2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// AccessControl.
// AccessControl is a helper class for GameInfo.
// The AccessControl class determines whether or not the player is allowed to
// login in the PreLogin() function, controls whether or not a player can enter
// as a spectator or a game administrator, and handles authentication of
// clients with the online subsystem (including the listen server host).
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class AccessControl extends Info
/** Contains policies for allowing/denying IP addresses */
var globalconfig array<string> IPPolicies;
/** Contains the list of banned UIDs */
var globalconfig array<UniqueNetID> BannedIDs;
/** Various localized strings */
var localized string IPBanned;
var localized string WrongPassword;
var localized string NeedPassword;
var localized string SessionBanned;
var localized string KickedMsg;
var localized string DefaultKickReason;
var localized string IdleKickReason;
var class<Admin> AdminClass;
/** Password required for admin privileges */
var private globalconfig string AdminPassword;
/** Password required to enter the game */
var private globalconfig string GamePassword;
var localized string ACDisplayText[3];
var localized string ACDescText[3];
var bool bDontAddDefaultAdmin;
/** Whether or not to authenticate clients (specifically their UID's) when they join; client UID's can't be trusted until they are authenticated */
var globalconfig bool bAuthenticateClients;
/** Whether or not to authenticate the game server with clients; a client must be fully authenticated before it can authenticate the server */
var globalconfig bool bAuthenticateServer;
/** Whether or not to authenticate the listen host, on lists servers */
var globalconfig bool bAuthenticateListenHost;
/** The maximum number of times to retry authentication */
var globalconfig int MaxAuthRetryCount;
/** The delay between authentication attempts */
var globalconfig int AuthRetryDelay;
/** Caches a local reference to the online subsystem */
var OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub;
/** Caches a local reference to the online subsystems auth interface, if it has one set */
var OnlineAuthInterface CachedAuthInt;
/** Whether or not this classes auth delegates have been registered with the auth interface */
var bool bAuthDelegatesRegistered;
/** Struct used for tracking clients pending authentication */
struct PendingClientAuth
var Player ClientConnection; // The NetConnection of the client pending auth
var UniqueNetId ClientUID; // The UID of the client
var float AuthTimestamp; // The timestamp for when authentication was started
var int AuthRetryCount; // The number of times authentication has been retried for this client
/** Tracks clients who are currently pending authentication */
var array<PendingClientAuth> ClientsPendingAuth;
/** Struct used for tracking server auth retry counts */
struct ServerAuthRetry
var UniqueNetId ClientUID; // The UID of the client requesting retries
var int AuthRetryCount; // The number of times server authentication has been retried for this client
/** Tracks server auth retry requests for clients */
var array<ServerAuthRetry> ServerAuthRetries;
/** Whether or not the listen host is pending authentication */
var bool bPendingListenAuth;
/** Stores the UID of the listen server auth ticket */
var int ListenAuthTicketUID;
/** The number of times listen host auth has been retried */
var int ListenAuthRetryCount;
function PostBeginPlay()
OnlineSub = Class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem();
function Destroyed()
* Checks whether or not the specified PlayerController is an admin
* @param P The PlayerController to check
* @return TRUE if the specified player has admin privileges.
function bool IsAdmin(PlayerController P)
if ( P != None )
if ( Admin(P) != None )
return true;
if ( P.PlayerReplicationInfo != None && P.PlayerReplicationInfo.bAdmin )
return true;
return false;
function bool SetAdminPassword(string P)
AdminPassword = P;
return true;
function SetGamePassword(string P)
GamePassword = P;
function bool RequiresPassword()
return GamePassword != "" || GameEngine(class'Engine'.static.GetEngine()).bPrivateServer;
* Takes a string and tries to find the matching controller associated with it. First it searches as if the string is the
* player's name. If it doesn't find a match, it attempts to resolve itself using the target as the player id.
* @Params Target The search key
* @returns the controller associated with the key. NONE is a valid return and means not found.
function Controller GetControllerFromString(string Target)
local Controller C,FinalC;
local int i;
FinalC = none;
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers(class'Controller', C)
if (C.PlayerReplicationInfo != None && (C.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName ~= Target || C.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName ~= Target))
FinalC = C;
// if we didn't find it by name, attempt to convert the target to a player index and look him up if possible.
