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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFSM_GrappleAttack_Hans
// Hans's energy drain attack - he grabs his victim (similar to the clot
// grab attack) and siphons health from the victim.
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2016 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFSM_GrappleAttack_Hans extends KFSM_GrappleCombined;
/** Alternate (lunge) grab anim name */
var name GrabStartAnimNameLunge;
var bool bAlreadyDetachedFollower;
var KFPawn CachedFollower;
/** How often, in seconds, damage/healing should be done */
var float DrainInterval;
/** How long to wait after grabbing the player before draining */
var float DelayBeforeDrain;
/** How much to damage/heal per drain DrainInterval */
var int HealthGainPerDrainInterval;
var int DamageDrainRemaining;
var int NumDrainsRemaining;
var int FollowerStartingHealth;
/** The threshold (multiple of Enemy.MaxHealth) at which to drain health */
var float EnemyDrawLifeThreshold;
/** How much life to draw from an enemy when drawing life per difficulty level */
var float MaxEnemyLifeDrawThresholdNormal;
var float MaxEnemyLifeDrawThresholdHard;
var float MaxEnemyLifeDrawThresholdSuicidal;
var float MaxEnemyLifeDrawThresholdHellOnEarth;
/** When taking damage from multiple sources never drain health beyond this point */
var float MinEnemyLifeDrawThreshold;
/** How long Hans should wait to do an attack on the player he just drained when he is finished */
var float PostDrainAttackCooldown;
/** Smoke explosion */
var class<KFExplosionActor> LifeDrainSmokeExplosionActorClass;
var KFGameExplosion LifeDrainSmokeExplosionTemplate;
/** Invulnerability shield */
var ParticleSystem InvulnerableEnergyFX;
var ParticleSystemComponent InvulnerableEnergyPSC;
var name InvulnerableEnergySocketName;
/** Determine if this is a lunge grab or regular grab */
static function byte PackFlagsBase( KFPawn P )
if( P.MyKFAIC != none && P.MyKFAIC.Enemy != none )
if( VSizeSQ(P.MyKFAIC.Enemy.Location - P.Location) > class'KFAIController_Hans'.default.MinDistanceToPerformGrabAttack*0.33f )
return 128;
return 0;
function SpecialMoveStarted( bool bForced, Name PrevMove )
local KFPawn_ZedHansBase HansPawn;
super.SpecialMoveStarted( bForced, PrevMove );
if( PawnOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority )
HansPawn = KFPawn_ZedHansBase(PawnOwner);
if( HansPawn != none )
if( KFPOwner != none && KFPOwner.MyKFAIC != none )
// Determine what life draw threshold to use
if( KFPOwner.MyKFAIC.Skill == class'KFGameDifficultyInfo'.static.GetDifficultyValue(0) ) // Normal
EnemyDrawLifeThreshold = MaxEnemyLifeDrawThresholdNormal;
else if( KFPOwner.MyKFAIC.Skill <= class'KFGameDifficultyInfo'.static.GetDifficultyValue(1) ) // Hard
EnemyDrawLifeThreshold = MaxEnemyLifeDrawThresholdHard;
else if( KFPOwner.MyKFAIC.Skill <= class'KFGameDifficultyInfo'.static.GetDifficultyValue(2) ) // Suicidal
EnemyDrawLifeThreshold = MaxEnemyLifeDrawThresholdSuicidal;
else // Hell on Earth
EnemyDrawLifeThreshold = MaxEnemyLifeDrawThresholdHellOnEarth;
/** Play an animation and enable the OnAnimEnd notification */
function PlayGrabAnim()
if( KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags == 128 )
bUseRootMotion = true;
GrabStartAnimName = default.GrabStartAnimNameLunge;
bUseRootMotion = default.bUseRootMotion;
GrabStartAnimName = default.GrabStartAnimName;
function PlayGrappleLoopAnim()
local float Duration, InterruptTime, ActualDrainTime, DrainsPerSecond;
// Get our anim duration
Duration = PlaySpecialMoveAnim( GrappleAnims[0], EAS_FullBody );
// Set our release timer
bAlreadyDetachedFollower = false;
