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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFGFXHudWrapper_Versus
// HUD class for Versus mode
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2016 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFGFXHudWrapper_Versus extends KFGFXHudWrapper;
/** Cached GRI reference */
var KFGameReplicationInfoVersus MyKFGRIV;
var Class<KFGFxMoviePlayer_HUD> HumanHUDClass;
var Class<KFGFxMoviePlayer_HUD> ZedHUDClass;
var() float ZedPlayerHudLocX, ZedPlayerHudLocY;
var int HumanStatusBarLengthMax;
const FriendlyZedInfoShowDistanceSQ = 562000;
/** Boss icon texture/values */
var const Texture2D BossIconTexture;
var const color BossIconColor;
/** String displayed to player zeds waiting for the next spawn cycle */
var localized string WaitingToSpawnString;
/** String displayed to player zeds when the takeover timer is active */
var localized string ZedTakeOverActiveString;
/** String displayed to human players when the round is over */
var localized string PerkSwitchAllowedString;
var int LastTeamIndex;
simulated function PostBeginPlay()
local KFPawn_Monster KFP;
// If we have a new HUD, try to cache a reference to boss pawn
foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns( class'KFPawn_Monster', KFP )
if (KFP.static.IsABoss())
BossRef = KFInterface_MonsterBoss(KFP);
function CreateHUDMovie(optional bool bForce)
if (!class'WorldInfo'.static.IsMenuLevel())
if(KFPlayerOwner != none && KFPlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo.GetTeamNum() != LastTeamIndex || bForce)
LastTeamIndex = KFPlayerOwner.GetTeamNum();
if(HudMovie != none)
HudMovie = new GetHUDClass();
function class<KFGFxMoviePlayer_HUD> GetHUDClass()
if( KFPlayerOwner != none && KFPlayerOwner.GetTeamNum() == 255 && KFPlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo != none && !KFPlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo.bOnlySpectator )
return ZedHUDClass;
return HumanHUDClass;
* @brief Main canvas draw function
function DrawHUD()
local float ThisDot;
local vector ViewLocation, ViewVector, TestPawnLocation;
local rotator ViewRotation;
local Pawn TestPawn;
local KFPawn_Human HumanPawn;
local array<PlayerReplicationInfo> VisibleHumanPlayers;
local array<sHiddenHumanPawnInfo> HiddenHumanPlayers;
local byte MyTeamNum;
// Don't draw canvas HUD in cinematic mode
if( WorldInfo.GRI == none || (KFPlayerOwner != none && KFPlayerOwner.bCinematicMode) )
if( KFPlayerOwner.PlayerCamera != none )
KFPlayerOwner.PlayerCamera.GetCameraViewPoint( ViewLocation, ViewRotation );
// Enable stencil test
// Cache off view rotation vector
ViewVector = vector(ViewRotation);
MyTeamNum = KFPlayerOwner.GetTeamNum();
// Cache GRI
if( MyKFGRIV == none )
MyKFGRIV = KFGameReplicationInfoVersus( WorldInfo.GRI );
if( MyKFGRIV == none )
if( KFPlayerOwner != none && MyTeamNum == 255 )
foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns( class'Pawn', TestPawn )
// Only player-controlled pawns
if( TestPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo == none )
if( TestPawn.IsAliveAndWell()
&& TestPawn.Mesh.SkeletalMesh != none
&& TestPawn.Mesh.bAnimTreeInitialised
&& TestPawn != KFPlayerOwner.Pawn )
if( TestPawn.Mesh != none && `TimeSince( TestPawn.Mesh.LastRenderTime ) < 0.2f )
TestPawnLocation = TestPawn.Mesh.GetPosition() + ( TestPawn.CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,1) );
ThisDot = Normal(TestPawnLocation - ViewLocation) dot ViewVector;
if( ThisDot > 0.f )
HumanPawn = KFPawn_Human(TestPawn);
if( HumanPawn != none )
if( DrawPreciseHumanPlayerInfo( HumanPawn ) )
VisibleHumanPlayers.AddItem( HumanPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo );
HiddenHumanPlayers.Insert( 0, 1 );
HiddenHumanPlayers[0].HumanPawn = HumanPawn;