if ( C == none && WorldInfo != none && WorldInfo.GRI != none )
for (i=0;i<WorldInfo.GRI.PRIArray.Length;i++)
if ( String(WorldInfo.GRI.PRIArray[i].PlayerID) == Target )
FinalC = Controller(WorldInfo.GRI.PRIArray[i].Owner);
return FinalC;
function Kick( string Target )
local Controller C;
C = GetControllerFromString(Target);
if ( C != none && C.PlayerReplicationInfo != None )
if (PlayerController(C) != None)
KickPlayer(PlayerController(C), DefaultKickReason);
else if (C.PlayerReplicationInfo != None)
if (C.Pawn != None)
if (C != None)
function KickBan( string Target )
local PlayerController P;
local string IP;
P = PlayerController( GetControllerFromString(Target) );
if ( NetConnection(P.Player) != None )
if (!WorldInfo.IsConsoleBuild())
IP = P.GetPlayerNetworkAddress();
if( CheckIPPolicy(IP) )
IP = Left(IP, InStr(IP, ":"));
`Log("Adding IP Ban for: "$IP);
IPPolicies[IPPolicies.length] = "DENY," $ IP;
if ( P.PlayerReplicationInfo.UniqueId != P.PlayerReplicationInfo.default.UniqueId &&
!IsIDBanned(P.PlayerReplicationInfo.UniqueID) )
KickPlayer(P, DefaultKickReason);
function bool ForceKickPlayer(PlayerController C, string KickReason)
if (C != None && NetConnection(C.Player)!=None )
if (C.Pawn != None)
if (C != None)
return true;
return false;
function bool KickPlayer(PlayerController C, string KickReason)
// Do not kick logged admins
if (C != None && !IsAdmin(C) && NetConnection(C.Player)!=None )
return ForceKickPlayer(C, KickReason);
return false;
function bool AdminLogin( PlayerController P, string Password )
if (AdminPassword == "")
return false;
if (Password == AdminPassword)
P.PlayerReplicationInfo.bAdmin = true;
return true;
return false;
function bool AdminLogout(PlayerController P)
if (P.PlayerReplicationInfo.bAdmin)
P.PlayerReplicationInfo.bAdmin = false;
P.bGodMode = false;
return true;
return false;
function AdminEntered( PlayerController P )
local string LoginString;
LoginString = P.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName@"logged in as a server administrator.";
WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast( P, LoginString );
function AdminExited( PlayerController P )
local string LogoutString;
LogoutString = P.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$"is no longer logged in as a server administrator.";
WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast( P, LogoutString );
* Parses the specified string for admin auto-login options
* @param Options a string containing key/pair options from the URL (?key=value,?key=value)
* @return TRUE if the options contained name and password which were valid for admin login.
function bool ParseAdminOptions( string Options )
local string InAdminName, InPassword;
InPassword = class'GameInfo'.static.ParseOption( Options, "Password" );
InAdminName= class'GameInfo'.static.ParseOption( Options, "AdminName" );
return ValidLogin(InAdminName, InPassword);
* @return TRUE if the specified username + password match the admin username/password
function bool ValidLogin(string UserName, string Password)
return (AdminPassword != "" && Password==AdminPassword);
function bool CheckIPPolicy(string Address)
local int i, j;
local int LastMatchingPolicy;
local string Policy, Mask;
local bool bAcceptAddress, bAcceptPolicy;
// strip port number
j = InStr(Address, ":");
if(j != -1)
Address = Left(Address, j);
bAcceptAddress = True;
for(i=0; i<IPPolicies.Length; i++)
j = InStr(IPPolicies[i], ",");
Policy = Left(IPPolicies[i], j);
Mask = Mid(IPPolicies[i], j+1);
if(Policy ~= "ACCEPT")
bAcceptPolicy = True;
else if(Policy ~= "DENY")
bAcceptPolicy = False;
j = InStr(Mask, "*");
if(j != -1)
if(Left(Mask, j) == Left(Address, j))
bAcceptAddress = bAcceptPolicy;
LastMatchingPolicy = i;
if(Mask == Address)
bAcceptAddress = bAcceptPolicy;
LastMatchingPolicy = i;
`Log("Denied connection for "$Address$" with IP policy "$IPPolicies[LastMatchingPolicy]);
return bAcceptAddress;
function bool IsIDBanned(const out UniqueNetID NetID)
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < BannedIDs.length; i++)
if (BannedIDs[i] == NetID)
return true;
return false;
* Client authentication (and PreLogin handling)
* Initialized auth interface hooks
function InitAuthHooks()
local OnlineGameSettings GameSettings;
local bool bIsLanMatch;
if (OnlineSub != None)
CachedAuthInt = OnlineSub.AuthInterface;
if (OnlineSub.GameInterface != none)
GameSettings = OnlineSub.GameInterface.GetGameSettings(WorldInfo.Game.PlayerReplicationInfoClass.default.SessionName);
// If 'bIsLanMatch' is set, do not enable any authentication
if ((WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer || WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer) && GameSettings != none &&
if (bAuthenticateClients)
`log("Disabling all authentication, due to bIsLanMatch being set to true");
bIsLanMatch = true;
bIsLanMatch = true;
if (!bIsLanMatch && bAuthenticateClients)
function RegisterAuthDelegates()
if (CachedAuthInt != None)
if (OnlineSub.GameInterface != None)
