2020-12-13 18:09:05 +03:00
// KFWeap_Rifle_FrostShotgunAxe
// A Rifle with an axe that freezes enemies
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2019 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFWeap _Rifle _FrostShotgunAxe extends KFWeap _MeleeBase ;
var float LastFireInterval ;
var int iInstantHitDamageOnEnemyFrozen ;
var int iNormalInstantHitDamage ;
/** Returns trader filter index based on weapon type */
static simulated event EFilterTypeUI GetTraderFilter ( )
2023-09-21 22:31:11 +03:00
return FT _Shotgun ;
static simulated event EFilterTypeUI GetAltTraderFilter ( )
return FT _Melee ;
2020-12-13 18:09:05 +03:00
simulated event PreBeginPlay ( )
super . PreBeginPlay ( ) ;
iNormalInstantHitDamage = InstantHitDamage [ BASH _FIREMODE ] ;
/ * *
* See Pawn . ProcessInstantHit
* @ param DamageReduction : Custom KF parameter to handle penetration damage reduction
* /
simulated function ProcessInstantHitEx ( byte FiringMode , ImpactInfo Impact , optional int NumHits , optional out float out _PenetrationVal , optional int ImpactNum )
local KFPerk InstigatorPerk ;
InstigatorPerk = GetPerk ( ) ;
if ( InstigatorPerk != none )
InstigatorPerk . UpdatePerkHeadShots ( Impact , InstantHitDamageTypes [ FiringMode ] , ImpactNum ) ;
super . ProcessInstantHitEx ( FiringMode , Impact , NumHits , out _PenetrationVal , ImpactNum ) ;
/** process local player impact for clientside hit detection */
event RecieveClientImpact ( byte FiringMode , const out ImpactInfo Impact , optional out float PenetrationValue , optional int ImpactNum )
// skip KFWeap_MeleeBase because it does melee stuff
super ( KFWeapon ) . RecieveClientImpact ( FiringMode , Impact , PenetrationValue , ImpactNum ) ;
/** Override melee SetIronSights (which sends to heavy attack) so that this weapon ironsights normally*/
simulated function SetIronSights ( bool bNewIronSights )
super ( KFWeapon ) . SetIronSights ( bNewIronSights ) ;
/** Override melee ShouldOwnerWalk which doesn't account for walking when in ironsights */
simulated function bool ShouldOwnerWalk ( )
return super ( KFWeapon ) . ShouldOwnerWalk ( ) ;
/** Save off the start time for the bash to determine whether this will be a normal stab or a bullet stab */
simulated function StartFire ( byte FireModeNum )
// copying over auto reload functionality since MeleeBase overrides this by default
if ( FireModeNum == DEFAULT _FIREMODE && ShouldAutoReload ( FireModeNum ) )
if ( FireModeNum == RELOAD _FIREMODE )
// Skip Super/ ServerStartFire and let server wait for ServerSendToReload to force state synchronization
BeginFire ( FireModeNum ) ;
return ;
if ( FireModeNum == BASH _FIREMODE && WeaponFireTypes [ FireModeNum ] == EWFT _Custom )
super . StartMeleeFire ( FireModeNum , MeleeAttackHelper . ChooseAttackDir ( ) , ATK _Normal ) ;
return ;
super . StartFire ( FireModeNum ) ;
/** Override to drop the player out of ironsights first */
simulated function AltFireMode ( )
if ( ! Instigator . IsLocallyControlled ( ) )
return ;
// break out of ironsights when starting to block
if ( bUsingSights )
SetIronSights ( false ) ;
StartFire ( BLOCK _FIREMODE ) ;
simulated state MeleeBlocking
simulated function BeginState ( name PreviousStateName )
