimeSeconds @ GetFuncName() @ "one frame of lag");
OutCamLoc = CameraCache.POV.Location;
OutCamRot = CameraCache.POV.Rotation;
final function rotator GetCameraRotation()
return CameraCache.POV.Rotation;
* Sets the new desired color scale and enables interpolation.
simulated function SetDesiredColorScale(vector NewColorScale, float InterpTime)
// if color scaling is not enabled
if (!bEnableColorScaling)
// set the default color scale
bEnableColorScaling = TRUE;
ColorScale.X = 1.f;
ColorScale.Y = 1.f;
ColorScale.Z = 1.f;
// Don't bother interpolating if we're already scaling at the desired color
if( NewColorScale != ColorScale )
// save the current as original
OriginalColorScale = ColorScale;
// set the new desired scale
DesiredColorScale = NewColorScale;
// set the interpolation duration/time
ColorScaleInterpStartTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
ColorScaleInterpDuration = InterpTime;
// and enable color scale interpolation
bEnableColorScaleInterp = TRUE;
* Performs camera update.
* Called once per frame after all actors have been ticked.
* Non-local players replicate the POV if bUseClientSideCameraUpdates is true
simulated event UpdateCamera(float DeltaTime)
if ( PCOwner.IsLocalPlayerController() || !bUseClientSideCameraUpdates || bDebugClientSideCamera )
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client && bShouldSendClientSideCameraUpdate)
PCOwner.ServerUpdateCamera(CameraCache.POV.Location, (CameraCache.POV.Rotation.Pitch & 65535) + ((CameraCache.POV.Rotation.Yaw & 65535) << 16));
bShouldSendClientSideCameraUpdate = FALSE;
simulated function DoUpdateCamera(float DeltaTime)
local TPOV NewPOV;
local float DurationPct, BlendPct;
// update color scale interpolation
if (bEnableColorScaleInterp)
BlendPct = FClamp(`TimeSince(ColorScaleInterpStartTime)/ColorScaleInterpDuration,0.f,1.f);
ColorScale = VLerp(OriginalColorScale,DesiredColorScale,BlendPct);
// if we've maxed
if (BlendPct == 1.f)
// disable further interpolation
bEnableColorScaleInterp = FALSE;
// Reset aspect ratio and postprocess override associated with CameraActor.
bConstrainAspectRatio = FALSE;
CamOverridePostProcessAlpha = 0.f;
// Don't update outgoing viewtarget during an interpolation when bLockOutgoing is set.
if( PendingViewTarget.Target == None || !BlendParams.bLockOutgoing )
// Update current view target
UpdateViewTarget(ViewTarget, DeltaTime);
// our camera is now viewing there
NewPOV = ViewTarget.POV;
ConstrainedAspectRatio = ViewTarget.AspectRatio;
// if we have a pending view target, perform transition from one to another.
if( PendingViewTarget.Target != None )
BlendTimeToGo -= DeltaTime;
// Reset aspect ratio. The call to UpdateViewTarget() may turn this back on.
bConstrainAspectRatio = FALSE;
// Update pending view target
UpdateViewTarget(PendingViewTarget, DeltaTime);
// blend....
if( BlendTimeToGo > 0 )
DurationPct = (BlendParams.BlendTime - BlendTimeToGo) / BlendParams.BlendTime;
switch (BlendParams.BlendFunction)
case VTBlend_Linear:
BlendPct = Lerp(0.f, 1.f, DurationPct);
case VTBlend_Cubic:
BlendPct = FCubicInterp(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, DurationPct);
case VTBlend_EaseIn:
BlendPct = FInterpEaseIn(0.f, 1.f, DurationPct, BlendParams.BlendExp);
case VTBlend_EaseOut:
BlendPct = FInterpEaseOut(0.f, 1.f, DurationPct, BlendParams.BlendExp);
case VTBlend_EaseInOut:
BlendPct = FInterpEaseInOut(0.f, 1.f, DurationPct, BlendParams.BlendExp);
//BlendPct = FCubicInterp(0.f, class'DialogueManager'.default.OutTan, 1.f, class'DialogueManager'.default.InTan, 1.f - DurationPct);
// Update pending view target blend
NewPOV = BlendViewTargets(ViewTarget, PendingViewTarget, BlendPct);
// we're done blending, set new view target
ViewTarget = PendingViewTarget;
// clear pending view target
PendingViewTarget.Target = None;
PendingViewTarget.Controller = None;
BlendTimeToGo = 0;
// our camera is now viewing there
NewPOV = PendingViewTarget.POV;
if( bConstrainAspectRatio )
// NOTE: We don't interpolate aspect ratio since either the prior or pending view target's AspectRatio
// may be the default value (1.3333) unless the view target has a camera actor set to override
// the aspect ratio. We'll just use the pending view target's aspect.