bAuthDelegatesRegistered = true;
// Don't display this message for OnlineSubsystemSteamworks
if (OnlineSub.Class.Name != 'OnlineSubsystemSteamworks')
`log("AccessControl: Trying to register authentication delegates with an online subsystem that does not support authentication");
bAuthDelegatesRegistered = false;
function ClearAuthDelegates(bool bExiting)
if (CachedAuthInt != None)
// OnClientConnectionClose must still be handled, even if the AccessControl does not exist during non-seamless travel
if (!bExiting)
// fix for crash when exiting the game on a listen server [aladenberger 9/6/2013]
// https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/173743/assert-on-staticonclientconnectionclose.html
if (OnlineSub != None && OnlineSub.GameInterface != None)
`log("AccessControl: Trying to clear authentication delegates with an online subsystem that does not support authentication");
bAuthDelegatesRegistered = false;
* Accept or reject a joining player on the server; fails login if OutError is set to a non-empty string
* NOTE: UniqueId requires authentication before it can be trusted
* @param Options URL options the player used when connecting
* @param Address The IP address of the player
* @param UniqueId The UID of the player (requires authentication before it can be trusted)
* @param bSupportsAuth whether or not the client supports authentication (i.e. has an AuthInterface set)
* @param OutError If the player fails any checks in this function, set this to a non-empty value to reject the player
* @param bSpectator whether or not the player is trying to join as a spectator
event PreLogin(string Options, string Address, const UniqueNetId UniqueId, bool bSupportsAuth, out string OutError, bool bSpectator)
local string InPassword;
local int i, CurPort, LingeringPort;
local IpAddr CurIP, ClientIP;
local bool bFound, bSuccess, bHasPrivateServerOption;
local UniqueNetId NullId, HostUID;
local Player ClientConn, CurConn;
local AuthSession CurClientSession;
local OnlineGameSettings GameSettings;
local GameEngine Engine;
InPassword = WorldInfo.Game.ParseOption(Options, "Password");
Engine = GameEngine(class'Engine'.static.GetEngine());
`if (`__TW_)
// BWJ - This option exists only for dedicated server on consoles
if (WorldInfo.IsConsoleDedicatedServer() )
bHasPrivateServerOption = WorldInfo.Game.HasOption( Options, "bJoinViaInvite" );
bHasPrivateServerOption = WorldInfo.Game.HasOption(Options, "friend") || InPassword != "";
// Check server capacity and passwords
if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Standalone && WorldInfo.Game.AtCapacity(bSpectator, UniqueId))
if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Standalone && WorldInfo.Game.AtCapacity(bSpectator))
OutError = "<Strings:"$PathName(WorldInfo.Game.GameMessageClass)$".MaxedOutMessage>";
OutError = PathName(WorldInfo.Game.GameMessageClass)$".MaxedOutMessage";
// BWJ - 8-11-16 - Require bJoinViaInvite in join URL for private servers
else if ( (GamePassword != "" && !(InPassword == GamePassword) && (AdminPassword == "" || !(InPassword == AdminPassword))) ||
( Engine.bPrivateServer && !bHasPrivateServerOption ) )
OutError = "<Strings:"$(InPassword == "") ? "Engine.AccessControl.NeedPassword>" : "Engine.AccessControl.WrongPassword>";
OutError = (InPassword == "") ? "Engine.AccessControl.NeedPassword" : "Engine.AccessControl.WrongPassword";
// Check server IP bans (UID bans are checked in GameInfo::PreLogin)
if (!CheckIPPolicy(Address))
OutError = "<Strings:Engine.AccessControl.IPBanned>";
OutError = "Engine.AccessControl.IPBanned";
// If the client was not already rejected, handle authentication of the clients UID
if (bAuthenticateClients && OutError == "" && CachedAuthInt != None && bAuthDelegatesRegistered)
if (OnlineSub != None && OnlineSub.GameInterface != None)
GameSettings = OnlineSub.GameInterface.GetGameSettings(WorldInfo.Game.PlayerReplicationInfoClass.default.SessionName);
//If we're connecting locally, don't even bother with the authentication stuff in the rest of the function
if (Address == "")
`log("Skipping online subsystem authentication because it's a local connection from address:" $ Address);
// If 'bIsLanMatch' is set, do not enable any authentication
if ((WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer || WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer) && GameSettings != None && !GameSettings.bIsLanMatch)
// If the client does not support authentication, reject him immediately
if (!bSupportsAuth)
if (OnlineSub.Class.Name == 'OnlineSubsystemSteamworks')
OutError = "<Strings:Engine.Errors.SteamClientRequired>";
OutError = "Engine.Errors.SteamClientRequired";
OutError = "<Strings:KFEngine.Errors.RequiresAuthentication>";
OutError = "Server requires authentication";
// Pause the login process for the client
if (OutError == "")
ClientConn = WorldInfo.Game.PauseLogin();
if (ClientConn != none)
// If there are any other client connections from the same UID and IP, kick them (fixes an auth issue,