super . BeginState ( PreviousStateName ) ;
if ( bUsingSights )
SetIronSights ( false ) ;
simulated function bool AllowIronSights ( ) { return false ; }
simulated function float GetFireInterval ( byte FireModeNum )
if ( FireModeNum == DEFAULT _FIREMODE && AmmoCount [ FireModeNum ] == 0 )
return LastFireInterval ;
return super . GetFireInterval ( FireModeNum ) ;
/** Called during reload state */
simulated function bool CanOverrideMagReload ( byte FireModeNum )
if ( FireModeNum == BLOCK _FIREMODE )
return true ;
return super . CanOverrideMagReload ( FireModeNum ) ;
/** returns the damage amount for this attack */
simulated function int GetMeleeDamage ( byte FireModeNum , optional vector RayDir )
local KFMeleeHelperWeaponFrostShotgunAxe oHelper ;
local int Damage ;
oHelper = KFMeleeHelperWeaponFrostShotgunAxe ( MeleeAttackHelper ) ;
if ( oHelper . IsEnemyIced ( ) )
InstantHitDamage [ FireModeNum ] = iInstantHitDamageOnEnemyFrozen ;
InstantHitDamage [ FireModeNum ] = iNormalInstantHitDamage ;
Damage = Super . GetMeleeDamage ( FireModeNum , RayDir ) ;
return Damage ;
simulated function int GetModifiedDamage ( byte FireModeNum , optional vector RayDir )
switch ( FireModeNum )
return GetUpgradedStatValue ( InstantHitDamage [ FireModeNum ] , EWUS _Damage0 , CurrentWeaponUpgradeIndex ) ;
break ;
return GetUpgradedStatValue ( InstantHitDamage [ FireModeNum ] , EWUS _Damage1 , CurrentWeaponUpgradeIndex ) ;
break ;
return GetUpgradedStatValue ( InstantHitDamage [ FireModeNum ] , EWUS _Damage2 , CurrentWeaponUpgradeIndex ) ;
break ;
return GetUpgradedStatValue ( InstantHitDamage [ FireModeNum ] , EWUS _Damage0 , CurrentWeaponUpgradeIndex ) ;
/** Allows weapon to calculate its own damage for display in trader */
static simulated function float CalculateTraderWeaponStatDamage ( )
local float BaseDamage , DoTDamage ;
local class < KFDamageType > DamageType ;
BaseDamage = default . InstantHitDamage [ DEFAULT _FIREMODE ] ;
DamageType = class < KFDamageType > ( default . InstantHitDamageTypes [ DEFAULT _FIREMODE ] ) ;
if ( DamageType != none && DamageType . default . DoT _Type != DOT _None )
DoTDamage = ( DamageType . default . DoT _Duration / DamageType . default . DoT _Interval ) * ( BaseDamage * DamageType . default . DoT _DamageScale ) ;
return BaseDamage * default . NumPellets [ DEFAULT _FIREMODE ] + DoTDamage ;
/** Allows weapon to calculate its own fire rate for display in trader */
static simulated function float CalculateTraderWeaponStatFireRate ( )
return 60. f / default . FireInterval [ DEFAULT _FIREMODE ] ; // attacks per minute
/** Spawn projectile is called once for each shot pellet fired */
simulated function KFProjectile SpawnAllProjectiles ( class < KFProjectile > KFProjClass , vector RealStartLoc , vector AimDir )
local KFPerk InstigatorPerk ;
if ( CurrentFireMode == GRENADE _FIREMODE )
return Super . SpawnProjectile ( KFProjClass , RealStartLoc , AimDir ) ;
InstigatorPerk = GetPerk ( ) ;
if ( InstigatorPerk != none )
Spread [ CurrentFireMode ] = default . Spread [ CurrentFireMode ] * InstigatorPerk . GetTightChokeModifier ( ) ;
return super . SpawnAllProjectiles ( KFProjClass , RealStartLoc , AimDir ) ;
/** Plays a 'settle' animation after a melee attack is finished */
