2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFProj_BrokenFlare_HRGScorcher
// Shotgun pellet class for the HRG Scorcher
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2020 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// Roberto Moreno (Saber Interactive)
class KFProj _BrokenFlare _HRGScorcher extends KFProjectile
hidedropdown ;
/** Speed when residual flames are dropped during projectile flight */
var vector SpeedDirectionResidualFlames ;
/ * * A m o u n t o f r e s i d u a l f l a m e s t o d r o p d u r i n g f l i g h t
* This is the max number , if the projectile is interrupted before reaching the max , the left residual numbers will NOT be spawned .
* This value can NOT be 0 or 1.
* /
var int AmountResidualFlamesDuringFlight ;
/** Time delay until starting to drop residual flames during flight (should NOT be greater than Lifespan)*/
var float TimeDelayStartDroppingResidualFlames ;
/** Class for spawning residual flames **/
var class < KFProjectile > ResidualFlameProjClass ;
/ * * N u m b e r o f l i n g e r i n g f l a m e s t o s p a w n w h e n p r o j e c t i l e h i t s e n v i r o n m e n t o r a p a w n b e f o r e r e a c h i n g m a x
* Note : one flame will always spawn in the place or pawn hit .
* /
var ( ) int AmountResidualFlamesInExplosion ;
/** Magnitude to multiply velocity computed for residual flames in explosion */
var float MagnitudeVelocityResidualFlamesInExplosion ;
/** Offset added to the final velocity computed for residual flames in explosion */
var vector OffsetVelocityResidualFlamesInExplosion ;
/** (Computed) Last Velocity from Explode() */
var vector LastVelocity ;
/** (Computed) Time between residual flames drops */
var float IntervalDroppingResidualFlames ;
/** Same as Lifespan (but using TimeAlive we assure projectile follows same flow as an explosion) */
var float TimeAlive ;
simulated protected function StopSimulating ( )
if ( Instigator != none && Instigator . Role == ROLE _Authority )
ClearTimer ( nameof ( Timer _SpawningResidualFlamesDuringFlight ) ) ;
ClearTimer ( nameof ( Timer _StartSpawningResidualFlamesDuringFlight ) ) ;
ClearTimer ( nameof ( Timer _Shutdown ) ) ;
super . StopSimulating ( ) ;
simulated function PostBeginPlay ( )
//Subtract a bit (0.005) from TimeAlive to not match last cycle of the timer with time the projectile has to disappear (causing last flame not to drop then)
//Subtract 1 from AmountResidualFlamesDuringFlight because the first flame will be spawned manually at the start of the timer.
IntervalDroppingResidualFlames = ( ( TimeAlive - 0.005 ) - TimeDelayStartDroppingResidualFlames ) / ( AmountResidualFlamesDuringFlight - 1 ) ;
if ( Instigator != none && Instigator . Role == ROLE _Authority )
SetTimer ( TimeDelayStartDroppingResidualFlames , false , nameof ( Timer _StartSpawningResidualFlamesDuringFlight ) ) ;
SetTimer ( TimeAlive , false , nameof ( Timer _Shutdown ) ) ;
super . PostBeginPlay ( ) ;
simulated function Init ( vector Direction )
super . Init ( Direction ) ;
SpeedDirectionResidualFlames = Velocity / 5 ;
/** Timer to spawn residual flames while projectile is flying */
simulated function Timer _SpawningResidualFlamesDuringFlight ( )
SpawnResidualFlame ( ResidualFlameProjClass , Location , SpeedDirectionResidualFlames ) ;
/** Timer to act as offset to start spawning residual flames during flight (in order to avoid dropping flames to close to player) */
simulated function Timer _StartSpawningResidualFlamesDuringFlight ( )
SpawnResidualFlame ( ResidualFlameProjClass , Location , SpeedDirectionResidualFlames ) ;
SetTimer ( IntervalDroppingResidualFlames , true , nameof ( Timer _SpawningResidualFlamesDuringFlight ) ) ;
/** Timer until calling Shutdown */
simulated function Timer _Shutdown ( )
Shutdown ( ) ;
/** Spawn several projectiles that explode and linger on impact */
function SpawnResidualFlames ( vector HitLocation , vector HitNormal , vector HitVelocity )
local int i ;
local vector HitVelDir ;
local float HitVelMag ;
local vector SpawnLoc , SpawnVel ;
HitVelMag = VSize ( HitVelocity ) * MagnitudeVelocityResidualFlamesInExplosion ;
HitVelDir = Normal ( HitVelocity ) ;
SpawnLoc = HitLocation + ( HitNormal * 10. f ) ;