InterruptTime = KFSkeletalMeshComponent(KFPOwner.Mesh).GetAniminterruptTime( GrappleAnims[0] );
KFPOwner.SetTimer( InterruptTime, false, nameof(Timer_DetachFollower), self );
if( KFPOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority )
// Set our special move flag so clients start the grab as well
KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags = EGS_GrabSuccess;
PostDrainAttackCooldown = (Duration - InterruptTime) + 0.5f;
ActualDrainTime = InterruptTime - DelayBeforeDrain;
DrainsPerSecond = 1.f / DrainInterval;
// Number of times the drain timer will be called
NumDrainsRemaining = ActualDrainTime / DrainInterval;
// Determine the rate to draw life at
if( Follower.GetHealthPercentage() > EnemyDrawLifeThreshold )
// Damage the player only in the period between the initial drain delay and the follower detach time
DamageDrainRemaining = Max(Follower.Health - (float(Follower.HealthMax) * EnemyDrawLifeThreshold), 0);
DamageDrainRemaining = 0;
// Heal only in the period between the initial drain delay and the follower detach time
HealthGainPerDrainInterval = Max( (KFPawn_ZedHansBase(KFPOwner).GetHealAmountForThisPhase() / ActualDrainTime) / DrainsPerSecond, 1 );
/** Called when grapple is successful and interaction pawn is attached */
function BeginGrapple(optional KFPawn Victim)
local KFPawn_ZedHansBase HansPawn;
local KFAIController KFAIC;
local KFExplosionActor ExplosionActor;
super.BeginGrapple( Victim );
HansPawn = KFPawn_ZedHansBase(PawnOwner);
if( Follower != none && HansPawn != none && HansPawn.Controller != none)
CachedFollower = Follower;
// Don't let other zeds target this player
Follower.ExclusiveTargetingController = HansPawn.Controller;
// If other zeds are targeting this player, make them target someone else or wander around
foreach Follower.WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFAIController', KFAIC )
if( KFAIC != none && KFAIC != HansPawn.Controller
&& KFAIC.Enemy == Follower )
KFAIC.Enemy = none;
// Have the enemies buzz off for a few if they can't find an enemy
if( KFAIC.Enemy == none )
KFAIC.DoWander( Follower, 5.0, true );
// Wander anyway if they are real close, just to get them away from Hans - Ramm, maybe add back later if needed
//else if( VSizeSq(KFAIC.Pawn.Location - Follower.Location) < 250000 ) // 5 meters
// KFAIC.DoWander( Follower, 1.0, true );
// Set drain health timer
KFPOwner.SetTimer( DelayBeforeDrain, true, nameof(Timer_DrainHealth), self );
// spawn smoke cloud
ExplosionActor = KFPOwner.Spawn(LifeDrainSmokeExplosionActorClass, KFPOwner,, KFPOwner.mesh.GetBoneLocation('Root'), rotator(vect(0,0,1)));
if( ExplosionActor != none )
ExplosionActor.Explode( LifeDrainSmokeExplosionTemplate );
if( KFPOwner.WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
InvulnerableEnergyPSC = KFPOwner.WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitterMeshAttachment(InvulnerableEnergyFX, KFPOwner.Mesh, InvulnerableEnergySocketName, true);
/** Toggle attachment */
function SpecialMoveFlagsUpdated()
if( KFPOwner.SpecialMoveFlags != 128 )
function SpecialMoveEnded( Name PrevMove, Name NextMove )
local KFAISpawnManager SpawnManager;
local KFPawn_ZedHansBase HansPawn;
KFPOwner.ClearTimer( nameof(Timer_DrainHealth), self );
KFPOwner.ClearTimer( nameof(Timer_DetachFollower), self );
if( KFPOwner != none && KFPOwner.MyKFAIC != none && KFPOwner.MyKFAIC != none
&& KFAIController_Hans(KFPOwner.MyKFAIC) != none )
HansPawn = KFPawn_ZedHansBase(KFPOwner);
// stop hunting players and sucking health if you got enough health
if( HansPawn != none )
if( HansPawn.AmountHealedThisPhase > HansPawn.GetHealAmountForThisPhase() * 0.75f )
HansPawn.SetHuntAndHealMode( false );
