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2021-09-03 00:46:08 +03:00
// KFDT_Slashing_EvisceratorProj
// Damage type for projectiles fired from the Eviscerator
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// John "Ramm-Jaeger" Gibson
class KFDT_Slashing_BladedPistol extends KFDT_Slashing
`define COSINE_0_DEGREES 1
`define COSINE_20_DEGREES 0.94
`define COSINE_70_DEGREES 0.34
`define COSINE_90_DEGREES 0
/** Allows the damage type to customize exactly which hit zones it can dismember */
static simulated function bool CanDismemberHitZone( name InHitZoneName )
return true;
/** @return The slast type from the HitFxInfo. This returns a 8-way slash info. */
static simulated function EPawnOctant GetLastSlashDirection(KFPawn_Monster InPawn, vector HitDirection)
local vector SlashPlaneNormal;
local rotator InstigatorRotation;
local vector InstigatorFaceDir, InstigatorRightDir;
local float UpDotSlash, RightDotSlash, UpThresholdValue;
if( InPawn != none )
HitDirection = Normal(HitDirection);
InstigatorRotation = InPawn.GetBaseAimRotation();
InstigatorFaceDir = GetRotatorAxis(InstigatorRotation, 0);
InstigatorRightDir = GetRotatorAxis(InstigatorRotation, 1);
// Cross the face direction of the instigator with the hit direction to find
// the normal to the "slashing" plane
SlashPlaneNormal = Normal(InstigatorFaceDir Cross HitDirection);
// Dot the slash plane normal with the world up direction to figure out
// the quadrant for the normal of the slash plane
UpDotSlash = vect(0,0,1) Dot SlashPlaneNormal;
UpThresholdValue = Abs(UpDotSlash);
// Dot the slash plane normal with the instigator right to figure out
// the direction of the slash
RightDotSlash = InstigatorRightDir Dot SlashPlaneNormal;
// Threshhold against the preset values to find out the type of slash. The sign (+ or -) of the
// dot products are used to further classify the direction of the slash
if( UpThresholdValue <= `COSINE_0_DEGREES && UpThresholdValue >= `COSINE_20_DEGREES )
if( UpDotSlash > 0 )
return DIR_Right;
return DIR_Left;
else if( UpThresholdValue <= `COSINE_20_DEGREES && UpThresholdValue >= `COSINE_70_DEGREES )
if( UpDotSlash < 0 && RightDotSlash > 0 )
return DIR_ForwardLeft;
else if( UpDotSlash > 0 && RightDotSlash > 0 )
return DIR_ForwardRight;
else if( UpDotSlash > 0 && RightDotSlash < 0 )
return DIR_BackwardRight;
else if( UpDotSlash < 0 && RightDotSlash < 0 )
return DIR_BackwardLeft;
else if( UpThresholdValue <= `COSINE_70_DEGREES && UpThresholdValue >= `COSINE_90_DEGREES )
if( RightDotSlash > 0 )
return DIR_Forward;
return DIR_Backward;
return DIR_None;
/** Allows the damage type to map a hit zone to a different bone for dismemberment purposes */
static simulated function GetBoneToDismember(KFPawn_Monster InPawn, vector HitDirection, name InHitZoneName, out name OutBoneName)
local EPawnOctant SlashDir;
local KFCharacterInfo_Monster MonsterInfo;
MonsterInfo = InPawn.GetCharacterMonsterInfo();
if ( MonsterInfo == none )
SlashDir = GetLastSlashDirection(InPawn, HitDirection);
if( SlashDir == DIR_Forward || SlashDir == DIR_Backward )
if( InHitZoneName == 'chest' || InHitZoneName == 'head' )
if( MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.bAllowVerticalSplit )
// Randomly pick the left or right shoulder bone and split the guy in half vertically
OutBoneName = Rand(2) == 0
? MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.LeftShoulderBoneName
: MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.RightShoulderBoneName;
else if( SlashDir == DIR_Left || SlashDir == DIR_Right )
if( InHitZoneName == 'chest' || InHitZoneName == 'abdomen' || InHitZoneName == 'stomach')
if( MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.bAllowHorizontalSplit )
// Split the guy in half horizontally
OutBoneName = MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.SpineBoneName;
else if( SlashDir == DIR_ForwardLeft || SlashDir == DIR_BackwardRight )
if( InHitZoneName == 'chest' )
if( MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.bAllowVerticalSplit )
OutBoneName = MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.RightShoulderBoneName;
else if( InHitZoneName == 'head' )
if( MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.bAllowVerticalSplit )
// Use a random chance to decide whether to dismember the head or the shoulder constraints
if( Rand(2) == 0 )
// ... and choose one of the shoulder constraints at random
OutBoneName = MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.RightShoulderBoneName;
else if( SlashDir == DIR_ForwardRight || SlashDir == DIR_BackwardLeft )
if( InHitZoneName == 'chest' )
if( MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.bAllowVerticalSplit )
OutBoneName = MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.LeftShoulderBoneName;
else if( InHitZoneName == 'head' )
if( MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.bAllowVerticalSplit )
// Use a random chance to decide whether to dismember the head or the shoulder constraints
if( Rand(2) == 0 )
OutBoneName = MonsterInfo.SpecialMeleeDismemberment.LeftShoulderBoneName;
// Instigator damage can happen on owning client when projectile hits before Instigator is replicated and
// (Other != Instigator) == FALSE. This problem is specific to the eviscerator projectile since it's a
// replicated CSHD weapon, but it might make sense to have bNoInstigatorDamage=true on more weapons.