simulated function PlayMeleeSettleAnim ( )
PlayAnimation ( MeleeAttackSettleAnims [ 0 ] , 0.0 , false , 0.1 ) ;
// MeleeBase
bMeleeWeapon = true
// Inventory / Grouping
InventoryGroup = IG _Primary
InventorySize = 7
GroupPriority = 80 //75
WeaponSelectTexture = Texture2D 'WEP_UI_Frost_Shotgun_Axe_TEX.UI_WeaponSelect_FrostGun'
// Perks
AssociatedPerkClasses ( 0 ) = class 'KFPerk_Support'
AssociatedPerkClasses ( 1 ) = class 'KFPerk_Berserker'
// FOV
MeshFOV = 65
MeshIronSightFOV = 45
PlayerIronSightFOV = 65
// Depth of field
DOF _FG _FocalRadius = 50
DOF _FG _MaxNearBlurSize = 3.5
// Content
PackageKey = "Frost_Shotgun_Axe"
FirstPersonMeshName = "WEP_1P_Frost_Shotgun_Axe_MESH.Wep_1stP_Frost_Shotgun_Axe_Rig"
FirstPersonAnimSetNames ( 0 ) = "WEP_1P_Frost_Shotgun_Axe_ANIM.WEP_1stP_Frost_Shotgun_Axe"
PickupMeshName = "WEP_3P_Frost_Shotgun_Axe_MESH.Wep_3rdP_Frost_Shotgun_Pickup"
AttachmentArchetypeName = "WEP_Frost_Shotgun_Axe_ARCH.Wep_Frost_Shotgun_Axe_3P"
MuzzleFlashTemplateName = "WEP_Frost_Shotgun_Axe_ARCH.Wep_Frost_Shotgun_Axe_MuzzleFlash"
// Ammo
MagazineCapacity [ 0 ] = 6
SpareAmmoCapacity [ 0 ] = 66
InitialSpareMags [ 0 ] = 4
AmmoPickupScale [ 0 ] = 1
bCanBeReloaded = true
bReloadFromMagazine = false // @TODO: Turn off once animations are done
// Zooming/Position
PlayerViewOffset = ( X = 8.0 , Y = 7 , Z = - 3.5 )
IronSightPosition = ( X = 0 , Y = 0 , Z = 0 )
// AI warning system
bWarnAIWhenAiming = true
AimWarningDelay = ( X = 0.4 f , Y = 0.8 f )
AimWarningCooldown = 0.0 f
// Recoil
maxRecoilPitch = 1050 //550
minRecoilPitch = 900 //400
maxRecoilYaw = 350 //150
minRecoilYaw = - 350 //-150
RecoilRate = 0.075
RecoilMaxYawLimit = 500
RecoilMinYawLimit = 65035
RecoilMaxPitchLimit = 900
RecoilMinPitchLimit = 64785
RecoilISMaxYawLimit = 50
RecoilISMinYawLimit = 65485
RecoilISMaxPitchLimit = 500
RecoilISMinPitchLimit = 65485
RecoilViewRotationScale = 0.6
FallingRecoilModifier = 1.5
HippedRecoilModifier = 1.3
IronSightMeshFOVCompensationScale = 1.5
FireModeIconPaths ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = Texture2D 'ui_firemodes_tex.UI_FireModeSelect_ShotgunSingle'
FiringStatesArray ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = WeaponSingleFiring
WeaponFireTypes ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = EWFT _Projectile
WeaponProjectiles ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = class 'KFProj_Bullet_Frost_Shotgun_Axe'
InstantHitDamage ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = 30 //32 //30
InstantHitDamageTypes ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = class 'KFDT_Ballistic_Frost_Shotgun_Axe'
FireInterval ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = 0.5 //0.25 // 240 RPM
Spread ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = 0.13 //0.007
PenetrationPower ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = 2
FireOffset = ( X = 25 , Y = 3.0 , Z = - 2.5 )
NumPellets ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = 7
AmmoCost ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = 1
LastFireInterval = 0.5
FiringStatesArray ( RELOAD _FIREMODE ) = "Reloading"
WeaponFireTypes ( RELOAD _FIREMODE ) = EWFT _InstantHit