HiddenHumanPlayers[0].HumanPRI = HumanPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo;
}/* //Not supposed to be drawing a bar above zed characters
else if( MyTeamNum == 255 && TestPawn.GetTeamNum() == 255 )
if( VSizeSq( KFPlayerOwner.ViewTarget.Location - TestPawnLocation ) <= FriendlyZedInfoShowDistanceSQ )
DrawFriendlyZedPawnIcon( TestPawn );
else if( TestPawn.GetTeamNum() == 0 )
HiddenHumanPlayers.Insert( 0, 1 );
HiddenHumanPlayers[0].HumanPawn = TestPawn;
HiddenHumanPlayers[0].HumanPRI = TestPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo;
if( !KFGRI.bHidePawnIcons )
CheckAndDrawHiddenPlayerIcons( VisibleHumanPlayers, HiddenHumanPlayers );
// Draw boss pawn icon if needed
CheckAndDrawBossPawnIcon( ViewLocation, ViewVector );
// Disable stencil test
// Draw spawn time remaining
if( (MyTeamNum == 255 || MyKFGRIV.bRoundIsOver)
&& !MyKFGRIV.bMatchIsOver
&& (PlayerOwner.Pawn == none || PlayerOwner.Pawn.bPlayedDeath)
&& PlayerOwner.CanRestartPlayer() )
if( MyKFGRIV.TimeUntilNextSpawn != 255 || MyKFGRIV.PlayerZedSpawnWaitTimeData.bTakeOverActive )
DrawRemainingTimeUntilSpawn( MyKFGRIV.TimeUntilNextSpawn, MyKFGRIV.PlayerZedSpawnWaitTimeData.bTakeOverActive );
* @brief Checks if a boss icon should be drawn
* @param ViewLocation Thew local player's ViewLocation
* @param ViewVector Thew local player's ViewVector
simulated function CheckAndDrawBossPawnIcon( vector ViewLocation, vector ViewVector )
local float ThisDot;
local vector BossPawnLocation;
local KFPawn_Monster BossPawn;
if (BossRef == none)
BossPawn = BossRef.GetMonsterPawn();
if( BossPawn != none
&& BossPawn.Mesh.SkeletalMesh != none
&& BossPawn.Mesh.bAnimTreeInitialised
&& BossPawn != PlayerOwner.Pawn
&& BossPawn.IsAliveAndWell()
&& `TimeSince( BossPawn.Mesh.LastRenderTime ) > 0.2f
&& (PlayerOwner.GetTeamNum() == 255 || BossPawn.ShouldDrawBossIcon()) )
BossPawnLocation = BossPawn.Mesh.GetPosition();
ThisDot = Normal( (BossPawnLocation + (BossPawn.CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,1))) - ViewLocation ) dot ViewVector;
if( ThisDot > 0.f )
DrawBossPawnIcon( BossPawnLocation );
* @brief Draws a visible zed team mate's info
* @param MonsterPawn The zed's pawn
simulated function DrawFriendlyZedPawnIcon( Pawn MonsterPawn )
local float Percentage;
local float BarHeight, BarLength;
local vector ScreenPos, TargetLocation;
local FontRenderInfo MyFontRenderInfo;
local float FontScale;
//local color TempColor;
MyFontRenderInfo = Canvas.CreateFontRenderInfo( true );
BarLength = FMin(HumanStatusBarLengthMax * (float(Canvas.SizeX) / 1024.f), HumanStatusBarLengthMax) * FriendlyHudScale;
BarHeight = FMin(8.f * (float(Canvas.SizeX) / 1024.f), 8.f) * FriendlyHudScale;
TargetLocation = MonsterPawn.Mesh.GetPosition() + ( MonsterPawn.CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,2.2f) );
ScreenPos = Canvas.Project(TargetLocation);
if( ScreenPos.X < 0 || ScreenPos.X > Canvas.SizeX || ScreenPos.Y < 0 || ScreenPos.Y > Canvas.SizeY )
//Draw health bar
Percentage = FMin(float(MonsterPawn.Health) / float(MonsterPawn.HealthMax), 100);
DrawKFBar(Percentage, BarLength, BarHeight, ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y, HealthColor);
//Draw player name (Top)
FontScale = class'KFGameEngine'.Static.GetKFFontScale();
Canvas.Font = class'KFGameEngine'.Static.GetKFCanvasFont();
Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y - BarHeight * 3);
Canvas.DrawText( MonsterPawn.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName,,FontScale * FriendlyHudScale,FontScale * FriendlyHudScale, MyFontRenderInfo );
* @brief Draws a visible human player's info
* @param KFPH The player's pawn
* @return true if successfully drawn
function bool DrawPreciseHumanPlayerInfo( KFPawn_Human KFPH )
local float Percentage;
local float BarHeight, BarLength;