// preventing players from rejoining if they were disconnected, and the old connection still lingers)
// First find the joining clients IP
foreach WorldInfo.AllClientConnections(CurConn, CurIP, CurPort)
if (CurConn == ClientConn)
ClientIP = CurIP;
// See if there is an active auth session matching the same IP and UID
LingeringPort = 0;
foreach CachedAuthInt.AllClientAuthSessions(CurClientSession)
if (CurClientSession.EndPointIP == ClientIP && CurClientSession.EndPointUID == UniqueId)
LingeringPort = CurClientSession.EndPointPort;
// If there was an existing active auth session, match it up to the lingering connection and disconnect it
if (LingeringPort != 0)
foreach WorldInfo.AllClientConnections(CurConn, CurIP, CurPort)
if (CurConn != ClientConn && CurIP == ClientIP && CurPort == LingeringPort)
`log("Closing old connection with duplicate IP ("$Address$") and SteamId ("$
Class'OnlineSubsystem'.static.UniqueNetIdToString(UniqueId)$")",, 'DevNet');
WorldInfo.Game.RejectLogin(CurConn, "");
// If there are other client connections from the same UID, but not the same IP, reject the new player
// NOTE: The above code shouldn't affect this, as OnClientConnectionClose (which cleans up lists)
// is called during RejectLogin
for (i=0; i<ClientsPendingAuth.Length; i++)
if (ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientUID == UniqueId)
bFound = True;
if (!bFound)
foreach CachedAuthInt.AllClientAuthSessions(CurClientSession)
if (CurClientSession.EndPointUID == UniqueId && CurClientSession.EndPointIP != ClientIP)
bFound = True;
// Make sure the player is not trying to join with a listen hosts UID
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer && OnlineSub.PlayerInterface != none &&
OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetUniquePlayerId(0, HostUID) && UniqueId == HostUID)
bFound = True;
// If the UID is not already present on server, and is not otherwise invalid, begin authentication
if (!bFound && UniqueId != NullId)
// Begin authentication, and if it kicks off successfully, start tracking the auth progress
if (CachedAuthInt.IsReady())
bSuccess = CachedAuthInt.SendClientAuthRequest(ClientConn, UniqueId);
if (bSuccess && !IsTimerActive('PendingAuthTimer'))
SetTimer(3.0, True, nameof(PendingAuthTimer));
// If the auth interface is not ready, add an entry anyway, and kick off auth later when it is ready
bSuccess = True;
if (bSuccess)
i = ClientsPendingAuth.Length;
ClientsPendingAuth.Length = i+1;
ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientConnection = ClientConn;
ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientUID = UniqueId;
ClientsPendingAuth[i].AuthTimestamp = WorldInfo.RealTimeSeconds;
OutError = "<Strings:KFEngine.Errors.FailedKickOff>";
OutError = "Failed to kickoff authentication";
// Reject the client if the current UID is already being authenticated
else if (bFound)
OutError = "<Strings:KFEngine.Errors.DuplicateUID>";
OutError = "Duplicate UID";
// Reject the client straight away if their UID is null
OutError = "<Strings:KFEngine.Errors.InvalidUID>";
OutError = "Invalid UID";
else if (OutError == "")
OutError = "<Strings:KFEngine.Errors.FailedKickOff>";
OutError = "Failed to kickoff authentication";
* Triggered after a player has successfully joined the game (post-auth for remote clients, pre-auth for listen host);
* used to kickoff authentication of listen hosts
* @param NewPlayer The newly logged in player
function PostLogin(PlayerController NewPlayer)
if (LocalPlayer(NewPlayer.Player) != none && bAuthDelegatesRegistered && bAuthenticateListenHost &&
WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer && CachedAuthInt != none)
if (CachedAuthInt.IsReady())
bPendingListenAuth = true;
* Called once every 3 seconds, to see if any auth attempts have timed out
function PendingAuthTimer()
local int i, OldLength;
local bool bFailed;
local AuthSession CurClientSession;
for (i=0; i<ClientsPendingAuth.Length; ++i)
// Remove any connections that have become invalid
if (ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientConnection == none)
ClientsPendingAuth.Remove(i, 1);
// Need to detect level change messing up timestamps (and reset it)
else if (WorldInfo.RealTimeSeconds < ClientsPendingAuth[i].AuthTimestamp)
ClientsPendingAuth[i].AuthTimestamp = WorldInfo.RealTimeSeconds;
// Handle timeouts and retries
else if (WorldInfo.RealTimeSeconds - ClientsPendingAuth[i].AuthTimestamp >= AuthRetryDelay)
if (CachedAuthInt.FindClientAuthSession(ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientConnection, CurClientSession))
if (ClientsPendingAuth[i].AuthRetryCount < MaxAuthRetryCount)
// End the auth session first before retrying
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
`Log("RETRYING CONNECTION - AuthRetryCount: " $ClientsPendingAuth[i].AuthRetryCount $" WHEN MAX CONNECTIONS ARE " $MaxAuthRetryCount);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
CachedAuthInt.EndRemoteClientAuthSession(CurClientSession.EndPointUID, CurClientSession.EndPointIP);