ConstrainedAspectRatio = PendingViewTarget.AspectRatio;
// Cache results
if (bEnableFading && FadeTimeRemaining > 0.0)
FadeTimeRemaining = FMax(FadeTimeRemaining - DeltaTime, 0.0);
if (FadeTime > 0.0)
FadeAmount = FadeAlpha.X + ((1.f - FadeTimeRemaining/FadeTime) * (FadeAlpha.Y - FadeAlpha.X));
if (bFadeAudio)
if (FadeAmount == 0)
bFadeAudio = false;
/** Apply audio fading */
native function ApplyAudioFade();
* Blend 2 viewtargets.
* @param A Source view target
* @paramn B destination view target
* @param Alpha Alpha, % of blend from A to B.
final function TPOV BlendViewTargets(const out TViewTarget A,const out TViewTarget B, float Alpha)
local TPOV POV;
POV.Location = VLerp(A.POV.Location, B.POV.Location, Alpha);
POV.FOV = Lerp(A.POV.FOV, B.POV.FOV, Alpha);
POV.Rotation = RLerp(A.POV.Rotation, B.POV.Rotation, Alpha, TRUE);
return POV;
* Cache update results
final function FillCameraCache(const out TPOV NewPOV)
// Backup last frame results.
if( CameraCache.TimeStamp != WorldInfo.TimeSeconds )
LastFrameCameraCache = CameraCache;
CameraCache.TimeStamp = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
CameraCache.POV = NewPOV;
* Make sure ViewTarget is valid
native function CheckViewTarget(out TViewTarget VT);
* Query ViewTarget and outputs Point Of View.
* @param OutVT ViewTarget to use.
* @param DeltaTime Delta Time since last camera update (in seconds).
function UpdateViewTarget(out TViewTarget OutVT, float DeltaTime)
local vector Loc, Pos, HitLocation, HitNormal;
local rotator Rot;
local Actor HitActor;
local CameraActor CamActor;
local bool bDoNotApplyModifiers;
local TPOV OrigPOV;
local Pawn TPawn;
// Don't update outgoing viewtarget during an interpolation
if( PendingViewTarget.Target != None && OutVT == ViewTarget && BlendParams.bLockOutgoing )
// store previous POV, in case we need it later
OrigPOV = OutVT.POV;
// Default FOV on viewtarget
OutVT.POV.FOV = DefaultFOV;
// Viewing through a camera actor.
CamActor = CameraActor(OutVT.Target);
if( CamActor != None )
CamActor.GetCameraView(DeltaTime, OutVT.POV);
// Grab aspect ratio from the CameraActor.
bConstrainAspectRatio = bConstrainAspectRatio || CamActor.bConstrainAspectRatio;
OutVT.AspectRatio = CamActor.AspectRatio;
// See if the CameraActor wants to override the PostProcess settings used.
CamOverridePostProcessAlpha = CamActor.CamOverridePostProcessAlpha;
CamPostProcessSettings = CamActor.CamOverridePostProcess;
TPawn = Pawn(OutVT.Target);
// Give Pawn Viewtarget a chance to dictate the camera position.
// If Pawn doesn't override the camera view, then we proceed with our own defaults
if( TPawn == None || !TPawn.CalcCamera(DeltaTime, OutVT.POV.Location, OutVT.POV.Rotation, OutVT.POV.FOV) )
// don't apply modifiers when using these debug camera modes.
bDoNotApplyModifiers = TRUE;
switch( CameraStyle )
case 'Fixed' : // do not update, keep previous camera position by restoring
// saved POV, in case CalcCamera changes it but still returns false
OutVT.POV = OrigPOV;
case 'ThirdPerson' : // Simple third person view implementation
case 'FreeCam' :
case 'FreeCam_Default':
Loc = OutVT.Target.Location;
Rot = OutVT.Target.Rotation;
// Take into account Mesh Translation so it takes into account the PostProcessing we do there.