local vector ScreenPos, TargetLocation;
local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI;
local float IconSizeMult;
KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(KFPH.PlayerReplicationInfo);
if( KFPRI == none )
return false;
BarLength = FMin( HumanStatusBarLengthMax * (float(Canvas.SizeX) / 1024.f), HumanStatusBarLengthMax ) * FriendlyHudScale;
BarHeight = FMin( 8.f * (float(Canvas.SizeX) / 1024.f), 8.f ) * FriendlyHudScale;
TargetLocation = KFPH.Mesh.GetPosition() + ( KFPH.CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,2.2f) );
ScreenPos = Canvas.Project(TargetLocation);
if( ScreenPos.X < 0 || ScreenPos.X > Canvas.SizeX || ScreenPos.Y < 0 || ScreenPos.Y > Canvas.SizeY )
return true;
//Draw health bar
Percentage = FMin( float(KFPH.Health) / float(KFPH.HealthMax), 100 );
DrawKFBar( Percentage, BarLength, BarHeight, ScreenPos.X - BarLength * 0.5f, ScreenPos.Y, HealthColor );
//Draw armor bar
Percentage = FMin(float(KFPH.Armor) / float(KFPH.MaxArmor), 100);
DrawKFBar(Percentage, BarLength, BarHeight, ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y - BarHeight, ArmorColor);
IconSizeMult = PlayerStatusIconSize * FriendlyHudScale * 0.5f;
ScreenPos.X -= IconSizeMult;
ScreenPos.Y -= IconSizeMult * 2.5;
Canvas.SetPos( ScreenPos.X, ScreenPos.Y );
Canvas.DrawTile( GenericHumanIconTexture, PlayerStatusIconSize * FriendlyHudScale, PlayerStatusIconSize * FriendlyHudScale, 0, 0, 256, 256 );
return true;
* @brief Draws an icon projecting the boss' world position on the screen
* @param BossPawn The boss' pawn
function DrawBossPawnIcon( vector BossLocation )
local vector ScreenPos, TargetLocation;
local float IconSizeMult;
if (BossRef == none)
TargetLocation = BossLocation + ( BossRef.GetMonsterPawn().CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,2.2f) );
ScreenPos = Canvas.Project( TargetLocation );
IconSizeMult = PlayerStatusIconSize * FriendlyHudScale * 0.5f;
ScreenPos.X -= IconSizeMult;
ScreenPos.Y -= IconSizeMult;
if( ScreenPos.X < 0 || ScreenPos.X > Canvas.SizeX ||
ScreenPos.Y < 0 || ScreenPos.Y > Canvas.SizeY )
// Draw boss icon
Canvas.SetDrawColorStruct( BossIconColor );
Canvas.SetPos( ScreenPos.X, ScreenPos.Y );
Canvas.DrawTile( BossIconTexture, PlayerStatusIconSize * FriendlyHudScale, PlayerStatusIconSize * FriendlyHudScale, 0, 0, 256, 256 );
function DrawRemainingTimeUntilSpawn( byte RemainingTime, bool bTakeOverIsActive )
local vector2D ScreenPos;
local int ShadowSize;
local float TextScale, XL, YL;
local string ActualString;
local FontRenderInfo MyFontRenderInfo;
MyFontRenderInfo = Canvas.CreateFontRenderInfo( true );
if( bTakeOverIsActive && PlayerOwner.GetTeamNum() == 255 )
ActualString = ZedTakeOverActiveString;
if( PlayerOwner.GetTeamNum() == 0 && MyKFGRIV.bRoundIsOver )
ActualString = Repl( PerkSwitchAllowedString, "%x%", RemainingTime, true );
ActualString = Repl( WaitingToSpawnString, "%x%", RemainingTime, true );
TextScale = class'KFGameEngine'.Static.GetKFFontScale() * (Canvas.ClipY / 768.f);
Canvas.Font = class'KFGameEngine'.Static.GetKFCanvasFont();
Canvas.TextSize( Repl( WaitingToSpawnString, "%x%", "00", true ), XL, YL, TextScale, TextScale );
ScreenPos.X = (Canvas.ClipX * 0.5f) - (XL * 0.5f);
ScreenPos.Y = Canvas.ClipY * 0.25f;
// Drop shadow
ShadowSize = int( Canvas.ClipY / 360.f );
Canvas.SetPos( ScreenPos.X + ShadowSize, ScreenPos.Y + ShadowSize );
Canvas.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 160 );
Canvas.DrawText( ActualString,, TextScale, TextScale, MyFontRenderInfo );
// Text
Canvas.SetPos( ScreenPos.X, ScreenPos.Y );
Canvas.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
Canvas.DrawText( ActualString,, TextScale, TextScale, MyFontRenderInfo );
HumanStatusBarLengthMax = 80.0f;
BossIconColor=(R=255, G=255, B=255, A=192)