// Get the client to end it on his end too (this should execute on client before the new auth request below)
// Start the new auth session
if (CachedAuthInt.SendClientAuthRequest(ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientConnection, CurClientSession.EndPointUID))
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
ClientsPendingAuth[i].AuthTimestamp = WorldInfo.RealTimeSeconds;
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
bFailed = True;
bFailed = True;
if (bFailed)
`log("Client authentication timed out after"@MaxAuthRetryCount@"tries",, 'DevOnline');
OldLength = ClientsPendingAuth.Length;
WorldInfo.Game.RejectLogin(ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientConnection, "Authentication failed");
// If OnClientConnectionClose did not alter ClientsPendingAuth, remove the entry now
if (OldLength == ClientsPendingAuth.Length)
ClientsPendingAuth.Remove(i, 1);
if (ClientsPendingAuth.Length == 0)
* Called when the auth interface is ready to perform authentication (may not be called, if the auth interface was already ready)
* NOTE: Listen host authentication may be kicked off here
function OnAuthReady()
local int i, OldLength;
if (bAuthDelegatesRegistered)
// If there are any pending client auth's queued, kickoff authentication
for (i=0; i<ClientsPendingAuth.Length; ++i)
// Remove invalid entries
if (ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientConnection == none)
ClientsPendingAuth.Remove(i, 1);
if (CachedAuthInt.SendClientAuthRequest(ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientConnection, ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientUID))
ClientsPendingAuth[i].AuthTimestamp = WorldInfo.RealTimeSeconds;
OldLength = ClientsPendingAuth.Length;
// Kick the client
WorldInfo.Game.RejectLogin(ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientConnection, "Authentication failed");
// If OnClientConnectionClose did not alter ClientsPendingAuth, remove the entry now
if (OldLength == ClientsPendingAuth.Length)
ClientsPendingAuth.Remove(i, 1);
// If any clients are now pending auth, activate the pending auth timer
if (ClientsPendingAuth.Length > 0)
`log("OnAuthReady: Kicking off delayed auth for clients");
SetTimer(3.0, True, nameof(PendingAuthTimer));
if (bAuthenticateListenHost && WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer && bPendingListenAuth)
* Called when the server receives auth data from a client, needed for authentication
* @param ClientUID The UID of the client
* @param ClientIP The IP of the client
* @param AuthTicketUID The UID used to reference the auth data
function ProcessClientAuthResponse(UniqueNetId ClientUID, IpAddr ClientIP, int AuthTicketUID)
local bool bSuccess;
local int i, PendingIdx, OldLength;
// Check that we are expecting auth data from this client
PendingIdx = INDEX_None;
for (i=0; i<ClientsPendingAuth.Length; i++)
if (ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientUID == ClientUID)
PendingIdx = i;
if (PendingIdx != INDEX_None)
// Now that the client has sent auth data required for verification, finish verifying the client
bSuccess = CachedAuthInt.VerifyClientAuthSession(ClientUID, ClientIP, 0, AuthTicketUID);
// If auth verification failed to kickoff successfully, kick the client
if (!bSuccess)
OldLength = ClientsPendingAuth.Length;
// Kick the client
WorldInfo.Game.RejectLogin(ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientConnection, "Authentication failed");
// If OnClientConnectionClose did not alter ClientsPendingAuth, remove the tracking entry here
if (OldLength == ClientsPendingAuth.Length)
ClientsPendingAuth.Remove(PendingIdx, 1);
`log("AccessControl::ProcessClientAuthResponse: Received unexpected auth ticket from client",, 'DevOnline');
* Called on the server, when the authentication result for a client auth session has returned
* NOTE: This is the first place where a clients UID is verified as valid
* @param bSuccess whether or not authentication was successful
* @param ClientUID The UID of the client
* @param ClientConnection The connection associated with the client (for retrieving auth session data)
* @param ExtraInfo Extra information about authentication, e.g. failure reasons
function OnClientAuthComplete(bool bSuccess, UniqueNetId ClientUID, Player ClientConnection, string ExtraInfo)
local UniqueNetId HostUID;
local int i, PendingLen, PendingIdx;
local PlayerController P;
local PlayerReplicationInfo PRI;
local bool bResumeLogin;
local AuthSession CurClientSession;
// Check if the auth result was for the listen host
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer && OnlineSub.PlayerInterface != none &&
OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetUniquePlayerId(0, HostUID) && HostUID == ClientUID)
if (bSuccess)
`log("Listen host successfully authenticated");
// Check that we are expecting an auth result for this client
PendingLen = ClientsPendingAuth.Length;
PendingIdx = INDEX_None;
for (i=0; i<PendingLen; i++)