// spawn random lingering fires (rather, projectiles that cause little fires)
for ( i = 0 ; i < AmountResidualFlamesInExplosion ; ++ i )
SpawnVel = CalculateResidualFlameVelocity ( HitNormal , HitVelDir , HitVelMag ) ;
SpawnVel = SpawnVel + OffsetVelocityResidualFlamesInExplosion ;
SpawnResidualFlame ( ResidualFlameProjClass , SpawnLoc , SpawnVel ) ;
/** Spawn several projectiles that explode and linger on impact on explosion and one projectile to explode where this projectile hit */
simulated function TriggerExplosion ( Vector HitLocation , Vector HitNormal , Actor HitActor )
local bool bDoExplosion ;
if ( bHasDisintegrated )
return ;
bDoExplosion = ! bHasExploded && Instigator . Role == ROLE _Authority ;
if ( bDoExplosion )
SpawnResidualFlames ( HitLocation , HitNormal , LastVelocity ) ;
SpawnResidualFlame ( ResidualFlameProjClass , Location , LastVelocity ) ;
super . TriggerExplosion ( HitLocation , HitNormal , HitActor ) ;
simulated function Explode ( vector HitLocation , vector HitNormal )
LastVelocity = Velocity ;
super . Explode ( HitLocation , HitNormal ) ;
simulated function ProcessTouch ( Actor Other , Vector HitLocation , Vector HitNormal )
ProcessBulletTouch ( Other , HitLocation , HitNormal ) ;
super . ProcessTouch ( Other , HitLocation , HitNormal ) ;
simulated function SpawnFlightEffects ( )
super . SpawnFlightEffects ( ) ;
if ( ProjEffects != None )
ProjEffects . SetFloatParameter ( 'FlareLifetime' , LifeSpan ) ;
Physics = PHYS _Falling
MaxSpeed = 7000.0
Speed = 3000.0 //7000.0
TerminalVelocity = 7000.0
bWarnAIWhenFired = true
bCollideActors = true
bCollideComplex = true
DamageRadius = 0
GravityScale = 0.4 //0.5 //1.0
TossZ = 0
TimeDelayStartDroppingResidualFlames = 0.005 //0.05
TimeAlive = 0.5 //0.6 //0.2
ProjEffectsFadeOutDuration = 5.0
AmountResidualFlamesDuringFlight = 8 //10
SpeedDirectionResidualFlames = ( X = 0 , Y = 0 , Z = 0 )
AmountResidualFlamesInExplosion = 3
MagnitudeVelocityResidualFlamesInExplosion = 0.5
OffsetVelocityResidualFlamesInExplosion = ( X = 0 , Y = 0 , Z = 200 )
bNoReplicationToInstigator = false
Begin Object Class = PointLightComponent Name = PointLight0
LightColor = ( R = 250 , G = 25 , B = 80 , A = 255 )
Brightness = 0.5 f
Radius = 500. f
FalloffExponent = 10. f
CastShadows = False
CastStaticShadows = FALSE
CastDynamicShadows = False
bCastPerObjectShadows = false
bEnabled = true
LightingChannels = ( Indoor = TRUE , Outdoor = TRUE , bInitialized = TRUE )
End Object
ProjFlightLight = PointLight0
ResidualFlameProjClass = class 'KFProj_BrokenFlare_HRGScorcherSplash'
ProjFlightTemplate = ParticleSystem 'WEP_HRGScorcher_Pistol_EMIT.FX_HRGScorcher_Projectile_01_ALT'
AssociatedPerkClass = class 'KFPerk_Firebug'
// Light during explosion
Begin Object Class = PointLightComponent Name = ExplosionPointLight
LightColor = ( R = 252 , G = 218 , B = 171 , A = 255 )
Brightness = 4. f
Radius = 2000. f
FalloffExponent = 10. f
CastShadows = False
CastStaticShadows = FALSE
CastDynamicShadows = False
bCastPerObjectShadows = false
bEnabled = FALSE
LightingChannels = ( Indoor = TRUE , Outdoor = TRUE , bInitialized = TRUE )
End Object
// Explosion
Begin Object Class = KFGameExplosion Name = ExploTemplate0
Damage = 0
DamageRadius = 500
DamageFalloffExponent = 1. f
DamageDelay = 0. f
bIgnoreInstigator = false
MomentumTransferScale = 0
// Damage Effects
MyDamageType = class 'KFDT_Fire_HRGScorcherDoT'
KnockDownStrength = 0
FractureMeshRadius = 200.0
FracturePartVel = 500.0
ExplosionEffects = KFImpactEffectInfo 'WEP_HRGScorcher_Pistol_ARCH.HRGScorcher_Pistol_Grenade_Explosion'
ExplosionSound = AkEvent 'WW_WEP_HRG_Scorcher.Play_WEP_HRG_Scorcher_AltFire_Explosion'
// Dynamic Light
ExploLight = ExplosionPointLight
ExploLightStartFadeOutTime = 0.0
ExploLightFadeOutTime = 0.2
// Camera Shake
CamShake = CameraShake 'FX_CameraShake_Arch.Misc_Explosions.Light_Explosion_Rumble'
CamShakeInnerRadius = 200
CamShakeOuterRadius = 900
CamShakeFalloff = 1.5 f
bOrientCameraShakeTowardsEpicenter = true
End Object
ExplosionTemplate = ExploTemplate0
ExplosionActorClass = class 'KFExplosionActor'
2020-12-13 18:09:05 +03:00
bDamageDestructiblesOnTouch = true
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00