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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// EditorEngine: The UnrealEd subsystem.
// This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified.
class EditorEngine extends Engine
// Objects.
var const model TempModel;
var const model ConversionTempModel;
var const transbuffer Trans;
var const textbuffer Results;
var const array<pointer> ActorProperties;
var const pointer LevelProperties;
// Textures.
var const texture2D Bad, Bkgnd, BkgndHi, BadHighlight, MaterialArrow, MaterialBackdrop;
// Font used by Canvas-based editors
var const Font EditorFont;
// Audio
var const transient SoundCue PreviewSoundCue;
var const transient AudioComponent PreviewAudioComponent;
// Used in UnrealEd for showing materials
var staticmesh TexPropCube;
var staticmesh TexPropSphere;
var staticmesh TexPropPlane;
var staticmesh TexPropCylinder;
// Toggles.
var const bool bFastRebuild, bBootstrapping, bIsImportingT3D;
// Other variables.
var const int TerrainEditBrush, ClickFlags;
var const package ParentContext;
var const vector ClickLocation;
var const plane ClickPlane;
var const vector MouseMovement;
var const native array<pointer> ViewportClients;
/** Distance to far clipping plane for perspective viewports. If <= GNearClippingPlane, far plane is at infinity. */
var config float FarClippingPlane;
// Setting for the detail mode to show in the editor viewports
var EDetailMode DetailMode;
// BEGIN FEditorConstraints
var noexport const pointer ConstraintsVtbl;
// Grid.
var(Grid) noexport config bool GridEnabled;
var(Grid) noexport config bool SnapScaleEnabled;
var(Grid) noexport config bool SnapVertices;
var(Grid) noexport config int ScaleGridSize; // Integer percentage amount to snap scaling to.
var(Grid) noexport config float SnapDistance;
var(Grid) noexport config float GridSizes[11]; // FEditorConstraints::MAX_GRID_SIZES = 11 in native code
var(Grid) noexport config int CurrentGridSz; // Index into GridSizes
// Rotation grid.
var(RotationGrid) noexport config bool RotGridEnabled;
var(RotationGrid) noexport config rotator RotGridSize;
var(RotationGrid) noexport config int AngleSnapType;
// END FEditorConstraints
// Advanced.
var(Advanced) config bool UseSizingBox;
var(Advanced) config bool UseAxisIndicator;
var(Advanced) config float FOVAngle;
var(Advanced) config bool GodMode;
/** The location to autosave to. */
var(Advanced) config string AutoSaveDir;
var(Advanced) config bool InvertwidgetZAxis;
var(Advanced) config string GameCommandLine;
/** the list of package names to compile when building scripts */
var(Advanced) globalconfig array<string> EditPackages;
/** the base directory to use for finding .uc files to compile*/
var(Advanced) config string EditPackagesInPath;
/** the directory to save compiled .u files to */
var(Advanced) config string EditPackagesOutPath;
/** the directory to save compiled .u files to when script is compiled with the -FINAL_RELEASE switch */
var(Advanced) config string FRScriptOutputPath;
/** If TRUE, always show the terrain in the overhead 2D view. */
var(Advanced) config bool AlwaysShowTerrain;
/** If TRUE, use the gizmo for rotating actors. */
var(Advanced) config bool UseActorRotationGizmo;
/** If TRUE, show translucent marker polygons on the builder brush and volumes. */
var(Advanced) config bool bShowBrushMarkerPolys;
/** If TRUE, use Maya camera controls. */
var(Advanced) config bool bUseMayaCameraControls;
/** If TRUE, parts of prefabs cannot be individually selected/edited. */
var(Advanced) config bool bPrefabsLocked;
/** If TRUE, socket snapping is enabled in the main level viewports. */
var(Advanced) config bool bEnableSocketSnapping;
/** If TRUE, socket names are enabled in the main level viewports. */
var(Advanced) config bool bEnableSocketNames;
/** If TRUE, determines if reachspecs should be built for this level's pathnodes (may not be necessary if using navmesh) */
var(Advanced) config bool bBuildReachSpecs;
/** If TRUE, same type views will be camera tied, and ortho views will use perspective view for LOD parenting */
var bool bEnableLODLocking;
/** If TRUE, actors can be grouped and grouping rules will be maintained. When deactivated, any currently existing groups will still be preserved.*/
var(Advanced) config bool bGroupingActive;
var config string HeightMapExportClassName;
/** array of actor factory classes to ignore for the global list (i.e. because they're not relevant to this game) */
var config array<name> HiddenActorFactoryNames;
/** Array of actor factories created at editor startup and used by context menu etc. */
var const array<ActorFactory> ActorFactories;
/** Actors that are being deleted and should processed in the global re-attach*/
var array <Actor> ActorsForGlobalReattach;
/** String that maps one class name to another, used to create hook for game-specific actors created through shortcuts etc
* (ie APylon;AMyGamePylon)
var config array<String> ClassMapPair;
/** The name of the file currently being opened in the editor. "" if no file is being opened. */
var string UserOpenedFile;
// "Play From Here" properties