if ((ClientConnection != none && ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientConnection == ClientConnection) ||
(ClientConnection == none && ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientUID == ClientUID))
PendingIdx = i;
if (PendingIdx != INDEX_None)
if (ClientConnection != none)
if (bSuccess)
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers(Class'PlayerController', P)
if (P.Player == ClientConnection)
PRI = P.PlayerReplicationInfo;
if (PRI != none)
// If the code is setup to >not< pause at login, the UID needs to be stored in the PRI from here
`log("Client '"$PRI.PlayerName$"'passed authentication, UID:"@
`log("Client passed authentication, UID:"@Class'OnlineSubsystem'.static.UniqueNetIdToString(ClientUID));
bResumeLogin = True;
// Kick off server auth
if (bAuthenticateServer)
if (CachedAuthInt.FindClientAuthSession(ClientConnection, CurClientSession))
ProcessServerAuthRequest(ClientConnection, ClientUID, CurClientSession.EndPointIP,
`log("Failed to kickoff server auth; could not find matching client session");
`log("Client failed authentication (unauthenticated UID:"@
Class'OnlineSubsystem'.static.UniqueNetIdToString(ClientUID)$"), kicking");
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
`Log("Client Auth failure info: " $ExtraInfo);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// Kick the client
WorldInfo.Game.RejectLogin(ClientConnection, "Authentication failed");
// Remove the tracking entry, if it was not removed above
if (ClientsPendingAuth.Length == PendingLen)
ClientsPendingAuth.Remove(PendingIdx, 1);
`log("AccessControl::OnClientAuthComplete: Received unexpected auth result for client",, 'DevOnline');
if (bResumeLogin)
* Server authentication
* Called when the server receives a message from a client, requesting a server auth session
* @param ClientConnection The NetConnection of the client the request came from
* @param ClientUID The UID of the client making the request
* @param ClientIP The IP of the client making the request
* @param ClientPort The port the client is on
function ProcessServerAuthRequest(Player ClientConnection, UniqueNetId ClientUID, IpAddr ClientIP, int ClientPort)
local int AuthTicketUID;
local LocalAuthSession CurServerSession;
local bool bFound;
// NOTE: Native code handles checking of whether or not client is authenticated
if (bAuthenticateServer)
// Make sure there is not already a server auth session for this client
foreach CachedAuthInt.AllLocalServerAuthSessions(CurServerSession)
if (CurServerSession.EndPointUID == ClientUID && CurServerSession.EndPointIP == ClientIP)
bFound = true;
if (!bFound)
// Kickoff server auth
if (CachedAuthInt.CreateServerAuthSession(ClientUID, ClientIP, ClientPort, AuthTicketUID))
if (!CachedAuthInt.SendServerAuthResponse(ClientConnection, AuthTicketUID))
`log("WARNING!!! Failed to send auth ticket to client");
`log("Failed to kickoff server auth",, 'DevOnline');
* Called when the server receives a server auth retry request from a client
* @param ClientConnection The client NetConnection
function ProcessServerAuthRetryRequest(Player ClientConnection)
local bool bFoundAndAuthenticated;
local IpAddr ClientIP;
local int ClientPort, i, CurRetryIdx;
local UniqueNetId ClientUID;
local AuthSession CurClientSession;
local LocalAuthSession CurServerSession;
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
`Log("PROCESS SERVER AUTH RETRY REQUEST - " $bAuthenticateServer $" - " $ ClientConnection != none);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if (bAuthenticateServer && ClientConnection != none)
bFoundAndAuthenticated = CachedAuthInt.FindClientAuthSession(ClientConnection, CurClientSession) &&
CurClientSession.AuthStatus == AUS_Authenticated;
// Only execute a server auth retry, if the client is fully authenticated
if (bFoundAndAuthenticated)
ClientUID = CurClientSession.EndPointUID;
ClientIP = CurClientSession.EndPointIP;
ClientPort = CurClientSession.EndPointPort;
CurRetryIdx = INDEX_None;
for (i=0; i<ServerAuthRetries.Length; ++i)
if (ServerAuthRetries[i].ClientUID == ClientUID)
CurRetryIdx = i;
if (CurRetryIdx == INDEX_None)
CurRetryIdx = ServerAuthRetries.Length;
ServerAuthRetries.Length = CurRetryIdx + 1;
ServerAuthRetries[CurRetryIdx].ClientUId = ClientUID;
// Only attempt server auth retry, if the retry count has not been exceeded
if (ServerAuthRetries[CurRetryIdx].AuthRetryCount < MaxAuthRetryCount)
// End the current server auth session
foreach CachedAuthInt.AllLocalServerAuthSessions(CurServerSession)
if (CurServerSession.EndPointUID == ClientUID)
CachedAuthInt.EndLocalServerAuthSession(ClientUID, ClientIP);
// Kick off a new server auth session
ProcessServerAuthRequest(ClientConnection, ClientUID, ClientIP, ClientPort);
// Update the retry count
// Kick the client, if they spam retry requests
else if (ServerAuthRetries[CurRetryIdx].AuthRetryCount > Max(30, MaxAuthRetryCount + 20))
WorldInfo.Game.RejectLogin(ClientConnection, "Spamming server auth");
// Update the retry count
