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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFSM_PlayerPatriarch_TentacleGrab
// Player-controlled Patriarch's tentacle attack
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFSM_PlayerPatriarch_TentacleGrab extends KFSM_Patriarch_Grapple;
/** The minimum FOV required for a target */
var float MinGrabTargetFOV;
protected function bool InternalCanDoSpecialMove()
local KFPawn KFP, BestTarget;
local vector CameraNormal, Projection;
local float FOV;
local float DistSQ, BestDistSQ;
local float TentacleRangeSQ;
if( PCOwner == none || PCOwner.PlayerCamera == none )
return false;
if( KFPOwner != none && KFPOwner.IsLocallyControlled() )
CameraNormal = vector( PCOwner.PlayerCamera.CameraCache.POV.Rotation );
TentacleRangeSQ = Square(MaxRange + TentacleEndBoneOffset);
foreach KFPOwner.WorldInfo.AllPawns( class'KFPawn', KFP )
if( CanInteractWithPawn(KFP) )
Projection = KFP.Location - KFPOwner.Location;
DistSQ = VSizeSQ( Projection );
if( DistSQ <= TentacleRangeSQ )
FOV = CameraNormal dot Normal( Projection );
if( FOV > MinGrabTargetFOV )
if( !IsPawnPathClear(KFPOwner, KFP, KFP.Location, KFPOwner.Location, vect(1,1,1), true) )
if( BestTarget == none || DistSQ < BestDistSQ )
BestDistSQ = DistSQ;
BestTarget = KFP;
// If we have an interaction pawn to start, use it
if( BestTarget != none )
KFPOwner.InteractionPawn = BestTarget;
// Execute the move regardless of whether there's a follower
return true;
return super.InternalCanDoSpecialMove();
function SpecialMoveStarted( bool bForced, name PrevMove )
local KFPawn_ZedPatriarch MyPatPawn;
if( KFPOwner != none )
MyPatPawn = KFPawn_ZedPatriarch( KFPOwner );
if( MyPatPawn != none )
TentacleDamage = MyPatPawn.TentacleDamage;
TentacleDmgType = MyPatPawn.TentacleDamageType;
super.SpecialMoveStarted( bForced, PrevMove );
/** StartInteraction */
function StartInteraction()
if( Follower != none )
/** Script Tick function. */
function Tick( float DeltaTime )
local rotator DesiredRotation;
super.Tick( DeltaTime );
if( KFPOwner != none && Follower != none && KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags >= EGS_GrabSuccess )
// Set pawn rotation
DesiredRotation = KFPOwner.Rotation;
DesiredRotation.Yaw = FInterpTo( KFPOwner.Rotation.Yaw, rotator(Follower.Location - KFPOwner.Location).Yaw, DeltaTime, 1.f );
ForcePawnRotation( KFPOwner, DesiredRotation, false );
/** Lock view rotation when grabbing */
function ProcessViewRotation( float DeltaTime, out rotator out_ViewRotation, out Rotator out_DeltaRot )
if( KFPOwner != none && Follower != none && KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags >= EGS_GrabSuccess )
out_ViewRotation = RInterpTo( out_ViewRotation, KFPOwner.Rotation, DeltaTime, 1.f );
out_DeltaRot = rot(0,0,0);