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2023-09-21 22:31:11 +03:00
// KFWeapAttach_LMG_MG3
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2022 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFWeapAttach_LMG_MG3 extends KFWeaponAttachment;
var transient byte CachedNumAltBullets;
var transient float CachedAltFireOffset;
event PreBeginPlay()
CachedNumAltBullets = class'KFWeap_LMG_MG3'.default.NumAltBullets;
CachedAltFireOffset = (class'KFWeap_LMG_MG3'.default.SpreadWidthDegrees * DegToRad) / (CachedNumAltBullets - 1);
/** Plays fire animation on weapon mesh */
simulated function PlayWeaponFireAnim()
local float Duration;
local float NewAnimRate;
// Increase Anim Rate so loop firing shows the ammo belt moving.
NewAnimRate = 2.0f;
if ( Instigator.bIsWalking )
Duration = WeapMesh.GetAnimLength( WeaponIronFireAnim );
WeapMesh.PlayAnim( WeaponIronFireAnim, Duration / NewAnimRate,, true );
Duration = WeapMesh.GetAnimLength( WeaponFireAnim );
WeapMesh.PlayAnim( WeaponFireAnim, Duration / NewAnimRate,, true );
/** Spawn tracer effects for this weapon */
simulated function SpawnTracer(vector EffectLocation, vector HitLocation)
local vector OriginalDir;
local vector UpVector, RightVector;
local KFTracerInfo TracerInfo;
local Quat R;
local byte i;
if ( Instigator == None || Instigator.FiringMode >= TracerInfos.Length )
if (Instigator.FiringMode != 1 || Instigator.Controller != None)
Super.SpawnTracer(EffectLocation, HitLocation);
TracerInfo = TracerInfos[Instigator.FiringMode];
if( ((`NotInZedTime(self) && TracerInfo.bDoTracerDuringNormalTime)
|| (`IsInZedTime(self) && TracerInfo.bDoTracerDuringZedTime))
&& TracerInfo.TracerTemplate != none )
// At least one matches the 1P
OriginalDir = HitLocation - EffectLocation;
SpawnTracerVFX(TracerInfo, OriginalDir, EffectLocation);
RightVector = vector(Rotation) cross vect(0,0,1);
UpVector = RightVector cross vector(Rotation);
for (i = 0; i < (CachedNumAltBullets - 1) / 2; ++i)
R = QuatFromAxisAndAngle(UpVector, CachedAltFireOffset * (i+1));
SpawnTracerVFX(TracerInfo, QuatRotateVector(R, OriginalDir), EffectLocation);
R = QuatFromAxisAndAngle(UpVector, -CachedAltFireOffset * (i+1));
SpawnTracerVFX(TracerInfo, QuatRotateVector(R, OriginalDir), EffectLocation);
simulated function SpawnTracerVFX(KFTracerInfo TracerInfo, vector Direction, vector EffectLocation)
local ParticleSystemComponent E;
local float DistSQ;
local float TracerDuration;
DistSQ = VSizeSq(Direction);
if ( DistSQ > TracerInfo.MinTracerEffectDistanceSquared )
// Lifetime scales based on the distance from the impact point. Subtract a frame so it doesn't clip.
TracerDuration = fMin( (Sqrt(DistSQ) - 100.f) / TracerInfo.TracerVelocity, 1.f );
if( TracerDuration > 0.f )
E = WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitter( TracerInfo.TracerTemplate, EffectLocation, rotator(Direction) );
E.SetVectorParameter( 'Tracer_Velocity', TracerInfo.VelocityVector );
E.SetFloatParameter( 'Tracer_Lifetime', TracerDuration );