* Listen host authentication
* Kicks off authentication of the listen host
function BeginListenHostAuth(optional bool bRetry)
local UniqueNetId ServerUID, HostUID;
local IpAddr ServerIP;
local int ServerPort;
local OnlineGameSettings GameSettings;
local bool bGotHostInfo, bFound, bSecure;
local AuthSession CurClientSession, ListenSession;
bPendingListenAuth = false;
if (CachedAuthInt.IsReady())
bGotHostInfo = CachedAuthInt.GetServerUniqueId(ServerUID) &&
CachedAuthInt.GetServerAddr(ServerIP, ServerPort) &&
OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetUniquePlayerId(0, HostUID);
if (bGotHostInfo)
// Search for an existing listen host auth session first
foreach CachedAuthInt.AllClientAuthSessions(CurClientSession)
if (CurClientSession.EndPointUID == HostUID && CurClientSession.EndPointIP == ServerIP)
ListenSession = CurClientSession;
bFound = true;
// If there is not an existing session, kick one off
if (!bFound || bRetry)
`log("Kicking off listen auth session");
if (OnlineSub.GameInterface != none)
GameSettings = OnlineSub.GameInterface.GetGameSettings(WorldInfo.Game.PlayerReplicationInfoClass.default.SessionName);
if (GameSettings != none)
bSecure = GameSettings.bAntiCheatProtected;
// Kickoff authentication
if (CachedAuthInt.CreateClientAuthSession(ServerUID, ServerIP, ServerPort, bSecure, ListenAuthTicketUID))
// Give the auth interface a moment to setup the auth session, before verifying
SetTimer(1.0, false, nameof(ContinueListenHostAuth));
SetTimer(AuthRetryDelay, false, nameof(ListenHostAuthTimeout));
// If there is an existing session, do nothing if already authenticated, or enable timeout if not
else if (ListenSession.AuthStatus != AUS_Authenticated && !IsTimerActive('ListenHostAuthTimeout'))
`log("BeginListenHostAuth was called when there is already a listen auth session, but the timeout is not active");
SetTimer(AuthRetryDelay, false, nameof(ListenHostAuthTimeout));
`log("Failed to kickoff listen host authentication");
// Go straight to failed auth
OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetUniquePlayerId(0, HostUID);
OnClientAuthComplete(false, HostUID, None, "Failed to kickoff listen host authentication");
* After listen host authentication kicks off, this is called after a short delay, to continue authentication
function ContinueListenHostAuth()
local bool bGotHostInfo;
local UniqueNetId HostUID;
local IpAddr ServerIP;
local int ServerPort;
if (OnlineSub.PlayerInterface != none)
bGotHostInfo = OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetUniquePlayerId(0, HostUID) &&
CachedAuthInt.GetServerAddr(ServerIP, ServerPort);
if (!bGotHostInfo || !CachedAuthInt.VerifyClientAuthSession(HostUID, ServerIP, ServerPort, ListenAuthTicketUID))
`log("VerifyClientAuthSession failed for listen host");
OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetUniquePlayerId(0, HostUID);
OnClientAuthComplete(false, HostUID, None, "VerifyClientAuthSession failed for listen host");
* Ends any active listen host auth sessions
function EndListenHostAuth()
local bool bGotHostInfo;
local UniqueNetId ServerUID, HostUID;
local IpAddr ServerIP;
local int ServerPort;
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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if (OnlineSub.PlayerInterface != none)
bGotHostInfo = CachedAuthInt.GetServerUniqueId(ServerUID) &&
CachedAuthInt.GetServerAddr(ServerIP, ServerPort) &&
OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetUniquePlayerId(0, HostUID);
if (bGotHostInfo)
CachedAuthInt.EndLocalClientAuthSession(ServerUID, ServerIP, ServerPort);
CachedAuthInt.EndRemoteClientAuthSession(HostUID, ServerIP);
`log("Failed to end listen host auth session");
* Triggered upon listen host authentication failure, or timeout
function ListenHostAuthTimeout()
local UniqueNetId HostUID;
if (ListenAuthRetryCount < MaxAuthRetryCount)
// Retry auth again
`log("Listen host authentication failed after"@MaxAuthRetryCount@"attempts");
OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetUniquePlayerId(0, HostUID);
OnClientAuthComplete(false, HostUID, None, "VerifyClientAuthSession failed for listen host");
* Client disconnect cleanup
* Called on the server when a clients net connection is closing (so auth sessions can be ended)
* @param ClientConnection The client NetConnection that is closing
function OnClientConnectionClose(Player ClientConnection)
local int i;
if (ClientConnection != none)
// End the auth session for the exiting client (done in the static function to keep it in one place)
// Remove from tracking
for (i=0; i<ClientsPendingAuth.Length; ++i)
if (ClientConnection != none && ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientConnection == ClientConnection)
ClientsPendingAuth.Remove(i, 1);
* It is extremely important that client disconnects are detected, even when an AccessControl does not exist;
* otherwise, clients may be kept in an active auth session, even though they should not be (Steam in particular, is picky about this).