SpawnManager = KFGameInfo(PawnOwner.WorldInfo.Game).SpawnManager;
if ( SpawnManager != none )
if( CachedFollower != none && HansPawn != none && KFPOwner.MyKFAIC != none)
// If there is no enemy taunt instead of just standing around
if( KFPOwner.MyKFAIC.Enemy == None && HansPawn.CanDoSpecialMove(SM_Taunt) )
class'AICommand_TauntEnemy'.static.Taunt( KFPOwner.MyKFAIC, CachedFollower, TAUNT_Standard );
if( InvulnerableEnergyPSC != none )
KFPOwner.DetachEmitter( InvulnerableEnergyPSC );
CachedFollower = none;
super.SpecialMoveEnded( PrevMove, NextMove );
function Timer_DrainHealth()
local KFPawn_ZedHansBase HansPawn;
local int Damage;
if( KFPOwner != none && KFPOwner.Health > 0 && Follower != none && Follower.Health >= 0 && Follower.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_HansGrappleVictim) )
if ( NumDrainsRemaining > 0 )
// Round off an integer damage value from the total damage left
Damage = Round(float(DamageDrainRemaining) / NumDrainsRemaining);
DamageDrainRemaining -= Damage;
// Allow life to drop below EnemyDrawLifeThreshold, but don't deal killing blow
if( Damage > 0 && (float(Follower.Health - Damage) / Follower.HealthMax) > MinEnemyLifeDrawThreshold )
Follower.TakeDamage( Damage, KFPOwner.Controller, Follower.Location, vect(0,0,0), class'KFDT_DrainHealth' );
KFPOwner.HealDamage( HealthGainPerDrainInterval, KFPOwner.Controller, class'KFDT_Healing' );
HansPawn = KFPawn_ZedHansBase(KFPOwner);
if( HansPawn != none )
HansPawn.AmountHealedThisPhase += HealthGainPerDrainInterval;
// Don't let Hans try and toss smoke right after healing
HansPawn.LastSmokeTossTime = HansPawn.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
KFPOwner.ClearTimer( nameof(Timer_DrainHealth), self );
function Timer_DetachFollower()
// Set flag so follower doesn't try to end special move after detaching
bAlreadyDetachedFollower = true;
// Clear timers
KFPOwner.ClearTimer( nameof(Timer_DrainHealth), self );
KFPOwner.ClearTimer( nameof(CheckReadyToStartInteraction), self );
KFPOwner.ClearTimer( nameof(InteractionStartTimedOut), self );
KFPOwner.ClearTimer( nameof(RetryCollisionTimer), self );
if( Follower != none )
if( KFPOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority )
// Have Hans and other zeds not attack this player after he just drained them
Follower.AIIgnoreEndTime = Follower.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds + PostDrainAttackCooldown;
if( KFPOwner.MyKFAIC != none )
KFPOwner.MyKFAIC.Enemy = none;
// Zero movement variables on Follower to stop any animation-driven motion
if( bAlignPawns && !KFPOwner.IsHumanControlled() )
// End special move on Follower
if( ExecutionCameraAnimInst_Follower != None )
if( PCOwner != None )
PCOwner.PlayerCamera.StopCameraAnim( ExecutionCameraAnimInst_Follower );
ExecutionCameraAnimInst_Follower = None;
// Clear reference to Interaction Pawn.
Follower = None;
// Use timer & animlength instead of animend
function AnimEndNotify( AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime )
ActiveSlotNode = None;
// By default end this special move.
/** Notification when Follower is leaving his FollowerSpecialMove */
function OnFollowerLeavingSpecialMove()
if( bAlreadyDetachedFollower )
/** Disable grab interruption */
function NotifyOwnerTakeHit(class<KFDamageType> DamageType, vector HitLoc, vector HitDir, Controller InstigatedBy);
// ---------------------------------------------
// Animations
MaxEnemyLifeDrawThresholdHard=0.45 //0.6
MaxEnemyLifeDrawThresholdSuicidal=0.35 //0.5
MaxEnemyLifeDrawThresholdHellOnEarth=0.25 //0.25
// smoke cloud explosion template
Begin Object Class=KFGameExplosion Name=ExploTemplate0
// effects
End Object
// smoke cloud explosion actor
// invulnerable energy