if ((TPawn != None) && (TPawn.Mesh != None))
Loc += (TPawn.Mesh.Translation - TPawn.default.Mesh.Translation) >> OutVT.Target.Rotation;
//OutVT.Target.GetActorEyesViewPoint(Loc, Rot);
if( CameraStyle == 'FreeCam' || CameraStyle == 'FreeCam_Default' )
Rot = PCOwner.Rotation;
if( OutVT.Target != PCOwner )
Loc += FreeCamOffset >> Rot;
Pos = Loc - Vector(Rot) * FreeCamDistance;
Pos = Loc;
Loc += FreeCamOffset >> Rot;
Pos = Loc - Vector(Rot) * FreeCamDistance;
// @fixme, respect BlockingVolume.bBlockCamera=false
HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Pos, Loc, FALSE, vect(12,12,12));
OutVT.POV.Location = (HitActor == None) ? Pos : HitLocation;
OutVT.POV.Rotation = Rot;
case 'FirstPerson' : // Simple first person, view through viewtarget's 'eyes'
default : OutVT.Target.GetActorEyesViewPoint(OutVT.POV.Location, OutVT.POV.Rotation);
// Take into account Mesh Translation so it takes into account the PostProcessing we do there.
if ((TPawn != None) && (TPawn.Mesh != None))
OutVT.POV.Location += (TPawn.Mesh.Translation - TPawn.default.Mesh.Translation) >> OutVT.Target.Rotation;
if( !bDoNotApplyModifiers )
// Apply camera modifiers at the end (view shakes for example)
ApplyCameraModifiers(DeltaTime, OutVT.POV);
//`log( WorldInfo.TimeSeconds @ GetFuncName() @ OutVT.Target @ OutVT.POV.Location @ OutVT.POV.Rotation @ OutVT.POV.FOV );
* Set a new ViewTarget with optional BlendTime
native final function SetViewTarget(Actor NewViewTarget, optional ViewTargetTransitionParams TransitionParams);
* Give each modifier a chance to change view rotation/deltarot
function ProcessViewRotation(float DeltaTime, out rotator OutViewRotation, out Rotator OutDeltaRot)
local int ModifierIdx;
for( ModifierIdx = 0; ModifierIdx < ModifierList.Length; ModifierIdx++ )
if( ModifierList[ModifierIdx] != None )
if( ModifierList[ModifierIdx].ProcessViewRotation(ViewTarget.Target, DeltaTime, OutViewRotation, OutDeltaRot) )
* list important Camera variables on canvas. HUD will call DisplayDebug() on the current ViewTarget when
* the ShowDebug exec is used
* @param HUD - HUD with canvas to draw on
* @input out_YL - Height of the current font
* @input out_YPos - Y position on Canvas. out_YPos += out_YL, gives position to draw text for next debug line.
simulated function DisplayDebug(HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos)
local Vector EyesLoc;
local Rotator EyesRot;
local Canvas Canvas;
Canvas = HUD.Canvas;
Canvas.DrawText(" Camera Style:" $ CameraStyle @ "main ViewTarget:" $ ViewTarget.Target);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText(" CamLoc:" $ CameraCache.POV.Location @ "CamRot:" $ CameraCache.POV.Rotation @ "FOV:" $ GetFOVAngle());
Canvas.DrawText(" CamLoc:" $ CameraCache.POV.Location @ "CamRot:" $ CameraCache.POV.Rotation @ "FOV:" $ CameraCache.POV.FOV);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText(" AspectRatio:" $ ConstrainedAspectRatio);
out_YPos += out_YL;
if( ViewTarget.Target != None )
ViewTarget.Target.GetActorEyesViewPoint(EyesLoc, EyesRot);
Canvas.DrawText(" EyesLoc:" $ EyesLoc @ "EyesRot:" $ EyesRot);
out_YPos += out_YL;
// Camera Lens Effects
/** Finds the first instance of a lens effect of the given class, using linear search. */
function EmitterCameraLensEffectBase FindCameraLensEffect(class<EmitterCameraLensEffectBase> LensEffectEmitterClass)
local EmitterCameraLensEffectBase LensEffect;
foreach CameraLensEffects(LensEffect)
if ( !LensEffect.bDeleteMe &&
( (LensEffect.Class == LensEffectEmitterClass) ||
(LensEffect.EmittersToTreatAsSame.Find(LensEffectEmitterClass) != INDEX_NONE) ||
(LensEffectEmitterClass.default.EmittersToTreatAsSame.Find(LensEffect.Class) != INDEX_NONE ) ) )
return LensEffect;
return None;
* Initiates a camera lens effect of the given class on this camera.