* When the AccessControl is cleaning up before server travel, it adds this static function as a delegate, until after server travel;
* ensuring disconnects are always handled
* @param ClientConnection The client NetConnection that is closing
static final function StaticOnClientConnectionClose(Player ClientConnection)
local OnlineSubsystem CurOnlineSub;
local OnlineAuthInterface CurAuthInt;
local int i;
local WorldInfo WI;
local AuthSession CurClientSession;
local LocalAuthSession CurServerSession;
CurOnlineSub = Class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem();
if (CurOnlineSub != none)
CurAuthInt = CurOnlineSub.AuthInterface;
if (CurAuthInt != none && ClientConnection != none)
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// If the client is authenticated, end the client auth session
if (CurAuthInt.FindClientAuthSession(ClientConnection, CurClientSession) && CurClientSession.AuthStatus == AUS_Authenticated)
CurAuthInt.EndRemoteClientAuthSession(CurClientSession.EndPointUID, CurClientSession.EndPointIP);
// End any local server session
if (CurAuthInt.FindLocalServerAuthSession(ClientConnection, CurServerSession))
CurAuthInt.EndLocalServerAuthSession(CurServerSession.EndPointUID, CurServerSession.EndPointIP);
// Remove any 'ServerAuthRetries' entry
WI = Class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo();
if (WI != none && WI.Game != none && WI.Game.AccessControl != none)
for (i=0; i<WI.Game.AccessControl.ServerAuthRetries.Length; ++i)
if (WI.Game.AccessControl.ServerAuthRetries[i].ClientUID == CurServerSession.EndPointUID)
WI.Game.AccessControl.ServerAuthRetries.Remove(i, 1);
* Exit/mapchange cleanup
* Triggered when the current online game has ended; used to end auth sessions
* NOTE: Delegate cleanup does not happen here
function OnDestroyOnlineGameComplete(name SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful)
local IpAddr CurIP;
local int CurPort;
local Player ClientConn, CurConn;
local AuthSession CurClientSession;
// End listen host auth
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer)
// End auth for all connected clients
foreach CachedAuthInt.AllClientAuthSessions(CurClientSession)
if (CurClientSession.AuthStatus == AUS_Authenticated)
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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// End the client auth session
CachedAuthInt.EndRemoteClientAuthSession(CurClientSession.EndPointUID, CurClientSession.EndPointIP);
// Tell the client to end the auth session their end
foreach WorldInfo.AllClientConnections(CurConn, CurIP, CurPort)
if (CurIP == CurClientSession.EndPointIP && CurPort == CurClientSession.EndPointPort)
ClientConn = CurConn;
if (ClientConn != none)
if (!CachedAuthInt.SendClientAuthEndSessionRequest(ClientConn))
`log("Failed to send client kill auth request");
`log("WARNING!!! Came across client auth session with no matching NetConnection");
// End all local server auth sessions
// Clear the 'ServerAuthRetries' lists
ServerAuthRetries.Length = 0;
* Called by GameInfo when servertravel begins, to allow for online subsystem cleanup
* NOTE: Worth keeping, in addition to NotifyGameEnding, as it is triggered earlier and can check for seamless travel
* @param bSeamless whether or not travel is seamless
function NotifyServerTravel(bool bSeamless)
if (!bSeamless)
* Called by GameInfo when the game is ending (either through exit or non-seamless travel), to allow for online subsystem cleanup
function NotifyGameEnding()
local GameEngine Engine;
Engine = GameEngine(Class'Engine'.static.GetEngine());
// If the server is just switching level, do a normal cleanup
// @todo JohnB: This way of distinguishing travel from exit is quite hacky (but works and is necessary); implement a better solution
if (WorldInfo.NextURL != "" || Engine.TravelURL != "")
// Otherwise, the game is exiting and NotifyExit may need to do special handling
* Called by GameInfo when the game is exiting (PreExit), to allow for online subsystem cleanup
function NotifyExit()
* Cleanup any online subsystem references
function Cleanup(optional bool bExit)
if (CachedAuthInt != none)
// If the game is exiting, end all auth sessions
if (bExit)
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`Log("AccessControl CLEAN UP");
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// End all remote client auth sessions
// End all local server auth sessions
// Clear the 'ServerAuthRetries' list
ServerAuthRetries.Length = 0;
CachedAuthInt = None;
OnlineSub = None;
* Helper functions
* Whether or not the specified player UID is awaiting authentication
* @param PlayerUID The UID of the player
* @return Returns True if the UID is awaiting authentication, False otherwise
function bool IsPendingAuth(UniqueNetId PlayerUID)
local int i;
for (i=0; i<ClientsPendingAuth.Length; ++i)
if (ClientsPendingAuth[i].ClientUID == PlayerUID)
return True;
return False;