InstantHitDamageTypes ( BASH _FIREMODE ) = class 'KFDT_Slashing_Frost_Shotgun_Axe'
InstantHitDamage ( BASH _FIREMODE ) = 75 //120
FiringStatesArray ( BASH _FIREMODE ) = MeleeChainAttacking
WeaponFireTypes ( BASH _FIREMODE ) = EWFT _Custom
InstantHitMomentum ( BASH _FIREMODE ) = 10000. f
iInstantHitDamageOnEnemyFrozen = 185 //360; //300;
// Custom animations
FireSightedAnims = ( Shoot _Iron )
BonesToLockOnEmpty = ( RW _Hammer )
bHasFireLastAnims = true
// Defensive
BlockDamageMitigation = 0.6 f
ParryDamageMitigationPercent = 0.5
ParryStrength = 4
// Block Effects
BlockSound = AkEvent 'WW_WEP_Bullet_Impacts.Play_Block_MEL_Hammer'
ParrySound = AkEvent 'WW_WEP_Bullet_Impacts.Play_Parry_Wood'
// Fire Effects
WeaponFireSnd ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = ( DefaultCue = AkEvent 'WW_WEP_FrostFang.Play_FrostFang_Shoot_3p' , FirstPersonCue = AkEvent 'WW_WEP_FrostFang.Play_FrostFang_Shoot_1p' ) // @TODO: Replace Me
WeaponDryFireSnd ( DEFAULT _FIREMODE ) = AkEvent 'WW_WEP_FrostFang.Play_FrostFang_Dryfire' // @TODO: Replace Me
EjectedShellForegroundDuration = 1.5 f
// Attachments
bHasIronSights = true
bHasFlashlight = false
WeaponFireWaveForm = ForceFeedbackWaveform 'FX_ForceFeedback_ARCH.Gunfire.Medium_Recoil'
// Aim Assist
AimCorrectionSize = 40. f
// Melee
// Melee hitbox
Begin Object Class = KFMeleeHelperWeaponFrostShotgunAxe Name = MeleeHelper _0
MaxHitRange = 250
HitboxChain . Add ( ( BoneOffset = ( X = + 3 , Z = - 190 ) ) )
HitboxChain . Add ( ( BoneOffset = ( X = - 3 , Z = - 170 ) ) )
HitboxChain . Add ( ( BoneOffset = ( X = + 3 , Z = - 150 ) ) )
HitboxChain . Add ( ( BoneOffset = ( X = - 3 , Z = - 130 ) ) )
HitboxChain . Add ( ( BoneOffset = ( X = + 3 , Z = - 110 ) ) )
HitboxChain . Add ( ( BoneOffset = ( X = - 3 , Z = - 90 ) ) )
HitboxChain . Add ( ( BoneOffset = ( X = + 3 , Z = - 70 ) ) )
HitboxChain . Add ( ( BoneOffset = ( X = - 3 , Z = - 50 ) ) )
HitboxChain . Add ( ( BoneOffset = ( X = + 3 , Z = - 30 ) ) )
HitboxChain . Add ( ( BoneOffset = ( Z = 10 ) ) )
WorldImpactEffects = KFImpactEffectInfo 'FX_Impacts_ARCH.Bladed_melee_impact'
MeleeImpactCamShakeScale = 0.03 f
bUseDirectionalMelee = true
bHasChainAttacks = true
bUseMeleeHitTimer = false
// modified combo sequences
ChainSequence _F = ( DIR _Left , DIR _ForwardRight , DIR _ForwardLeft , DIR _ForwardRight , DIR _ForwardLeft )
ChainSequence _B = ( DIR _BackwardRight , DIR _ForwardLeft , DIR _BackwardLeft , DIR _ForwardRight , DIR _Left , DIR _Right , DIR _Left )
ChainSequence _L = ( DIR _Right , DIR _Left , DIR _ForwardRight , DIR _ForwardLeft , DIR _Right , DIR _Left )
ChainSequence _R = ( DIR _Left , DIR _Right , DIR _ForwardLeft , DIR _ForwardRight , DIR _Left , DIR _Right )
End Object
MeleeAttackHelper = MeleeHelper _0
// Weapon Upgrades
WeaponUpgrades [ 1 ] = ( Stats = ( ( Stat = EWUS _Damage0 , Scale = 1.125 f ) , ( Stat = EWUS _Damage1 , Scale = 1.125 f ) , ( Stat = EWUS _Damage2 , Scale = 1.1 f ) , ( Stat = EWUS _Weight , Add = 1 ) ) )
WeaponUpgrades [ 2 ] = ( Stats = ( ( Stat = EWUS _Damage0 , Scale = 1.25 f ) , ( Stat = EWUS _Damage1 , Scale = 1.25 f ) , ( Stat = EWUS _Damage2 , Scale = 1.2 f ) , ( Stat = EWUS _Weight , Add = 2 ) ) )
bHasToBeConsideredAsRangedWeaponForPerks = true ;