/** Additional per-user/per-game options set in the .ini file. Should be in the form "?option1=X?option2?option3=Y" */
var(Advanced) config string InEditorGameURLOptions;
/** A pointer to a UWorld that is the duplicated/saved-loaded to be played in with "Play From Here" */
var const World PlayWorld;
/** An optional location for the starting location for "Play From Here" */
var const vector PlayWorldLocation;
/** An optional rotation for the starting location for "Play From Here" */
var const rotator PlayWorldRotation;
/** Has a request for "Play From Here" been made? */
var const bool bIsPlayWorldQueued;
/** Has a request to spectate the map been made? */
var const bool bStartInSpectatorMode;
/** Did the request include the optional location and rotation? */
var const bool bHasPlayWorldPlacement;
/** True to enable mobile preview mode when launching the game from the editor on PC platform */
var const bool bUseMobilePreviewForPlayWorld;
/** Where did the person want to play? Where to play the game - -1 means in editor, 0 or more is an index into the GConsoleSupportContainer */
var const int PlayWorldDestination;
/** The current play world destination (I.E console). -1 means no current play world destination, 0 or more is an index into the GConsoleSupportContainer */
var const int CurrentPlayWorldDestination;
/** Mobile/PC preview settings for what features/resolution to use */
var config int PlayInEditorWidth;
/** Mobile/PC preview settings for what features/resolution to use */
var config int PlayInEditorHeight;
/** Mobile preview settings for what orientation to default to */
var config bool bMobilePreviewPortrait;
/** Currently targeted device for mobile previewer. */
var config int BuildPlayDevice;
/** Folders in which the editor looks for template map files */
var(Templates) config array<string> TemplateMapFolders;
/** When set to anything other than -1, indicates a specific In-Editor viewport index that PIE should use */
var const int PlayInEditorViewportIndex;
/** Play world url string edited by a user. */
var string UserEditedPlayWorldURL;
/** The width resolution that we want to use for the matinee capture */
var config int MatineeCaptureResolutionX;
/** The height resolution that we want to use for the matinee capture */
var config int MatineeCaptureResolutionY;
/** Contains a list of breakpoints that were hit while PlayWorld was active */
var transient array<string> KismetDebuggerBreakpointQueue;
/** If true, will cause a Kismet debugger window to be opened after the editor world has been restored */
var transient bool bIsKismetDebuggerRequested;
// possible object propagators
var const pointer InEditorPropagator;
var const pointer RemotePropagator;
var bool bIsPushingView;
var const transient bool bDecalUpdateRequested;
/** Temporary render target that can be used by the editor. */
var const transient TextureRenderTarget2D ScratchRenderTarget2048;
var const transient TextureRenderTarget2D ScratchRenderTarget1024;
var const transient TextureRenderTarget2D ScratchRenderTarget512;
var const transient TextureRenderTarget2D ScratchRenderTarget256;
* Display StreamingBounds for textures
var const transient Texture2D StreamingBoundsTexture;
/** Global instance of the editor user settings */
var const EditorUserSettings UserSettings;
/** Stores the class hierarchy generated from the make commandlet*/
var native const pointer EditorClassHierarchy {FEditorClassHierarchy};
/** The full paths to meshes used to preview a static mesh in editor. */
var array<string> PreviewMeshNames;
/** A mesh component used to preview in editor without spawning a static mesh actor. */
var const transient StaticMeshComponent PreviewMeshComp;
/** The index of the mesh to use from the list of preview meshes. */
var const int PreviewMeshIndex;
/** When TRUE, the preview mesh mode is activated. */
var const bool bPreviewPlayerHeight;
/** If "Camera Align" emitter handling uses a custom zoom or not */
var config bool bCustomCameraAlignEmitter;
/** The distance to place the camera from an emitter actor when custom zooming is enabled */
var config float CustomCameraAlignEmitterDistance;
/** If true, then draw sockets when socket snapping is enabled in 'g' mode */
var config bool bDrawSocketsInGMode;
/** If true, then draw particle debug helpers in editor viewports */
var transient bool bDrawParticleHelpers;
var array<GroupActor> ActiveGroupActors;
/** Actor list for the intermediary buffer level used for moving actors between levels */
var transient array<Actor> BufferLevelActors;
/** Force PIE to start in exact place suppressing kismet. It forces all levels to be streamed in, skips all level begin events and sets all matinees to skipable.*/
var bool bForcePlayFromHere;
/** Keeps track of the last actor that had the camera aligned to it in Exec_Camera() */
var transient Actor LastCameraAlignTarget;
/** If true, then do slow reference checks during map check */
var transient bool bDoReferenceChecks;
* A mapping of all startup packages to whether or not we have warned the user about editing them
var native transient map{UPackage*, UBOOL} StartupPackageToWarnState;
PlayInEditorViewportIndex= -1;
CurrentPlayWorldDestination = -1;