function AddCameraLensEffect(class<EmitterCameraLensEffectBase> LensEffectEmitterClass)
local vector CamLoc;
local rotator CamRot;
local EmitterCameraLensEffectBase LensEffect;
if (LensEffectEmitterClass != None)
if (!LensEffectEmitterClass.default.bAllowMultipleInstances)
LensEffect = FindCameraLensEffect(LensEffectEmitterClass);
if (LensEffect != None)
if (LensEffect == None)
// spawn with viewtarget as the owner so bOnlyOwnerSee works as intended
LensEffect = Spawn( LensEffectEmitterClass, PCOwner.GetViewTarget() );
if (LensEffect != None)
GetCameraViewPoint(CamLoc, CamRot);
LensEffect.UpdateLocation( CamLoc, CamRot, GetActualFOV() );
LensEffect.UpdateLocation(CamLoc, CamRot, GetFOVAngle());
/** Removes this particular lens effect from the camera. */
function RemoveCameraLensEffect(EmitterCameraLensEffectBase Emitter)
/** Removes all Camera Lens Effects. */
function ClearCameraLensEffects()
local EmitterCameraLensEffectBase LensEffect;
foreach CameraLensEffects(LensEffect)
// empty the array. unnecessary, since destruction will call RemoveCameraLensEffect,
// but this gets it done in one fell swoop.
CameraLensEffects.length = 0;
/** ------------------------------------------------------------
* Camera Shakes
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Play a camera shake
function PlayCameraShake(CameraShake Shake, float Scale, optional ECameraAnimPlaySpace PlaySpace=CAPS_CameraLocal, optional rotator UserPlaySpaceRot)
if (Shake != None)
CameraShakeCamMod.AddCameraShake(Shake, Scale, PlaySpace, UserPlaySpaceRot);
/** Stop playing a camera shake. */
function StopCameraShake(CameraShake Shake)
if (Shake != None)
/** Internal. Returns intensity scalar in the range [0..1] for a shake originating at Epicenter. */
static function float CalcRadialShakeScale(Camera Cam, vector Epicenter, float InnerRadius, float OuterRadius, float Falloff)
local Vector POVLoc;
local float DistPct;
// using camera location so stuff like spectator cameras get shakes applied sensibly as well
// need to ensure server has reasonably accurate camera position
POVLoc = Cam.Location;
if (InnerRadius < OuterRadius)
DistPct = (VSize(Epicenter - POVLoc) - InnerRadius) / (OuterRadius - InnerRadius);
DistPct = 1.f - FClamp(DistPct, 0.f, 1.f);
return DistPct ** Falloff;
// ignore OuterRadius and do a cliff falloff at InnerRadius
return (VSize(Epicenter - POVLoc) < InnerRadius) ? 1.f : 0.f;
* Static. Plays an in-world camera shake that affects all nearby players, with distance-based attenuation.
static function PlayWorldCameraShake(CameraShake Shake, Actor ShakeInstigator, vector Epicenter, float InnerRadius, float OuterRadius, float Falloff, bool bTryForceFeedback, optional bool bOrientShakeTowardsEpicenter )
local PlayerController PC;
local float ShakeScale;
local Rotator CamRot;
local vector CamLoc;
if( ShakeInstigator != None )
foreach ShakeInstigator.LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC)
if (PC.PlayerCamera != None)
ShakeScale = CalcRadialShakeScale(PC.PlayerCamera, Epicenter, InnerRadius, OuterRadius, Falloff);
if (bOrientShakeTowardsEpicenter && PC.Pawn != None)
PC.PlayerCamera.GetCameraViewPoint(CamLoc, CamRot);
PC.ClientPlayCameraShake(Shake, ShakeScale, bTryForceFeedback, CAPS_UserDefined, rotator(Epicenter - CamLoc));
PC.ClientPlayCameraShake(Shake, ShakeScale, bTryForceFeedback);
function ClearAllCameraShakes()
// StopAllCameraAnims(TRUE);
/** ------------------------------------------------------------
* CameraAnim support
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Play the indicated CameraAnim on this camera. Returns the CameraAnim instance. */
simulated native function CameraAnimInst PlayCameraAnim(CameraAnim Anim, optional float Rate=1.f, optional float Scale=1.f, optional float BlendInTime, optional float BlendOutTime, optional bool bLoop, optional bool bRandomStartTime, optional float Duration, optional bool bSingleInstance);
* Stop playing all instances of the indicated CameraAnim.
* bImmediate: TRUE to stop it right now, FALSE to blend it out over BlendOutTime.
simulated native function StopAllCameraAnims(optional bool bImmediate);
* Stop playing all instances of the indicated CameraAnim.
* bImmediate: TRUE to stop it right now, FALSE to blend it out over BlendOutTime.
simulated native function StopAllCameraAnimsByType(CameraAnim Anim, optional bool bImmediate);
* Stops the given CameraAnim instance from playing. The given pointer should be considered invalid after this.
simulated native function StopCameraAnim(CameraAnimInst AnimInst, optional bool bImmediate);